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Arashi walked out of the Complex, with a mission scroll in his hands. Yes, my first mission. Hope this goes well! I should read it once again, to be sure I got everything right. Ara opened up the scroll one more time, and read it. This time out loud.
"Mission name: There’s a fly in my soup. They really make funny names, don't they. Mission rank: D. Yees. Objective: Work as a waiter in one of the newest restaurants. Shouldn't be a problem. I've got mad skills in speed and balance as a taijutsu specialist. Location: Iwagakure. Reward: 70 Ryo. I can already smell the money... Could get myself a new kunai or two. Mission description: A new shop’s opening, but we’re low on staff at the moment. Please could someone fill in for a day? Much appreciated. Yup, got it all"

Arashi continued walking towards the said restaurant, it was just in the neighborhood. After another ten minutes of walking, and thinking about how he now is a real shinobi, he got to the restaurant. It seemed to be a pretty normal building, it just had painted walls and a big sign in front of it. The building looked pretty new, compared to the other ones in Iwa. The door was open, and there were loud, happy laughing noises coming from within. Arashi entered the building, thinking - Boy oh boy, I sure hope this all turnes all right...

Wordcount: 259/600



The room was colorful and full of light sources and decoration and... happy people laughing. Ara looked around the room, looking for the kitchen entrance. It was just there, across the room. Arashi walked towards the door, and gently knocked. A women opened the door, she didn't seem to be over thirty years old. She was wearing white. Probably the chef...
"Hello, how can I help you? Please be quick, I'm in a hurry."
"Hi, I'm Arashi. The waiter.
"Oh, it's you! Well you showed up early... Come in.
Arashi followed the women in the noisy kitchen, it was full of people. Chopping, slicing, roasting, yelling. It really was very noisy. They walked up to a man, who was wearing a black suit.
"Chifu, he's for the waiter-ship. Please show him the basic steps and start working both of you."
""Ok, kid. Here're the rules."
He gave Arashi a small note, which was written all over.
"Yeah... I don't always follow 'em, there's really a lot of them. The basics are; be polite, and don't be clumsy. When a customer comes in say "Hello", bring them to an emoty table, and take the order. Then just bring it to the kitchen. The rest of us will deal with serving food."
"Got it.
Arashi opened the note and read the rules. They were quite simple, really.

Wordcount: 506 /600



The man, Chifu, handed Arashi a pen and a few sheets or paper, for ordering, and then left. I guess... I start. I really expected more than this, for my first mission. I always thought I would kick some bandit ass or something...Not sere dishes. But heck, the pay's good and somebody has to make the job done. It isn't bad, it isn't bad at all.

Arashi went out of the kitchen, and started walking to tables, ordering orders and greeting new people that came in. He politely led them to their tables, took their orders to the kitchen. The whole job was really simple, and it was night before Arashi knew it. The customers slowly got fewer and fewer, until there was none left. The noises from the kitchen was gone, and they sent Arashi home. Hell yeah! Mission complete! - Arashi thought with a grin on his face.

Wordcount: 661/600



--- Arashi Quit The Thread ---

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