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Wolfgang walked into the hospital courtyard, he just got out from his new injuries though they were not as bad as his regular ones, he still wondered if he would find that damn Sero kid again, that was a fun tangle he hoped he could do it again soon, but maybe kill him of course. he looked up at the sky, it wasnt raining today for a change and Wolf could see the blue sky...he hated the beautiful sky it was pretty and couldnt really be killed so he could do nothing about it it made him angry, Wolf liked the dark grey rainy days in kiri, as it normally was here.

Around him was the injured and the sick all gauzed up and in pain...he wondered how they felt pain, it had been so long since Wolf knew pain he had felt it once but not anymore he wanted to hit something and soon, the next person to talk to the giant would be in a world of pain, and maybe death this time his last fight had left him with a sour taste in his mouth and an absence of blood maybe his Dino would like to jump on in to help out, he hadnt talked to Dudika in a while and they enjoyed talking with eachother about murder and blood. where was the peeple who he could attack he would have to find them soon or he would explode.
wordcount is 245 (training




The Adventures of Oomi!
Time for some Melty (Oomi, Wolf, no kill, invite only) 48793-bscap0084_super
Forecast: Sunny with a chance of Melt
Oomi vs Wolfgang

“Mmmmmmph.” Oomi stretched her arms up above her and leaned back the instant she’d stepped out into the sunlight. It was good to finally be free of that damned cast and moving about. It seemed an eternity ago that she had plummeted from the free air just in front of her favorite rooftop. How had such a thing happened? The young kunoichi was determined to develop a new technique – granted it was merely a variation of a possible Fuuton jutsu. She’d accomplished her goal – the Adechi had learned to walk on air. She just hadn’t expected to only get five steps out of the deal.

“How are you feeling, Oomi?” The voice belonged to one Doctor Yu, not that she’d remember his name. He’d stepped out only a moment after her and narrowly avoided a fist to the face. He’d accompanied her to help her understand why she’d not feel the warmth of the sun on her skin – she didn’t even notice.

“Great! …could use a little loosening up though.” Oomi answered, her right index finger placed against her chin as if she were in deep thought. “When do I get to leave here? I should get back to training right away. S’been way too much time off.” She grabbed at her triceps. “I’ll be all kinds of flabby and then people will hear my arms flapping in the wind. Not a secret ninja girl style move at all… though I guess it might make it easier to fly … maybe.” She was already walking away from the doctor and actually intentionally having this conversation with herself. He would have told her when she could go home if only she’d given him a chance.

For a few minutes her conversation with herself continued moving through varied subjects before finally ending on the tactical advantages of being bald. This is best described as irony, being that only a few moments later such a bald headed man would step into the young warrior’s line of sight. He was covered, from what she could see, in tattoos from head to toe – menacing ones that just screamed; “don’t **** with me”.

“Oi! Baldy! How’s that dome of yours take a punch?” It was a serious question despite how it might have sounded. She really did want to know if his being bald made punches simply slide off of the smooth surface. Perhaps, she could go bald as well – maybe even slather her bald head with some kind of oil and forever be less susceptible to strikes.

Word Count: 442
[ Training: Ninjutsu C ---> B ]
[Total Word Count: 442 / 2000 ]

Last edited by Oomi on Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total



Some girl had called out to him, a ninja by the looks of it, its almost like the universe was just giving him gifts, especially since she had called out to him about his baldness, she probably didnt know that he shaved his head to show his tattoo on his head, the funny thing was that he was thinking of growing it into a Mohawk, it would be more fearsome and people would stop calling him bald, though it did give him reason to attack someone, Wolfgang turned to the girl and took off his sunglasses showing his white iris and small pupils, he then smiled a long wide smile and called out to the girl in a quiet, venomous voice, Bald? ohh it makes it harder to hit my head i guess, but those pretty locks of yours can be grabbed cant they? oh it would hurt would not it, Pain is a wonderful thing isnt it, i wouldnt know but lets see if you do hahah but first i need a smoke he pulled out a smoke and lit it up and activated his jutsu at the same time, mixing his chakra with the smoke he inhaled and then breathed it out and slowly let it float towards the girl, knowin that it looks like normal smoke and once it got near the girl he made it fly into her face and mouth area, knowing that it would choke and string the eyes and melt at the face if it hit, hoping that she would just think it was smoke until it was too late, hoping the pain it would cause would make her scream he would move on from there.
Wordcount 540
Jutsu used Chakra 185:



The Adventures of Oomi!
Time for some Melty (Oomi, Wolf, no kill, invite only) 48793-bscap0084_super
Forecast: Sunny with a chance of Melt
Oomi vs Wolfgang

She did actually expect him to answer so quickly and especially not in such a manner. Oomi gave Wolfgang a blank stare as he chattered away. His words were full of threats and an obvious obsession with pain – if anything he’d be a tough one. She’d no idea who she was speaking to. “What do you mean grabbed? Don’t you touch my hair!” She didn’t exactly know how to respond to anything else that he’d said.

The young Genin’s eyes narrowed as Wolfgang reached for a cigarette and lit it. It was unfortunate that she’d no idea he possessed such a dastardly attack. To make matters worse the girl had lost all physical sensation – a fact she was yet to become aware of. Her face was washed in what she thought was nothing more than smoke, acid hidden within sticking to her flesh, burning her eyes and throat, as well as forcing a heavy cough. Yet, still she’d no idea what was happening to her flesh besides these latter inconveniences. She’d cough again before speaking; “What a jerk!” She was now rubbing at her eyes which her still stinging. “Who does that?! You asked for it, pal!”

There was no need for a second though, nor did it matter that she couldn’t see very well at the moment. She’d had a good idea of where he was prior to his sneak attack – which she still was quite unaware of the scope of. A hand was balled into a tight fist and thrown forward far faster than it rightfully should have been. The shinobi of the Adechi clan had activated nearly the most basic of techniques known to her loosely knit family; Genkhairyu: Ikoiheiki ( Entropy Style: Entropy Distortion ) and thusly increased the speed with which her strike moved by 25%. The speedy right hand straight came with the ferocity of a seasoned boxer despite her youthfulness and inexperience. Years of training and being a fairly quick learner were to thank for that. Not that she’d trained particularly hard. Ol’baldy’d better move or be hit with the fist of fury!

Chakra: 140 / 150

Entropy Style:



~flashback~ Wolfgang was only a boy of 3, he was walking down the road and saw two kids holding hands with their mother and father...laughing the concept confused him the parents weret hitting them or even yelling at them and what was the hand holding about, so at that age Wolf though it would be a good idea to ask them, the 3 year old giant walked up and said to them ''why are you holding their hands, what is the point the parents looked down at him with confused faces, the mother answered him back with ''its because we love them'' the word still rang in the heartless giants head and still he knew not what it meant or was...what was this love, was it another type of pain for now felt none of it only emptiness that he had to flll with the blood of others....Love

Wolf snapped back into reality as the fight started to roll along,

The girl barely reacted as the cloud of smoke and acid consumed her face and filled her lungs, it made Wolf wonder, though not for long, he now saw a fist coming at him at a quite high speed, was it a jutsu or was she just faster then him, he would find out though, he continued making sure the cloud of smoke stayed in her lungs and face while he did his next move, the punch came at him, but he didnt move out of the way or try and block it, for it seemed the girl knew what she was doing and trying to dodge would be what she wanted, instead he took the punch, although it hit him in the lower jaw, due to him being above seven feet tall, he felt nothing. Right after the punch he went to grab the girls arm and hit down on it with his other hand as hard as he could, aiming for the middle of the girls forearm and hoping to fracture or at least leave some severe brusing at minimun he wanted to see how much pain she could take, so right after the punch still keeping the could of acid in her face he grabbed her by the throat and tried to choke her, hopefully he could make her feel the pain of not breathing that would be fun...




The Adventures of Oomi

Time for some Melty (Oomi, Wolf, no kill, invite only) 2610

Dancing to some steady beat...

Her fist had found its target, the jerk of something solid assured her that by vision that only managed to remain blurred by smoke that was lingering far too long to be anything natural. Was this a jutsu? Oomi coughed violently allowing Wolfgang the time needed to clutch her right arm. Another violent cough and she nearly didn’t see the second attack. Yet, still expertly she manipulated her unique Kekkei Genkai – a thing that members of the Adechi Clan admittedly were perhaps overly dependent upon. With her Entropy Distortion technique now draining 25% of Wolfgangs speed from his strike by sapping the energy which would be dispersed through actual movement and trapping it as mere potential energy, the dispersal of said energy and therefore that which is released upon the actual impact the blow would be lessened as well. This would be enough to save Oomi’s arm from any serious lasting damage – that is to say the small fractures which ran along the bone would, even with her resistance to medical jutsu be healed rather quickly, granted she didn’t over do the damage already done… which she most likely would.

There was no reaction to the blow, however, only a light almost devious smile crowned by venomous eyes. The slightly slower movement that she’d cursed him with granted her that extra moment needed to perceived the second attack despite the difficulty of seeing through whatever mischievous jutsu the bald headed tattooed warrior had enacted against her. True, it still took a bit of effort – not to mention she was still in the monsters clutches, but this maneuver would only take nearly the fraction of a second. As Wolfgangs perhaps crab-like clutching hand, being that he was reaching to grab for her neck, came at her she ducked lower and beneath it. Their size difference would work in her favor her – it would be far easier for her to merely duck his attack and slip within his reach. It was a basic tactic used by boxers. A pattern was forming, one that was going to change in the next instant.

Immediately once she was beneath his grasping hand, Oomi launched herself forward like a rocket headed for the moon. Both knees were drawn forward with the complete intent of driving the pair deep into Wolfgangs guts. The idea was to knock the behemoth off his feet and literally give Oomi the upperhand. At which point she pummel him with her free hand until he released her. It wasn’t the best of plans, but it would do for –
…granted he didn’t do something crazy like… Oh, I don’t know… well – we don’t want do give the guy any ideas now do we, Oomi?

Chakra: 135 / 150

Entropy Style:



The girl took the punch very well it shouldve fractured something, and that would be painful, but the moment he swung he noticed something odd, his fist slowed down just a tad, enough though that Wolf noticed the differance in his power, if there was one tihng he knew well it was his own power. The girl had dodged is grab and was now rocketing up at her with her knees is the vain attempt of cacthing him in the gut, At that moment his smoke jutsu let out and he got a good look at her, there was no more skin left on her face, all it was now was bright red flesh, She shouldve be in a lot of pain at this moment but she wasnt instead she fought on like she was fine and dandy. The knees came into wolfgangs gut and drove a good bit of the air out of him, though not hurting him the hit was a solid was driving out, to this he brought the elbow of the hand that he had tried to grab her with and went to smash her in the left shoulder blade as hard as he could , and right afterwords he used his hold on her to swing her over his head and smack her against th ground with what strengh he had left, he then let go and jumped back about 10m and stood there to see her reaction. Wolf wondered if maybe she was like him, There isnt much point in trying to hurt a numb person there would only be fun in seeing her blood but there would be little or less point in fighting this one maybe shakli would get a nice reaction, Shakli could easily take Dudika so this girl would be easy picking no one had seen him yet he just met the Creature and already he was his favorite Summoning, But that could take some preparations and he would need to start right away if he was to bring his murderous buddies out to play...




The Adventures of Oomi

Time for some Melty (Oomi, Wolf, no kill, invite only) 2610

Shots fired...

Just as the smoke dissipated her attack found its target. The caps of her knees dug deep into Wolfgangs midsection forcing the air from his body as best they could. He was a behemoth of a man, however, and more than capable of continuing on despite the agony he should have been in. Hell, Oomi herself should have been writhing in complete and utter pain, what with the lacking of skin to cover the muscle and sinew of her face. Yet still she knew nothing of it and the sight had been blocked from the view of onlookers by Wolfgang himself.

Despite her recent success Wolfgang was able to strike her quite harshly. Being that she was still in midair and unable to react quickly enough to stop the attack – even with her unique jutsu, the strike found its mark with the greatest of ease. Thusly her body jerked and was forced downward for but the briefest of moments before the monstrous man jerked her back up by the grasp he’d maintained on her now further fractured right forearm. She’d expected him to lift her for a well placed punch, but now this monster was something different, something far more ruthless. As her body was flung through the air the girl swore that she’d blacked out only to find, when she opened her eyes again, that the ground was rushing toward her.

She’d managed to disperse much of the collision out across the ground and lessen the damage taken but it all happened too fast. Even the bit that her jutsu should have done was halved, perhaps even left to do nothing more than a third of its proper work. Luckily, Wolfgang had decided to put some distance between the two of them. Perhaps, he’d decided it not worth the risk to remain within such close proximity while he planned his next attack. Did that mean that she’d hurt him? Of course she was wrong.

For a moment Oomi lie there motionless, the breath drained from her. It was only now that she was beginning to realize that something was drastically wrong. After a ridiculously powerful blow like what she’d just endured… surely a rib was broken, she was positive that her forearm was in no good condition – yet nothing. Oomi’s eyes widened. The first thought was that she’d been paralyzed. That she’d chosen the wrong opponent and before the fight had even begun he’d destroyed her. Arms moved… legs moved… she was standing. A look of utter confusion crossed a skinless façade that was now visible to bystanders.

They of course did not take kindly to the sight. Yet Oomi merely assumed they were reacting to the ferocity with which the two were fighting. She slid her right foot forward, and her left back behind her body whilst she twisted slightly to give Wolfgang her right shoulder. Her right arm then was raised, and the index and middle finger of the hand found there were aimed at Wolfgang. Lips stretched and formed a smile before she spoke, saying; “Bang.” Raiton chakra that had been channeled to the tips of her fingers was instantly fired in Wolfgangs direction, who was just at the edge of their predicted range. Yet, she did not fire a single shot. Instead she’d fire three in rapid success. The first was aimed for Wolfgangs head, the second slightly off to his right perhaps to strike his right arm, and the third in similar fashion to his left. There was only a momentary pause before a fourth shot was fired at the mans heart.

Chakra: 120 / 150

Entropy Style:

”Lighting Release:



His move had been a sucess, and had seemed to knock her unconious so a bit, thus giving him the chance he needed to gather the massive amount of chakra needed for a summoning jutsu and then he started to string the hand signs needed for the jutsu, first monkey then dog, snake,dog again, and then fininshing with bird, Wolf then bit the thumb on his left hand causing a dribble of blood to drip out and he then slammed his hands hard against the ground, making the fanged symbol on the dirt beneath him, releasing his chakra using the summoning jutsu...Shakli, he yelled out as the huge raptor appeared, Timeee to Eat lets kill her ok Shakli go go go the Huge raptor ran out the moment he was summoned and at the same time releasing the jutsu, Lightning Aura.

Wolf looked up and relized too late that the enieme was up and ready to fight, and three balls of lighting struck him hard knocking him back to the ground, he noticed that they hit him in the head and the arm and his heart area, he couldnt move for the moment due the jutsu he just used but would stand up in a second, he would let Shakli do his thing

Shaki ran outwards roaring while covering himself in lightning to prevent too much attacks on him, he then ran towards the girl that he was told to attack with his mouth open he went to bite her on the outstrecthed hand that she shot some weird lighting gun thing, he also yelled, Ill show you lightning jutsu get some Bitch and while he went to bite the girl, he also went to claw her near her ribs, right near the one the looked broken hoping to make her...scream
Wolfgangs Chakra 165/200
Shaklis Chakra 65/75
Jutsu used:
Shakli used his aura jutsu




The Adventures of Oomi!

Time for some Melty (Oomi, Wolf, no kill, invite only) Tumblr_mpr8hmxGOe1qhe17ko1_400

The Roaring Electric Buggaloo

Success! Wolfgang had been struck by all four of the ‘bullets’ Oomi had fired. Yet there was no time to celebrate. She’d only bought herself time to focus on the newest arrival to the battlefield. Admittedly she was almost jealous of Wolfgangs ability to summon such a creature. The behemoth of five foot stature roared as it approached her covered in what appeared to be Raitsu. A clever beast that was for certain. It seemed an eternity based as the creature closed the space between them. Were she less inclined to enjoy such outrageous challenges in battle she might have frozen, but even this she would meet head on.

He’d been right to think that she knew what she was doing. Every move was meant to lead to the next action, a preparation for what was to come. Even her stance was meant to aid her in the coming moments of the battle. Granted she’d not expected to be defending against a living dinosaur. Reflexes kicked in an her outstretched arm was drawn back before the creature could wrap its mighty jaws about her hand and quite possibly take it. Now her stance proved its usefulness. Her right foot was swung backward moving her body slightly backward to where she’d previously slid her left foot a short distance behind her body. This wouldn’t spare her the force of the creature entirely however. But no matter she’d already been prepared for this as well. The activation of the most basic of techniques in use by her clan would spare her the electric charge completely. However, as it was produced by Raiton chakra the effectiveness of the technique; Genkhairyu: Jutsu-Sho ( Entropy Style: Technique Neutralization ) was lessened and thus able to only neutralize this single jutsu despite their initially being of the same rank. This in unison with Oomi’s quick reflexes would grant her the gift of taking merely an inch of the claws which had been directed to maim her.

Whilst she did this, knowing that the technique; Genkhairyu Ikoiheiki ( Entropy Style: Distortion ) would have been entirely ineffective, she deactivated the abilities effects in order to shift her chakra usage into her next jutsu. She’d need to do it quick before Wolfgang regained his composure and the risk that this menacing dinosaur would find some means to halt her coming jutsu. With that in mind, before the dinosaur could attack her again Oomi kicked off the ground and sent herself back another 10 meters. This would put Wolfgang 20 meters away from her, and Shakli 10 meters in the middle. The technique was going to take a massive amount of chakra to perform, but the payoff would be completely worth it.

Chakra: 110 / 150

Jutsu Used

Entropy Style: Technique Neutralization:



The girl had jumped away, perfect...thought Shakli as the girl jumped he released his lightning needle jutsu, aiming for where the girl would be in the air, lining the shot up so a to hit her in midair as thus she hopfully couldnt dodge the attack, the 20, foot long needles flew out of his mouthright at the target and directly afterwards Shakli ran to where he thought she would land hoping to catch her in his mouth and crunch the small girl and the make her feel the most wonderful kind of pain, the pain of death.
Wolf stood back up and smiled, now the two of them would fight as they had done before, Wolfgang made some handsigns for his acid dart barrage no jutsu and ran forward while making them, due to the distance the girl had made for him he ran until he was 20 feet from the spot he judged the girl would land, he then threw two of his acid darts at the mid air girl and then waited a second and then threw the third at the spot he thought she was going to land, not caring if it hit directly, for the 2m cloud of acid would be well close enough to where she would land, he also took into account the lightning needle jutsu of which Shakli shot out and timed the two mid air shots to make contact right before the needles, this was what he had trained with the Dino for, Wolf then focused his mind and watched for what the girl and the dino would do next...

~Flashback~ The giant Dino lumbered before him, with a line of sharp teeth coming out of his mouth, the Dino roared at him, a loud pirecing scream, it sounded like an elephant mixed with a Tigers, the Thing then spoke, What is this, who dare summons me the long danger, Shakli, hmm you are a tall meal arent you if you want to control me youll have to prove yourself haha the thing then attacked but Wold bested him for a while, he fought until th Dino laughed and agreed to fight with him, on one condtion...he would kill the if he could

My CHakra~ 140/200
Shakli- 40/75 ~ used the lightning needles
Wolfs jutsu used:




The Adventures of Oomi!
Time for some Melty (Oomi, Wolf, no kill, invite only) 48793-bscap0084_super

Is it an asskicking if you can't feel the kicks?

Too slow, or maybe this was all going according to plan. The Dinosaur, Shakli, obviously believed both to be true and in his favor. The creature fired needles made of Raiton jutsu from its mouth as if they had always been there lying in wait to be used. The reaction was nigh instantaneous but still Oomi had moved far enough to be granted the time to react. It was only lucky that she had a technique capable of defending against this; Futon: Nagare ( Wind Release: Stream ). Oomi drew her hand to her mouth creating an almost wind tunnel like construct. She then blew air through this tunnel directed at the 20 or so needles which had been fired upon her. The effect would come two fold, not only would the projectiles be knocked off course but Oomi herself would be sent back further and at a slightly quicker pace than what would have been expected. Unfortunately, the first effect didn’t actually happen. As the needles were made purely of chakra they were unaffected by the gust of wind. However, the motion which was caused did bring her out of harms way for the most part. Though three of those needles did find purchase in her right thigh, and side. She didn’t feel them but they definitely would play a part in the next phase of this encounter.

That is not to say that this action would save her from the speedy steps of Shakli who was already on the move and awaiting her landing. No matter, yet another simple technique would free her of this menace, and in doing so in conjunction with the technique that had saved her right forearm she’d unintentionally avoid the second part of the assault that had been directed upon her by Wolfgang.

Together Oomi’s clan technique Entropy Distortion was reactivated, and her own technique Heavenly Steps was activated. This allowed her to ‘land’ in midair as though it were the ground itself some distance from the dinosaurs jaws. She instantly kicked off of this newly formed surface with the aid of her Entropy Distortion and sent herself soaring into the air above them at an increased rate of speed which pulled her out of the range of Wolfgangs attack – or so she thought. The last of his acid darts found its mark, hitting her right ankle as she moved upward – thing made easier by the slight delay caused by injuries sustained whether Oomi knew of them or not. The resulting explosion engulfed Oomi in a cloud of gas which burned at her skin – fortunately she’d been in an upward motion which would bring her nearly 4 meters above the pair. Once she’d reached this distance, Oomi landed once again – if not prevented from doing so of course. This would mean that Shakli was 4 meters, or 13 feet beneath her and Wolfgang was 10 meters away or 33 feet. Both were in range.

Chakra: 80 / 150

[Word Count: 945 ]
[ Word Count: 3,219 / 2000 ]

Jutsu Used

Wind Release:

Entropy Style:

Entropy Style:

Last edited by Oomi on Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:35 pm; edited 1 time in total



If she doesnt feel pain this will start to bore me, i dont want to fight a women that is painless that takes the fun out of it, she woud smile whiling bleedin

The girl was doing too well, she was littered with wounds most of which a normal person wouldve crippled, so she must be the same as him somehow he woud have to actually cripple a limb of a leg to make it that she couldnt walk if she was numb or not, so Wolfgang quickly made three more Darts out of pure acid and threw two at the girls left knee and then threw the third just above her in case that she tried to dodge upwards, just as shakli ran at the girl and jumped, flying at her with teeth bared aiming to bite her shoulder and cipple that, Wolf noticed that The raptor was getting slightly annoyed, which wasnt good the raptor would start to lash out at full strengh if that happened.
The raptor also activated his Lightning claw jutsu in mid air and aimed them at the girls heart hoping to stab her and bite her at the same time, Wolfgang then ran full speed at the girl right behind the raptor as it jumped and running directly at the girl, He would cripple this bitch... somehow

My CHakra~ 125/200
Shakli- 25/75 ~ used lightning claws from the jutsu
still using the darts 1 post left

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He was wondering around near the hospital visiting some of the critically injured kids playing with them a bit since they were going to die anyways. Things were going well until one of the kids pointed outside that there was some girl flying in the air being attacked by a lightning raptor trying to eat her and a bald guy. He carefully jumped out of the window of the hospital then landed silently his new shoes coming in handy as he dashed onwards to the location.

When he got there he saw a raptor charging for a woman in brown hair who looked familiar. He did not remember where he saw her since he took a hard knock that day. He did not think much further as he dashed in to interfere. He noticed the raptor jumping in mid air as he had set himself up to unleash his technique. He did not take much note of the bald guy as he jumped between Oomi and the raptor and unleashed his bukijutsu kenjutsu at the raptor. As his blade came from bottom to top slicing through the dinosaur who was most probably killed on impact while the remaining force of the technique cut small 2 inch wounds to the guy behind the raptor if he did not dodge it. The question was would the man notice the technique as well as the knock back force that would push him back roughly ten meters as well.

Ren then landed as the dinosaur was falling apart in mid air and should be dead, but with these weird animals you never know. As he stood there in a cocky stance holding his blade across his back. " What are you people doing near hospital grounds, are you a bunch of stupid kids"

The level of insult could not be measured having a ten year old scold two old people for being stupid kids. On top of that he killed a dinosaur which should be extinct or shouldn't it, he can not even remember since he had ignored the assignment on learning about animals. He waited patiently for their reply also glaring back at the woman for a moment too keeping his guard up. What on earth was going on here.

One of his books also fell on the floor as he had been planning to read up on how to craft B-rank swords. This book was important to him as he wanted a better weapon.

Chakra = 200/220

Jutsu Used





The Adventures of Oomi!

Time for some Melty (Oomi, Wolf, no kill, invite only) 48793-bscap0084_super
Drapped up and Dripped out

This battle wasn’t exactly going well. Wolfgang had definitely had the upper hand since Oomi had landed her first punch. Or perhaps the instant he took her arm hostage. The girl was playing back the events of the battle whilst she watched for signs of Wolfgangs next movements, not to mention that damn Dinosaur. Now she was realizing she’d not put nearly enough space between it and herself. She’d been fighting it but her lungs were heavy with some unknown substance – breathing was beginning to become a hassle. Her eyesight still wasn’t 100%, but catching the movement of colors was all that she needed and she was still getting more than that. There were pluses somewhere in all of this. Blood dripped from a myriad of wounds, some of which were luckily still plugged by the weapon that had produced them or cauterized by acidic clouds. Sure, Oomi for the most part was holding her own against a far superior opponent, but she was getting her ass kicked – severely.

Oomi drew in a deep breath as Wolfgang fired yet another set of acid darts. She’d have nothing more than a second to… the dinosaur was on the move and yet just as quickly as he’d gone into action he was cut down by the deft skill of another chuunin that had took it upon himself to join the battle. She almost didn’t recognize him, but those blonde locks said it all. This was Yuzu Ren, come to rescue her yet again. That was becoming a horrible habit and fast. In those moment that she’d come to realize just who was helping her Oomi had directed her right hand, much in the manner she had some time ago, at the acid darts which were now nearly upon her. Zzt! Zzt! Zzzzt! Three shots, and she’d only hit one target. There just wasn’t enough time to aim, not with all the injuries she’d already sustained. It was a miracle that she’d stopped even one of the darts.

Oomi cursed herself as her left knee was stuck by the dart that she missed. Luckily, the one she had hit was the second one directed at her knee. The third was a complete mission – an intentional one, but she was thankful for it. However, this left her with only two options to escape the cloud of acid gas that followed the darts explosion. By slowing the expansion of the cloud itself, Oomi bought herself precious moments to make a decision. Her left knee now in tatters the thing was already more difficult to move, and the ankle which had taken a dart prior was already stiff. No matter, she’d been allotted one last push.

Oomi kicked off the false solidity of the air with her left foot, whilst keeping her knee fairly straight – not by choice of course. This maneuver brought her just outside of the clouds range – though it still lapped at her face and threatened to burn sinew ever so slightly. This would constitute her 3rd step in the technique Heavenly Steps, this meant that she only had two left.

She’d chosen not to use all 15 shots of her Lightning Release: Shock Bullets upon her initial use in the hopes that the remaining shots would come in handy later – which they had and more were still to come. She’d used 7 of them thus far and still had 8 to go. What better to do with them than to put a stop to Wolfgang? “I didn’t need your help, I could’ve handled ol’baldy!” Oomi lied as she held both hands out in front of her as though she were weiding dual pistols. Four balls of lightning were fired from each hand, thusly maxing out the jutsu she’d kept in waiting. The shots were fired in sets of two aimed in a similar fashion as the very first she’d fired – head, arms, and chest. It was a maneuver she’d learned during training that cut off various points of escape. It had been successful prior – maybe… just maybe…

…and still blood dripped from her body. It was a wonder the girl was still moving. Soon enough her body would simply give out on her, but she still had a trick or two left up her sleeve before she was out for the count. Though she’d best get it done quick, she could already feel muscles becoming limp and or stiff as they screamed trying in vain to tell her what levels of agony they were in.

Chakra: 80 / 150
[Word Count: 755 ]
[ Word Count: 3,974 / 2000 ]

Jutsu Used

Lightning Release:

Entropy Style:



Shakli put his claws up to block what appeared to be a blade slash, but the slash was too poweful the blade went right through the claws and dug a deep long cut across the Dinos chest, the dino fell in mid jump and slid across the ground, roaring he yelled to Wolf You son of a bitch im done with this fight ill die if i bleed to long with this wound fuck all of you the dino then left the battle and poofed away into thin air, leaving Wolf to be by himself.

Wolf stopped running, this battle, or slaughter was pointless there was no point in fighting a painless women, she would end up dying witout pain, then the thought hit him, since he was going for spec jonin soon, he would be aloud to take on a squad or maybe just one person, someone like him that he could tolerate and to act as his catspaw, this girl fit the dectiption perfectly he would try and make a second Wolf, he would make a small twin, he called out to the girl and her savior, Hey, girl i got something for you, as a promise for the future, meet me at the kiri bar, in 2 weeks if you want to be strong, i undertand your numbness, i will make you strong if you want to...find me and show me you want to be strong, you show..promise he then looked down at his chest and noticed a nice gash across his chest, probably from the savior, Wolf walked over to where he kept his tunic, the one with his personal sigil on it and he tossed it to the girl, Wolf  then turned and started to walk away, just as he said to the girls savior, And buddy, ill find and kill you soon, but i have not the chakra or the strengh to do it now, you are lucky, i wait for the day to see the flesh melt off those pretty little bones ahaha he laughed as he left and walked into the hospital to get his chest wrapped up, he hoped the girl would choose to go with him, he could use her for a while.
wordcount 2269
1500/1500 for Summoning jutsu
729 extra for Acid bubble barrage
*exit thread*

Last edited by Wolfgang on Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

As he looked on he just thought to himself. In all the time he has tried to find sparring partners they always seem to find a reason to walk away. Could they not stay for a change and fight like men or women. As he thought about how great he was for a moment he remembered he had to take care of Oomi. He turned around and looked at her before scolding her again.

"Oomi, what did you just learn from the last battle we were in?" This was unexpected but what could he do when she repeatedly got herself into this. He moved to her then did something he rarely did, he gave her a hug then told her. " Please do not throw your life away, you can play with the dinosaurs another time okay, now get to the hospital before you give me grey hairs. That is what my grandmother would say". He smiled at her as he also yawned a bit too. The hospital staff appeared and it was then that he took his chance to leave while the Medical Jounin began lecturing her on her behaviour over and over again. Meanwhile someone shot a tranquiliser arrow at her to put her to sleep. It was unclear why they did not just take her willingly but seems she had a habit of leaving hospitals on wild adventures that put her back there.

Exit Thread



Time for some Melty (Oomi, Wolf, no kill, invite only) Advent10

…yep, it’s still an asskicking, when you don’t feel the kicks…

…and like that it was all over. Oomi had missed her target any damned way, she was on the verge of collapse to boot. It was almost a relief to see that Wolfgang was ready to call it quits. Though he didn’t seem to be doing so out of any particular reason, at least not that she could tell. Maybe it was because Ren had jumped in, it wasn’t a one on one fight anymore? Not that it had been, but it was still a singular shinobi who’d done the technique. Oomi spat from her perch atop the battlefield. Damned cheater used a dinosaur… That’s totally cheating. She didn’t think about it until now.

The solidified air beneath her feet was dissipated and she fell about six feet before activating the jutsu’s final step. The final drop to the ground was far harsher than she’d realize. Hell, the damage done to her body was extensive yet she’d not a clue how bad it truly was. Though she got an inkling when it was nearly impossible to lift her arm to catch the cloak that had been thrown at her. It was impeccable timing as the last strand of fabric which held the portion of her gi on the right in place finally gave way. Fortunately, what other damage that had been done to her clothing by the various acidic gases that Wolfgang had unleashed on the young woman were quickly covered by the oversized black tunic. As it was made with Wolfgang in mind it fit her like a loose hoody and stretched to her knees – yet surprisingly enough it seemed it would not hinder her movement. “I accept, even though you’re a cheater – what with the dinosaurs, and the explodey things….” She called out to Wolfgang as he vanished from sight after having said his piece to Ren.

“I learned that things always work out for me, in the end.” Oomi said as she tugged at her new garment. “I will play with them! I’ll kick their asses too! Damn bitey bitey lightning dinosaur…” Oomi mumbled. It was then that Ren wrapped his arms around her. A frown slid across the girls lips. Without the same level of adrenaline pumping through her veins she was far more aware of the lack of sensation. Oomi embraced the boy, regardless. It was always nice to feel cared for – to know someone was worried about your well being. Not that her father didn’t do that – just… “Ha, you with grey hair? Crrrrray-zzzzzeee!” She chimed as she pulled the hood of her new tunic over her head and realized it had a cape as well. “Oh my gawd! It has a cape too! Yesss! Total wi –“ She collapsed, flat on her face. Ironically the arrow wouldn’t be needed. Not this time. She’d pushed herself entirely too far.

Exit Thread!

Chakra: 80 / 150
[Word Count: 477 ]
[ Word Count: 4,451 / 2000 ]

[ Training: Ninjutsu C ---> B – 2,000 / 2,000 ]
[ Training: Entropy Style: Entropy Distortion D ---> C – 1,000 / 1,000 ]
[ Training: Entropy Style: Technique Neutralization D ---> C – 1,000 / 1,000 ]
[ Extra: 451 words to be used in ???? ]

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