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The day was bright and grand with the morning sunlight. the warm ray's striking heat through the cold valley's and crevices from the night's chill, signifying another day over the land of Iwagakure. Today Hadou had taken his run through the village in the hope to make his way towards the sightseeing cliff instead of his usual routine.

He had been training for a long time just to get to the level of mind, body, and soul he was. Yet he yearned for so much more! in fact he hadn't had a decent chance to test himself for quite sometime now. "(Huff) If only a chance to find where I stand in the village...I bet none of the other genin can handle me haha!(puff)" Just as he was thinking this head had managed to come around a bend in the path up the mountain way and beyond him appeared a sudden expanse of hard earthen shelf. It was big enough for a very large crowd to stand on and when looked upon at the edge where the railing was, one could veiw a grand sight of the whole village.

He approached the edge of the platform and let his leg's rest as he took in the warm morning current with a splendid view of his home. His hair shimmying softly in the wind, the tail's of his headband floating softly. As beads of sweat dripped his brow, Hadou would begin to stretch out his leg's while meditating on his goals:

"One day...One day I'll be the greatest ninja this village has seen...I'm gunna be a legend..."

Taijutsu training: C>B
WC 285

Last edited by Hadou on Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:06 pm; edited 2 times in total



Cazan decided that he would go to his favorite training spot, the sightseeing cliff though he didnt see the whole village like most did when they went there he still loved the area and kind of training he could do there, he imagined that his last training mark was stil there the two destroyed trees that he broke with his taijutsu alone, though injuring himself pretty good too when he finished. He wondered if he would have company there this time, the last time it was pretty lonesome except his Bear he was alone that time he hoped that someone else could or would indulge him in some training.

He arrived at the Cliff at what he imagined wast sometime during the afternoon though he coudlnt really see the sun so he usually just knew if it were day or night, but he knew that it was day at the moment. He started the walk up to the cliff top with his little sun bear paddling along behind him, though he was getting bigger lately at the moment he was the size of a small dog with longer arms but he soon would grow to be big as a bear he couldnt wait until he could use his bear in a fight. When he arrived at the top of the hill he felt that another person was there, it seemed that it as a male by the way he was standing he seemed to be around 180 pounds and almost 6 feet tall though not meeting the marker, though he stood with the grace of one heavily muscled which seemed to give away that he must be a ninja, the kid also yelled out something about him going to become the best ninja so is theory was given away about the ninja part now to see what kind of ninja he was.

Best Ninja Eh? that is a nice goal to have, but you realize to be the best you have to be able to beat any other ninja in the village, to outpower the strongest and out race the fastest as he said fastest he ran top speed to the front of the kid using his jonin level speed to make himself appear a blur of movement, he hoped that that would impress the teen or kid that he was just now meeting, he then smiled in the kids face in a warmhearted way, for he bore no anger toward this ninja and wanted to but see what was up in a his own odd way.
Wc 430



A blink of the eye and a startled expression came over Hadou as he looked up. A blur was just forming in front of him; the person having moved far faster then his own mind could have comprehended had he watched him at a standstill; and yet the tingling at the nape of HAdou's neck had himself tensed and ready to some manner...

But the figure was there smiling already before him, a mane of auburn red hair and a simple complexion it seemed. Hadou rose to a full stand, as his red open jacket exposed his lean and chiseled young body. " that's basically what I meant...heh, you don't look so weak yourself actually...hmmm...I could be wrong though, I'd never know unless-"


It happened without pause, a light roundhouse snapped to the side temple, however it transitioned into a spinning reverse crescent as HAdou reversed his upper torque and whirled around into a spinning kick aimed at the other temple. A smile on his face, because this was merely an opening to test and perhaps instill some worry in the newcomer. His flashy showing off had set a challenge into Hadou's mind and the Kanetsu in him yearned to rise at the occasion.

The kick was swift and within solid form- enough to signal that Hadou had in-depth training and preparation of how to effectively wield the body as a weapon. He specialized in taijutsu, and with practice Hadou could go to higher levels of mastery and skill. His hair flourished, and his eye's beamed along with the confident smirk of Hadou's leer: Let's see what ya got!

Wc: 299 words
Total: 584



The kid was his type, right after his sentance he kid had smiled and went into a spinning roundhouse turned into a differant kind of kick, though Cazan felt the weight shift before it happened, his tremor sense was almost better sometimes then what he imagined his eyes would be. The moment the kids foot started to come around to his temple Cazan closed his eyes and smiled wide, he was obviously a taijutsu user of some sorts, So that meant cazan would respond in turn. Cazan brought his arm up to block the incoming strike to his temple eyes still closed, he then brought opposite leg up at his fastest speed to kick the teen in the back of his kicking leg. Cazan then jumped into the air and aimed to land behind the ninja, and upon landing swinging his right around in a sweeping kung fu kick directly at the left heel of the other teen hoping to sweep him off of his feet, if this was sucessful he would the proceed to do a backflip kick to the now in mid air opponant. Landing back on his feet nimbly he then jumped back 3 meters from his opponent waiting for him to make the next move, thus far he was having a fun time...
Total Wc~ 650



The kick was swift but not fast anough for apparently this guy held a trick up his...sleeve...wait a second! The kick was definately blo0cked. But Hadou had caught something with his Keen eye's. Surmission had to wait though as he saw a follow up maneuver coming from his opponent's foot. There was emrely time enough to leap back into a reverse flip as his opponent's own kicking leg helped to give momentum to the flip, by smacking into the under of Hadous own leg.

This was well because the direction of energy was united and thus pain in collision avoided by 3/4's leaving a mild tingle in the rear of his thigh. He planted his feet firmly from the retreating flip and looked to find his foe already on the move again. He was damn fast; the blur of his target dropping down right5 behind his own frame!


Hadou thought sharply as he felt his leg's sweep out from under his body. He rolled in mid air for a moment before sharply crossing his arm's in front of his chest as a shin and foot flashed from right under him, colliding into the chest cavity hard! His arm's blocked it of course, but just barely due to agile reflex, a watchful eye and training in the striking arts of muay thai. IT was all he could do to keep his body from being belted right over the cliff!

Which was narrowly done as his body rose into a triple wild flip before Hadou regained himself and landed the tip of his right toe at the railing's edge. A comical moment passed where in he struggled to balance himself ending up standing tight and nimble on the tip's of his very feet; his eye's looking fierce, and his lip's straining in a grimace of dark lamentation: Had he fallen off that might not have been such a legendary life after all!!!

But alas Hadou got his balance well and leered forward after a sigh of relief escaped himself. " Alright wanna play strong off top eh?" Hadou feigned as he slammed palm into fist and then crouched low before leaping high into the air by fifteen feet! His body spun around twice as he arose, hoping his opponent would meet him in the air for a light exchange!

The temp of his body was set off by the challenge and Hadou felt pretty warm though not so hot that it'd have hurt someone to the touch. He could feel the adrenaline pumping and his blood was set on fire within like a shot of rum taken back to back!

WC: 465



Bam! his Strong fist and Kung fu combo had worked wonders it seemed, He was having a ball, and tuhs far he didnt even need jutsu yet just plain old taijutsu would work just fine for the moment. At the moment the teen had jumped high in the air tihnking that he was going to meet him, the truth of it was when he jumped cazan lost where he was except that he calculated on the angle and the amount of tremors that his feet made when he jumped and the amount of power so he ''knew''' where he was in the air so it made it simple to aim his next jutsu. Cazan quickly dropped to the ground and grabbed a 5ft by 5ft sphere of rock and dirt, Using the clan special technique the Kazan he threw the large boulder into the air and kicked it at the spot the teen would be at, making the outcome if it hit a funny one though he would really know if it hit or not until the kid landed, but just to be safe, if the teen somehow dodged this attack he threw one kunai at the spot he would be landing at if the technique was somehow bypassed. Cazan still did this with his eyes fully shut, his opponant didnt know he was blind and cazan wasnt going to tell him he hoped that he could get a little bit of an edge using the fact that he was blind and seeing without his eyes...
185/200Name: Kazan
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-S
Type: Offensive
Element: Doton
Range: Mid - Far
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: 1 Posts
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Description: By ‘grabbing’ onto the earth by placing your hand palm down towards the ground (not touching it) closing your fingers and moving your hand upwards you raise a chunk of the earth up that when combined with taijutsu can be kicked and or punched at your opponent. This also works for boulders or other rocks lying around the area.
The higher the rank the larger of a piece of the earth you can move and project towards your opponent.
Because of the sheer size and strength needed to perform this without breaking bones more rigorous training is needed, causing all training to require another 500 additional words for every rank it’s trained for.
Jutsu Used:



COming down from above, HAdou grinned fiercely as he watched his opponent. Keen eye's seemed to absorb minute details within fractions of a second: His opponent had been fighting with his eye's closed ever since the first kick was blocked. In fact he had been acting as if he where capable of sensing the world around him just fine without his eye's. Was he a sensory type? IT would have been very hard for even a jounin to fight in such a way without some trick to this feat...

Hadou keened his facial expression as a boulder flew at him with aim as if his enemy could see him airborne. The boulder flew for Hadou but his hand's where already set into motion. The hand seals where swift like a blur, and the chakra molded tightly, and brought to his hand's which began to glow a slight orange as heat also radiated from the palms. HAdou planted his feet on the airborne boulder and rolled into a sidelong cartwheel avoiding the boulder's blunt force, as well as testing a theory: Could his target know where he would land now with eye's still closed?


Hadou landed on the ground far ten meter's to the side of his opponent and immediately slammed his blazing hand's to the ground. A spider webbing of neon orange vein's began to spread out, at least covering a total of 5 or so meter's within a moment, and gaining all around him. It would suddenly rise up around himself into a sort of webbed barrier protecting him from all side's around it seemed. If his enemy where to attack with another boulder or taijutsu strike the webbing of rubber like tar would protect HAdou. However hole's in between the substance would enable him to see and throw projectiles from within...or use other techniques.

IF he knows where I am now, then he's got to have some sort of advanced hearing or sensory capability. I've never seen a person fight with their eye's closed like this...Now let's see him find me...I got you now...

WC: 371

Jutsu used:



His opponent had landed and had activated some sort of jutsu, though what it did was not yet apparent, he saw now again that his sparring partner wasnt moving, so cazan took the breif time to say a few words, Hm nice, you are very good at taijutsu, not as good as me but you are still a genin, lets see how you do against this He said this as he ran directly at the teen and went top speed at this kid and what seemed to be a weird web surrounding him, though he knew he could get the better of it, in mid run Cazan jumped into the air and released his chakra on his body, making him spinning wildly, and also speeding him up to around 25 mph, and making him fly toward the jutsu his opponant had cast. Then as he was still flying at his opponent he cast yet again another jutsu, he released a powerful wind out of both of his palms, increasing his speed to around 75 miles per hour, becoming exremly fast and powerful due to the speed, the next thing to happen was to come in contact with the jutsu, though he didnt even know what it was...
Jutsu Used:

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