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Kejido was a young man in his prime and yet he wasn't one for sticking around the clan compound for training drills. It was all so very basic for those without talent like he had. People of the normal variety had to try harder in order to gain as much ground as he did. He knew he was smarter and faster than the other specialists for the most part and that was enough for him. Still he was going to need something to keep his mind off his parents. His mother and father had been distraught when he informed them of his decision to move out on his own. He was a specialist now. As such he was an adult in the clan. Besides that he was well passed the age to move out. They urged him to stay for just a little longer but he wasn't having it. He knew they were concerned with his personal readiness of the situation but he didn't care to much for further talk. Already his grandfather had provided him with his own small home within the compound and a monthly trust fund from his families inheritance. It was meager in his mind but plenty to continue living in some luxury.

So after his house had finished being furnished and his uniforms set about his room neatly, either hung up in the closet or folded in the dresser he had dressed and headed out. He had chosen to wear his specialist uniform. It only had the one white stripe over his left breast but it was enough to indicate his rank. His uniform was pressed firmly with clean creases. Black in color with red shoulder pads and red stripes around his neck and wrists. A row of four copper buttons on each side of his shirt all buttoned up. His slacks were held up by a white belt with a copper seal with his clans symbol on it. Polished black boots and white gloves finished off the look. For some odd reason though he had a kunai in a white sheath on his left hip as if there for decorative purposes. Only the hilt sticking out. Of course he had three senbon up each sleeve but those were hidden. His headband was stitched into his left shoulder carefully marking him as an Iwa nin. In his uniform and with his posture he appeared to be very regal. Straight backed with a solid stride.

A thin but confident smile would appear on his lips as he entered the still empty club. The Rock pit was known for its wild parties but he was only there for a calm drink with some music. He would move to the bar and calmly order a brandy on the rocks. Enjoying it slightly watered down. He collected his cup and left behind a set of coins before shifting to the back of the club. No one was there so they hardly cared if he moved into one of the VIP sections. A soft tune was playing for the moment. Gentle jazz easy on the ears. His silver eyes taking in the cornered couch. His free hand would run through his dark hair before he sighed happily. Settling down into the center on the corner as he placed his ankle over his left knee. His left arm resting on the back of the couch while his right raised the cooling drink to his lips. The two ice cubes clinked as he sipped from the liquid. Just a sip for the moment before lowering the glass again. Top shelf brandy was to be enjoyed, not devoured.


Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Iwagakure. The longer Mizuki stayed, the more she could appreciate the change with Kumogakure. It was nice not having to walk through the rain all the time, actually being able to enjoy a dry day and walk outside to feel the sun. The people were different here, too. Durable, yes, but not as grouchy as in Kumogakure. She blamed it on the weather, knowing few other reasons what could cause such a difference in attitude with Kumogakure.

After the whole ordeal in the mountain pass, Mizuki had rented a small room for a temporary stay. She didn't need much considering she carried little. Two simple rooms. One with a table and a couch so she could relax a little, and a simple bedroom furnished with a single bed and a dresser so she could stash a few of her materials. The rooms had little on terms of decoration and frivolities, but the walls had been painted in a brown-grey colour that fell much in line with the general colours of the Iwagakure's surroundings. A balance between pragmatic and a little comfort. It had a single window, allowing view on one of the main streets of the Village, with the market just out of sight. Despite the street being quite large, there had been little to no crowd during the day, which created a rather quiet yet welcoming atmosphere all around.

Once she had been given the key to the rooms, she had immediately cleaned up and put away most of her gear before tending to the wounds she had suffered in the battle at the pass. Most had already been bandaged by now, but traces remained despite having taken a hot bath to wash the dirt and blood. The balm she had procured afterwards worked wonders, but it harboured a warmth that seeped into her muscles she was not familiar with. She could only commend its efficiency, thinking even about procuring a few capsules of them to take back home. Feeling quite a lot better by now, Mizuki wanted to explore the Village. A bit of sightseeing, picking up its culture. Like an actual tourist - an odd sensation to the otherwise ever-dutiful kunoichi.

For the occasion, she pulled on a navy blue buttoned long dress, folding up the sleeves to leave her lower arms and the watch around her wrist bare. Tucked lightly under her dress, she bore the silver necklace her sister had given her as a present - two stars next to a crescent moon. A pair of black stockings covered her legs, hiding the inkling of cuts she had suffered from the skirmish, while a pair of dress shoes adorned her feet. Combing her hair one last time, she allowed it to drape over her back, using a deep purple ribbon to loosely hold it together. Being in stranger lands, Mizuki decided to leave her katana behind for a change, taking, and hiding, only a kunai with her.

Eventually ready to set out, Mizuki left her room, nodded curtly at the owner and left. As a first stop, she'd step into the Rock Pit for a drink and a bite, while she'd allow her ears to pick up the common news on the street. If there was anything she really needed after her encounter, it was something to wash away the drought and the dust it had brought with. Then after that, she'd probably stroll around, check the display windows of the shops and perhaps do some shopping for herself. She was curious about the craft and quality of Iwa's weapons, and had already noticed the abundance of reds and browns in their clothing fashion as well, its unusual yet common colour piquing her interest.

Reaching the Rock Pit, she briefly bowed before the bouncer, and walked inside. The place seemed rather empty despite the potential to harbour quite a few people, but she assumed that the party hour simply wasn't there yet. The music was unlike anything she had heard before, but she found the jazz oddly appealing as it eased the tension and lulled visitors into a mellow mood - one that unfortunately didn't hold sway upon Mizuki just yet.

Moving to the bar, she eyed the large selection of alcoholic beverages behind the barman. He nodded at her, vigorously drying a glass as he approached her, and as such she ordered herself a negroni - gin, campari, vermouth, on the rocks - finding its red hues and the slice of orange a fitting drink in this place. A moment of quality time for herself, before she'd have to find something to eat. As the drink was set in front of her, she paid the man and moved to find a seat. Wooden chair, comfy couches, and all of them empty didn't make it as easy to make a choice, but as she didn't really wanted to sit near the window, Mizuki sauntered off to a spot further away from the windows there were the light didn't quite fully reach. Even with the lamp nearby throwing her table of choice into a soft amber glow, the place still felt concealed enough while offering a distant view on the windows.

Making herself comfortable upon one of the couched seats, she sat down her glass, rested her hands on her lap and took a good look around in the bar. Aside from the clink of freshly cleaned glasses and bottles put back in their place, the soothing jazz was about all there was to be heard.




Kejido could only help but to smile as the soft tones lured him into a sense of calm. Forgetting the troubles of the outside world as it simply felt like an older time. A simpler time he had only heard of. The kind of times someone might even say once upon a time about. When the world was more relaxed and still full of soul. The soft trumpet was enough to bring out out a content sigh from him as he sipped at his drink again. Picturing the bar back in the day. Back when men were all gentleman. Swagger actually came with a tie and some charm instead of the punk shit it was today. With a cigar in your mouth and a charming smile you could land the kind of popularity that was reserved for the stars. All you had to be was there. It was a longing thought but one he knew was only a sense of comfort with the music. The bar was calmer for now than it would be that night. When the sounds and atmosphere changed to the things that were popular in todays new age. What a shame that was. One he certainly wouldn't still be around to witness.

Still as the first song ended and he sipped what little was left of his drink a new song began to play with a soft piano tone. His eyes shifted to a little more light filtering in as a new comer entered. If anything his silver eyes couldn't break away from her. She was stunning to say the least but something else stood out about her. She was different. She was surprised by the soft sounds but didn't shy from them. Instead she moved with a sense of confidence while it was still clear she was new to this place. She was the appearance of a high class lady. One might even expect her to stand next to the piano and sing. It wasn't that kind of club as the piano in the corner was just for show and events. He could play but he wasn't interested in showing all his talents right off the bat. Besides he wanted her to sing if he did. Who knew if that was even a talent of hers or if she just looked the part? Perhaps she could or maybe she couldn't. With any luck in due time she may be willing to try though. To be a part of something spectacular for but a moment.

He finished his last sip and set the cup down on the table. Something to be collected later and took in her form as she ordered an exotic drink. Not usually to his fancy but as the next song finished and switched into a similar but softer version of much the same sounds he would rise from his seat and straighten himself out. Making his way across the bar to the bar itself. It took a moment as the bartender prepared himself before Kejido would smile and order a bottle of their finest champagne and two glasses. It was going to take most of his luxury money for the month, or rather a majority of it that still left him extremely comfortable. But he wanted to impress after all. Still the bartender didn't bother to go collect the chilled bottle in the back until the obnoxious price was fully paid. With his wallet that much lighter Kejido would await the bottle as he leaned on the counter. Enjoying the gentle trumpet filled with energy. The atmosphere was certainly nothing to scoff at. For him it was as relaxing as could be.

Still once the cold bottle was passed to him he took it in his right hand by the stem wrapped in fold colored tin foil and the two cups between his fingers in his left hand. Thin stems with long thin glasses. He would smile and nod to the man before turning and moving across the floor. The tune changing once more for him to the most gentle sounding song yet. Almost quiet which was excellent because he was looking to use a soothing voice. His silver eyes locking on her as he made his approach. In his mind it was like a soldier on leave approaching the entertainer at the club after closing. It was nothing like that of course. Aside from him being a soldier anyway. He would stop in front of her table and smile down to her. His words were calm and soft with a slight bit of accent from the more upscale and educated side of Iwagakure. A smile played on his lips.

"I thought about asking what a dame like you was doing in a place like this. However I thought it too cliche. Instead I was just hoping you might allow me a seat and help me with this champagne. It would be a shame not to share it."


Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Taking a sip from her drink, Mizuki allowed herself to dream away a little, her attention caught by this strange kind of song. With that sort of music at the background, she couldn't imagine the pub ever growing into the mass of a dancing crowd she knew in the Sky Bar. The music seemed to inspire a softer approach. Slowly luring in the people, its soulful instruments urging others to remain quiet as they allowed themselves to be touched by the empathic messages hidden within the notes. A kind of music to sit by while contemplating what was truly important in life, partially torn by the pains endured in life, partially inspired to rise above by the soothing sound. The notes struck a perfect balance between the two.

Since there was little to be seen inside, her eyes drifted towards the windows where the majority of movement occurred. The  large amount of windows allowed her to see quite a large part of the streets, but that didn't seem to do much when passage was rather on the slower side of things. The occasional mother with child passed by, a couple of kids running through, an older man making his way... It looked like there would not be much she'd be able to discover at this point in the day. Taking another sip of her glass, movement in the corner of her eyes drew her attention. Out of the private section of the bar appeared a young man in uniform. Militaristic, and dressed with such eye for detail and cleanliness it was a rare sight to admire.

Back home in Kumogakure, she hadn't seen that sort of people. The closest thing to anything militaristic that was not shinobi were passing samurai of the Daimyo, and perhaps mercenaries, if you could call them militaristic. While impressive in power, their clothing usually had seen better days or had been customised to fit their needs during missions and wars alike. She couldn't say they had ever been dressed in anything remotely close to the outfit this stranger was wearing. Well, none but Julius perhaps, who looked rather well dressed despite being a mercenary. Mizuki couldn't say if Julius wore that same outfit during a mission, but she assumed he wouldn't as that would be a shame whenever he got wounded - blood was such a pain to clean.

Having ordered a bottle of whatever it was and carrying two glasses, the young man boldly walked over to her place. His assured smile, eyes locked with her, left little to the imagination of what he had planned. And as he arrived, he revealed his intentions by asking if she was willing to allow his company, asking if she wanted to help him empty this newly bought bottle of champagne.

"I generally do not allow strangers at my table, but I would not wish to slight you after your recent expenses.", she replied to him, upon which she stood up and bowed before him. "Since introductions are in order, allow me to introduce myself as Raiu Mizuki. I hail from the Lands of Lightning."

She would then sit down again, moving a little more to the side as a subtle gesture there was room for him to be seated. She was not quite of a mind to drink a whole bottle with this man, no matter how dashing he looked, but the company was welcome if only to have someone native of the Lands of Earth that could tell her about its specialities. And with him seemingly being of a militaristic organisation, perhaps he would know more than the common people about the better smithies in town as well.

Total: 1548



Kejido would watch with amusement showing in his eyes as she spoke up. A hint of mischief twitching in his lips as his smile broadened. He was interested in their interaction already. Not only was she a beauty but an exotic foreign one too. If his luck was changing for the day it only appeared to be in the direction he wanted it to be in. Aside from that she mentioned how normally for her such a thing would not be allowed. It only encouraged his ego a little more. So he was going to become an exception to the rarity of her company. Now this he enjoyed. Something not everyone had access to that he was given the privilege of seemed natural to him. Beyond that it appeared as if she could appreciate refined tastes too. She recognized the expense of the bottle in his hand and could appreciate it as well. If nothing else it was buying his time with her. She certainly knew how to spark a fire in his soul. He of course was just playing the game and had no intentions of pursuing it too far. This was just a drink with a pretty lady after all.

She would rise from her booth and his eyebrows would raise. Her formality was certainly unexpected. Beyond that she did not do something as basic as a curtsy but instead her bow was that of a warrior. He was now aware she wasn't just a pretty face. His eyes began to take note of certain aspects of her. Her muscles were more defined than he had expected, her features more firm and her movements were practiced. As if she could step into a fighting form at any moment. Like a spring coiled back and just waiting for a reason to strike out. She introduced herself as she was from the land of lightning. Oh well now that was interesting. The other mountain country. He had heard it stormed there constantly. Likely that meant she was highly capable with raiton too. He wondered though just what her fighting style was. It was more than just something as simple as Ninjutsu he was sure. Her fingers were slightly callused. Likely a weapon user since her knuckles were not. He spent his life around a lot of taijutsu specialists. He had learned to pick up on certain aspects. Still he would smile and set the bottle down and the two glasses on the table before her. Standing up and clicking his heels together as he stood straight and firm. His left hand at his side and his right hand raising to touch his fingertips flat against his brow in a salute.

"Specialist Heishi Kejido at your service. A shinobi of the land of Iwagakure."

He would smile as she scooted over as if to suggest he should sit there when she sat back down. Likely they were each as curious about each others lands as the other but he would hold off on his questions for now. Besides he couldn't be so simple as to just sit next to the lady. Instead he would seem to just lean against the table as he took the bottle up and slit the golden wrap with his thumb. Idly he would slip a senbon into his hand with a flick of his wrist. Revealing his hidden weapon and his capability of bringing it forth. However he would not seem threatening at all with it. Instead he would use it by stabbing it into the cork at the top and shifting it back and forth until the cork popped off. Taking it and setting it on the table with the cork still on the senbon. It controlled it from flying everywhere. Still he would take the bottle and filled each of their glasses about halfway before setting the bottle down and picking up both glasses. Offering one to her and holding the other towards himself. If she took it he would speak again.

"What should we toast to though? First meetings? Your arrival to our great country?"


Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

He looked about her age, well-dressed, and acted as if he was rather well off. Yet, he was surprised to see her courteously bow towards him. Were Iwagakure's ways of saluting this different than hers? Granted that even the shinobi of Kumogakure didn't always bow, but at least they were used to it considering most of her family had the habit of presenting themselves in such a way. Her question was somewhat replied when he clacked his feet and saluted her in a most militaristic way. Specialist Heishi Keijido, shinobi of Iwagakure. If his headband hadn't told her by now, she certainly was aware of his affiliations and position now.

He proceeded with the opening of the bottle by using a senbon, revealing the fact he hid senbon in his sleeves, and poured the champagne in the glasses, requesting to what occasion they would toast as she offered her one. Accepting the glass, she thanked him.

"To longevity and health.", she offered. Something that both a traveller and a soldiers could use, or two shinobi for that matter. Then after clinking the glasses, she took a measured sip of the glass, allowing the champagne to tease her taste buds. She wasn't familiar with the taste since she usually kept to sake or cocktails, finding the bubbles to leave a strange sensation, but the drink in total wasn't too bad. Putting her glass on the table, she'd wait for him to take a seat before actually picking up a conversation.

She wondered why a total stranger would just walk up to her and share a bottle of champagne out of the blue. Had the Kodai or the ANBU talked about her? It was a possibility as to how he would be able to recognise her. If the shinobi of Iwagakure were anything close to those of Kumogakure, she wouldn't remain undiscovered for long, so she had to assume that the full shinobi force of Iwagakure would at least be aware of the fact she was somewhat combat able. While she had been carrying a katana along the road, and had stood against the bandits blocking her path until the ANBU had arrived, there was no saying how much information the ANBU had actually shared with others. Kodai had somewhat left the impression he'd be the sort to just run off his mouth jovially and unaware of the consequences it could bring.

That said, she didn't quite feel like discussing shinobi politics. Being in an unfamiliar country by herself, oddly freed from her usual duties, she wanted to enjoy what little time she had here before she'd have to leave for yet another country. She just wanted to know what the tourist places were in Iwagakure.

"You must know a lot about Iwagakure's finer places as shinobi. Which places could you recommend to a visitor such a myself?"

Total: 2036



She would take her champagne glass and suggest to him the toast should be to longevity and health. It was a rather basic toast but it applied well for warriors like them. People ready to go to war should it come. People who knew their lives were on the line in every mission and went anyway. It wasn't something everyone could do but he suspected she was a lot like himself. They didn't need to hesitate. They didn't have a use for fear beyond caution. The fires of hell could rise but they were preparing for it. Their backgrounds might be different but their souls were similar. This wasn't a profession for them. Not a way to make some coin but just what they did. It was a matter of lineage and honor. The toast was fitting for him though. He didn't want to be just another soldier on a wall. A name remembered once a year. He wanted his name to be written in the history books. To be known outside the land of Iwagakure. He wanted to be great. He didn't know if she wanted the same but if there was a crown to be had, he knew which one he was after. Still he would click his own glass against hers and smile.

"Agreed. To Longevity and good health."

With that he would sip his own drink. Watching her with silver eyes over the brim of his own glass. He was used to the drink but could tell from her expression she was new to it. A simple flash of surprise but one that made him smile. The drink sliding down his own throat with a tingle. It tasted divine to him. More gentle than most other alcohols. Still she handled it well for her first time with it. Most at least scrunched up their nose not expecting the tickle of the bubbles. Her endurance certainly had a solid foundation. Still he would rise from the table as she sat her glass down and settle in the seat next to her. His drink switching to the hand away from her as his other arm slipped across the back of the booth slightly behind her. Not close enough to fully invade her space but within an arms length. His eyes studying her as he sipped from his glass again. She mentioned looking for some of the finer places and asked what he would suggest. He grinned and sat back taking another sip before swirling his glass. As if in thought.

"Well let us see here, obviously this is a rather relaxed location earlier in the day. Though in a few hours a crowd with much different tastes will arrive. Dance music and the like. Then there is the university. It holds a very large wealth of information and the classes are free to anyone from any nation. Aside from that its dining area prides itself in the variety of culinary arts from all across the land. However if your curious about what a shinobi might appreciate, the north east corner of the grand bazaar is dedicated to those arts. Everything from scrolls and jutsu to blacksmiths that forge weapons upon demand. Sure some have basic things like kunai and senbon premade but anything beyond that they forge with their pride on the line. After all Iwa is known for its durability."


Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

After having toasted, Kejido moved to sit next to her, making himself comfortable with his drink in one hand and slipping his arm over the booth. A casual move, if not a cliché opening move. Even if he was good looking and about her age, the fact he had revealed the hidden senbon up his sleeves was not something Mizuki was about to forget just yet, and the thought of having them close, and perhaps even closer as time passed by, was not something that offered much comfort of mind - even if an assassination was likely not his intentions, a kunoichi in stranger lands could never be vigilant enough.

Taking her glass from the table, Mizuki took another sip, familiarising herself with the drink. Kejido replied to her answer, mentioning a few places of interest as requested, and she thought about them for a while. So this place was more like the Sky Bar than she had thought at first. Calm in general, but busy and festive at the end of the day. Interesting, but she didn't feel like throwing herself into a fast rhythm of life. In fact, she just wanted to relax while she had the chance. Being an actual tourist, for as far as her cautious nature would allow her to do so. The library, on the other hand, seemed a little more appealing. While she had no interest in following any sort of courses, the thought of tasting varying culinary arts was something she wouldn't mind. She had heard of the Rock Rice Cake before and wondered if she'd have the chance to taste it, among other local dishes.

Naturally, the north east Bazaar was something she wouldn't wish to miss, but the weapons weren't the only thing she wanted to see. She wanted to know what the Bazaar had to offer on terms of produce, products, craft and arts. Weapons could be procured everywhere, and mountain rich areas like Iwagakure and Kumogakure were often the first to reveal the ore required to do so. What she wanted to know was if there were any goods worth carrying to Kumogakure, as souvenir for her family but also as a hint of the culture it had to offer. What she aimed to build upon was more than just her own interest. It was looking for a foundation towards diplomacy. A possible treatise between Kumogakure and Iwagakure to improve upon trade and travel. To improve their standing towards each other. Even if Lin had been replaced by Hastur, she had no intentions of letting go the thought of improving Kumogakure's standing with others.

"I think I'll visit the university and the Bazaar some time. I'd like to taste the local dishes as much as I'd like to discover what truly drives Iwagakure's people. I'm fairly certain the Land of Lightning and that of Earth may find common ground, despite history always having kept us separated."

Improving the relation between the two Villages would not happen in a single day, that was for certain, but the least she could do was sow the seeds in hopes to cultivate a possible treatise in time.

Total: 2571



Kejido would smile happily as his blatant move was allowed. His arm behind her being a bit of a power move. He was certain she was barely allowing these small things but it was progress all the same. His silver eyes measured her reactions to everything and took them into consideration. Usually his next move would be to brush some hair out of a girls face. However he could tell that wouldn't be allowed in this scenario. Not just yet. Instead he would sit back keeping himself comfortable and measured. He smelled slightly of cologne but of a more expensive brand than the commoner type. Almost intoxicating. The senses not overwhelmed but rather drawn to the smell as if put under a spell. He would lift his hand to sip at the champagne unaware that her resistance was more due to his hidden weapons. His glass was finally almost empty as he noticed her drink from hers as well. Hers had slightly more to it but it was shamefully low. It was a wonderful tasting brand of champagne but he was more interested in her anyway. He knew if he continued he might get a buzz going but he new how not to act shamefully. Hopefully she didn't.

He would listen as she spoke of an interest in trying those dishes but didn't bring up the other suggestions. So she wasn't too interested in Iwagakure made weapons? A pity he supposed but he would not mind. He himself had simply kept to kunai and senbon for the time being. Still he would reach out and collect the bottle in his free hand. Expertly pouring into first her glass in a raising motion back to its ideal level as the bubbles would pop along the top creating a thin foam. He would repeat the process on his own before setting the bottle back down. Even with only four glasses in the bottle was almost a fourth of the way empty. For now the taste was simply superb. He would take his into his own hand again to taste it. Seeing if the second glass held the same fresh and crisp taste as the cold first one. He wasn't disappointed in the results. The quality of the bottle held the cold in nicely while the quality of the drink itself held its flavor through out. He would sniff the drink lightly before swirling it as he spoke.

"I suppose its our need to survive. I won't lie and claim there isn't criminal activity about, nor were we always this well off. Up until recent years we were a very war mongering country. Our village falling to destitution and ignored. Brutality was our calling card. However the recent two Kage changed that. Focusing on the common people. Founding the university, creating homes for everyone and commerce. Now if someone is a criminal its because they are clinging to the old ways."

He seemed perturbed at that note. As if someone so stuck on breaking laws was just another idiot in his path. He had never known what it was like to be poor. Even in Iwa's hard times his family had only found wealth in war. They were well off because of it. Still he wouldn't admit to that himself. Instead he would set his glass down and wave over a waiter. It would be noticed and Kejido would be signaled a one moment by the waiter holding up his finger. He would smile and look to her again. Studying her once more. Speaking as he left out the man responsible for most of it wasn't even an Iwa nin.

"As for the cuisine around her. Why not start here? The quality is lower here than the university but allow me to order us some food. My treat of course."


Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Mizuki thanked Kejiro with a curt smile as he refilled their glasses. Hers hadn't entirely be empty, but she didn't mind. She was somewhat of a slow drinker anyway, savouring her drinks in a measured way rather than enjoying it all at its fullest. At least Kejiro didn't seem the gulping sort ready to empty the bottle in one go to slake an unquenchable thirst for alcohol. Not that she had met a lot of people like those, but the thought was off-putting nonetheless.

Kejiro's revelation of Iwagakure's past unlocked a forlorn smile from Mizuki. It seemed all so similar to what Kumogakure had to offer. War, strife and trouble wherever it went. Kumogakure wasn't exactly known for its diplomacy or good relations with others. Much like Iwa seemingly had two kage trying to improve upon their state, so too had Lin attempted to bring a certain peace within the Village. She had believed in that unity so hard it had given Mizuki hope to actually achieve her dreams as a diplomat, working hard to become a chuunin just so she could gain the rights to travel as a representative. Unfortunately, Lin had gone missing and a new shinobi had taken her place as Raikage - Hastur, the self-proclaimed storm god for whom she was now travelling as a diplomat so as to make his presence known with the help of the black raiton rods. His power wasn't easily denied, and as such she often felt like she was being the messenger of a challenge rather than sharing a 'business card' to reveal his rise to power.

His note that criminality was more like a lack of desire to grow away from the old ways rather than people seeking to break the law seemed like an odd sort of criminality. Did he mean that the new generation was systematically getting rid of the people stubborn enough to cling to old ways, or rather that they were systematically cutting loose their ties with the past, wishing for innovative Iwa-nin? It sounded more like the first option, rather than the second. And though Mizuki was hardly in a spot to judge, she felt such an approach was simply wrong. Perceptions changed with the person, but only if they broke the law they'd be deserving of a fitting punishment.

As Kejiro decided to attract the attention of the waiter, she decided to leave her opinion for what it was. This wasn't a debate, after all, since she had requested to know about Iwagakure's culture. One that seemed to share far more than just rock with Kumogakure. So when Kejiro returned his attention to her and requested to treat her to a first of dishes, she accepted gracefully.

"You are too kind."

That wasn't to say that she trusted him. She didn't know the man in the slightest, and being showered with attention, drinks and food like he was doing felt suspicious. Was he just that sort of a frivolous magnate, throwing his ryo without a care in the world, or was he of a mind she would easily sway for his charm and display of luxury? There was no saying what his actual intentions were, but at least she couldn't feel any sort of killing intent. One thing she did know about herself was that, when it came to relations with the other sex intended to go further than friendship, Mizuki was a cold fish. She just didn't feel the same sort of attraction her peers so readily talked about.

"Which local dish would you advice as a first try?"

But as general company and a guide, he was doing a good job. Social and cordial, he was the sort of people she didn't mind having around on a peaceful day.

Total: 3216



He would smile at her mention of his kindness. It was a soft thing still but his silver eyes would seek to look into hers. Just to make eye contact and let her know he was studying her. That he was intrigued by her. He wasn't shackled to a lack of confidence that much was evident. He knew he was attractive and flaunted it. Still he also knew how to play some cards while keeping it on the border of controlled. Just a hint of mischief here and there with something mysterious hidden in his intuitive eyes. She was a diplomat from what appeared to be a very formal family. That much he had gathered. She was likely used to having to struggle but also accustomed to some of the finer things. However everything in Iwa was more western than to the far east in Kumo. Champagne being her first taste here was a hint at that. He wondered another thing though. Even though Kumo was also a mountain region it was far closer to the fish trade. Likely she was accustomed to fish more than the red meats. Still he would smile as he spoke to her first.

"But of course. Our nation needs to leave a pleasant impression on someone as important as a diplomat."

He halted hinting at her beauty and such and shifted gears rather suddenly. He still had that charming smile but now he was playing games. Shifting from personal to professional at a whim without adjusting his body. His eyes still watching her for a moment before he indicated the waiter over and whispered in his ear. The waiter glanced at him before nodding and he slipped the waiter a coin. He was rather lucky the establishment was actually high end. Regardless of the clientele they entertained at night they were capable of filling his order. His attention would be on the waiter for only a moment while he talked to the cook and the cook actually smiled. Finally being asked to use his culinary talent. It was rare here. Maybe one meal a week. They actually appreciated being put to the challenge. Still Kejido would sip his champagne again and enjoy the flavor as it wet his lips before turning back to her. His eyes studying her like always. He didn't seem to trouble himself with the basics of subtlety but only the advanced parts.

"It will be a few minutes. While we wait I must admit I am curious about your country. Whats your favorite thing about it? What drew you into joining its ranks?"

The two questions could easily be considered seperate ones. If so he had stopped himself at just two. However in his experience the two things were generally intertwined. People didn't just wake up as a kid and decide they wanted to risk death and limb for their country. There was always something that led them to wishing to serve. Seeing a shinobi in action or being saved by one. Or seeing the need for a protector. Maybe even vengeance. Usually though there was something they cherished that they wished to protect. He suspected it was her clan and more importantly her family. War was ever looming and one didn't send out a diplomat unless the situation was growing dire. He had heard of Kiri making its move some time back but not much had come of it. The papers had covered it as a deception Iwa was almost drawn into. Still those two countries were neighbors. Was she out looking for allies out of fear of them? If so could Iwa be of service?


Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Leaving a good impression on a diplomat. So word had already spread among the Iwa-nin. It would matter little if she did or did not hold a weapon, she would be recognised by their forces, but it did explain a few of his questions. It was clear there was little point in holding up the appearance of the simple traveller coming from the Land of Lightning, inquiring about innocent things such as food and souvenirs. Even if they knew, the idea of nothing having to act as a shinobi and imposing her obvious allegiances upon visitors of her own country was a nice change of pace she wasn't about to let go the act just yet. Even if it would have little use here, it could prove useful in other situations. Still, she smiled at his reply, as he was not to be blamed for his attempt to coax the diplomat into liking him. It was to be expected that in such relations, one only wanted to show their best side - she was fairly certain Kumogakure would be no different, even if display of power seemed to be an obstinate favourite in their hearts.

As Kejido once more pulled a few strings so he could speak to the cook, he seemed to drop the need to reply to her question concerning the dishes in favour for keeping the control over the conversation by keeping his answer a mystery. She assumed he had requested something of his own taste for the two of them, wishing to surprise her in a similar way as he had surprised her with the champagne. As her thoughts trailed off to the drink, her eyes trailed the border of her glass and she took another sip. If his selection was anything such as this, she would be in safe hands. Granted that the taste was unusual, but she couldn't call it a bad choice.

Finishing his brief conversation, his eyes shifted back to her, the calculative glint still there. She wondered what exactly about her he was studying with such eagerness it almost felt as if he was trying to peer into her soul. His curiosity finally surfacing, he asked her a few questions. No questions that would lead to a casual conversation, it seemed, but questions that intended to lay her bare. Personal questions mixed with intent to dig deeper than the surface. She smiled as she recognised the training of a shinobi in it.

"Those are unusual questions to ask a diplomat about her country. The first one almost seems you're asking a personal question, while the second one edges classified intel. I can tell you I adore the area around the Thunder Temple. The environment is laden with electrical energy, creating a unique feeling in the air that few appreciate, but it calms me. I've known it since I was child, as I am the daughter of two Kumo-nin holding up a reputed dojo. So...", she pressed the upcoming darker memories of her parents away. Her mother's illness, her father's desire to pass on the Executioner Arts, the missing-nin antics of her sister. "... tradition and clan reputation dictate my path."

Not that she could imagine herself walking a different path. Even if she often wished she didn't have as many chores, responsibilities and duties, even if she wanted to take her life at her own pace, she couldn't see herself go in the same direction as her sister did - doing as she pleased without the slightest care in the world. The pressure was high, but a path of discipline simply fit her.

"I didn't know Iwagakure had such a militaristic approach towards its shinobi, however.", she nudged in the direction of his outfit. "Is this the Land of Rock's way of tradition and discipline?"

Total: 3860



Her response was fairly formal at first. Inquiring as to if that was an appropriate thing to ask of her. Both with it being personal and classified. A word he didn't hear often. Granted some information wasn't open to him he was sure. Especially the activities of the members of his clan that had gone for black ops work. Seeking out a career in the ANBU above all else. He simply never cared to request the information as he knew he would get the same answer every time. It was classified and his clearance was insufficient. Not that he didn't ever skirt the rules a little. However he understood the word had one more underlying definition when it was said. It meant not to press. Still she was happy to divulge some of her personal history. Clan standards and being held to them. Reputation and tradition. They were from different cultures but it seemed like they had the same story. How much his own clan held him to a standard. Her parents ran the dojo for their style, his Grandfather was the highest ranking member of his clan. They certainly were going to be held to a different standard. Only time would tell if they would measure up.

Still he would sip from his glass again. The taste wasn't as cherish-able with his thoughts. After all one had to live up to their family name. He was still just a specialist though and other clan members outside of his direct family line were beginning to doubt him. He even wondered why his grandfather had forced him to spend the rest of his teenage years with his family instead of pursuing a career path as soon as possible. With or without drive he would have been a couple ranks higher by now at least. Still his thoughts were distracted by the sound of searing meet from the kitchen that smelled heavenly. Something in the sauce hinted at a white whine reduction. It was enough to distract him from his thought process for just a moment as he breathed it in. Such foods were always a comfort. Meet such as beef and lamb were easier to come across in the mountains than fish. Whole herds of it wandering the nation. It was simply a superb smell. One could sit back and let their mouth water for a time while the anticipation of the dish would build.

Still she would speak again. Catching his attention which had idled away from her. His silver eyes shifted back to her. His lips felt dry so he sipped from his champagne again. Surprised to find his glass mostly empty. He certainly was letting himself go wasn't he? Two glasses in a matter of minutes. Well he wasn't feeling drunk so much as a slightly numb sensation. Still her question was drawing attention to it as she indicated his uniform. Ahh yes. He could see how that could translate over to Iwa being very militaristic and proper. Regretfully that wasn't the case. It would be nice if all the houses of Iwa were so noble. Some members of his own clan in different families didn't even adhere to a uniform like his own but rather military fatigues were common. Those families were always doing runs and drills. Preparing for combat in a very direct way. Still he couldn't fault others for different traditions. Still that meant he would need to choose his next words carefully. Coming off as judgmental against his fellow shinobi was poor taste indeed.

"While tradition and especially discipline are the grounds of Iwagakures corner stones, my uniform is more of a family tradition. The Heishi clan has taken great pride in its military careers. It is our way. This uniform is the uniform of my direct line. Most the others have their own uniforms but it isn't common to be seen in the ranks outside the clan."


Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Finishing her words, Mizuki took a sip of her glass as Kejido gained a pensive look. There was a hint of recognition in his eyes at the words of discipline and reputation, but other than a brief flicker in his eyes he had yet to reveal the similarities. He seemed slightly distracted by the mixture of his drink and the smell of seared meat that reared its head. It was a good smell, invoking the image of red meat with a brown jacket and black grilled stripes, but Mizuki couldn't exactly say what sort of meat was being prepared. Even though she ate meat at home, she wasn't too used to its smell since she preferred fish dishes above anything else. Since she didn't know what Kejido had ordered for the two of them, she remained curious to see and taste the end result of what she hoped would be a local recipe.

When he revealed that his uniform was more of a family tradition than an Iwagakure tradition or even the clan's dress code, she nodded at him in understanding. The Raiu weren't any different. While the clan itself had a tradition of being protectors and enforcers of the law, bearing a long tradition of being shock troopers for Kumogakure, not every Raiu stuck to the formal approach her family had. They might easily be one of the few families who bowed instead of shaking hands, or used suffixes of honour instead of the 'sir' and 'madam' title. She'd call it a family thing, but her sister formed the exception.

"I understand. A life of sustaining traditions requires endurance since it is all too easy to fall out of grace. Is your clan oriented towards the idea of discipline only, or does it also inspire towards a specific combat path?"

The Raiu's core values were aimed at the precision and perfectionist nature require for their KKG, and as such tended to lean strongly towards ninjutsu and chakra molding, but her lineage heavily focused on kenjutsu as well, a tradition not always shared by other Raiu despite Kumogakure's general inclination towards weapons. She wondered if Kejiro's clan was somewhat similar, or if the clan as a whole was focused on a single path of combat.

As she awaited his reply, she took another sip of her glass, bringing it to about one third. It seemed that the more she got used to the taste, the better it became. Perhaps it'd hit an equal with a fine white wine, but it wouldn't be able to top her favourite cocktails.

[EXIT] - part II at a later date o /

Total: 4299




Exit 4165
Speed E - D 750/750
Strength E - D 750/750
Reaction time E - D 750/750
Perception E - D 750/750
Endurance E - D 750/750

Speed D - D-2 725/725 75 ryo


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