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1Star Crossed. Empty Star Crossed. Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:49 am




Last edited by Star on Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Star Crossed. Empty Re: Star Crossed. Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:15 am



For the first time in months, Reag was asleep during the early hours of the morning. His previous afternoon nap was fraught with nightmares and terrors, making sleep all but impossible for the young Genin. As such, he had ended up sleeping like a normal human for once. Fortunately, or at least as far as the Genin was concerned, he didn’t share a room with any of his team mates, leaving them in the dark about his return to 'normalcy'. The wire user continued to stare up at the ceiling, doing his best not to think about anything in particular, and doing his best not to think about his last mission. His attempts to avoid thinking about it triggered the memories he was trying suppress.


Suddenly, Reag's eyes spotted movement in a nearby alleyway. A figure was sitting down on a trashcan, looking extremely nervous. The Konoha Genin pulled out the scroll he was handed, and looked at the picture within it. It took him a few seconds to confirm it, but there was his target, lurking around the academy like the report said he would. Reag reached up onto his head, and pulled his mask down onto his face, covering it. With that, the Genin entered into 'shinobi' mode. He would be exactly like his nindo said he should be. Reag would be polite, professional, but have a plan to kill everybody he met. Gathering his Chakra into his feet, the Konoha Genin walked up the wall behind him. He would have to move via the roof tops for a surprise attack.

It took him several seconds to loop around, but eventually the wire user was above his target, with the dealer being none the wiser. Reag stood in position, ready to act. His orders clearly stated he was to wait till after his target attempted to make a sale before moving to engage him. The leaf shinobi only hoped he wouldn’t have to wait too long. He was already tired and slightly dehydrated from waiting in the shade. To pass the time until his target acted, the Genin began to check his equipment carefully, looking for anything that might be wrong or might interfere with his mission. He did not find anything. Satisfied, he looked back down into the alley way, to see his target harass a very young academy student. The conditions where fulfilled. It was go time.

Breathing out, he began his ritual for using his techniques. First Step: Gather your Chakra. Reaching deep into himself, he gathered about a tenth of his total capacity for the two jutsus he would be using in tandem. Second Step: Mold your Chakra. His energies where forced into his wires, both sharpening them and allowing for a great deal of control. Final Step: Release your Chakra. He let the energy settle into his wires. With that, his techniques where complete. The wire user would have control of his wires, along with making them sharp enough to cause deep cuts into unguarded flesh.

Linking two of his nine threads together, Reag created a slipknot made of razerwire. The plan itself was simple. He quickly set up a single pullet at the top of the wall, while sending the loop of razor wire down to his foe's neck. The moment it was in place, he jumped. The effect of his attack would be simple. The force of his falling would slice the drug dealers neck open like a hot knife through butter, slicing all the blood vessels and other tubes. He would be dead within half of a minute. After landing, the Genin would anchor his wires to the ground, and wait for his target to bleed out. Falling, Reag whispered the name of his technique: “Ninpo: Keiri no Harigane (Ninja Skill: Hangman's Wire)

The Genin landed on the floor, anchoring his wires into the ground, ignoring the twitching of his weapons. He did everything he could not to think about what was happening behind him. After several long moments, his wire's movements came to a halt, and the young wire user let out his pent up breath. It was over. He turned around to collect his wires and froze. Dead eyes. Dead Eyes. DeaD EyeS. DEAD EYES.


Reag turned over in his bed, leaned over the side, and promptly emptied what little remained in his stomach onto the floor besides him. After coughing several times in an attempt to clear his mouth of the taste of bile, he rose from his bed. Rubbing his head, the young shinobi forced everything out of his head, and moved to get himself some water. As he filled a glass from the tap, the wire user ignored the pains in his belly prompting him to eat. Doing so would only cause more problems, and more mess. The leaf ninja had no wish to cause whoever would have to clean up his messes more work.

Of course, Reag knew what was happening to him. He was developing a mild trauma to his first kill. The Academy was clear that something like this would happen when the time came. Therefore, he was normal. It was normal. It would fade eventually, leaving nothing more than an unhappy memory. The young Genin would continue down the path of the Shinobi, and he would be fine. He even told himself this enough times that he actually started to believe it. Perhaps at a later date, his emotional suppression would come back to haunt him, but that day was not now. A knock on the door jolted him out of his self reflection.

Reag move towards the doorway to his hotel room, rapidly cleaning himself off as fast as he could. He was a mess, and he knew he looked it. There was nothing he could do about the vomit stains, but he could at least try to wash them out a bit. After a few seconds of emergency maintenance, the leaf ninja opened the door, only to find a rather annoyed looking Suna Chuunin staring him down. With a judgmental glance, said sand shinobi handed Reag a scroll, before using Shunshin to vanish in a burst of sand and chakra smoke. Well, at least now the Genin had orders to take his mind off of yesterdays activities.

As quick as he could, he cleaned himself up, washing the vomit stains out of his jacket as best he could, and scrubbing the blood off of his fingers and wires. The image of a bleeding corpse flashed through his mind briefly, but the wire user squashed the rogue thought down. It would do him no good to think of such things while preparing for what ever insane mission / training exercise / torture that Mitsuhide had planned for him. Donning the last of his shinobi gear, and leaving his mask off his face, he left his hotel room and made his way towards the rally point.

Almost immediately he spotted the Hokage a floor below him, obviously waiting for his students. Briefly, Reag contemplated waiting until the exact meeting time before showing himself, but decided against it. He didnt want to read now anyways. With a jump, the wire user landed in front of his teacher, trying to play the role of a kid with no worries. “Pleased to see you today, Hokage-sensei. Are you going to teach us something cool today? Perhaps a new Jutsu?”

Word Count: 1240
Training: Kōdo Harigane Seiren (Advanced Wire Refining) (1200/1200, -20% from Gifted Trait)
Konoha-Ryū: Hangetsu no Odori (Leaf Style: Dance of the Half Moon) (0040/1200, -20% from Gifted Trait)
Chakra: 150/150

3Star Crossed. Empty Re: Star Crossed. Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:02 am



Fuyuki groaned as the sunlight pierced through the transparent glass of his hotel window, shining directly onto his face. Why did mornings have to be so early in the morning? Surely he could get a few more minutes of sleep? With that thought in mind, Fuyuki threw the covers over himself, turning so he faced away from the oncoming sun, and tried to go back to sleep, relishing in the softness and comfort of the luxurious hotel facilities.

It was at that moment that his alarm decided to ring, blaring loudly from its position on the bedside table. Fuyuki shifted a little underneath the covers, trying to block out the sound however possible, before his ninja instincts took over and he threw the covers aside and slammed one foot into the alarm clock. Said alarm clock went flying in bits and pieces of gears and screws, never to ring again, though several croaked rings did manage to escape the now deceased alarm clock's corpse before they died off permanently.

Fuyuki lay in bed, particularly grouchy over having been woken up so early in the morning. Where was he? Last he remembered, his bed in the Hokage's apartment was nowhere near this comfy, nor were the mornings so disastrously hot, for that matter, even with the air-conditioning on. Wait, he was on a mission, wasn't he? One that took him out of the village, for a very, very important task for the Hokage himself. Said mission would determine the future of not only Konohagakure or Kirigakure, but the shinobi continent as a whole... Wasn't it?

Then it clicked. He was in Suna. The Hokage wanted to request a meeting with the Kazekage, but due to urgent matters, even that meeting had to be postponed. With that in mind, the Hokage's team had little to do but lounge about in the city, training, doing missions, and relaxing, though the last option came in very small amounts. They were the Hokage's team, after all.

Fuyuki was stepping out of the washroom several minutes later, having just finished his morning routine, when a knock at his door caught his attention. He quickly wiped his face with his towel, drying off his hair and tossing the damp towel into the laundry basket, before answering the door.

Standing there was a man in his twenties wearing the Sunagakure Chunin flak jacket. His face wasn't all that memorable, with no distinct features to actually remember him by, but in his hand, gripped tightly, was a scroll with the Hokage's seal. Fuyuki instantly reached for it when it was presented, before turning around and closing the door with one foot, the Sand ninja already having retreated to wherever he came from.

He unraveled the scroll with tender hands, as if the parchment itself was treasure from beyond the rainbow. So far, in their stay in Sunagakure, there had been no word from their sensei, the Thirteenth Hokage, Mitsuhide Uzumaki. Upon their arrival in Sunagakure and his short stop by the Kazekage's office, he had left them with the advice to better themselves and to accomplish some missions for the village, if only to polish Konoha's name in Sunagakure's book. This was, in fact, the first order Fuyuki had received from the Hokage in quite a long time, so it came as quite a shock and surprise.

Was it finally time to speak to the Kazekage? The White Star of Konoha had already promised his students he would give them the opportunity to be by the Hokage's side during his meeting with the Kazekage, so as to prepare them for the world of politics in case any of them should take up the mantle of Hokage in the future, though Fuyuki was curious as to why he was being offered this, given he wasn't even a Konoha ninja by right.

No, he was a mere wandering ninja who had decided to settle in Konoha to honour his deceased parents' memories, and it was only by the kind word of the current Hokage himself that the boy had managed to secure a place in running to be one of Konoha's active ninja. Perhaps it spoke of the Hokage's trust in the boy that he would do great things for the village if he not only admitted him into the Hokage's squad, but also permitted him the chance to witness the meeting between two of the greatest ninja of the lands.

As Fuyuki unraveled the parchment, his eyes scanned its contents. While part of him was disappointed that there was no mention of meeting the Kazekage, since he was quite anxious to help Kirigakure against the Seven Bells clan, something their sensei had promised they would do following their return from Sunagakure, a part of him was also excited that they would be actually doing something. His sensei had called for a meeting of Team One, the Hokage's personal team, and Fuyuki would be damned if it weren't for something important.

He threw on his jacket, the deep blue contrasting the dull yellow perfectly, and strapped on his ninja holster, securing it to his right thigh with the aid of a roll of bandages, before he stepped out of his hotel room. He locked the door and pocketed the key before walking briskly out of the hotel and to the spot his sensei had designated on the letter sent.

At first, Fuyuki didn't see anyone, with many people already present in the Bazaar of Sunagakure even despite the early hour. However, his dutiful eyes finally found the distinct blond hair of his sensei and team mate, Reag, one who had earned his undying respect, unlike the remaining two students of his group.

Ah yes. Team One was made up of a bizarre group of people. The first member was Reag, a blonde like himself who had skills with a wire unparalleled by any. He had almost caught Fuyuki with both his wires and deadly genjutsu during their training session, and his creativity had gotten the young Kuroka's respect instantly. Another member of Team One, a white-haired boy by the name of Solo, however, was not as impressive. He had run into the fight headfirst, prioritising listening to his instincts and strategising accordingly, rather than following a distinct plan and making adjustments. That boy still had a ways to go in Fuyuki's book, but if the Hokage said he was okay, then the boy definitely had potential. The last member of Team One was another blonde, a boy by the name of Shizuo Uzumaki, a last-minute addition to their team. It made the normal four-man-cell unbalanced with the addition of the fifth member, but if the Hokage deemed him worthy, Fuyuki would not question his decision, nor the boy's abilities.

Fuyuki walked up to the duo, where Reag was already asking the Hokage a question.

“Pleased to see you today, Hokage-sensei. Are you going to teach us something cool today? Perhaps a new Jutsu?” Reag inquired.

Fuyuki just remained silent, stifling a yawn and turning to the Hokage, also curious to their day's activities.

Word Count: 1213

Training Ninjutsu [C to B] 321 + 1213 = 1534/3000

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