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1Infernal Day Star (Invite Only/No Kill) Empty Infernal Day Star (Invite Only/No Kill) Tue Mar 28, 2017 7:33 am



Suna. Kiyomi had not been here long and already her loathing for the place was so incredibly visceral she was certain that even the most talented and powerful medical Shinobi would be unable to remove it from her being. The heat was nearly unbearable, her dark leather and lace sweat soaked clothing clung to her every curve, rubbing and chafing in a most offensive and delicious manner as she moved through Sunagakure no Sato’s busy and dust filled streets. And the dust, oh dear merciful creator of all things that walked and crawled and slept and died. The Dust. It was everywhere; her shoes and hair and eyes. In every orifice she had, it was the most disgusting thing… she could not fathom what possessed people to actually live in a place like this. Every time she felt the crystalline scratching of dust rubbing against some piece of her delicate flesh she would glare at some new face, wondering what horrible injury must have befallen them to have damaged their intellect so that they would choose this fate. Her shoes were also not made for walking on sand, she would have done better with flat soles, but such is the life she had been created for and so she would make do by placing her weight on her toes keeping her heels imperceptibly elevated from the sand. Of all the places she’d been this was the worst. Her temperament was usually more in check than this, and ironically that very fact was causing her to lose patience faster.

She needed water, and blood, much of both. This damned place had almost no water and it was driving her mad You could fix that you know… Kiyomi would let out a soft moan of frustration while dragging her fingers through her short black hair and letting her back arch so just her shoulder blades were leaning against a shop wall. She would open her honey coloured eyes and notice that at some point she had wandered into the Bazaar. She would stay where she was for a time, stretching her muscles and pulling the clothing away from her body where it had stubbornly decided to become enamored. There were many people wandering about that looked… less savoury… than in Konoha. This was good. At least that part of the rumours she had overheard had been true. Of course they were, you already knew that didn’t you my love? She would let out a slightly louder moan as her frustration rose and place both hands behind her palms flat against the wall and push, gracefully moving away in a single fluid motion. She wandered a bit more, feigning interest in stall merchants and shop keepers who tried to sell her cheap jewelry and shoddy clothing. She would smile and occasionally pause to appreciate the fine craftsmanship that they were so eager to sell her for the bargain price of however much Ryo she assumed that a woman like her must be carrying.

Kiyomi had only one thing on her mind however. Always only one thing. Water. And as she kept on at her long practiced unhurried pace, she was rewarded with the sight of a shop that appeared to be selling refreshments. Before entering the shop she would ensure that her Senbon were in their usual place, safely attached to her left thigh in their leather sheath and her Kunai was tied to the inside of her left wrist. Satisfied that even were she to be caught unawares, she would at least be armed, she would enter the shop. Inside it was cooler, though not so much so that it was a drastic change, at least there was no sun, or dust. She would move inside smoothly, avoiding the few nearly empty tables and chairs in the center of the room and stride up to the far end of the room where a mousy looking young girl stood. “Can… I… um, get you something Ma’am” the girl was not quite shaking, but she was very nervous. Kiyomi would relax and smile sincerely, it did not do well to terrify those you wished to do things properly for you. “I am quite thirsty my dear, please if you would, water. I’ll seat myself over there.” She pointed to the table closest to the door as she spoke, and flashing the girl another charming smile walked calmly over to her chosen table and sat, hips swaying seductively as she went. When the girl brought her a glass and a pitcher of water Kiyomi would stop her by gently wrapping the fingers of her right hand around the girl’s wrist, just tight enough that she could feel the girl’s pulse. This part of the game was exciting for Kiyomi, how far could she push before it was too far, she could feel the girl’s heart beat quicken and the ghost of smile would pass across Kiyomi’s lips. “If you would lovely, where might I find a place to rid myself of some of this blasted sand? I’ve far too much of it and would love to leave some of it in Suna when I travel again.”


Kai Mishima

Kai Mishima

Oppressive sunlight? Check! Hot as fuck? Check! Sand literally fucking everywhere!? Triple Check!

"Fuck this goddamn village", was her sole utterance as she trudged through the streets. The young woman would rather be elsewhere, namely in her hotel room with a cool drink, but that was not to be, it seemed. Then why was she here?

Oh right.

Market day.  Certain items were required to survive traversing this desert if she wanted to make it out of Sunagakure. First off, a weapon. There's had to be some good quality stuff in these markets. The female had been at it for hours, searching for several weapons to take with her for protection. She had already gotten herself a basic, standard knife -- a Kunai was it not called? -- and several shuriken -- or throwing stars -- to start with, but she wanted something... better. A sword of some kind, perhaps? A sword would work.  If she was going to spend the last of the gold she found within her mother's stash of supplies, then she was going get something worth it.

The female's state of dress seemed to help alleviate the desert heat somewhat, but only barely; Her hair long white hair was brushed and pulled back, tied at the nape of her neck with a white ribbon. This length of hair hung down to her mid upper back when tied up; it hangs down to her waist when her hair is down like it was now. She was wearing very simple, yet seemingly provocative clothing; her upper body is clothed in a red and white kimono, closed over the sarashi she wore to cover her 34C breasts. Tattoo'd on her forehead is a symbol, meant to represent the duality of Yin and Yang by way of the Sun and Moon. As she stepped lightly through the streets, heads would often turn to catch a glimpse of the symbol. On her lower body, the female seemed like she likes to show off somewhat. Over a set of shapely, 34 inch hips, she favors long, loose skirts, the kind that flares wide open when the wearer twirls. Hidden beneath the skirt were a pair of legs that just begged to be touched. The dresses she wears seem to hold patterns that induce a sort of hypnosis if stared at long enough. Around her ankles, the female wore a pair of silver bangles, meant to catch light and direct attention down to her lower body as the dress flares; not that anyone could tell, as the amouth that she kicked up with each step had long coated the bangles and hid thier shine.

Through the stalls of the market she went in her odd state of dress, speaking to vendors and weighing out his options. There were plenty to go through, and each was more interesting than the last. Giant curved scimitars, grand pikes and elegant spears were abound in the market stalls. She was mildly trained in the art of kenjutsu, or sword wielding, but also knew how to pick up just about any strange weapon and use it properly. She was a fan of swift, silent attacks, and she figured that she would need something compact and lightweight that could still get the job done.

It was then that something caught her eye. A bit further down the right next to the fruit stand; a weapon smith was showing off his wares, speaking about the history of one of his items. Normally, Kaen did not care much for a weapon's history, but rather how it performed in a fight. But something about this weapon drew her closer...

"Twenty years ago, a small village on the outskirts of Tsuchi no Kuni was attacked by a band of shinobi. After slaughtering the inhabitants of the village and burning it to the ground, they left. One survivor, an elderly man named Hogo-sha, was all that remained. After collecting every nail from the ashes of his torched home, Hogo-sha smelted the steel down and forged the Ochi hōfuku. He died shortly after its completion, but the weapon lived on! Some say the ghost of Hogo-sha lives within the blade, guiding the hand of the wielder so that he may cut down his foes!"

Interesting. Kaen would start walking in the direction of the vendor, but her day would take an unexpected turn; someone would bump into her. From the looks of it, it was a scrawny persona, one who looked sickly pale. While Kaen herself was not hurt, her anger was stoked; who the hell was not paying attention to where they were going?

"Open ya fucking eyes, man! You ain't see me here!?"

Those grey eyes turned down to look upon the persona who'd bumped into her, fists clenching as she debated the pros and con's of decking this poor frick and walking off. But with her harsh words would come attention from thier surroundings; several people stopping to look in thier direction. With this many people, if she punched this person out and walked off, it would not be long before a ninja of the village showed up to investigate. Shit would go downhill then -- especially with her history. Sunagakure was not famous for its outstanding treatment of its prisoners, that was for sure. Instead, Kaen crossed her arms over her ample chest, taking in the measure of the person who'd bumped into her. From the looks of him, he seemed really feminine -- pretty in a sense. Thin as a stick, with almost no muscle or fat on his body. If it came down to a fight, this dude was gonna end up on the floor with something broken -- possibly his arm or neck. If Kaen hit this dude -- if this even was a dude -- she would seriously hurt him. And so, the woman took a breath to steady herself. When she spoke again, her tone was even, almost calm given the circumstances.

"Apologize. Right fucking now."

A simple appology, was that too much to ask?

"Er right, yes. My apologize, miss. Entirely my fault, I should have been paying attention. Please forgive me."


That tone of voice. Greyeyes stared in cold fury at the scrawny male (female?) that was slowly picking themselves up from the ground.  A slow twisted smile crossed the face of Kaen, lips lifting in a slight snarl. While indeed, an apology was given, it did not seem sincere, like this person's heart was not into. Or perhaps... her bad mood was making her particularly vicious? With each second that passing as she stared a hole into this persona's body, it was starting to seem like the latter. An idea flared into her head, and in that instant fate took over.


The sound of metal on metal rang out through the air; a weapon smith giving a demonstration of his wares was the cause, but the effects could not have been more in Kaen's favor. The persona who bumped into him jumped at the sound, causing his head to become uncovered and exposing his silver hair and red eyes.

Intriguing. An albino? In this place? Surely he was not from around here; Kaen had never heard or heard of anyone or anything like him, but then again her knowledge of these lands were limited to the stories that merchants and academic tomes that she studied as a child. Either way, it did not matter. Like the predator she was, Kaen took the opportunity as it came to pounce, so to speak. Her left hand snapped out, attempting to grab the other male [female?] by the front of their robes. Judging by the look of terror that was currently upon the persona's face, they would be too afraid to move; like a rabbit praying that it was overlooked by a hungry wolf. If that was the case, it would be this person's undoing. Should Kaen be successful, she would grip hard and lift the person into the air, allowing them to dangle roughly half a foot off the ground.

""Screw that. That is not good enough. You owe me." Teeth were bared at this frail person; surely this display was enough to put a fear of God, or whatever deity these people prayed to into this person. She would shake them, causing people around them to begin to gather and murmur, whispering amonst themselves. It would seem that the bystanders were unhappy with seeing someone being shook down in broad daylight, but Kaen could not find a single fruck to give. A few were shaking their heads in disgust, a few of the smarter ones simply looked the other way and went about their day, glad that it was not them. One unfortunate person decided to open his mouth and utter the words "The price of bail from the prison is Twenty thousand ryo..."

Why did people always have something to say?

Kaen's attention snapped up, eyes turning their attention to the person who said it; a woman, clutching two snot nosed brats to her robe. Kaen's face twisted into an irritated frown, and her sharp tongue was brought to bear down upon this woman for her audacity to speak up. "And it costs zero gold to stay in yo god damn lane and mind your fucking business, swine." Numerous gasps were heard from the crowd; did Kaen just say that to her? It should not have come as a surprise, though; given everything that had happened so far, why was this a shock? "Why don't you go find another leper's dick to suck so you can keep that fucking mouth of yours busy, because you flapping those cock suckers at me WILL get you smacked into the middle of next week." More gasps, followed by the sounds of the children crying as thier mother ushered them away from the scene; how dare this scary lady talk to thier mother in that fashion?! Turning her attention away from the crowd, Kaen turned her eyes back to the person she held captive.

"You know what? Don't even bother with the apology, you obviously did not mean it the first time, and you wont mean it the second time." With a disgusted sound, the female dropped the persona she held captive, and turned to make her way off. It seemed the people of this place, this Sunagakure no Sato were irritable to her senses, but so be it. She did not have to remain in this place. There were other 'Hidden Villages' in this land, and the female aimed to visit them all. Hopefully, the inhabitants of the other hidden villages would not anger her like the ones of this one did.

As the female continued to walk through the markets, she came to realization that she needed something to drink. She had been out in this heat since dawn, and had already exhausted her water supplies. She needed something to drink, quick. It would explain her mood, honestly. She only became this way when she was tired and needed food and or water. As her grey eyes looked about the area, she spotted a small establishment that seemed to be selling refreshments. The female would make her way over to the shop, pushing open the door and stepping inside. The air inside was slightly cooler than that outside, but it also lacked the bright glare of the sun. She would take the darkness of this place over the bright day outside.

Once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she offered a small smile to the persona behind the counter, and moved to seat herself...




Rabbit. That was a fitting name for the trembling girl, Kiyomi would smile seductively and slowly release her, allowing her fingers to slide across the tiny hairs on Rabbits hand. She would let out a soft chuckle and bare her teeth in what could have been a smile, but was a bit too close to the grin a predator shows before it snatches its prey. The girl would freeze in place for a moment before darting off, yes Rabbit is a fitting name. Kiyomi sat leaning back against her chair enjoying the shudder that she had felt as the girl had sensed the danger she had been in. She would pour herself a glass of water and allow her eyes to close for a brief moment as she savoured the first sweet taste of the life giving liquid as it touched her tongue. It was utterly divine and the happiest that she had been that day, until she looked up and saw the newest customer in the small shop. A woman, who Kiyomi could only think to describe as radiant, strode confidently into the room. She watched the shapely woman move past her, and made note that she carried herself with the easy readiness of someone prepared, not like the skittish Rabbit the gorgeous amazon nodded to. She watched in fascination as the crimson and white fabric the woman wore fluttered about her as though she were an ethereal bird of sorts, tied to the world by flesh made strings. The contrast of her long white hair against the red and white of her kimono gave Kiyomi the curious impression of a fresh snowfall covering a newly cleansed form.

She would stare openly for a time, being careful to keep any threat out of her eyes. She was admiring, and so far had no cause to wish ill on the Bird. After her eyes had drunk in more beauty than her lips had water she would rise from her chair, taking her jug and glass with her seating herself across the table from her current fascination. She would sit quietly at first to allow the woman to speak, as she expected that she might take issue with Kiyomi’s boldness, and then she would introduce herself.

“I noticed you when you came in, you seem… out of place here. Which is a welcome and lovely sight, as the sights here are…” she would gesture towards the outside door of the shop, "mostly beige and filled with sand and chafing.” She would then smile and quietly laugh at her own joke, not that she found it particularly amusing, however in the past she had found that it did help her interactions to involve humour in some fashion. What are you doing? She has nothing at all to do with what we’re doing… Kiyomi pushed aside her better judgement and considered that perhaps if someone who was bigger even than her could be persuaded to come alongside, then things would go much more smoothly. She would lean back gracefully, dusting yet more sand out of her raven feather mantle and in a low voice like a purr would introduce herself. “You may call me Kiyomi, I’ve come quite a long way to Suna with my…” she searched for the word to describe the young mute boy she had met on the road, “...companion. It is a pleasure to meet you.”




{Exit Thread}

**OOC Exiting due to inactivity

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STR: D-1 > D-2 - 400wc + 50 ryo
SPD: D-1 > D-2 - 400wc + 50 ryo
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