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1Academy [Mission Solo] Empty Academy [Mission Solo] Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:24 am



He loved children and today he had to go and teach the youth of tomorrow in their ninja academy skills. He yearned for an opportunity like this ever since he had became a Genin he had always wanted something that involved helping kids. As he walked toward the Academy he wondered what he would teach them, perhaps how to use a kunai, maybe how to wield a sword or perhaps the basics of the clone or transformation jutsu. Whatever he chose he was sure he would impress most of not all of the students there. He was basically a substitute for the class today for whatever reason but he wasn't complaining upon entering the classroom the seats set up like that of a Shakespearian theatre with the youth sitting rather bored performing various bored person tasks, like picking their nose, or twiddling their thumbs. Tee walked to the middle of the classroom and cleared his throat loudly hoping to get the attention of the students. They were all so damn cute each and every one of them being not any older than eight.

"So what have you children been learned" he would ask hoping for a response but he received none instead he received shouts from the children "SHOW US A COOL JUTSU, TELL US HOW YOU ALMOST DIED IN A MISSION" it seemed like they were only concerned in the more appealing and dangerous aspects of ninja so Tee would say ok alright and open up the window. The ceiling was made entirely of glass so you could see the sky above on this nice sunny day. He would stick his head out the window facing upward performing the tiger hand seal. He inhaled deeply then upon exhalation a large fireball would blast upward the students would ohh and ahh as they watched it fly higher and higher and then eventually dissipate into nothingness."Now, lets learn the clone technique" he would say after hit little demonstration. He would perform the clone technique and then call upon a volunteer to see if he could do it. The clone was pretty good and Tee decided if he could get 5 kids in a row that could provide a good clone their class could be over.

It appeared that only a few of them only really knew how to perform the clone technique correctly and achieved perfect clones. The rest Tee taught how to tweak their clone and little tricks that they could do to make the clone better. In about twenty minutes even though it seemed like an hour the majority of them had appeared to have gotten the hand of the clone technique, they didn't have it quite mastered but at least now they could actually perform the technique and there wouldn't be any issues in the future if somebody else tried to get them to perform it. Then when class was almost over he decided that since his first little game had failed that if you couldn't perform the clone technique you couldn't leave the classroom to go to your next class.

Only two of the kids remained behind because they both couldn't quite yet perform the clone technique. They were the same tel kids who were asleep in the back of try classroom yet they wondered why they couldn't perform the technique. "Look when you sleep in the back of the class how do you expect to learn things, are you guys ok?" he would ask genuinely caring about the kids well being. They explained to him how their mother was dying and they were both siblings and his they needed an antidote like not now but right now.


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