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Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Tapping his fingers on his desk, the shinobi was trying to pen a letter back at Kumogakure to his family. He was also keeping a journal of the events and all the information he knew. From his resume and his success so far during the war, he was able to rub shoulder with a few of the high ranking officers, obtaining a little more intel about who they were up against and their motives. More important than their skills were their motives. What exactly was driving these mass murderers that were treating Kirigakure as their personal trash pile. The story Kenji got was far from the truth. What was told to him didn’t fit. Apparently, the main guy and his henchmen were all your basic run of the mill psychopaths, but why Kiri, why now? It had all the signs of something personal. The entire approach Seven Bells have taken have spelled personal. So the question now was, what provoked them. He knew he would never wheezle such delicate information being an outsider of sorts.

The shinobi pulled on the handle of his closet door gently. He looked at the wardrobe he accumulated during his time in the village hidden in the mist. He grabbed a long sleeve dark blue shirt. The shirt wrapped around Kenji firmly putting great emphasis on his physique. Its only purpose was to keep him warm as what would go over top would be his ANBU uniform. He looked at the almost brand spanking new gear, smiling on the times that earned him such a position.

Chikara Kenji. You have shown great proficiency in the area of combat… However, at times your judgment, or rather your ego and need for excitement has made you a liability, your loyalty and talent have held true. It brings us great pleasure to enlist you into the ANBU corps under the ANBU captain #1 (Binsu). And as your first assignment, you are NOT to travel to Kirigakure under any circumstances. We have not received enough information pertaining to their situation to give personnel. I know patience at times isn’t your strong suit, but if you wait, we’ll have more information related to such. I tell you this because there is a lot of money floating around in Kirigakure right now. And if I know anything about you, wherever large sums of money are, you tend to find yourself in the vicinity. Also, the fame that will be rewarded to a person who possesses so much skill and flash, as to save Kiri from the depths of their oppressor, sounds very attractive to you as well. Wipe that smirk off your face, I’m completely serious! Thank you. Your abilities perhaps suit no other occupation better, you’re a perfect fit for the ANBU. In terms of skill I stress, personality wise though… just don’t disappoint me. As an elite enforcer of the law and a direct worker for the Kage, any mistakes will be held with the utmost fragility. Translation, you fuck up as an ANBU, you can expect more than a slap on the wrist. In all honesty, we’ll probably have to kill you. Don’t be alarmed, I know you’re ego took a blow there. You are quite the shinobi, I’ve personally never seen one like you. But rest assured, there are men in the agency that won’t blink at the orders to relieve your neck of its head. Now that the ceremony is done, make your way down the hall to get all the technicalities out the way. You’ll have to sign a few papers and then you will be issued all ANBU related gear.


Kenji sighed, he hadn’t listened to his superior. Why should he have. He was Chikara Kenji. If he wanted to leave the village, that was his prerogative. As always, Kenji felt entitled to special treatment, or possibly just favored his own personal agenda far more. The fame, the money, the practice, it was all here in Kirigakure. Of course he became close to the village, and at times his actions weren’t completely inspired by his own greed and self love, but for the protection of the village. Not only to save innocent lives, but the fall of Kirigakure could mean the vulnerability of other villages, including his own. None of that took away from the fact that he was out of the country’s borders, without permission. To make matters worst, he allowed that Zanto brat to tag along. To his defense he told the kid that he wasn’t ready for this level of combat. He hadn’t even been put on an official mission yet, and there he was insisting on traveling to battle, traveling to war. He slipped into full gear, the last item was the mask. Kenji’s eyes became fixed on the mask, as he began to think back to his first interaction with other Kumogakure ANBU. A frown crept on his face as the memory infuriated him.

Kenji came jogging down the steps. He kept shifting in his uniform and adjusting it. It would appear that they got his measurements a bit off. The mask was comfortable though. He saw two other ANBU standing outside the ANBU HQ. It had only been a few days since Kenji had to endure that rather threatening speech about not going to Kirigakure. He walked up to the two shinobi. He didn’t know them, and they didn’t know him. Kenji gave them a simple greeting with his ANBU codename. They reciprocated his action by creating a swamp like surface under Kenji’s feet immobilizing him. Meanwhile, one of them summoned a staff and after a single twirl banged it against his ribs. The newly appointed ANBU fell to his hands and knees. The sticky and cool mud splashed due to the impact. His head came up slowly, as he couldn’t move his arms or legs now. Disbelief swept all over Kenji, was this how new members were treated. With sheer willpower, Kenji was able to get back to his feet. It took him a little more than a minute as the mud grew thicker. The two ANBU began to laugh in distorted tones. Kenji exploded out of the mud. He crashed into one and kicked the other in the face. The bad thing was, he had to escort the woman alone now and he would have to do it while covered in mud… Or would he.

The frown was replaced with a sly smile as he remembered the end result of the tumultuous first day on the job. His mask was now on snuggly. The message he had received to travel and assist Kirigakure was from Kirigakure, not Kumogakure. Once again, Kenji would have made the trip regardless. Kenji just hoped he was reeled back before he could make a name for himself, as well as make a lot of money. The time in Kirigakure was also a great bonding opportunity for him and his newest student Zanto. He was a good kid with a lot of potential. Seeing what the Genin was made of made his wish he hadn’t left. If they were in Kumogakure, he could be training with him as well as Takeshii. Both of his students were specialists in Ninjutsu and Bukitjutsu, as well as showing an aptitude for leadership. Neither of them were shy to take the stage.

Kenji finished his preparations by fully equipping himself with his Hane, Longbow, back pack quiver, and projectiles. He capped the ensemble with black gloves and black ninja sandals. He was assigned yet another ANBU mission. Which was why of course he was dressing as such. The anonymity was very important among ANBU. Working as an ANBU was great for assassination, but not for all out combat, as certain moves would have to be excluded in order to ensure the cherished anonymity.

His job this go around was to alert the Daimyo of Kirigakure’s current situation. Kenji had been given the job once before, but chaos struck right before he left for HQ. The situation called for Kenji’s immediate attention back in the village. Kenji was determined this go round to accomplish the goal no matter what. Kenji shook his head as he looked at the vast stretch of burning land. It was only the immediate turf, as he traveled further into the wilderness, the path would become smoother, but he was certain he would encounter Seven Bells henchmen on the way. Most of the area was swarming with the deadly enemy. Kenji had no fear in his heart as he began his trek to notify the Daimyo. He walked casually dressed as a Seven Bells ninja. He killed one within his first 30 minutes, and was now disguised as him.

This made Kenji’s time much easier. He simply walked past most of the threats he would have had to sneak around, now he could just walk right through. He kept a serious expression, conveying he was on important business so no one would bother him. As he left most of the Seven Bells ninja. He went into a sprint as he needed to get to the Samurai HQ. Kenji considered staying among them, but getting to the Daimyo was more important than the infiltration of Seven Bells. Kenji took to the trees as he leapt from branch to branch at heart stopping speed. The shin obi had never been so motivated. Most of the branches broke underneath the force of his movements. Kenji thought he had escaped all of Seven Bells, but to his surprise a few more unsavory characters came into view. He knew the transformation wouldn’t work. They were so far out from the main base, they would no doubt treat anyone who came into view as a serious threat.

There was a long stretch of land, and the three shin obi stood in front of a hut with katana in their grips. Kenji gulped, as their was absolutely no where for him to hide, but he did have the skills to kill them in a matter of seconds. Kenji was up in a tree almost 80 meters away. His long bow wouldn’t do from this range. There was nothing but land between them. He would have to confront them head on. Kenji dropped down and began walking casually towards them. One of them was a man with short brown spiky hair. He appeared to be strong. One was a tough looking girl, with a shoulder length hair, showing a lot cleavage. Kenji had to quickly oppress a smile. The last guy was tall and had black hair that went down to the center of his back. Kenji steps slid through the shrubbery along the ground. He was immediately spotted. A drizzle broke, droplets of rain dropped from his mask. Squishing through the land, he kept the same methodical pace as he crept closer with confidence and determination. “This is it. I have to get past the fools no matter what. Kirigakure is counting on me. Plus, if I get sent back to Kumogakure, I prefer to be sent back a hero.”

There was now only 20 meter separating him and the other three, his three enemies, his three targets. Before Kenji could even begin his assault, one made to hand seals in succession and caused a fuuma shuriken to erupt from the earth, he quickly launched it at Kenji. As the doton shuriken approached him, the Jounin weaved 5 hand seals, and at the last second simply side stepped the shuriken. Then, after the shuriken bypassed him, he cast a powerful Genjutsu on the area. “There is no time for me to play around. The Daimyo should’ve been alerted yesterday, I need to reach him pronto. I shall finish this before it even starts.”

Kenji’s body transformed into a large body of cloth, in no time corralling the three targets. Immobilizing them, leaving them at Kenji’s mercy. He didn’t have much time though, the shin obi he was facing were pretty strong he assumed, so he’d had to finish them quickly, or they might break the Genjutsu in time. Kenji using his Kage rank speed dashed at the three foes with his Hane drawn.

Blood covered his uniform, he’d have to clean it later. “What a shame, I did want a little fun, but business first.“ He continued through the small town that had been abandoned. He was now on the brick upward road, leading to the HQ of the Daimyo. There were archers atop the castle, and many guards with swords and spears. Kenji could see why Seven Bells wanted to stop anyone from alerting these guys, they meant business. Kenji just hoped he could get a few words out before he was bombarded. Kenji spoke with a man in robes, he knew better to assume based on his appearance he couldn’t fight, not that Kenji would try anything anyway. “Kenji took a note from his back pocket and showed it to the man. The letter had a stamp on it by the Mizukage herself. At the sign of the infamous stamp, the man’s mouth opened for a second before saying, “Follow me.” They walked up the brick path.

The stone castle was incredibly formidable. They had to use a special transport jutsu to travel over the large moat. The tapestries of the building was equally as exquisite as its formidability. He was in shock by the sheer size of the structure. Also the organization and the size of the force was impressive as well. They hurried as Kenji expressed the urgency of the matter. They walked up 4 flights of stairs before reaching the Daimyo’s office. Kenji stormed in, waving the letter, “Sir! Kirigakure is in grave danger. I’ve traveled all the way from Kirigakure, cutting through all that act as obstacles to pass this urgent message along. The specifics are within this letter.” Kenji paused as he put the letter on the desk. “We require the assistance of the legendary Samurai force, Daimyo sir.” He watched as the Daimyo looked over the contents of the message. He then took a look at Kenji, raising an eyebrow at the blood and the excitement of the shin obi. “You’ve done a great service for your people, I will mobilize my men as soon as possible.” Kenji didn’t feel it necessary to correct the man, as Kiri were not his people, they were all shin obi and all humans though, so a commonality was there that needed to be fought for.

Kenji was escorted out. He was still breathing heavily as he had never ran so fast in his life, and never had he had to run with such purpose. The fate of an entire village depended on him making it to the Daimyo in a reasonable amount of time. The sooner the better. When facing such an unpredictable enemy, time can not be taken for granted. Kenji dined in the hall of the HQ. He stayed only for an hour, to eat and rest his body for the trip back, as there was still worked to be done back in the village. He could here the commanders calling his name now to assist on the battlefield. But the ANBU would definitely notify his superiors of the success of the mission, and that they could be expecting Samurai reinforcements soon. No one was around as Kenji ate. He had finally finished scoffing his meal down. The ANBU mask was slipped back on comfortably.

After being transported back over the moat, he was back on route to Kirigakure. The rain came tumbling down again. The water was welcomed, as it brought him a strange solace. It was serene. He traveled back at a gradual pace. The experience was to remember as he would likely never meet the Daimyo again or ever be back at this place. The stone fortress, had a silver gloss, that still shone in the distance. Fatigue set in on the shin obi as his muscles screamed in agony from the exertion. He would endure the discomfort as he reached the gate of Kirigakure. He was let in. “JENITO!? You made it back?!” “Heh, you sound surprised.” “Well, everybody will be. I can’t believe it. Well, did you make it to the Daimyo to get the assistance of the Samurai.” There was a break where Kenji tried to get his breath behind the mask, “Yes… I made it. Hopefully they’ll come through.” The shin obi began laughing, “They’re the legendary Samurai, oh, they’ll come through.” Behind his mask he smiled and said goodbye. He went back to report to his success.

Hours later~

Kenji was out of ANBU gear, and was having a drink in one of the few places that were still open. “Sweet tea please.” Two glasses were slid up to Kenji almost immediately. “I’ve heard a lot about the blue haired ninja. All of Kirigakure is grateful for your valor.” Kenji nodded his head with a smug grin. The sound of adoration was one of life’s few pure joys. After downing the glass of cold drink. “There was another shin obi in here, he too was quite brave.” Kenji had no idea what the man was talking about, some other guy, pfft. Let him be brave, Kenji didn’t consider himself brave anyway. Kenji continued to drink as he rested from his mission. Kenji digged in his pocket but was interrupted, “It’s on the house. Keep up the good work.” Kenji nodded and left the bar.

Back at his place, he lied down on the bed. Resting for a few moments. There weren’t many times like this, and just like all his other attempts to get rest, he was sure this wouldn’t last long either. He looked at the ceiling wondering what was next. What turn would this war take. Were any of them really, truly prepared for the magnitude of the events to come. Kenji could only hope so. He allowed his mind to drift into tranquility, as when the time came, his blade would act on his behalf.


WC: 3063/3000


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