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Sitting on what now should be his throne the branch of a tree seemed to be the only place where he sits down and is always interrupted never having enough time to himself he thought but he needed these missions to get up in rank and at least have money to eat. Like always having no shirt but wearing his black parachute pants and flip flops for footwear his eyes shined in the sunlight and his blue hair danced in the breeze as it seemed the shinobi enjoyed sending him on missions. Instead of the usual bird he was greeted by what seemed to be more than he expected a young child from the looks from it an academy student as his clothes look like he came straight out of training. Leaping down from the branch as the child continued to hold out the envelope to the man until he took it from his possession only to watch the child walk away back to where ever he came from Burittsu continued to look at the young one as his focus went straight to the concealed information inside. Tearing the top of the concealment a tiny note slid out onto his hand that once more told him that the borders were indeed in danger once more by what seemed to be smugglers as if the last bunch did not learn. With a sigh it seemed once more he was out and about but the rewards of actually eating a well done dinner for once would make him happy instead of remaining out in the wilderness hunting fish and other prey to put in his stomach.

“At this rate I wonder why do they even come back..”

Looking at the note as he dropped it on the ground stepping on it embedding it into the dirt of the earth turning his back and heading towards the location of this disturbance leaping onto the branch. Bending his legs he swiftly leapt from one branch to another and ventured forward deeper into the wilderness as it seemed the location itself was different from last time but as it seemed the air began to have a familiar scent as if he was next to the lake once more. The smell of sea water was strong in the air it would throw off any scent of tracker dogs with each leap he only thought to himself if this was really the life he was meant to lead. But for now he only did these jobs to protect his name and the village he represented all for now until it was time for him to head out and one day begin to his true journey for answers and peace no matter what or who he leaves behind in this village. His mind was gone and not even focused as he was out of the zone he was indeed gone as he is body continued to move leaping from branch to branch almost losing his footing he quickly came to a hard stop. Taking a deep breath of the salty air he looked around as he was welcomed by what seemed to be smugglers underneath the male a camp it was with nothing but large wooden crates everywhere for now it seemed empty but he had enough patience to sit in the shadows and await for them all to return.

“These crates are getting bigger every time they must be importing weapons now..”

WC: 575



Knock Knock Knock Breaking the silence and any ice particles forming on the windowsill, they were forced to arise. Yasuo of Osada Manor. The young being had fallen asleep in the library, admits towering scrolls and leather bound books. Their fingers were stained black with ink and fibers from the quill clung with vibrancy to their shirt. The knocking rang on, thundering, booming, violent. Whatever possessed the morsel to continue with this racket when they were so clearly ignored the first time? There were no benefit to it. No method to this madness. And by the third time, they resorted to finally get up and answer the damn door. Like the undead, the arose from the slumber and peeled their skin from the chair. Fine, they will get up and greet the day but they shall not do it so kindly. If the dark circles that lined their eyes were any indication, they were not in the best mind set to deal with anyone's stupidity. They tried to imagine it were their beloved master, Sero-sama, that they were greeting even though there was the cruel reminder he was in the village more often than not these days whilst the Mizukage and her little gang were off in Kumo. With that image in mind, they felt could take on the world! And that is what they shall! Pleasant pleasant thoughts of Sero's body!

They got up, dusted off, and slide down the guardrail onto the the first floor. They glided with great precision across the stony cold floor that glistened beautifully. The door opened and...disappointment! Instead of their devious greedy sadistic sex god Sero, there was an academy brat in front of the doorway. The world could be so cruel as to tease the kurohebi, teasing them that they could be reunited with their loved one in sweet sweet ecstasy. They asked for a man, and instead they got a child. What on earth did they do to deserve this? Probably a lot of things like torture, inhumane experiments, several accounts of rape, grave robbing, illegal trading, smuggling, cannibalism...okay, maybe they did do a lot of horrible things that might, just might, warrant this treatment. But it did not mean they had to accept this sort of behavior. Not around here they did not.

Unfortunately, despite slamming the door close with all their might, instead of shutting the entryway to tune out the insufferable peasant, they crushed their foot into several million pieces. They had their foot in the doorway and put their foot down, literally. Probably not the smartest move on their part. They totally should have seen that coming. Not Yasuo's fault one bit. Though hearing their cry of pain and the stream of tears down their face was funny, that they could admit. However since the child had so kindly interrupted, it had to be of some importance. Hopefully it would be, for the child's sake, or their will be an opening on the class register.

So they snatched the scroll out of their hands before it had a chance to fall to the ground and opened it, their eyes devouring its contents word from word. It was not quite what they thought it to be. No love letter from their husband nor a get well card from the twins but rather a mission debriefing. Smugglers? Hm, there were more of them? Alright, that was rather important. Yasuo has not had a chance to go grocery shopping this week and was running out of stuff. Memories of a small handsy spiderling sprung back into the forefront of their mind earning a grimace. Ugh...they hate children. But they also hated upsetting Sero. Yes, the decision was made, they were going to go eradicate some smugglers and resupply the meat locker. It was running low after all.

Ignoring the cries of pain, Yasuo kicked the child out of the entry way onto the street, leaving the spiders to show them out as they had other plans. The kurohebi quickly went to get dressed, putting some clothes; a nice red kimono that was pretty short and some black stockings. They slipped on a pair of geta sandals and hopped off the windowsill to the destination. On the way they thought...does Sero like barbecue? Well only one way to-

Before they could finish that thought, a figure appeared in the distance! Shirtless chest. Baggy pants. Shinning blue hair! Tanned skin of caramel! It was Burrittsu! How lovely! They probably should have read who was on their team for this assignment but still what a wonderful supply. The boy was still as beautiful as ever but were they stronger? Perhaps they shall witness it together. In a moment they sped towards the Yukki to his backside and wrapped their arms his waist, leaving their chin on his neck and purring into his ear "Miss me?"




He was in shock as he heard the words fill his head up like it was some sort of spell to take over his mind grabbing the arms and removing them around his waist this voice was like a wake up call to remind him of the day he threw his life to the wind all for a comrade who was now gone forever. But this voice was also a calling for him to wake up and begin a new chapter of his life and in this chapter there was a new character one who was completely different from others just like Burittsu himself. A smile appeared on the shinobi’s face as he partly happy to actually have a partner on this mission as he removed the arms he placed his hand upon the male's chest giving a slight push with his palm giving at least a inch or two of space between the both of them as he looked over his shoulder he only looked the being in the eyes locking in eye contact. The grin increased as the sunlight began to pierce through the trees shining down sunlight beams upon his back looking back down to the camp he only wondered how long would it take for these smugglers to come back so they can drop their bodies and Burittsu can return back to his branch. Looking back once more with the same grin on his face the new chapter indeed had a new character probably a permanent addition to his life.

“So Yasuo returns to Burittsu huh.. Yeah I missed you a little got bored thought you left my side like everyone else did.. Looks like we’re partners huh.. Well the camp is below us I can’t tell how long they’ve been gone but i'm sure they will return..”

Studying the area as it seemed to be full of lush green wilderness it would be easy for them to hide any amount of traps down below the two around and inside the camp it would be rude for him to send his partner down there so he decided to wait on the branch and sit down. Patting down the branch to signal to his partner to sit down and just enjoy the wilderness and let it consume them until it was time to be shinobi again. Swinging his legs he looked off towards the horizon as the sun seemed to begin to reach that point of the day where the skies begin to tint a orange color and the clouds themselves sometimes give out a color of purple. It was indeed one of Burittsu’s favorite moments of living life he got to watch the sun rise and wake up with the world and set as it was replaced by his sister the moon in the sky. With the sun on the horizon the sunlight hit him directly in the eyes forcing him to squint as he continued to wait for these smugglers to return.

“Tell me what have you been doing since we last met Yasu..”

He remained silent as his mind only began to wonder if they would return at night making it easy for the two of them to hide in the darkness of the tree’s and also making it easier for them to eliminate one after another. What was so interesting about this spot it was nowhere near the shore plus the size of these crates would indeed put some brakes on their hike from the shore to the camp he only concluded when they return they would indeed be tired. Probably still have some energy to fight but not enough to hold off against two shinobi who still have a full tank of chakra and energy compared to that the resistance should not be great. There was no fear in his eyes as he continued to focus below the two shinobi but his ears remained alert to hear his partner talk to him.




Despite the lovely intro with hugs and all, Burittsu responded coldly in kind with no sweet kiss in greeting. Instead they parted, Yasuo's warmth leaving the Yuki's frigid backside, and a small distance was left in between. Oh how they wanted to leap across this carnivorous canyon onto their fellow nin but alas, that would likely have an undesirable effect. It would be best to jump his bones another time, which would come soon enough from how well Burittsu was receiving Yasuo now warmer welcome. The tug of his lips made the butler smile albeit in a small fashion but it did nothing to hide their happiness at the meeting. They have not had the time to take the Yukki out as much as they wish, having loads upon loads of work pile on top of them and the sudden siege...repairs and burial grounds had to be made, paperwork filed, and a seething master to nurse his wounded heart. If only he requested aid in his nether region too but alas, such a future was thwarted by his condition. Hopefully Burittsu was not the same when it came for the time to sample the dish. With a sneaky grin they responded in kind "I can be more than just your partner for a mission"

And although Yasuo would love to chit chat and play around, the two kiri nin were on a mission so they did have to play at least a semblance of attention to their surroundings. Especially when handling smugglers who can be very sneaky even for ninja. These smuggelrs, no matter what, kept popping up time and time again Yasuo thought as they remembered their first and only mission with Alwen, the sea dragon whom later became the manor's gardener. It was reported smugglers were cited again wearing similar clothing, not in true style but from the era. As if they were from long ago. Wayward seamen would be the best description, but pirates was used more commonly. So when Burittsu patted down the branch they were currently on top of, Yasuo went and joined then, flipping onto it and sitting on its base. The kurohebi nonchalantly using their partner as a cushion since he was conveniently there and waiting.

The view was beautiful, from the array of lush greens and sea salty blue waters. There was hardly any evidence of human intervention but it was there, definitively. But for now, from what Burittsu said, they were not here but would definitely come back, so they were stuck playing the waiting game. At least he was being good company and trying to strike a conversation. "Since we last met, the manor has had some visitors. None of which were welcomed but had been disposed of accordingly. A recent storm that came by hit us harder than the intruders could so I had been busy making repairs whilst managing the finances. My master is not quite the best book smart person around so I am left to handle that duty. And what of you Burittsu? Any adventures lately?"




Sitting down on the branch with now a head on his shoulder he hasn’t had company in a while but whatever was going through the mind of his partner for him to admit to him he can be more than a partner to Burittsu seemed more than he bargained for in all honesty. He only gave a smirk as rubbed the head of Yasuo and continued to watch the sun slowly set in the horizon as the sky grew darker and the stars in the night sky began to appear. It felt long but he understood this was friendship that didn’t require much talking just needed that other person to be there to brighten up his soul in all honesty it reminded him of when Genbu was alive and they would always meet up and go straight into combat no words just fist. Hearing about the manor being attacked by the fierce weather and about his master being sick and how much work that he was buried under the only thing that happen to the young shinobi was something he had not envisioned anytime soon in his future.

“My sensei came back.. Biggest adventure of my life because I doubted he would ever return thought he was out and about or probably dead.. I don’t know what he's gonna think of me when he fully realizes of what had happened since he last saw me it’s been two years.. Aye at least one of us had more things to do instead of free time on our hands probably would have saved me the trouble..”

As the sunlight ran away and was now shining on the other side of the world the moon his sister took over the sky shining down upon the lands and giving out the usual presentation of twinkling stars that danced in the heavens. This was his favorite view of the world as his eyes loved watched the trillions of stars in the sky as his eyes would always work their way to the moon looking at the giant craters from where he sat he believed that a great battle took place upon the surface of the moon that formed those large craters upon it. No one had a simple answer so he continued to believe that a battle of gods took place one before the shinobi world came to place looking over his shoulder he looked at Yasuo for a bit in hopes if he understood but he simply sighed and kept his thoughts to himself. Within moments as his concentration was fully upon the heavens rustling from underneath the two occurred as a bright flaming night touched the darkness expelling it meters away from the source. The torch itself was enough to show a full grown adult leading the herd as if he was the leader of the group the rest of the able bodies carried a large crate a total of eight smugglers excluding the male carrying the torch. In a low whisper Burittsu leaned over into the ear of Yasuo and began to speak allowing a couple words to flow into his mind.

“The one with the torch most likely has the most energy everyone else is most likely tired due to carrying the crates we can either wait for them to sleep it off or we can allow them to eat and relax either way none of them are leaving this site alive do you understand..?”

His focus continued to beam down upon the male with the torch as the two were safely sitting in the darkness of the tree as in seconds the sound of grunting and heavy breathing took over the silence and peaceful night. As one by one the loud thud sounds of the crates hitting the ground of the earth in a quick moment the fire of the torch was thrown upon the ground what Burittsu did not realize yet it was a fire pit full of broken down wood and twigs lighting up brighter and brighter with the orange flames that everyone knew meant more than a source of heat. The light itself reached up enough the tree but not high enough to show the shinobi’s that were hidden in the darkness a smirk appeared on the face of Burittsu as he could only guess a long day of work the smugglers deserved to eat their final meals on earth. With another low pitch whisper loud enough for his partner to hear he tried to hold down a chuckle looking over to Yasuo once more as he leaned in closer to his ear once more.

“Let them enjoy their final meals in this world that we dare claim they at least need to die a satisfying quick death..”




Yasuo grinned and yawned softly, accidentally falling asleep on Burittsu whilst they waited for the changing times. It was peaceful really, to feel so safe in his arms. Despite their rather dramatic meeting, they walked away from his potential death and turned out to be friends. Maybe more. Yasuo did not have any romantic feelings for the Yukki clansman, rather they enjoyed teasing him. Plus he responded well, much better than a certain unmentionable master would to their advances. Ha, if they so much as tried to kiss their master, they would be receiving a kiss of death instead. Burittsu luckily just had a funny reaction and let bygones be bygones. Heck they even sparked some sort of friendship between the two, an unlikely one at that. Perhaps in the future they could see each other as true friends, ones who could confide in one another. And had the Yukki not commissioned Yasuo to teach them a few things? It would be a good chance to do so that the kurohebi could actually monitor his growth until he became ripe enough to be deserving of their time and attention, waiting to take a bite of the forbidden fruit one could say...kschikschikschi...

By the time they awakened, the sky had turned dark and Burittsu jolted Yasuo awake with their voice. He told the kurohebi of a torch and such so their eyes instantly went towards the largest source of light in the waters after rubbing their eyes to get a clearer picture of what in blazes was going on. Thankfully they managed to shake themselves out of their stupor to see what was going on. The smugglers arrived, with large crates, probably weapons from the looks of it. Apparently Burrittsu came to the conclusion as well and was already plotting. Aww their big boy Berry was growing up. With a smile they snickered into their sleeve, "You are getting a sense of humor. I like that. Alright let's wait. But first we should move in" Yasuo did not take no for an answer, heck they did not even wait for an answer. Instead they simply hopped out of the tree, and followed the men to where they had tables, books, boxes and weapons laying about near the dock. Their ship was nearby, on the far end and seemed to have no one in it. Therefore Yasuo hid besides a tree in the darkness grinning. Aw, this should be fun~




Watching his partner jumping down below hiding out of sight he only watched as each enjoyed their meal the smell of the meat and great cooking consumed the air around the area followed by the warmth of the fire. It was night and the look on the face of Burittsu made him a predator ready to kill each one as his grin increased showing his bared teeth he continued to study watching them all as it seemed jokes were being cracked as the sound of laughter was followed after each of them stuffing their face. The smile went away as his face appeared stirn and more serious as even these smugglers considered each other family eating and laughing together Burittsu only recalled one person he ever had that connection with in his life. Looking directly beneath him was two smugglers still consuming their food taking one step forward off the branch his body rapidly dropped through the air landing on and snapping both of the necks of the two pleasant souls. Startling the creatures of the night and the remaining smugglers with a loud cracking followed by a pop as the food spilled all over the earth floor and two bodies were being disrespected by the figure which stood on top of them. Taking another step forward as it seemed he caught everyone by surprised as they remained motionless seeming to be shocked. With the look upon their face it only seemed right for Burittsu to introduce himself to the smugglers before they were sent to the afterlife.

“What never seen your fellow friends die maybe if you all would stop breaking the law and they would have enjoyed the food and the jokes now.. It’s time for you all to join them..”

Lifting his hand up into the air it was a signal to Yasou that it was alright to dispose of them all if he didn't already begin to move after Burittsu crushed the first two as his hand slid down and the silence of the night carried over. No one seemed to move as if the first one to move was the first to welcome death with open arms with a grin upon his face his body swiftly dashed forward with his hand sliding behind him removing a serrated kunai quickly leaping into the air underneath the moonlit night the sound of a bloody scream filled the air. As Burittsu swiftly released the kunai from his hand aiming straight for the head of one of the closest smugglers next to him quickly dashing towards the fallen body removing the now blood soaked projectile he only gave a grin. As it seemed the remaining five were now on their feet all starting to move closer and closer to the crates.

“Don’t tell me you guys smuggled weapons right..Well let’s see what you guys got..”




Do you know what is absolutely beautiful about the art of murder? Guess why don't you? Can't? Cat got your tongue? Ah, alright I'll tell ya. When you kill someone you are their final imprint, the last to touch them mind body and soul. You are something they cannot erase, forgotten, or hidden. The scar will always be there. Even if they don't know it, their thoughts will be filled with you. Their body will react to you. They will be breathing heavily because of you. Everything your victims do will be because of you and only you. Their entire being will belong to you. And what is the greatest form of pleasure to a sadist? That's right dominance. They live to hold power, to dominate others and put them in their rightful place beneath you. Tied up, gagged, bleeding, pleading, screaming.

It's all because of you. So in the face of battle, Yasuo will assert total dominance! Yasuo charges their fingertips with chakra and head into battle. Their partner had already dispatched three smugglers leaving five left, five on the list, five to die. Five who were not going to leave this port with their supplies or alive. Not if the kurohebi and yukki did not want them to. With a menacing gleeful grin, their eyes lit up with joy, they covered the distance in a mere moments' notice, too fast for the smugglers to handle. Yasuo first encountered one by slamming their right hand's fingertips into their eyeball puncturing as a wave of chakra invades their system, rupturing the major arties around their, making them bleed from the inside of their head. His scream of pain echoed in the air that was quickly being smothered by Yasuo's ghastly death aura, a sudden chill in the air, and a promise for suffering. Only now did damnation appear to be invite if it meant freedom from this monster.

Yasuo giggled softly "Kschikschikshi" before continuing. They delivered a kick, spinning on the ball of their foot into the left side of a man's neck and pulled him down on the ground, straddling his waist and stabbing him the eye too. Yasuo narrowly dodged a blow to their head by moving to the side and rolling off the crying man, getting back onto their feet low before they pouncing. Off their legs as if a beast they descended in rapid motion to the staggering men who missed Yasuo by a narrow margin. The kurohebi had about two men charging at them, two who would also meet a grisly fate. They both had swords and were being more alert, intent on taking Yasuo down. Heh, they could try. Both were in almost single file, one lagging behind the other by a meter after needing a moment to regain his wits. This makes it easier Yasuo thought as they met the first one. He swung his sword in a thrust towards Yasuo's chest who slid the side. Their left hand glided alongst the blade pushing it again and cutting themselves deeply but they didnt care. Their right hand was pushed out and wrapped around the man's neck, pulling him down and pushing their chakra into his system before slamming him down, spinning on the heal of their foot and delivering a kick to the second one's jaw sending him to the ground. By this point they hoped Burittsu would back them up.


Jutsu Used:



The numbers did in fact dwindle and it seemed only two were left standing after that impressive behavior from his so called partner it had seem the male was holding in more destructive anger than he had hope. It was fun to watch but as the male took down three it had seemed to be his turn to do something wonderful. With a jog in his legs as he quickly covered the distance between him and his partner he could see the two remaining survivors starting to shake and back away slowly attempting to retreat into the darkness of the wilderness. In mere seconds he was behind and over the body of his comrade leaping into the air as if he was soaring for a mere a second landing on the earth floor in front of his ally. Quickly flicking his wrist towards the enemies two senbon left his hand releasing piercing one of the frighten bastards in their eye sockets. Indeed it was a cold tactic but blinding the male permanently seemed like a good punishment in the eyes of Burittsu. With a grin upon his face it seemed he ran out of projectiles cracking his hands and wrist he was ready for a fight as he slowly began to walk towards the remaining male now scared out of his mind shaking with fear.

Looking at the male it was obvious this one was indeed scared out of his mind his body would react in a defensive way none of the less in moments it had seem the smuggler himself had lost his very mind coming in with a direct attack. Swinging around a sword that seemed to be his only protection against the like of these two shinobi he was desperate to live and it seemed he finally reached the point of every last breath he had would be used to fight the two off. That Burittsu did respect as the male swung down at the shinobi with the fierce sword Burittsu quickly took a step to his attackers right side. Following that dodge with a kick to the face of the male sending him off his feet and flying into the air as his body crashed into the wooden crates with the sword still in his hand he seemed determined to live through this situation but that could not be allowed. As the body slowly began to slide down from the crate Burittsu himself took a jog jumping in mid air with his right leg out aiming towards the head of the male smashing his foot against face forcing his neck to snap back and break into the crate killing the male with some respect than the others. A grin rested upon his face as the kill felt worthy enough to send the male away into the afterlife removing his leg the sight of blood dripping from underneath his footwear fell upon the ground.

“Made a mess but he did try. Mission Complete. Good Job.”

Walking back towards his comrade he held a faint smirk upon his face as the smoke from the fire danced towards the heaven patting the male on the back as the stars twinkled above them it was time for the both of them to depart once more. Meeting each other on another battleground perhaps or even just to catch up eventually stretching his legs as the night seemed to be long but he did not feel the need to have anyone being drawn the light as if they were moths. With one fierce stomp he stepped on the fire smothering it underneath his shoes as the area around them grew darker and darker only to have one light source that could not be shut out so easily. It felt as if he was in some sort of play with the spotlight shining down upon his body the moonlight easily made him feel as if he had the attention of his partner lifting a hand in the air and giving a wave with a faint smile he turned his back walking away from the moonlight ever so slowly as he was suddenly eaten by the darkness and escaped the sight of Yasuo.

“Till next time comrade.”

WC: 703
WC Total: 3,206
~Exit Thread~



The blood ran tonight, boiling, singing, whispering to them. It sang a chorus of woes, of fate, of pain. It's decree was a ballad of damnation as blades drawn of deception, betrayal, and destruction upon the last supper. The informant were the judas and the Yukki Kurohebi duo were Romans, sinking the last nail into the coffin for these meddlesome men were not worthy of the cross. Their bodies would be taken into custody and violated, experimented and sold off. Not a part will go to waste be it someone always needs a new organ or the Osada Manor a new treat to eat. It was pathetic to die in such a manor, to die like a bitch in a ditch. Thrown away into the dirt. No one will remember them. No one will mourn them. Tonight they died like dogs for it was the only fate for them. Yasuo's jutsu did its work and all the men they hit in the head died just down, in pain and a pool of blood inside their head, an eye that dribbled down from its crevice and drool down their lip. it were over, they felt the high die down. The thirst for blood simmered and their breathing was no longer as short, and rapid as their heart.

Taking into account of everything, the Yukki, Burittsu did his part, he did it well actually. Good thing he improved. Perhaps he would be ready to devour with enough time. For now. They had other things to worry about. With a yawn, Yasuo stretched their back and recovered their items and took out a cloth to wipe some of the blood on their clothes. They sent out the flare for the clean up squad to pick up the crates to send back to Kiri and take the bodies in. With one last final wave, Burttisu disappeared and Yasuo felt a sinking emptiness return.

"I wonder how the girls are doing."

REA C1 - C2 (600/600)
SPD C - C1 (575/575)
7 wc left over


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