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1Nel emerges. [Private] Empty Nel emerges. [Private] Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:28 am

Shieldtsu Nel

Shieldtsu Nel

I've never been so scared. I wasn't sure of what I was doing... just standing up like that, while yelling at those masked men and then running away. I knew that they weren't gonna let go of this so easily, and that was part of this fear that I felt.

This land which was covered in sand, was the complete opposite from the land where i came from. Kirigakure was a land of water, teeming with life and the sensation of cleanness and freshness. Sunagakure, wasn't anything near that. Instead of water it had sand. Instead of trees it had sand. Instead of roads and paths, it had sand. I didn't care about any of that though...atleast not right now. My main concern was to get away from Kiri's Anbu successfully, and to enter into Sunagakure and be under the protection of the Kazekage.

I was now standing on the cliff of a canyon. The canyon looked like it cut a path through the desert, but I had no idea where it lead to. At this point, however, it didnt matter because I didn't which to go anyway. I was lost, and any way seemed like the right way. I looked behind me, to verify that no one was following me. I was happy to see that indeed, no one was following. In turn it calmed me down a little because even though i was lost I had atleast gotten away from the Anbu squad. With my head still turned back, I looked down and took a seat on the edge of the cliff. Then I looked down at the canyon, which was 500m deep. It's width could have measured some 200m.

"A house could fit in there," I said. I couldn't help remember what had happened just three hours ago. (OOC: See RP Sample from Profile) I searched the canyon, atleast to the extent that my eyes allowed, and looked for a house. I wasn't expecting to find one, but I entertained the thought that perhaps Nevelle would have another hide-out. What would i do if i found it? I thought.

The truth is that I didn't know how I was going to capture Nevelle. And right now, my head was still confused because it was still remembering and trying to process the situation i was now in, and the things that lead me to be in it. This wasn't something that I was going to forget or become distracted from so easily. Previous to all this, I had no idea of how it felt to be in a battle where people become demons to keep their lives and to annihilate the others. Right now, I feel like all my senses have been raped. It was all new, and it was all evil. I remember Tsino's story about the attack our clan suffered, but what I had just lived through did not match my perception of the evil that's involved in warfare. It is unimaginable, and I would have never begun to understand if I had not experienced this event. I would have lived a life, fooling myself into thinking that I knew what violence and hatred is. However, because I wasn't spared from that devastating encounter with Nevelle, I have a new perspective of what violence and hatred is...a much real one.

I sighed heavily, as I went over this heartbreaking reality. Then my heart began burning as i recalled that I wanted to stop them, then. I wanted to stop everyone from fighting, but I couldn't move. That huge brown thing, that was the size of an was a boulder. I remember that after it crashed against that house, Nevelle and 3 other men jumped out from underneath the rubble. Immediately, while those men were still in the air, I felt the Anbu squad pass me from behind and I saw one of them leap into the air and then launch a fireball at the foe. Meanwhile, the pierced "doll" was still there, with its feet reaching for the ground. The opponent responded with a jet stream of water that stopped that flaming sphere from reaching them. Shortly after the foe landed on the ground, a huge bird-like monster appeared, and it begun to flap its wings, raising a sandstorm as it took flight. Everyone, including, was caught in that storm. I couldn't tell what was happening ahead, where Nevelle was but I saw fire and lightning flash as the monster flew around trying to pierce its claws into my companions.

I remember when it turned its attention towards me. A single one of its claws was bigger than I was. Fortunately, Giro attacked it and distracted it or else I would have died. Even though I realized it had focused on me, I could not move. At some point, it turned its attention towards me. Giro, then disappeared into the storm and that was when Nevelle came running at me and encased me within 4 earth walls. I don't know how much time went by, before Giro crashed through one of the walls and carried me away along with the rest of the Anbu team.

My mind now began to wonder about my father and why he didn't hurt me or attack me, at that time when he ran up to me. I am convinced that he knew who I was. As i pondered about this, i suddenly felt the urge to look back. There at a great distance, i saw multiple figures. The heated sand distorted the figures and I couldn't tell who they were, or even if they were moving. I stood up, immediately, and turned my entire body to face in the direction of the figures. I squinted my eyes to attempt to get a clearer view, but it was to no avail. They must have been atleast 300m away. Then i took notice that they were moving fast, simply by comparing how at first I could barely discern the shapes and in just a few seconds, the clarity of the shapes improved. I turned my head and looked down at the canyon, and because my heart became filled with fear I leaped off the cliff. I saw no other way to get down, because the slopes of the cliff were a straight 90 degree angle. As a ripped through the air, I kept on hoping I would reach the ground before the figures reached the edge of the cliff. Constantly I kept turning my head to look at the cliff's edge to confirm that they had not reached it yet. I felt like I wasn't going fast enough, even though I would die if I came against the ground at this speed. Finally, after constantly turning me head back and forth I noticed the ground was getting much nearer now, so I exhaled a great deal of air and before i crashed onto the ground i released a stream of wind towards it to lower my speed and make my landing smooth. As soon as I landed, I hurried to run behind a rock that was casting a shadow, and i used one the technique's Tsino taught me. It was perfect for hiding.

In a short while, I saw the figures standing on the cliff's edge and I counted that it was 4 of them. Suddenly all of them leaped off the cliff, and i became terrified. Whoever they were, they were obviously after me. I didn't delay in guessing that it was Kiri's Anbu so I began to worry heavily, because I didn't expect them to be fooled by my technique, specially if Giro was with them. As the group of men descended, I looked and tried to identify Giro which would be easy because I've never met anyone with long red hair like his. It was Giro, who then caused a great wind current to occur, in order to soften their landing as well. When I realized this, I lost all hope. There was no way, that i would escape now. I could already feel his Byakugan revealing my foolish attempt to hide. They landed about 15m behind the rock, on which's shadow I had flatten my body.

"Where is he?" I heard one of them asked. It didn't sound like Giro's voice. If anything, whoever was the one that asked, must have asked Giro.

For a moment, there was a silence and i was so nervous that I wanted to cry. And just when i thought that Giro would pop up next to me, i heard him say, "he disappeared."
"What?" asked the first voice, as i asked the exact same thing in my head, at the exact same time.
"I don't see him," responded Giro.
"He couldn't have gotten that far!" grunted the first voice.
"Well, Sunagakure is North from here. He probably headed South, to the place where we encountered Nel."
"That makes since," responded the third man. "He probably went there to find Nevelle again."
"Alright, let's go," commanded Giro.

I could not believe what just happened. There was no way that Giro did not see me. And not only that, but he even mentioned the direction in which Suna is located. He also led his team in the complete opposite direction! I couldn't resist the impression that Giro was helping me escape. I canceled my technique, and began running at full speed towards Suna.

I ran for about an hour before I came to stand at the entrance of the Kazekage's village. Now I didn't know what to do. Would the Kazekage let me stay in her village? I wasn't sure if I should tell her everything that happen, or the reason why i'm here. Maybe i can just tell her that I'm traveling and I want to get to know this place. I am not quick to think on my feet, and the more pressure I have, the worse. Right now I can't even control myself to seem normal. Nonetheless, my eyes had spotted the kazekage's building and wether i liked it or not my legs were moving towards it.
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