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It was a beautiful Friday. The sun was glazing over Owydelu's eyes. But now, not as in everyday, he was on the roof. Normally, Owydelu would sleep to keep his energy on, but now, he just couldn't do it. It was suspicious how Owydelu couldn't sleep. This was his favorite mode the start the day. Sleeping was his most "valuable" action to do. Trying to get his mind away from this topic, he got up and then he got down to his room. It was just morning now, and he was already prepared for the upcoming mission. He already took the warm and long shower, he already took the breakfast, tea and peanut butter jelly. Everything was done. He even made his bed, something that you could rarely see to Owydelu. He cleaned the room a little too. But he didn't do this because he cared about how clean the room was or about his own good, he did this because he was very bored. When the clock hit eight o'clock, Owydelu got out of his room. He locked up the door to protect it from burglars, thieves and other possible harms.

The men were getting to their work places, to protect the village or to help him with everything It would've needed. The kids were going to the academy, to learn everything that needed to be learned in order to become a fine ninja. They were taken there by their moms that, after they'd finish this work, they'd go home to clean it, to cook something or to go to the groceries and buy all the needed ingredients. They were taking care of the house, saying this with the finest words. Owydelu remembered what the mission said, from yesterday, when he took it:

Recently an Assassin group named the White Hand attempted to assassinate the leader of a small town. The reason for this attempt is unkown, so the town is hiring you to find their base, and then sneak into it and recover a scroll that contains a hitlist as well as the members of the White Hand without being spotted, and if spotted to do what ever it takes to kill all members that are on site. The members of the White Hand that are currently on site are chuunins and gennin. Their is 4 genins, and 4 chuunins. What makes this mission dangerous is that the chuunin excel in tai jutsu and ken jutsu and wield a C rank sword at all times. The gennin excell in tai jutsu and are able to combine wind chakra with their punches to make them stronger.

There was nothing too complicated or what Owydelu couldn't handle himself. But his old friend Niko was coming along too, so It was less work for him. He finally arrived there, but there was no clue that Niko was there too. He was waiting there, trying to guess when will Niko come along.

Word Count:



It seems that Niko’s workload was increasing quite a bit. Ever since he and Takeshi Uzumaki had taken care of the gang of bandits terrorizing the town of Hioko near Konohagakure, word had spread of his prowess in battle. More requests from the Administration office were coming in for Niko on a frequent basis, asking him to get rid of individuals or certain groups of people within the Land of Fire. He had basically become a hitman for Konohagakure. No high ranking targets were given to the young Chuunin yet, but eventually he may have to assassinate political dissidents and criminals. Whatever the assignment, he was ready to complete his task.

Now, he was assigned a bit of an out of the ordinary mission compared to his now common duties. He was tasked with intruding into an Assassin group’s hideout and retrieving a scroll. The document with the mission details is as follows:

Recently an Assassin group named the White Hand attempted to assassinate the leader of a small town. The reason for this attempt is unknown, so the town is hiring you to find their base, and then sneak into it and recover a scroll that contains a hitlist as well as the members of the White Hand without being spotted, and if spotted to do whatever it takes to kill all members that are on site. The members of the White Hand that are currently on site are Chuunins and Genin level. There are 4 genins, and 4 chuunins. What makes this mission dangerous is that the chuunin excel in Taijutsu and Kenjutsu and all of them wield a C-rank katana at all times. The gennin excel in Taijutsu and are able to combine wind chakra with their punches to make them stronger.

Reading through the document, he also noticed that he had been paired with Owydelu Senju. He was somewhat acquainted with him, having spent some time with him as a child. Niko was well known to associate with those of the Senju clan. Kyo Senju, a good friend of the young Hatake and current head of the Senju clan. Koji Senju, a miscreant who had a bout with Niko awhile ago. Sousetsu Senju, a bare acquaintance. Then there was Owydelu, whom Niko had not seen in quite awhile.

Walking to the village’s front gate to meet the Senju and check-in, as was usual protocol, Niko already had an approach to the mission in mind. He took his dog tag and gloves and stuck them in his pocket. Cracking his neck and knuckles, he reaches the check-in station. After a brief conversation with the shinobi there, he glances around for Owydelu.

He immediately saw him standing in-between the gates of Konohagakure, waiting for his compatriot. Walking up to him, he casually addressed him “Hey Owydelu. It’s been awhile.”

Both of them starting to walk out of the village’s proximity he gave the Senju his game-plan “This is what we’ll do. Take off everything associated with the village. Forehead protectors, vests, everything. We’re going to strike incognito, so nothing is traced back to the village. Since you’re a Senju, don’t use any Mokuton-based jutsu. They could assume we were Konoha ninja off of the use of those techniques as well. I don’t necessarily plan on killing these guys, yet if we have to we shall.”

Then he jumped on a tree branch and began to speedily dash across the forest to reach their destination before the nighttime hit.

Word count:



Owydelu was there, waiting for Niko to arrive. Suddenly, Niko immediately saw him standing in-between the gates of Konohagakure, waiting for his compatriot. Walking up to him, he casually addressed him “Hey Owydelu. It’s been awhile.” Owydelu saw Niko that tried to be friendly with him. After all, they weren't on the same mission everyday, so they had to make it so this will be the best mission they ever did. The sun was glazing over Owydelu's body. The wind was strongly pushing everything on it's way. Owydelu turned around, saying to Niko: "Hey Niko! Haven't seen you for a while now!"

Both of them starting to walk out of the village’s proximity he gave the Senju his game-plan “This is what we’ll do. Take off everything associated with the village. Forehead protectors, vests, everything. We’re going to strike incognito, so nothing is traced back to the village. Since you’re a Senju, don’t use any Mokuton-based jutsu. They could assume we were Konoha ninja off of the use of those techniques as well. I don’t necessarily plan on killing these guys, yet if we have to we shall.”

Then Niko jumped on a tree branch and began to speedily dash across the forest to reach their destination before the nighttime hit. Owydelu was right in his back, trying to sustain his strategy. Owydelu got down his head-band, trying not to get the attention of anyone. He could live without that, but not using wooden techniques? Would he be able to fight without those? After all, this was the clan's most powerful type of fighting. But, even with these arguments, Owydelu was still able to fight without the Clan's most powerful techniques. He did know some Doton and Suiton techniques and those were enough for him to defeat some chuunin, just in case. After some traveling time, they finally arrived there, in the village near Konohagure. Suddenly, Owydelu said to Niko: "To get to the White-Hand, we have to get some information first! Let's try at this bar, in the village!" The two of them were getting closer to the Inn, where they had to find enough information to find the assassins' hidden place.

They entered in a silent way there. It was a dirty bar. The walls were full with the rest of some drinks. Some glasses were down, on the floor broken. The people were looking like they wanted to hide something. They were looking at Owydelu and at Rinshi like they wanted to steal everything that was there. Even if this village was attacked by the White-Hand, it seems that still, after this attack, there are a few "Insects" that are trying to destroy this once Peaceful Village. Owydelu started to walk trough the little crowd that was there, trying to get to the main table, where the "Barman" was to serve you. Owydelu approached the table and he asked for a light drink. After some minutes, he came back and he also had given the wanted drink to Owydelu. The Barman was asked by the Senju Guy: "I came here to ask you something! What do you know about the White-Hand?" The barman hesitated and then he wanted to leave the room, trying to escape from the question adressed to him. "I'm repeating this once more! What do you know about the White-Hand?" Asked Owydelu once again. The two ninja were now waiting for his response.

Word Count:



Near the end of their travel across the forest, the pair were near a town near that was near the White Hand’s hideout. Owydelu recommended to the young Hatake "To get to the White-Hand, we have to get some information first! Let's try at this bar, in the village!" Heeding his advice, the two drop down to the ground at the boundary of the forest, and proceed to walk into the town.  

Entering the bar, Niko noticed that it was a very shanty place. Not well kept, very dirty. The stench in the air penetrated his nose and crept up his nasal passages. A very unsatisfying smell. He didn’t pinch his nose to quell the stench from invading his nose. Hopefully the pair could vacate the bar and go on their way to find their targets.

The locals were looking at the two in a gruesome manner. They were appearing to be on edge, waiting to see if the pair would do something sketchy. Niko sat down at a table near bar. His Senju partner walked up to the bar and asked for alcohol of some sort. Being underrage, the 14-year old Chuunin didn’t order a drink. He has had alcohol before, even with his father. Never being drunk, he had a high tolerance, which was a polar opposite of his father, who was a quite lightweight by Niko’s observation.

When Owydelu went up to the bar to obtain his drink order, he asked the bartender "I came here to ask you something. What do you know about the White-Hand?"

Trying to ignore the question, the bartender just went about his business. Asking his question over, the Senju said in a more firm tone "I'm repeating this once more! What do you know about the White-Hand?"

After the man shook his head, he sighed and responded to the question “You shouldn’t be going around this town asking questions like that.”

We motioned for the Senju to come closer. Niko saw this and walked up to the bar to listen in on what he was going to tell to his comrade. The barkeep then whispered “They are a group of lawless assassins who are a plague to this town. Many of our citizens have been murdered by this group. You can find them outside of town, to the west that is. Whatever you’re planning to do, I hope we’re rid of the scumbags soon.”

Niko turned his head back and saw a couple men raise up out of their chairs and retrieve kunai from pouches. He nudges his partner and once he draws his attention, nods to the two who are ready to fight. After a few moments, the drawn kunai are thrown at the two Leaf shinobi. Niko’s reflexes were sufficient enough to respond to the action. He reaches out both of his arms and grabbed the knives by their handles. Then spinning them in a 180 degree motion, he threw the knives at their two original wielders. Niko aimed both of them to pierce them in the chest. As both of the weapons hit their mark, he carelessly walked over to the incapacitated pair.

He stated coldly “Make sure to tell your ‘buddies’, that the Black Foot group is running things around here now.”

Motioning to Owydelu to leave the establishment, Niko didn’t care whether or not his partner paid for his alcohol, he just wanted to get to their targeted location. As soon as both left the bar, Niko said to the Senju “Let’s go right now to their base of operations and complete this mission.”

In the westward direction, both of the shinobi dashed across the rooftops of the town. Niko then gave Owydelu further instruction of how they could complete the mission soundly and smoothly “Alright, here’s how we’ll get this assignment done. Sorry to boss you around, but I already know how we can complete our task quickly and efficiently.”  

Pausing for a moment, he then continued to address his partner on this mission “You will intrude from the back and silently retrieve the hitlist for their marks. I, on the other hand, will attack head-on. I can distract them and eliminate all of their forces that come at me. Since they have no forewarning of our approach, they’ll have no idea that you’ll be intruding their base of operations.”

Skipping across rooftops quite a bit more, he then finished the mission briefing “Once you gain the list, you leave the area and go back to the village. If they are trailing you, kill them on sight. I can handle myself and will travel back to the village by myself. The most important task is that their hit-list is retrieved.”

Approaching at their destination, masked by shadow, Niko nods to his partner and they both go on to contribute to the success of their mission.

Word count:




As Owydelu was waiting for the response to come out of the Barman's mouth, the silence was falling over the bar. The men started looking at the ninja like they were responsible for everything: For the death of everyone, for the nature's destroying, in fact, for everything. Niko saw this and walked up to the bar to listen in on what he was going to tell to his comrade. The barkeep then whispered “They are a group of lawless assassins who are a plague to this town. Many of our citizens have been murdered by this group. You can find them outside of town, to the west that is. Whatever you’re planning to do, I hope we’re rid of the scumbags soon.”
Niko turned his head back and saw a couple men raise up out of their chairs and retrieve kunai from pouches. He reaches out both of his arms and grabbed the knives by their handles. As both of the weapons hit their mark, he carelessly walked over to the incapacitated pair.

He stated coldly “Make sure to tell your ‘buddies’, that the Black Foot group is running things around here now. In the westward direction, both of the shinobi dashed across the rooftops of the town. Niko then gave Owydelu further instruction of how they could complete the mission soundly and smoothly “Alright, here’s how we’ll get this assignment done. Sorry to boss you around, but I already know how we can complete our task quickly and efficiently. You will intrude from the back and silently retrieve the hitlist for their marks. I, on the other hand, will attack head-on. I can distract them and eliminate all of their forces that come at me. Since they have no forewarning of our approach, they’ll have no idea that you’ll be intruding their base of operations. Once you gain the list, you leave the area and go back to the village. If they are trailing you, kill them on sight. I can handle myself and will travel back to the village by myself. The most important task is that their hit-list is retrieved.”

They approached the destination silently, trying not to draw the attention of anyone. The sky was clear in this night....too clear for their own sake. The moon could've destroyed their disguises and, as a response to this action, they could've been caught easily. Suddenly, a group of ninja were getting at the certain spot. Owydelu , with a powerful and long jump, has reached the window from where he was going to enter in the certain building. Owydelu was feeling bad because he had to abandon his comrade while having to fight such a large amount of enemies. Owydelu had the easiest job, but he was the only one that could do it. He had the stealth skills of a Jounin and Niko was only a mere Chuunin. Even like that, he was powerful enough to take care of some Gennin and Chuunin. He was from the Hatake Clan after all. The Copy Ninja and the White Fang were part of his family, so he had to get some skill from those relatives.

Owydelu was now close to the room from where he had to take the list. It was well guarded so Owydelu used a basic technique from the academy to test their skills. He created a Clone as a bait for the guards, and they took the it. Owydelu entered the room, forgetting that there are some chances to find some other ninja there too. He entered in a rush, while finding two ninja right in that room. Before having a chance to give the alarm signal, Owydelu captured them with his "Mokuton no Jutsu". He took the list and he got out of there, trying to not get spotted again. Despite his attention, some mere Gennin ninja were coming after him, but they weren't even close to copying the speed of a Konoha Jounin. With just a few hand-seals, Owydelu confused them, creating more clones that were going in different ways. With this strategy, Owydelu stopped all of them from following him, without even killing one of them. After half an hour, Owydelu arrived at the Konoha's Main Building, all tired up because of the sprint he used. He gave the paper to the officials there and he was now going to get out of the building when, Niko arrived too. Owydelu smiled to Niko, while trying to get a hand-shake with him: "This was a successful mission, partner!"

Word Count:



Allowing his partner to proceed first and get into position near the back of the building, Niko waited within the shadows until he thought Owydelu was ready to proceed.

With no reason to be stealthy anymore, Niko emerged from the darkness casually, walking up to the front entrance of the White Hand’s hideout. A couple men who seemed to be a part of the organization were stationed in front. They both were armed with sheathed katanas that were strapped to their backs. Noticing the young Hatake from afar, the shinobi on the right addressed him to figure out his motive

“Hey kid! What’re you doing around these parts so late at night?”

With his dog tag and gloves within his left pocket, not to identify him with Konohagakure, he proclaimed falsely “I am a member of the “Black Foot” organization! I am here to eliminate you all, so that my we can become the foremost assassin group in the region!”

Niko wanted to make sure that these shinobi wouldn’t cause any problems for the village, if they decided to retaliate.

“Well, if that’s the case, we can send you back to the “Black Feet” in a bag, because we’re not going anywhere!”

The Chuunin’s fearlessness was exciting for Niko, as his ego emerged and wanted to swiftly eliminate his foes, to display his strength.

Both of the White Hand shinobi rushed at him, with the one who spoke earlier in the lead. He neared the Hatake, unsheathed his katana and swung for his head. With the blade approaching his face, he squatted down casually with a mischievous grin on his face.

Moments later, a crackle rang through the night as he broke the assailant’s right wrist and took his katana. Screaming in agony and wincing in pain, the opponent shinobi retreated a few steps backward. The teenager threw the sword off to his left, so that it wouldn’t become a factor in the fight anymore.

In a blind rage, fueled by pain and adrenaline, the now unarmed shinobi drew a kunai knife with his left hand. Rushing at the Chuunin, Niko wanted to intimidate his compatriot enough so he would flee in fear. The kunai came close to Niko’s face, until he grasped his opponent’s wrist once again. Muttering under his breath “ should learn from your mistakes...”, he proceeded to break the other wrist of his enemy, unarming him from his weapon once again. Taking the kunai, he tossed it aside, preparing to finish him off.

Jumping in the air, he gave a knee to the face of his opponent, hopefully enough to knock him out and intimidate his other opponent enough to make him flee. To no avail, the partner of the fallen shinobi charged at Niko. Also, within his peripheral vision, he noticed two more shinobi emerge from the building. They must’ve heard the commotion outside and ran out to see what was occurring. One also wielded a katana, which was already drawn out. The other was unarmed, yet a small typhoon surround his fists. He must’ve used Fuuton jutsu to amplify his hand-to-hand combat.

“I should start to use Ninjutsu to enhance my close combat.”

Snapping back to his adversary in front of him, he saw that he tried to slice him up with a katan, just like his partner’s failed attempt before. Niko dodged to his left, and ran straight for the unarmed shinobi. The swordsmen weren’t a problem for Niko, yet it seemed that he was very slightly unsure about the Taijutsu user. Jumping over the two reinforcements of his original opponents. Weaving hand signs for a moment, then outstretching both of his arms, bolts of lighting emerged from both of  his palms. Hitting their marks, both of the targets fell unable to move and unconscious.

Landing, he then turned on his heel in a 180 degree motion. Running straight for his opponent, he planned on incapacitating him and going to assist the Senju Jounin if need be. Right in front of his opponent, who was standing in a regular Kenjutsu stance in preparation to defend himself, Niko sidestepped and quickly stopped behind his foe. Grabbing his throat, putting him in a sleeper hold, the other shinobi dropped his katana to try and unwrap the Hatake’s arms from around his neck.

After about 15 seconds, he was unresponsive. All of the shinobi who approached Niko were incapacitated and dealt with. Searching the area for any other ninja to deal with, he spotted none instantly. A moment or two later, he noticed a sole figure emerge from the building and dashing across the forest towards the direction of Konohagakure. a handful followed the person, seeming as if a chase ensued. Niko pursued what seemed to be his comrade, along with the remaining White Hand shinobi, throughout the forest.

Noticing that Owydelu made clones to distract the ninja tailing him, the coast was clear as they dispersed and followed the fake Senju. He decided to remain a significant distance behind his partner, so that if the White Hand assassins suddenly emerged to chase after Owydelu, that Niko could handle them and the hitlist could in fact be delivered to the village.

Without another confrontation with the assassins, both of the ninja arrived in Konohagakure and went straight for the Administration Building. The Senju entered the facility, with Niko following a few moments later. He saw Owydelu give the paper to the officials there, and turn around to exit the building, until he caught sight of Niko.

Smiling to him, Owydelu attempted to get a handshake out of the Hatake :"This was a successful mission, partner!"

Hesitantly, the Hatake nodded and shook his mission partner’s hand. Turning around, he proceeded to walk away, waving to his Senju comrade shortly before walking in the direction of his home.

-exit thread-

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