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1Exploring mission Empty Exploring mission Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:57 pm



Cazan was to walk to the tunnels and the caverns outside of the village and examine the tunnels with his feet sense due to him being able to see multiple feet into the caves for dangerous cracks or possible cave ins, though he was a chuunin and this was not a very hard mission but it paid and he needed to take his bear for a walk. He went home to get his knuckles just in case something happened and to get his pet sun bear for a walk.

He then started walking towards the gates of the village thinking of what he will ind today and wondering if he would find something a non blind man wouldnt. He reached the gates by midday and he decided he would go to the western most cave systems the map and identiify tunnels and tunnel cracks, and to find possible living places. He walked all that day and well into the night, knowing full well that he could see fine with his feet no matter how bright or dark it was, and his bear had night vision so they were good to travel all night. They approached a cave that loomed high over them, he guessed twenty feet or more high, he started to walk in sensing the wall around it looking for possible cracks or possible cave ins, he noticed a hairline crack down the side of the cave nothing dangerous though . He started walking through the dank cave, noticing the dripping water all around him, due to the due dripping annoying him ever so slightly, his bear was softly walking behind him, making almost no noise whatsoever. This cave was pretty safe from his studies thus farm, no cave ins were possible thus far, he decided that he was quite tired and his bear was slowing down a little bit so he made a little camp in the cave and got to sleep.

The next day came, but he didnt know what time it was because of the fact that he was blind so he assumed it was daytime at least, Cazan started deeper into the cave as soon as he was awake and studied the tunnels that the cave had to offer very carefully that day. He stopped dead in his tracks and noticed that a huge crack ran down the floor and across the wall of the cave, probably around 3 inches thick, he examined it further, noticing the crack go down very deep, very deep, he joted it down in his head to tell the Kage when he got back or the cartographer, whoever it was this time he turned around and took another path, one that was much better then the other one he took, there were no cracks not even a hairline cracks or anything a perfect tunnel the tunnel ended when it brought him to a cavern, he chose to tell the kage of this tunnel also but for its usable nature. He felt that he had done enough today he went back the way he came, walking the same track he came from, making sure all of his mental notes on the tunnels were accurate and good, by the time he got to the exit, he was getting a little bit tired, but he wanted to get back today and wasnt in the mood of camping at the moment, so he continued The moment he got outside he felt a bit of warmth knowing it was quite sunny then. Cazan got back to the Kages office by that night and the map maker, he told them of the tunnels he found and they paid him the ryo they owed him for his work and he then went home and took some well deserved sleep.
631 word count of 600 needed

2Exploring mission Empty Exploring 2 Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:44 pm



Cazan had gotten back to the village and had been told to go around the village and go and examine the caverns on the south end of the borders, and to examine the cave in that was said to happen at one of the tunnels from that same cavern, a few miners went there and didnt come back yet, so he was ordered to also just check on them, just in case they were in some sort of trouble.

He was given a day and a half to go on this mission due to just getting back from the last one, but he was in no mood to wait and he wanted the money so Cazan took his pet bear and starting walking towards the south gate, thinking on the caverns he was going to this time, these ones were rumored to be full of cave in spots and holes and fissures, which made him a little bit more pumped up for the mission, the boring old caverns, the safe caverns were quite boring and tedious, this was much better. Cazan made it down to the southern gate by midday and prepared himself mentally for the mission, getting his mind ready for remembering the cave sysems and cave in spots, because he wasnt a cartographer and needed to tell the man those small details went he got back. He had been walking down the main road all day and had gotten quite boring so he took a shortcut to the cafe via the grasslands and the grey plains, by nightfall he arrived to the small tunnel that lead to the giant cavern system, he walked into the cave and made a camp on the inside of the mouth of the cave, where he and his bear stayed the night and slept quite soundly throughout the whole night.

When he woke up he felt a little bit warm so he assumed that it was daytime, due to the heat his bear as usual woke up around the same time he did within around 10 seconds. He and his bear started walking down the cavern and looking for any cracks or fissures or weak spots in the rock, for a cave that was supposedly prone to cave ins there was not many areas that could cave in or the floor collapsing. Although there were no cracks, there was also no miners, he couldnt sense anything form a perosn, maybe they never even came here he thought to himself. He explored the caverns to his fullest extent all day and a night making sure its safe and not breakable and safe for kids or whomever wanted them to come to the caves.

He then started on his way home which was a full days walk, which wasnt that bad because he had his bear to keep him company, which wasnt that much company, though it was better then travleing alone which was boring and tiresome to the extreme, also since he was blind he couldnt enjoy the scenery his feet saw all of anything he needed to see, so the outside looks didnt matter to much to him at this point in time. He arrived back to the village around the same time it took to get there and went straight to the map maker and the kage to tell him his mission had been completed and the maps were ready to make. The mission had been completed but the maps would take a little bit longer to make, from what he heard it was hard to make maps, he didnt understand why or how but he had to take there word for it due to the fact he couldnt see a map.
Word count is 620 of 600

3Exploring mission Empty Re: Exploring mission Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:31 pm



Cazans day had been boring thus far, he had woken up and gotten his breakfast as normal, today it was a plate of carrots with butter that he had made himself, even though he was blind he could still make food when he needed it, and it wasnt bad if cazan had a valid opinion on the matter, and his Bear agreed with him, though he only ate meat and berrys, and Cazan cooked the meat from time to time. While he ate his food, a local Jonin approached him and bowed and started talking, Cazan Yanagi, i have a mission for you, it is the same mission style as before, we need a local tunnel system looked over and checked for cave ins or tunnel dead ends, we are thinking about building a few houses or tunnels in there and need to know about it, since you see in the ground and all, we assumed that you can look at cracks and what not, it pays 100 ryo and needs to be done within a weeks time the man didnt bother handing Cazan a scroll with the mission words on it, but he did hand cazan a seperate scroll that had bumps on it that told him where the tunnel system was.

Cazan and Kali set off by nightfall, since the dark didnt affect how he traveled and that there was much less people walking on the road at night, and Cazan wanted to quickly get this mission done, without taking time to talk and talk with the local folk. He made great time, he made it to the cave entrance by the next morning, he camped outside the cave during the day, and set off into the cave system, feeling the dense rock beneath his feet, and the hard rock surrounding him, it was surreal he felt so at home in caves because he could see around him and not just underneath him, it made him not feel blind in a way, although he wouldn't even know what seeing was like.

While walking through the tunnels, Cazan took great care to check out any cracks in the tunnel, though this one had very few, and the ones that were there were not dangerous and the going was easy, it was a nice walk in the end it seemed, the walk ended when he arrived at a rock wall in which seemed to just be the end of the tunnel system, for it seemed that the village had never built past it, for there was no piled rock near it so that meant that it wasnt a cave in, and the wall was smooth as the walls around it, so the village would probably end up digging past this point to make a second exit. He turned himself around to make a second check of any cracks that were in the cave system, just in case he may have missed any weak points in the cave...he hadnt, but it was just in case he missed something, just so he could say to the village that he did so.

He made it out of the cave system around midday and set up at the same camping spot as the last time he was there, he slept with his bear kali wrapped in his arms, around nine at night his bear pup woke him up with a little bite to his hand, which snapped him into awakness, he cleaned up his camp and made sure that one couldnt tell that anyone was here, it wasnt that he though he was getting followed, he just had a certain respect or nature and liked to leave it the way it was when he arrived. Now all he had to do was report to the Kage.
Wordcount 630

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