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1Bomb Threat[Seven Bells Mission/Open] Empty Bomb Threat[Seven Bells Mission/Open] Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:13 pm



Owydelu couldn't believe his eyes. All the Kirigakure was covered in smoke, there was a true war going out there. Owydelu's kage didn't send him because of a little incident, there was something really bad happening there. There wasn't any further report besides the one that he had already seen, the one that he received from his Kage, Uzumaki Mitsuhide. This was no easy war that was taking place here, it was a devastating battle that was created by the man itself. The reasons aren't known at all, so he couldn't take any decisions for now. Here and there, you could see young gennin and chuunin fighting for their village. This wasn't normal, to do these kind of things, knowing that you may lose your ninja in these kind of fights. These things didn't matter anymore for the Kirigakure's Administration Building. It seemed like they weren't human anymore. Well, it wasn't Owydelu's decision, so he couldn't do anything but to help them survive. He finally started moving his legs. It wasn't really easy for him to do that, having in consideration the fact that he was shocked about all that was happening there. There is no need to stress at all, you only need to relax a little, take a deep breath, count to ten and then just try to do whatever you can and help how many people you are able to.
While he was moving on the front lines, he saw Solstice Ayakashi, the Mizukage of the Kirigakure. Owydelu honorably presented himself to the lady that was going to be his commander for the rest of this “war”. The Kage didn’t look like she was having too much trust in the young Sannin, so she gave Owydelu a simple task (for him) to do, to prove that he’s worthy, without trying to insult him. Owydelu, either he wanted or he didn’t want to do this, he still had to do it, to prove that he knows how to respect orders. He didn’t get too much orders before, nor did he develop any special bond with a kage. Trough the years he has been a ninja, there have been too many Hokages to count, so you could’ve said that he experienced a lot of different perspectives over the village, over the words and different ideas over Owydelu that was always trying to hang on something when he was little. This got him up, because he has never surrendered. He met a lot of people on this journey of his and he got a lot of friends. Maybe this war was going to lead him to an end, after all it was all too sudden to be just a simple concidence.  A vast majority of the today’s ninja choose to take the path of the darkness in exchange for power, something that will give them the ability to be over the people who worked very hard to get somewhere. Too bad that these things don’t actually work everything, as a real ninja knows how to defeat such a coward a lazy shrimp.
The Battlefield, well it was way too different that he would’ve expected. It’s not like Owydelu thought that on the battle field there will be a field full of flowers, especially roses. No one could’ve think about such none sense. He was expecting to be like a, well a war, but it was too dark there to see something and Owydelu wasn’t referring to the “Real Darkness”. It was a cold atmosphere, like no one cared about no one. It was some kind of “everyone survives if they can”. The Darkness was there in everyone’s soul.  Every Dark side was urging for blood, for the chance of killing someone to make themselves feel better.  Soon, he was trying to remember what the orders were….oh wait, he finally remembered. He had to look for the Bomb Chain of Explosion, that he had to stop. That wasn’t the only thing that was to be stopped. A ninja was expected to throw explosives at the field of bombs. Suddenly, Owydelu saw a full armed shinobi, that was about to throw some explosive kunai at the field in which was supposed to be the bombs. Owydelu dashed quickly to get closer to that coward. For Owydelu, it seemed like you had to be a coward to do these kind of things. If you want to destroy someone, then do it like a man, do it with your bare hands, without using any weapons or any pre made tactics like those bombs. Of course that a good tactician would’ve been admired by Owydelu if he would’ve gotten a good plan to surprise the ninja with. There isn’t something you can’t beat with a good tactic and some wooden jutsus, thing that had gotten Owydelu an idea.
He was moving from slow to fast, the speed couldn’t be seen by the enemy and judging by his abilities, Owydelu could’ve easily said that he wasn’t more skilled that just a B-Ranked ninja. Nothing too hard here, just a little guy that wasn’t going to last long with those tactics. Owydelu was almost there, when he just threw 2 explosive kunai at the ground. Owydelu quickly made some hand seals and he screamed: “Mokuton no Jutsu!”  A quickly move used by the Konohagure’s Sannin, Senju Owydelu. The wood just blocked the kunai and Owydelu had just changed the size of his wood, making it bigger. He moved it up in the air, making the explosion happen there, where no one could be hurt and nothing could’ve happened with the bombs.  The wood feel from the air, just some little sticks. It seemed that the bombs were really good. Owydelu was looking straight in that guy’s eyes. He didn’t seem like he was afraid of something. The Sannin wasn’t feeling something like this either, after all, his rank was kind of higher that the coward’s one. Owydelu opened his mouth and he started speaking with him: “You, what is your name?”

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Owydelu was there , right In the middle of the fight. The shinobi that was targeting the bombs was nothing more but just a joke, nothing more but just a coward. He was using his only chance to escape with his life in his hands to destroy the ones that were the enemy. As Owydelu seen, the kunai were very shiny, they seemed to be polished, It seemed like the kunai needed to be very shiny to move quicker to the target. The bomb tag attached to it didn’t had any color. It was simply white, with a special mark on it. The mark seemed to say : “Bomb”. A good choice, knowing that it was a paper bomb. Next thing to analyze: the appearance of the ninja. He had a pair of trousers that were covering all his legs, from the belly, to the ankles. He was having a pair of ninja sandals on his legs. The ninja sandals were giving the average shinobi more that someone would expect from them to. The first thing would be the ability to move faster. The size and the weight of those were exactly the thing a ninja would need in any situation. The second thing would be the ability to move without anyone noticing. That silent ability, combined with the speed bonus, well it was just perfect for anyone.

The shirt he was wearing was something different than anything he had ever seen. He didn’t expect someone to wear a shirt that gives exactly the symbol of his clan, at least not on a battlefield full of enemies. The thing was that he hasn’t ever seen this symbol before, though he had a Déjà vu moment. In rest, he had only a necklace that was, probably, having a memory of his family. Maybe his family disappeared, maybe it was killed, no one would ever know. By getting his mind back in the fight, Owydelu started talking to the shinobi: “What is your name?” Seeing how Owydelu was trying to socialize, he responded: “Why would I tell you that? I’m your enemy and you’re my enemy! So let’s get over this and finish this fight!” Owydelu remained there for a second. The Shinobi’s response was simply full of hatred. The thing was that Owydelu hasn’t ever met him before, so the feeling full of hatred wasn’t justified.

He replied once again : “Why wouldn’t you? I mean, I have nothing with you, I’m not really pressed to kill you, I’m just here to stop you! But, of course, if you don’t surrender I will kill you! Just to know who killed you or who stopped you, I’m Senju Owydelu! Now, I’m gonna let you make your choice! Choose wisely!” This was taking too long and Owydelu had to finish this mission sooner or later. He was looking in that shinobi’s eyes. Suddenly, he threw a kunai attached to a paper bomb. Owydelu was a little surprised, so he had a weird reaction. His reaction time was really fast, he didn’t have a problem with this, it was just that the action he took was a little different that he would’ve expected. The kunai was getting closer to Owydelu’s face. He had to admit that at least he threw the kunai good enough to get the right direction. Owydelu simply caught the weapon with his bare hands, well more like with his bare fingers, because two of them were more than enough for him to stop that attack. He looked for one second at the paper and then he simply threw the kunai away, without any hesitation, the whole time still looking at his enemy’s eyes. His eyes were still full of hatred, but he didn’t know why. Why would you still keep this feel of hatred on someone? Why would you get yourself some mental poison when you can try to do the best to get over that thing that was done wrong? Well, Owydelu knew that he wouldn’t forget someone that would’ve killed a close person like……like Uchiha Tatsumaru, that was kind of killed by the Missing Ninja under the name of Tame. He still had the feeling full of hatred regarding this ninja. It wasn’t something that he could do to erase this memory from his head, it was just something that a ninja can’t forget, something that simply marks one’s moment, making it the main point , emotionally speaking. But this wasn’t the perfect moment to think about these kind of things. He wasn’t in bed or somewhere like this, he was on the battlefield and he had to act like this. But the thing was that Owydelu didn’t ever meet this person before, nor did he hear anything about him, so after all, what did he want from the Senju Ninja? It wasn’t really known, but he was about to find out. “Why do you stare at me like that? I know that we are enemies, but still, this is the look I would give to someone that would’ve murdered my parents or some close relatives, even friends! But I don’t even know you, what is with you? Do you hold a grudge on me or on the Konohagure Ninja?”

The answer still didn’t come outside his mouth, it was a different way of intimidating an opponent, but Owydelu wasn’t like that. He couldn’t be intimidated by such a thing, that would be a shame indeed! The shinobi started rushing to Owydelu, by attacking him. Two kunai were held in both of his hands and he was getting straight to him. Owydelu got out two Kunai as well, from his pocket, blocking both of the attacks. That was an easy one! The shinobi continued attacking and Owydelu kept dodging and blocking all of his moves with ease. “Is that all you’ve got? Look I don’t want to waste my time, so please make me have some fun!” Owydelu was trying to provoke him by saying such words, that may have gotten to his feelings. Now he started making some hand seals and he released a jutsu. He got a scroll out and suddenly, a lot of kunai began to get out from there. Owydelu was looking more like a human target than like an enemy, being him with more than 12 kunai. In the end, it was proven that it was only a Replacement technique that Owydelu used. Being defenseless, the shinobi began to get nervous, not knowing where is his enemy.

Owydelu had to finish this once and for all, but he didn’t want to kill the enemy, nor to let him destroy his allies. Well, he was forced to get out from his hiding, because the enemy was about to throw the kunai once again at the planted bombs. Owydelu caught his first Wood Jutsu ever learned, called “Four Pillar Wooden Prison Jutsu”. The pillars began to rise from the ground and soon, a prison was created by adding the ceiling, all made out of wood. The cage couldn’t hold him for long, since he was still free to throw kunai, so Owydelu used his “Mokuton no Jutsu” to capture him for real. He created some wood that was getting out from his palm. The speed and the power was amazing, as it was able to get the ninja in no time. Owydelu took him to the base, where he was taken by the other soldiers, by the interrogators and by the medical ninja. It was a long day and he had to relax. Suddenly, he saw Solstice Ayakashi, the Mizukage or Kirigakure. He was more than honored to tell her that his mission was a success. When she was to come, Owydelu sees here as she takes another path. Well, it was worth hoping that she’ll come, at least someone will report that it was a success. He may receive a better task the next time. He will do his best when this moment will come. He took the road on, so he may take a look in the city, maybe he’ll find something that will pleasure him there. Maybe he’ll get something to eat with or without a girl. After all, he was 20 and…..and something, he was 25 years old and he didn’t ever had any sentimental contact with a girl…that’s a shame for a sannin. Maybe today he’ll find someone that may become important for him.

The city was way different than the actual war zone, so he needed some time to get used to it. The lights were beautiful, just perfect for a relaxing night in the city. He was rubbing his face sometimes to let that sleepy feeling go away. He didn’t need such a thing. He had to work, work and work. Well, one thing came in his mind…where will he sleep tonight?

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