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The sun hung high in the sky as Sanosuke and his teacher, Pathik, climbed the mountaintop of the Iwagakure mountains. There was a path for anyone who wished to see the summit could walk on, but it was so steep that the two of them had to use chakra on the soles of their feet to avoid falling right on his faces from the climb. It felt good to realize that his chakra control was close to matching his own master in the art of chakra control. Sanosuke had been training with chakra long enough to spot the sure fire signs of chakra manipulation of anyone whom has the gift of it. Around the Guru’s sandals were the dust, with each step he took, being swept away from all parts of his footwear. Someone whom was skilled in the area could see that this phenomena was caused chakra manipulation. His own feet were following the same symptoms as well. Heat beat down his neck as he walked alongside his teacher on the pathway to the summit. There was sweat that began trail down from his forehead and all the way to his neck that was slowly beginning to take up all of the salty bodily liquid that was beginning to become absorb by his shirt. The kumogakure jounin was wearing baggy beige pants and an orange sleeveless shirt, Sanosuke had no clothing that would attract heat that was radiating from the sun. Sanosuke didn’t bring a bag with him since him and Pathik had already got a room in the hotel that was below the rocky summit of the hidden village. Pathik was wearing the typical white robes that he would normally wear in his travels and a white scarf as well that was wrapped around his neck. Even though the Guru had more layers of clothing on him, Sanosuke was still being much affected by the heat of the sun than his teacher was. He was born in Kumogakure where the top of the mountain village kept the environment naturally cool. The only time Sanosuke could recall being this hot form back home was when he was near the lava pits of Kumogakure’s training grounds. But even then, the heat was only from that area of the village, not the entire climate. It was hard for him to get used to the drastically hot weather of Tsuchi no Kuni.

”Damn it Pathik, how much farther are we?” Sanosuke asked his teacher as he and his teacher was walking now side by side with each other up the mountain pass going upwards. They’ve been walking upwards towards the top of the summit for a couple of hours now. It was quite hard for him to stand this heat for too long. But as he kept on walking upwards, the heat was getting more and more bearable. It must be because as he kept walking, winds were getting blowing harder to cool the two men off as they made their trek upwards to the top of the mountain where Sanosuke had no idea what would wait for him.

”Not too much farther young one. Patience, I believe I taught you that virtue over the years of our travels.” Pathik said as he walked upwards.

Sanosuke rolled his eyes as he stopped talking. ”I know. Chakra point 255, the chakra system in the body that is the most critical to patience of the human body. ‘One must calm this point in their chakra system in order to see the truth hidden within the truth.’” Sanosuke said quoted his teacher smirking as he walked. At him quoting his teacher, the sound of the elderly man laughing at that made the student let out a sigh and chuckle as well. ”A wise man told me that, don’t you agree with his message teacher?”

”I don’t doubt that at all. He does sound rather intelligent.”

It’s been 3 years since they’ve been traveling together all around the countries of the hidden villages. Each one of them, Sanosuke learned something new about the villages and something new about the chakra points. He learned from his teacher how to be more docile and have a tighter control on his emotions than he had in the past. With every chakra point he learned and meditated about, Sanosuke felt himself getting that much closer to enlightenment. He soon began to appreciate his teacher’s sense of humor and rubbed off on him; before the Guru’s riddles annoyed him greatly but now it was more like a joke. Over the years of his travels, he gotten taller and put on a bit more weight from his training.  Guru Pathik however hasn't changed at all in the least. The Guru was still a thin elderly man with tan skin, and white hair that grew in the form of a full-fledged beard and thick white eyebrows. He had round A small stubble was what grew on his face from the times he tried shaving but his face would grow back more and more with facial hair. He decided to learn to let the facial hair grow as is. Sanosuke chuckled at this, and at their conversation while they finally reached the top of the summit. What he saw was something that made him really gasp in shock. The words were stuck in his throat to describe the sight that was before his eyes.

912/1500--> Mission WC



Sunlight capped the stone edge as Sanosuke was looking at the beautiful sight he had of the entire country of Iwagakure Climbing up this mountain path was nothing compared to what he had to go through on the daily treks in Kumogakure, so climbing up this mountain wasn’t difficult in the least. What was difficult however was trying to beat the heat of the sun pounding directly on his body while he expelled energy to climb up the steep mountain. But to be able to witness the sight he was seeing was something beautiful and well worth the sweat that caked his face. Around the mountain top of him and the guru, the kumogakure jounin found that they were possibly on the tallest rock pillar that his eyes can see. The sun was rising up from the east, giving the place a warm amber glow of the sight he was witnessing. Shadows were draped over the entire area of the wastelands of the earth country. It made the place look ancient and mystical in the sunset of Tsuchi no Kuni. In order to wipe the sweat that was threatening to get into his eyes, Sanosuke did so by instinct as he took the time to look around his surroundings. Looking around him, Sanosuke saw that it was a flat top mountain peak. Before him was a large slab of earth that was surrounded by other rocks in some sort of circle that was made into a tight circular formation. Even though they were simply rocks formations due to most likely wear and withering of the rain, there was some sort of strong feeling that was coming from it. It was faint and felt like much older energy, besides chakra, was coming from it. It was intriguing and made Sanosuke approach the rock to see what was exactly going on.

Walking towards the stone slab, Sanosuke laid his hand on the slab and tried to investigate what exactly was the feeling he was experiencing. Why was this energy coming from this rock Sanosuke began to ask himself mentally as he wiped his hand up and down to see where the source of the energy had originated from. Sanosuke tried his best to investigate this mystical energy, but he couldn’t get a feel of it. Trying to pull the chakra flow from the rock, Sanosuke tried his best to examine it, but the chakra flow of the rock was fighting it. This was odd indeed.

”These are the mystical site of the Rockhenge. For thousands of years these rocks have never once moved and stayed in place.” Guru Pathik explained to the jounin that he took as a student. Before Sanosuke had the chance to ask what it meant and what it had to do with his training, the Guru rose his hands to interrupt the jounin speaking. ”I shall demonstrate the power that this site has. I would like for you to engage me in a spar Sanosuke. Get into position”

Sanosuke looked at his teacher puzzled at first and let out a sigh before doing what his teacher instructed in the first place. When he got in his stance, Sanosuke let out a roar and charged at his teacher with speeds that he knew improved since his days before leaving Kumo to go on his journey. But each time Sanosuke threw a punch, the Guru was weaving through each of his strikes with the upmost fluid motion of something that reminded him of a snake. Smooth and fluid actions was all that it took for the elderly man to dodge each and every single one of Sanosuke’s strikes. ”The basic strength of a transmutation circle is the nature of the circle itself. The circle represents the motion of power. By drawing it, that power can be evoked.” Guru Pathik began to say as he was dodging kicks and punches that Sanosuke was sending his way, but each time none of his attacks struck true. Until finally, Sanosuke went in for a roundhouse kick and tried to kick at the man’s ribs. With agility that was remarkable of someone his age, Pathik ducked under the kick. Clapping his hands, Pathik slammed his hands to the ground in a loud clapping sound with his palms to the ground. An array of light followed by a circular seal was briefly shown before a pillar of earth came shooting out of the pentagram in the shape of a fist and rocketed out at Sanosuke. It caught Sanosuke off guard and couldn’t defend against the attack and thus Sanosuke was sent flying backwards to the ground holding his stomach.

”By understanding this circulation of power and the laws that govern it, you can summon it yourself.” Pathik explained as he walked over to Sanosuke with an outreached hand. ”What I used was the usage of a seal in the form of a transmutation circle. We shall now be studying the components of said seal in your lessons.” Sanosuke knew that what he saw from the array of light, was something that was much different from ninjutsu. The array was something that added something to the regular ninjutsu attack that felt nothing like the energy that was used to govern the techniques used as a ninjutsu user. It was more ancient and archaic, and at the same time more cryptic. If this was the path that his teacher wanted him to take in his training, then Sanosuke would do so. Taking Pathik’s hand, Sanosuke got up with the strength that was unknown from someone that was so elderly and believed to be weak. Though Sanosuke knew way to well that he shouldn’t underestimate his teacher ever. That’s how every time when his training began with the Guru, Sanosuke got his ass kicked every time he sparred against his teacher.

”Yes..master” Sanosuke said to the Guru as he bowed low on one knee.

1500/1500--> training WC Complete
407 left over

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