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1Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Impressions[Private | No Kill] Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:13 pm



"Once upon a time the little kitten attacked a tiger named Yuudai with the fury of love and apple juice. He fell drastically in love with the kitten due to her red hair and womanly form. The day after meeting her, and recovering from the spell of alcohol, he found that she had been kidnapped and taken far away from her home. She was in fact, a lost princess, and so the knightly tiger guided her back home and soon she was living with him. So soon after meeting him, though her eyes were sightless, she could tell that he was a good person, and she knew she was in love.

Quite soon, she found that she was with his child, and her eyes cured. With this news she wept, and the tiger held her close, protecting her and the tiny kit inside of her."

So close. Within three weeks of knowing each other, they had become closely bonded in more ways than just emotionally. Three weeks ago she had gotten two pieces of information that had rocked her world. The first, she was indeed pregnant with Yuudai's child, she was going to be a mother. Second, she was now considered to be a psychosomatic blind, meaning that she now only believed herself to be blind, and was fully capable of sight. The news of her not being blind had come as a huge shock to her, as the belief of her disability had shaped most of her life; from abuse to bullying and everything in between, her lack of vision had rendered her useless in terms to most of everyone, and even her teachers had questioned her becoming a kunoichi, and instead, ushered her into being a medic-nin when they discovered that she had no thoughts in dropping out of the school.

It had been three weeks since that day, and to say that over these three recent weeks they had grown closer, would have a been a small bit of an understatement. It was in this small bit of understatement that Himitsu found herself vaguely coming into the realm of consciousness. Stretching, she would snuggle closer to Yuudai's form. To lazy. She didn't want to wake up. She was wearing something, what was she wearing? A shirt? It was a big baggy shirt on her form... Yuudai's shirt? She was wearing his shirt, and it was comfy. She was comfy and relaxed, especially after the stress relieving activities from the night prior. Blinking several times, she wiped her eyes before pushing her red hair out of her face.

Moving, she let her hand idly rest on her stomach, six weeks; she was six weeks pregnant now, but she wasn't showing, no, she still had yet for the full effects of the first trimester to hit her. Yet to start curling up and sleeping in between her rushes to the bathroom. Yet to feel the nasty fatigue and constant fuck-the-world mood swings. No, for now, she was still normal Himitsu. Shifting again, she would let her hand rest on her lover's face, waiting for her warmth to make him arise.

2Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:07 am



Isamu lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His sister was in the neighboring room, still sound asleep, as it was maybe only seven in the morning. Even in such an early hour, he was already feeling a bit off today, as if something was wrong. He didn't really know what it could be, things were going fine as far as his life was concerned. Instead of being centric of what was wrong with his own life, he thought about those he cared for. Maybe that was this intense feeling of displacement, maybe someone else was suffering and this was a sign. He counted down through his list of people he cared for. Sai was alright, nothing odd there, though he hadn't seen the boy in a week now. He enjoyed his last mission with Strafe, who seemed to not only be fine but happy as well. What else could it be, or who else, rather...his mind ventured off into every social group he could possibly have been a part of. Honestly, he didn't know, he didn't have much of a social life aside from his old squad, especially Yuu--

"OH SHIT!" the boy yelled as he jumped out of bed. He stumbled over the blanket that refused to let him go and had caught on his foot, and fell to the floor with a thud. He could hear his sister stir awake, but he took no care to reassure her that he wasn't being murdered, seeing as that was what it probably soundedlike. He dashed down the thin corridor of his hallway, stampeding past her room. She yelled after him to shutup, but he didn't care and retorted with a quick, "Shut your face and go back to bed, I'll be back in an hour!" How could he have possibly forgotten!? He stamped into the bathroom and brushed his teeth hurriedly, took a fast shower, and was out of the door within half an hour. He was extremely angry at himself, he hadn't even seen Yuudai since the man's return! He'd left Kirigakure over a month ago to go to Kaminari no Kuni, and on the very day he made his way back, Isamu was busy in his mission with Strafe and the thought had left his mind promptly after. He ran down the murky streets, still wet from the previous night's cascade of rain, not caring how dirty he got stepping in the puddles of mud. He wondered if Yuudai had brought back anything of use, or souvenirs or something. Isamu should've promised him too...oh, so many regrets at this moment, but as he neared the familiar house, it was overcome with a feeling of joy.

Just as he approached the doorstep, Isamu remembered one of the many lessons Yuudai had (although indirectly) taught him: sometimes, you just need to chill and stop being so obnoxious. Granted, Isamu couldn't help it, obnoxious was part of his personality, he couldn't help but be intrusive and happy-go-lucky, but at least it was better than shy and depressed pessimism, and he had some degree of control over it. He let out a sigh and knocked on the door quietly. A few seconds passed, no response. He tapped the door a few more times with his closed fist, and continued to wait for another minute, pushing the snow-white hair from his face. He remembered that he hadn't even bothered to do his hair, so he pulled the length of it back into a ponytail. Not that Yuudai would care what he looked like, but more of a matter of personal pride in appearance. The time was moving ever so slowly, and finally, he grew impatient of this perpetual wait for an answer call. It wasn't like Yuudai would be all that angry if he just invited himself in, they were close friends, or at least he believed that to be so. He stepped back a few paces, and cracked his knuckles.

With a swift lunge forward, Isamu broke the door open, sending it swinging back on its hinge. He gripped the door handle before it could hit the wall, to prevent any more unnecessary noise, before striding into the living room with a grin."Yuudai! Oh, Yuuuuudaiiiiii! It's Isamu, I felt like paying a visit, but you weren't answering the door..." he made his way through the house, stumbling upon an open bedroom. He peered inside, and there in the bed was Yuudai. His smile returned for a moment, until he noticed her. There was a woman with him, wearing an oversized shirt of a man's size, and holding him close. Isamu managed to stutter out one word, but no more, out of sheer confusion and surprise. "Who...?"

3Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:38 am



Darkness, that's what greeted him upon regaining consciousness, keeping his eyelids shut, trying to avoid the morning light from glaring in to his sensitive eyes. Yuudai felt something pressed against his right side, though already knowing what it; mainly due to knowing where he went to sleep. It was too early, far to early for him to wake up. Then again, it probably was the usual time he woke up, but lately he had gotten in to a slight habit of waking up later than he normally would, though he did prefer enjoying spending time just laying down, in the warmth, with Himitsu by his side. The slight shifting near him gave away that she was probably already awake, yet Yuudai would rather sleep more, as he didn't have anything planned to do today, and it was far too early to do anything anyways.

There was something pressed up against the side of his face, a small, warm, and delicate hand, from what his tired mind could perceive. His head moved towards the added warmth, wanting more of it, a contrast to his naturally low body temperature. Yet, that was gone all due to a faint presence he could feel around the premise. Maybe it was the knocking on the door just moments ago? Or, was it the boisterous yelling of the individual that had entered his house. Well, at least he could tell who it was based off the voice of the person. Letting out a slight groan, Yuudai slowly took right hand and gently laid it upon the one that was covering his face. It was probably too late for him to find a way to change the scenario, though at least he had only Isamu to deal with, seeing as he and Himitsu had met with his mother two weeks ago; a week after returning to the village.

The person was already in his room. How could he tell? From the simple word of "Who...?" Yuudai would grasp the hand his right hand was placed over, calmly guiding it so Himitsu's hand would be removed from his face at the moment, seeing as how he needed to get up (even if he didn't want to), and address Isamu. Pushing himself off the bed with his elbows, Yuudai sat up, shirtless, the only thing covering him were the sheets of the bed as he slowly opened his eyes, the drowsiness still making it difficult for him to open his eyes. "Isamu, how did you get inside?" Really, he better not have broken down the door, clearly not wanting to repair it if it was broken, and that would probably put the Aisu in a bad mood for the remainder of the day; a day that just started. Taking his right hand, Yuudai would rub his temple, not wanting a headache this early in the morning. Might as well get the pleasantries out of the way. "Isamu, this is Haruto Himitsu. Hime, this is Maede Isamu." Yeap. Straight to the point.

4Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:32 pm



She smiled, humming softly when she felt Yuudai nuzzle into her hand a bit, moving closer to her, but then a soft sound, a sound of knocking? Knocking at the front door? It passed, but then it returned a bit louder. "Too early to deal with people..." She said quiet, sleepy voice. Letting her eyes blink closed again. She was still sleepy, still in the mood for cuddling and just being lazy as anything. She was fully intent on going right back to sleep, but then she heard a loud noise, startling her to such an extent that she must've leapt a foot above the bed before she clung to the sheets, letting out a soft whimper of slight pain and fear. Loud noises were one thing that she feared and disliked.

And this person barged in, knocking the door down, and was walking around the house yelling about paying Yuudai a visit. Nope. No no no no no no no no no no nope. Nope. Can't. Nope. She couldn't even handle something like this so early, being startled, heart racing, clinging to the bed and to Yuudai out of fear. Her head hurt now, due to being startled and woken up in such a fast manner. Lifting her right hand to the side of her head, she attempted to massage away the pain while her left hand drew the covers over her form more and more. She didn't know this person. He had no right to see her in her intimate sleepwear. She felt Yuudai sit up next to her, answering the young man's question about who she was, and introducing them to each other. He had called her princess again, she liked that pet name, and the fact that he was calm enough to use her pet name combined with him already knowing this person, helped her calm down a bit.

Looking to Yuudai, she let her right hand touch the back of his left arm, rubbing it in a soothing way. "Yuu, why is he here so early?" She asked, Pulling her knees into her chest as much as she could with her busty nature. "And why is he in the house?" Her voice was tired sounding, but still soft and quiet. She wasn't asking it in a rude manner, she was just curious and sleepy. All she wanted to do was lay down and cuddle some more, have breakfast in a bit and otherwise just relax, lazing about the house. Looking over to Isamu, she gave a sleepy smile and spoke, "Hello~"

5Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:55 pm



Yuudai, seemingly unenthusiastic about seeing his student, gave a sigh and proceeded to speak in his usual calm tone. "Isamu, how did you get inside?" Isamu thought back to a few moments before, and the powerful lunge that had effortlessly knocked the door open. It hadn't broken off, so there were no urgent repairs to be made, although it most likely wouldn't lock properly until tended to. Isamu didn't really care to explain in all that great of detail, so instead he answered with a simple, "I just knocked it open, battery-ram style. No worries, it's still on its hinge." He wanted to demand who this woman was lying next to his sensei...but, no, he wouldn't do that, because now the girl was looking at him in her sleepy state, knees pressed to her noticeably large bosom.

She had stark blue eyes and dark red hair that fell all over the bed covers like rivers of wine. She was quite pretty, he had to admit, but was she some sort of woman of ill-repute, as his father used to put it? Yuudai had been gone for less than a month and had now taken up the lifestyle of a pimp! It sickened Isamu to see a man who "wasn't really looking for a relationship" to now be giving it up to random women. It was a dangerous and unhealthy behavior. Yuudai spoke again, this time in introduction. "Isamu, this is Haruto Himitsu. Hime, this is Maeda Isamu."

"Hello~" This 'Himitsu' seemed pleasant enough, based on her voice alone. She wasn't harboring any anger toward him for bursting in, which was also a good sign. But, that wouldn't change a thing if she was the kind of person he assumed she was. If she was as pleasant as her voice seemed, she wouldn't mind the question that Isamu couldn't hold back any longer.

"Alright, I don't mean to offend you by this, and be honest with me: are you a prostitute?" The silence hung in the air just after Isamu said this, and not a word or movement was made; the only thing he sensed was the sudden chilling feeling in the room, and he was unsure if this was normal or if it was Yuudai's doing and he was about to be frozen to death for saying that. Even if Himitsu was a prostitute, Yuudai wouldn't take the criticism well, and who knows if it meant he'd react violently with lethal Hyouton jutsu. Tension built up in Isamu as he grew a bit frightened. He blinked twice.

6Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:24 am



The door was still on it's hinges... that was a good thing? If Yuudai had to do anything, even slightly, to make the door back in proper working conditions, he already knew how he'd be for the rest of the day. He assumed Isamu would know as well; though clearly Isamu had no idea about how to approach subjects, instead asking about them directly, for now Isamu was safe. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Yuudai was able to keep them open, yet at the same time they felt heavy due to recently having being woken up, clearly not expecting his day to start off like it has; with a broken front door and an intruder inside. When Himitsu had asked why Isamu was here so early, and why he was here, Yuudai was curious as well. He doubted he missed anything of importance lately, thus the was probably another unexpected visit. The last time Isamu visited, he brought along a stranger, one who Yuudai was barely tolerable towards. "That's what I'd like to know." The words were muttered out after Himitsu had spoke out, and then turned to greet Isamu.

After a few moments, the mood Yuudai was in instantly fell from the words that escaped his mouth. The usual impassive aura around him dropped, pertaining to his Kekkei Genkai, the element of ice. Really, Isamu needed to appropriately ask questions. Waiting a while, possible even a minute, though it clearly felt longer, Yuudai acted without much restraint on his actions. Colder than before, Yuudai spoke towards Isamu, "Isamu...." He let the words hang in the air, as he brought his right hand infront of him, moving far too fast for the untrained eye to see. Motioning through handsigns in a few moments, Yuudai clearly not thinking about his actions, five needles made of the mixture of suiton and futon chakra formed in front of him, instantly being grabbed by his right hand. Without any hesitation, or resistance, he threw them in the general direction of Isamu, clearly not pleased by the word he had used to describe Himitsu (or caring if Isamu took the brunt of the damage), the person he was gradually growing closer to over the last few weeks, since returning to the Village Hidden in the Mist. "Care to repeat what you said?"

If he had more energy, more awareness, or didn't know the person before him, Yuudai probably would have used a more potent technique, though that would have potentially ruined the interior of his house. Really, even his mother, who was potentially worse than Isamu, didn't have the same reaction compared to his former student. His eyes were now wide open, clearly having lost the previous drowsiness as he stared at Isamu, still sitting straight up with the covers still over him. "And while your at it, explain why your here as well."


7Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:31 pm



"... A... A prostitute?" Her blue eyes narrowed into feline slits. "Excuse me? I do not sell my body!" She asked, her voice clearly displaying shock and displeasure at being called such a word. It's not that she was called a prostitute, but that fact that this new person had just walked in and assumed that she was a whore, a slut, selling her body for money. It bothered her, it offended her highly that he had inferred such. Her lips pursed, eyebrows coming together to complete a look of indignation. The words from Isamu were followed by the temperature in the room dropping, enough to make her skin rise in goosebumps. The tension, she could feel it building in the room, rolling off Yuudai like a thick mist, his aura changed drastically from what she was used to feeling. Angry, she had no doubt in her mind that Isamu's comment had upset him when she heard the tone of his voice. She felt his hand move, the chakra flowing through him at a high rate, forming senbon in front of him, the sound of them sent whistling through the air in Isamu's direction.

After the Senbon went flying, she heard Yuudai ask if the man cared to repeat what he had asked. Looking at Yuudai with wide eyes, she would let her arms slip around his left arm before tugging. "Yuu, please don't hurt him..." She asked quietly. "Just tell him what we are?" To be honest, she had never seen him upset, but she knew that he had power, and could easily kill someone. His anger scared her to a point, and she didn't want to see him upset, no she much prefered it when he was happy, relaxed, content. She disliked the thought of seeing him anything but that.

Glancing around the room like a frightened cat, she wondered if she should stay silent as this was handled or if she should go ahead and speak out and explain what she and Yuudai where to this Isamu person. How would she even explain it? She wasn't a whore, nor was she a booty call for Yuudai. What were they? They both liked each other, sleeping with each other, saying affectionate things, more relaxed and trusting of each other. More than friends, but they weren't married. It was complicated to be honest. The easiest way to describe them was the word 'lovers' but they were in a relationship, and the word lovers could be applied to a one night stand situation. She guessed that boyfriend and girlfriend could describe them correctly as well, and would make the most sense to Isamu, since he didn't know the relationship that well.

Looking at Isamu, she spoke in her soft voice. "I guess... The best way to describe what me and Yuu are, is... Well, most people would see us as boyfriend and girlfriend. It's the easiest way for my to describe it. I'm just, rather offended that you thought I was some sort of cheap whore from the streets. To be honest, polygamous relationships confused and scare me highly. I'd rather not catch every virus and infection that crawls under the sun." Turning, she let her freckle dappled cheeks lift in a smile towards Yuudai, she would let her hand rub the top of his back in an attempt to placate him.

8Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:35 pm



Isamu's eyes returned to Yuudai, and needles of ice appeared suddenly, most likely why the room had grown cold. Isamu knew all too well not to be angry about this, because Yuudai usually reacted negatively to Isamu's actions and violent wasn't too much of a stretch from that. The Sannin plucked the needles from the air and threw them in Isamu's general direction, but he pressed his hand to the closest wall in response. "Fūton: Kyūten no Kabe!" A large barrier of wind appeared, and the needles hit it and shattered. The barrier faded away just afterward, and he removed his hand from the wall. "Come now, sensei, I didn't mean offense. I already told you. Yet you still react so violently..." Yuudai's expression still looked quite flustered, and so did Himitsu's. The woman spoke, now, sitting up a bit. "I guess... The best way to describe what me and Yuu are, is... Well, most people would see us as boyfriend and girlfriend. It's the easiest way for my to describe it. I'm just, rather offended that you thought I was some sort of cheap whore from the streets. To be honest, polygamous relationships confused and scare me highly. I'd rather not catch every virus and infection that crawls under the sun."

Isamu nodded. "I see. Yuudai never told me that he wanted a girlfriend or anything of the sort, he was always so busy with the Aisu's affairs. I'm sorry for assuming the worst." It was still awkward and the tension in the air was choking, nearly. Isamu sighed, now bored with the situation. He wasn't fond of being a third wheel at all, so he considered leaving. Their couple-y-ness also reminded him of Shigure, which brought sadness and grief to his eyes. His love had fallen after his lover died. Their love was blooming, and he should've been happy for them, but he wasn't capable of such empathy. He had the mental maturity of a young child, and he was too busy caught up in his own issues to care for theirs. He realized that he had started crying, and tears were falling to the floor. He wiped the tears away with a confused look and looked back up to them, attempting to stay cordial instead of just leaving after that.

"Can I stay for breakfast? I think something's wrong with me and I don't wanna be alone."


9Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:20 am



"Yuu, please don't hurt him..." The words had registered in his mind, making note that if he did anything further, it would probably upset Himitsu based off the knowledge he had about her personality over the last few weeks. The gentle tugging on his left arm seemed to alleviate some of his mood for the time being, though the air still around him was generally cold until Isamu would explain himself. He slightly toned out the voices as Himitsu explained what they were, or rather perceived to be. He often thought the terms of boyfriend and girlfriend seemed childish, especially at this point in the relationship between himself and Himitsu. Though he himself could not come up with a word that could actually describe them. Maybe, one day, it would be more, though he was currently satisfied with how things were, but he knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he'd much rather have their relationship set in stone before a new life came to the household.

Isamu assuming the worst possible scenario was something that seemed to irk Yuudai, but those thoughts were thrown away as soon as he realized that the Maeda had started crying. The gentle rubbing of his back seemed to soothe him, alleviate him of his irked mood; thus the acknowledgement of the tears that had been shed moments ago. "Can I stay for breakfast? I think something's wrong with me and I don't wanna be alone." Yuudai knew he'd allow him to stay, whether it was just how the man was or because he thought Himitsu would want to keep him around, since Isamu seemed to be in an emotional state. Not trusting his voice at the moment, Yuudai let out a grunt of approval to Isamu's request, in this case, an invitation for him to stay. "Suichi should be in the living room." Yuudai muttered out those words as he was swinging his lower body over the edge of the bed, his black boxers worn, preparing to get out of bed. He really didn't want to be out of bed this early, but it seemed life had other ideas.

10Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:32 pm



"It's fine, Isamu-san." She said in her quiet voice when she heard him apologise. "I've just had people assume things like that before, and it happens to be fairly annoying. People assuming things because of my chest." She gave a disgusted sigh and fell quiet for a moment, then she realised that Isamu was crying. She realised it when she heard his voice, cracked with sadness and laced with the sounds of tears as he asked if he could stay for breakfast. Well, she would much rather continue to lie in the bed, cuddling Yuudai, go back to sleep, and then maybe have a wake up romp, then have a nice brunch type meal. She yawned softly as Yuudai gave his grunt of approval. She felt the bed move as he shifted to get off.

Sighing softly, she looked to Isamu, then made a hug motion. Maternal instincts? Yes. She wanted to comfort the poor thing, even though she had not a single clue as to why he was crying at the current moment. If he did walk over and hug her, she would wrap her arms around his torso in a gentle hug, a hug that friends gave, nothing more. "Hush now, you don't need to cry. Everything will be alright, everything will be fine hun, so don't cry." She would say in a comforting voice. She would let go of the embrace and smile at him. "We'll meet you in the dining area in a moment, just give us some time to get dressed, okay?"

She would wait for him to leave the room and close the door before turning to look at Yuudai with a soft smile. "Could you please tell me where you just so happened to put my clothes, love? Because I have no clue how I happened to get your shirt on. Also, will you help me brush my hair?" When he said where he put them, she would get up and get them. Unlike him, she was lacking her undergarments, and wanted to be somewhat presentable to their guest. Her hair was also acting up, and was rather hard to brush in a timely fashion with how long it currently was. Maybe she should cut it. After they finished getting dressed and her hair was presentable, Himi would walk out of the bedroom and met Isamu in the dining room. Looking towards the man, she asked, "So, how do you know Yuudai?" She was wearing Yuudai's shirt still, and a pair of dark grey shorts, her hair down in a red waterfall.

11Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:29 pm



Yuudai grunted, an odd noise but one that indicated Isamu was welcome. He pushed his white hair out of his face again, and forced a smile. Himitsu made an effort to make Isamu feel better, and assured him that everything would be alright. Both of them had changed attitudes, which was a good thing, of course, but Isamu was sure that he wouldn't tell them why he was crying in the first place. It was just too sensitive of a subject, anyways. He would pin it on something like, "how he felt so bad about barging in". Believable enough. This woman's kind words were enough to convince Isamu that she was worthy of a guy like Yuudai. Yes, the Maeda was quite protective of his former teacher, but he eased up a bit and stopped being so rude. Well, tried to, at least. They ushered him out a moment so they could change, and Yuudai said that Suichi was in the living room, so Isamu headed out there, passing back through the hallway and sitting on the couch. Surely enough, the little penguin was there, and he just sat and stared back at Isamu with a blank expression. Silence. After a few moments here, he resolved that they would be in the dining room anyways, so he just picked up Suichi and migrated to the area.

He sat at the table and set Suichi down in the chair next to him before resting an elbow on the table and his head on his hand. Footsteps could be heard from the bedroom, and Himitsu was the first to enter, approaching Isamu with a smile. Her red hair looked quite pretty in the light. "So, how do you know Yuudai?" Isamu toyed with this question a little, trying to find an "entertaining" way of answering it. He failed.

"It's a funny story, y'know. I was like, a Genin and stuff, and I was sooo ready to be a real ninja. And then, the Mizukage at the time, Sero, put me...well, he put me on Yuudai's squad. So. Uh. He is--...was my sensei. I'm a Jounin now, but I still consider Yuudai a friend and so I bother him often." He felt as if he should ask a question in return, so he rubbed at his chin for a moment and asked, "How about you? How did you and Yuudai meet?" His snow-white eyes were set on Himitsu's as he awaited an answer.

12Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:18 pm



The soft click of the door indicated that Isamu had left the room and that he and Himitsu needed to get dressed. Really, if only Isamu was patient enough to wait at the door, which would be perfectly fine, was a much better scenario in Yuudai's mind. He heard the question coming from Himitsu, pertaining to the location of her clothes and if he would aid her in settling her hair. The first question, was fairly simple to him, thus answer almost immediately. "By the foot of the bed, if I remember correctly." Combing her hair, while he could do it, as he had to do so with his own, he wondered if it really was faster if he did it, or if she just wanted him to comb her hair. Regardless, he agreed to it, after a minor stint of searching for the comb. After dealing with Himitsu's hair, Yuudai decided he may as well get himself to be presentable as well, heading straight to his closet to search for his standard kimono. Changing with relative ease, Yuudai heard the door reopen, indicating Himitsu leaving the room as he searched for his hair tie. He always preferred to keep it tied back whenever he could, but never could bring himself to get his hair cut short.

After a minute or so of searching, he found that it was thrown on the opposite side of his bed, the side that Himitsu had been occupying. Once he had adjusted his hair to it's usual style of his low-ponytail, Yuudai left the room fully dressed, though in a homely style. As he left his room and headed towards the dining room, where he heard voices coming from, Yuudai was only able to make out a few words, and the last few were clear as day. "How did you and Yuudai meet?" Now that, would be an interesting explanation, one which he wouldn't explain due to his nature of explaining things  (and already having explained it once before), and how he dealt with his mother and informing her of the nature of his and Himitsu's relationship. So, instead Yuudai deliberately walked slow so that he wouldn't be pushed to answer by Himitsu. Once she would begin speaking, he would be in their eyesight, leaning against the wall as he watched with curious eyes.

13Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:29 pm



Oh, so this person was a former student of Yuudai? Interesting, it surprised her that Yuudai had not told her of him having mentored a squad already, but what could she expect? He was indeed a sannin, one of the three most powerful ninja in his village. Why wouldn't he have mentored before? Maybe it just had not crossed her distracted mind that she would run into one of his students, at least, not like this... Nor had she expected one of his former students to be so... quirky? Strange? Brash? The kid had been rather impudent, asking such an impertinent and audacious question after basically breaking the door down, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, the poor thing had started crying.

And asking to stay for breakfast.

Too early. She thought when he returned her question. Everything was still too early. Who in the right mind decided to visit people at eight in the morning anyways? Aside from her sleepiness, her mind was trying to process a way to explain how she and Yuudai had met, without making herself look like a drunk whore, and also making Yuu look bad. She heard the door to their room close, meaning that Yuudai was out; a gentle smile tugged the corners of her lips up into a slight, cat like expression. Casting her eyes up to Isamu's face, she gave a small laugh.

"Apple juice." She said as Yuudai entered the room. If Isamu asked again, all she would reply with was, "Simply, apple juice." She was refering to the drinks they had shared at the bar, and both her and Yuu would know the meaning, while Isamu would be left to figure it out on his own for the time being. Turning she looked at Yuudai, "Isn't that right, Yuu?" She said as she would move to slip a slim arm around his waist in a simple embrace. What she said hadn't necessarily been a lie, the drinks that she could recall did have different kinds of fruit juice in them, and from what she knew, those drinks were golden, or looked like apple juice.... So, in her own mind, she wasn't lying at all, just not telling the full truth. A small white lie if you must.

14Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:46 pm



Isamu listened closely as Himitsu's anticipated reply juice. Apple juice? Isamu thought about it. Was that an innuendo? Gross, were they into golden showers or something? That couldn't be it. Nah, Yuudai-sensei isn't that much of a kink. I don't think he is, at least. He pushed the thought from his mind before the images could flash before his eyes. That was the last thing he wanted to be picturing. What else could apple juice mean? Did it mean that they'd known each other since childhood? He sighed. "How romantic. I guess." he muttered, giving her a smile. His eyes went on to take in Yuudai's appearance, and then to Suichi who hadn't done much in the last few minutes. He found himself involuntarily pushing his hair from his eyes, a common habit of his. He sometimes wished that conversation came naturally and he was some sort of social butterfly, but he wasn't. As much as he liked to be around people, it was odd that he constantly was sitting through awkward silences.

Over time, Isamu realized that the silence had gone on for a full minute or two, and now desperate to say anything to break it, he asked the first question that came to mind. "So since you guys are together, did you like, move from Kumogakure or something? Last I saw Yuudai, he was prepping to go there, and now that he's back, you're here. I assume that means you're from there, correct, Himitsu?" Isamu didn't want to seem all that analytic, and these questions weren't an effort of scrutiny, but rather he just had nothing else to say and felt he needed to address the elephant in the room...their relationship.

15Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:32 am



Apple juice? Really? That was her explanation. Certainly, Yuudai expected a bit more creativity if she was not going to tell Isamu the truth upfront, not that he expected the full story to be told to Isamu after the way he and Himitsu had been introduce to one another. Who knew how Isamu would interpret the vague description that Himitsu had used to describe how he and she had met one another, especially considering there was nothing involving apple juice involved, at all. Isamu's words about that being romantic seemed to gear Yuudai in to believing Isamu was on a totally different thought pattern compared to himself, though it was expected given Isamu's general personality. Suichi just seemed to sit there, keeping to himself as he did not care much for the conversation at hand. The critter certainly did warm up to Yuudai's relationship with Himitsu relatively fast, faster than the male directly involved.

"Apple juice at a bar?" The words were muttered to himself, thus barely audible to those who didn't attempt to even hear it. As Himitsu embraced him, he returned it lightly, before clearing his voice to speak once again, knowing that it was Himitsu's question to answer, not his. After she would answer, he would lightly voice out what would be on everybody's minds, or at least his own and Suichi's. "What would you like to eat for breakfast?" It wasn't directed at either of the persons in the dining room, but rather to both, knowing that there'd have to be a consensus for the meal. He also lowered his voice, so that only Himitsu could hear his words. "I think it'd be better off if Isamu were to find out sooner rather than later; given his personality. Though, I'll let you decide when to let him know. He's a good person, just get to know him a bit more." He knew that would need to be addressed soon, seeing as how when she began to show, Isamu would be questioning it all. Also, Yuudai believed the two could become good friends, if they got to know one another.

16Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:42 pm



To be completely honest, himi was sure she could come up with something better than apple juice, but she liked her own explanation to such a higher degree. To leave someone puzzled, left to figure out some cryptic speak by themselves was a rather fun thing to do... at least in her own opinion. She didn't know the new male all that well, so he was left with a inconclusive answer to think over until she knew that she could trust him. Granted, the act that yuudai knew him already gave her a better view of Isamu.

Smiling, she w liquid answer Isamu's question about her origin. [color:2f76=66cccc]"No, I was born and raised in the Hidden Mist Village. We both where in the hidden cloud village; him training, myself on my own business and we just so happened to run into each other by pure chance." She punctuated with a soft titter.

Hearing Yuudai's question, she thought for a moment. What did she want for breakfast? Nothing too heavy or salty. She didn't want to get herself sick and begin the morning sickness cycle earlier than need be. So, what did she want? Maybe something light, nothing with eggs to be precise... Maybe some fresh fruit would be nice... Or maybe just some sticky rice. Onigiri was always a desired food on her list. What would Isamu want to eat though? There would have

17Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:05 pm



To be completely honest, himi was sure she could come up with something better than apple juice, but she liked her own explanation to such a higher degree. To leave someone puzzled, left to figure out some cryptic speak by themselves was a rather fun thing to do... at least in her own opinion. She didn't know the new male all that well, so he was left with a inconclusive answer to think over until she knew that she could trust him. Granted, the act that yuudai knew him already gave her a better view of Isamu.

Smiling, she w liquid answer Isamu's question about her origin. "No, I was born and raised in the Hidden Mist Village. We both where in the hidden cloud village; him training, myself on my own business and we just so happened to run into each other by pure chance." She punctuated with a soft titter.

Hearing Yuudai's question, she thought for a moment. What did she want for breakfast? Nothing too heavy or salty. She didn't want to get herself sick and begin the morning sickness cycle earlier than need be. So, what did she want? Maybe something light, nothing with eggs to be precise... Maybe some fresh fruit would be nice... Or maybe just some sticky rice. Onigiri was always a desired food on her list. What would Isamu want to eat though? There would have to be an agreement on what they were going to eat for the first meal of the day. "Well, I would be happy with something simple, like onigiri, for breakfast. Something light that doesn't have eggs in it?" She said, looking up at Yuudai, as if seeking his approval of her choice.

[OOC: sorry for the double post. Posting from a phone, and I can't edit posts from it. Staffers, please delete the accidental post.]

18Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:44 pm



Isamu listened closely as Himitsu explained what the setting of "apple juice" was. Well, maybe it wasn't a direct explanation of apple juice but it was certainly a better answer to his question of how they met. Apparently she was born in the Hidden Mist Village, but was in the Hidden Cloud on a sort of personal something or other. Yuudai and she met on chance, in her words. Isamu nodded, a natural thing to do when he had no other comments to make but wanted to indicate he was listening. Whenever he just stayed silent, he felt as if he was making the other person's words unimportant. Oh, sociality. Such a strange and intricate dance that was done day to day without a second thought. Himitsu then addressed Yuudai's question with a contemplative look and then a soft answer.

"Well, I would be happy with something simple, like onigiri, for breakfast. Something light that doesn't have eggs in it?" Isamu could agree with that, onigiri was a food that he found delightful for the most part. Then again, he always ate rice, so it would be nice to have something else for a change...ultimately though, he figured onigiri wouldn't be bad for now, if he only had a little. He could change it up for lunch, this was just a preliminary meal in the day. "Yeah, onigiri sounds good." He leaned back in his seat and put his arms behind his head in a relaxed position as another question came to mind.

"So training, huh, Yuudai? What made you go to Kumo for that?"

19Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Thu Oct 10, 2013 3:25 am



A simple meal was all they really asked for, something he could easily accomplish. Allowing a faint smile to trace his lips, Yuudai turned to his companion, Suichi, raising a simple eyebrow in question for what the creature wanted to eat, though the Aisu probably knew what he wanted without having to ask, the special mix of granola bar that his mother had prepared for Suichi, taking his taste and nutrition for the creature in to account. With a slight twinkle in the flightless birds eye, Yuudai already knew what he would want to eat. Thus, knowing how to produce onigiri, as it was one of the very few things he knew how to make proficiently well, though it was an abysmal variety of foods that he actually knew how to make. Nodding to the two, he spoke quietly, "I'll be able to make them, give me a few minutes, your welcome to help if you wish. And it was genjutsu training." With the food issue solved for the two, he turned to the remaining individual in the room, the penguin.

"Come on Suichi, I'll get you your food." There was little hesitation on the flightless birds part as he jumped down from his seat and followed the Hyouton user as Yuudai began to make his way to the kitchen, though he really didn't want to prepare the food this early in the morning, considering the visit from Isamu was unexpected, and he would have much rather preferred to have laid down with Himitsu for another hour or two. But, that wasn't possibly, so he'd have to go with the flow, adjust to the situation brought out by the external environment, factors he could not control, though wished he could. Such thoughts brought him to recall his ineptitude towards his training regiment, and his duties as a Sannin to the village. Though first, he had to deal with getting through this breakfast.

20Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:10 pm



Yuudai shuffled across the room, skirting his reply in as he walked. He had accepted Onigiri as their dish for this morning, probably not the most filling option, but it was a treat that Isamu was delighted to enjoy from time to time. Yuudai added that his training was Genjutsu training, which piqued Isamu's interest mildly. Genjutsu was something that Isamu honestly knew nothing about; he'd never even met a ninja who used Genjutsu. Well, beside Yuudai now, he supposed, but still. He was intrigued and simply got out of his seat, moving over to a nearby wall to watch Yuudai feed Suichi. Isamu gave the penguin a smile as he proceeded to ask. "So now you're like a big-bad Genjutsu master, or what? That's pretty cool, I suppose. You're the only Genjutsu user I know, really."

This made him realize that he hadn't asked Himitsu if she knew any ninja skills of the sort, or in general, even. He faced his attention back to the girl as Yuudai made his way into the kitchen. "And you, Himi? Are you a ninja, and if so, what is your fighting style based around?" He wasn't too sure that she was, seeing as she was so innocent and young-looking, but looks could certainly be deceiving. Many had mistaken Isamu for a small child, when in fact he was a 23-year-old ex-medic Jounin. So, yeah, Himitsu could technically be anything, looking at it from those terms rather than on outward appearance. Isamu calmly smiled as he awaited both her reply and Yuudai's meal.

21Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:09 am



She heard both Isamu and Yuudai agree to her choice of Onigiri for breakfast. She knew that Yuudai didn't really mind having it, but was this Isamu person just agreeing for the sake of agreeing? Maybe he  was, it really was the least he could do after breaking the door down, barging into their house, coming into their room, waking them up, calling her a whore and then crying all over her ample bosom. The least he could manage was to not argue with her over breakfast. She honestly wouldn't know how to feel if he had indeed started to not agree. She likely would have been an unpleasant hostess, what with her cravings and how she could feel the mood swings coming on.

Yes. She could feel the mood swings coming on. Lifting her right hand, she rubbed her forehead, trying to rub away the budding headache and nausea she could feel turning her empty stomach in the most unpleasant of ways. She heard Yuudai walk into the kitchen, Suichi following closely. She could hear the penguin's food being poured into a bowl. She could smell her scent, as well as Yuudai's on herself, and from her spot at the table, she could sense the general smell of Ismau's house. Nothing was upsetting, well not normally anyway, but today? Today it was all too much for her to deal with. It just made her feel sick, made her gut feel hot and slimy, made her feel disgusting. She heard Isamu ask her a question, what had he asked her?

"And you, Himi? Are you a ninja, and if so, what is your fighting style based around?"

Ninja? Oh... yeah, she was a ninja, though currently, not practising any of her skills. How would she answer him? Should she just lie and tell him that she wasn't a ninja? It wouldn't do any harm, she hardly did missions or participated in Shinobi things anyway... But if he was a former student, she would likely be seeing him more in the future... Would it be good or healthy to lie to him if she was going to have to continue to see him? In the end, she decided that it would not be good to lie to this person, she might as well tell him the truth.

"... Yes, I am a kunoichi, but I would rather not fight anyone if I could help it. I have started down the path of a medic-nin, if that is the answer you seek..." She said, trailing off. She... She was not feeling good at all. Standing, she excused herself and quickly made her way to the bathroom. Shutting and locking the door, she pulled and held her hair back with her left hand and knelled down before purging into the toilet. The only thing that came up was bile and water, leaving a disgusting taste in her mouth. After calming down and flushing the toilet, she brushed her teeth, washed her face and fixed her hair. Staring at herself in the mirror, she let her face drop into her hands. She was tired and suffering from a headache. She honestly just wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep... Maybe cuddle with Yuudai. She didn't want to deal with company. Company was not her cup of tea today, and likely wouldn't be for some time.

Trying her best not to look and act like a zombie, she walked back into the dining room and then into the kitchen to help Yuudai with the food. "What do you need help with Yuu?" She asked, fatigue showing in her voice.

22Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:42 am



"Master? No. Simply learning the art currently. I don't expect to master it anytime soon." Yuudai had answered back at Isamu who was now leaning against the doorway, Suichi had settled himself on the floor by Isamu as Yuudai began to make preparations for breakfast, grabbing whatever utensils/ingredients he needed to prepare Onigiri, which truly wasn't much at all. As he began to scurry around the kitchen, the tone of Himitsu's voice had reached his ears, though her answer seemed rather quiet than he originally would have expected. Glancing down at her, he would search her face, trying to figure out what was the cause of her being quieter than usual. Honestly, he had expected the question to be brushed off for some reason, though he supposed she had reason's for answering as well. Then, she excused herself from the room.

He would've pursued her to see what was wrong, but with Isamu still here and the odd sense that he believed she wanted to gather her thoughts currently, he resumed attempting to make breakfast. At least it didn't involve the stove and fire. To avoid the silence that consumed the room, aside from Suichi's nibbling, Yuudai decided it was best to make conversation; or at least attempt it, "Isamu... What've you been up to lately?" Yeah, he still wasn't good at this. Yuudai's ears perked up upon hearing a door shut, most likely due to Himitsu, and moments later another noise he couldn't exactly put his finger upon. The door being closed had subdued the volume of noise that would leak out, thus Yuudai being perplexed by what exactly happened. Resuming making the food, he would continue onward until the return of Himitsu to the kitchen, and the simple words that escaped her. Though, more than anything, he noticed the tone of her voice, she sounded tired.

Slowly turning his head to face her, while resuming the creation of the food, "Are you feeling alright? If your not, go lay down." His voice held his resolve, though it was very subtle in the way he let her know.

23Impressions[Private | No Kill] Empty Re: Impressions[Private | No Kill] Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:01 pm



Isamu went on thinking about mundane things, as he usually did. Anything to take his mind off of Shigure, really, and he was relatively happy. So there he was, thinking deeply about how cool it was that his sensei used Genjutsu and how his sensei also had a girlfriend. A half-smile sat stagnant on his face and his gaze was set on the floor. Himitsu's voice chimed in softly, answering his question in a somewhat vague answer. She explained that she had assumed the path of a medical ninja, which was good news to Isamu. He could have someone to heal shit with! A much better method of practicing medical ninjutsu, at least compared to his last bout of dissected corpses illegally and...yeah. Didn't end well, Sero wasn't all that happy with him and then there was a coffin full of ants and he regretted it. Yuudai's deeper vocal tones interrupted Isamu's thoughts yet again. "Isamu... What've you been up to lately?"

Isamu thought about his response for a moment. He could've sugar-coated it and made it super nice and sweet and innocently blissful, but that would essentially be lying. He trusted Yuudai, Yuudai was the last father figure he had left after his parents' deaths and the rest of his family being...well, not in Kirigakure, that's for sure. All he had left was his sister, and even she seemed to hate him. All he had was Yuudai, why would he lie to him? "Terrible. Let's see here, I met a boy. Actually, I already knew him, we were childhood friends, but that's not the point. His name was Shigure. I fell in love immediately, but I guess he didn't feel the same way. We had passionate 'relations' and then I didn't see him for weeks and when I did we talked for maybe a few minutes and then he went off again, and we didn't see each other for a long while. Next thing I know, I hear that he died just a couple of weeks ago. Depression kicked in, and of course my sister started to hate me for no real reason so that sucks. Although there is one good thing, I saved some lady's life recently at the hospital. What was her name...uh, Tenmei, I think? Me and Strafe had to do surgery on her. But yeah, that's about it."

The young ninja sat back in the chair and rested his head, staring up at the ceiling in an effort to keep down the tears without seeming obvious. He looked like he was in thought but rather he was in pieces. Just to brush past the subject and make it sound as if he wasn't so broken by it, he threw in a casual comment. "I should cut my hair, it's getting so long...and my bangs are annoying as hell." he said in a mutter, his voice cracking as he forced back a sob. Ew, crying. He hated crying but he did it all the time. It made no sense.

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