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Ezra Karisuma

Ezra Karisuma

Ezra awoke with a start and a feeling of relief as he realized his nightmare was just that, a nightmare. “Ugh… Thank goodness.” He said, his relieved face becoming a tired one. He yawned as he got his lazy butt out of bed. Ezra crossed the hall to his bathroom brushed his teeth and threw on some dirty clothes from yesterday’s training session. “They’re gonna’ get dirty again anyway.” Ezra’s observation stemmed from his laziness to wash and his unwillingness to accept that he was a pig putting on sweaty and dirt touched clothes. He made his way downstairs and out the backdoor to his backyard. The day before He had hollowed out some of the ground using his earth style and was going to use the underground “hideout” for some training.

Ezra grabbed the training dummy and striking post and sunk into the earth with them using his Hiding Like a Mole Technique. He kept the whole the way it was so air could be let into his hideout. What good was a new ninjutsu if you suffocated while using it? Ezra reached the “hideout” about five meters underground. He jammed the striking post into the floor and tied the training dummy to it with some junkyard rope he had found where else than a junkyard. The dummy and rope weren’t so durable for Taijutsu training but that didn’t matter. Today Ezra was going to develop a new lightning style technique all his own.

He got the idea watching a couple of the younger academy students having a spitting contest. Gross? It was but he certainly was thankful for it. He was running dry on jutsu ideas and was tired of looking through scrolls and books to fine one he liked. If everything went right with the jutsu there would be a lot of little lightning bolts sticking out of the training dummy’s body. Ezra couldn’t be sure of the outcome until the jutsu had actually been done and over with.

Ezra limbered up thinking to himself. ‘One and two and three and stretch.’ Just like his mother would say to herself when she trained and Ezra was only but a small baby. She probably didn’t think he was paying her any attention. Ezra cut the stretching when he realized it probably wasn’t too necessary if he was developing and training a ninjutsu. ‘Oh well. Maybe it has some effect on the chakra network.’ Ezra thought coming to the realization he knew nothing of the science behind chakra and its network in the body. He could feel it inside but he didn’t know the science. ‘Note to self, go read a book about Chakra networks and all that.’ With that he would begin his training.

Ezra spit normal spit on his own a second just to see how far he could get with it. Roughly six feet was reached. ‘If that happens with the jutsu…’ Ezra sighed shaking his head. Ezra stood up straight arms out in front of him. He shook them real quick before he began weaving hand signs. His weaving was getting really fast and his ninjutsu skill was increasing he could tell. Ezra could feel the lightning chakra forming in his stomach. It always gave him a kick feeling like electric. “Lightning Style: Lightning Spit!” He called out before he felt the chakra make its way up to his mouth. Ezra soon opened and spit.

This ninjutsu was nothing like spit. As Ezra spit out came about forty to fifty yellow glowing, miniature senbon like lightning bolts. The bolts stuck out like cactus spines except on the wall. Turns out Ezra missed his mark. He was sure to work on his accuracy with this jutsu and the others. His target was actually the training dummy. Ezra ran up to the wall to observe the already almost dissolved lightning bolts. They covered a good amount of area, enough to cover most parts of the body. That was good to know, it was more useful that way.

Ezra walked back to his previous spot. The one where he had spit from before. ‘Okay Ezra. Accuracy? You’ve got this, you know the trick.’ “Breathing over Focus.” he whispered to himself as he began weaving the necessary hand signs once again. Ezra could feel the chakra forming in his stomach once again. He inhaled through his nose and instead of spitting he half spit and half exhaled through his mouth. The bolts escaped his mouth and became airborne heading straight for the training dummy. Sure enough Ezra got his target thanks to the trick behind it. Ezra knew it was harder to stay accurate when you were focused on just that, there was a level of pressure. But if you do something while breathing it just becomes an action your doing that’s almost as simple as breathing. With no pressure came results. Ezra was beginning to realize this for himself. Hopefully the pressure of his missions and opponents wouldn’t get to him out in the field.


Jutsu Trained:

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