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Dameon stood up as he was told and grasped the weapon that had been given to him by the Mizukage. He looked at it, up and down admiring its majestic appearance. The actual blade on the weapon was somewhat dull but no worse than the katana he used now. The sheathe that had come with it was equally as beautiful. He placed the sheath across his back and slid the blade into it hearing the slight click as it fit perfectly into it. It was all so amazing he felt like he wanted to pinch himself. He stood up and looked around at the crowd that was cheering for him among the others that had been selected to be one of the seven swordsmen. It was like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders a weight that had been tied down by the lack of social acceptance in the village and now they were recognizing him. His heart felt a million different feeling, or so it seemed. He knew the woman he loved was coming back to help with the war, he only hoped that she would return safe. He had wished she could have seen this especially after telling her everything he had; she would be able to understand what this meant to him.

The crowd was still cheering and showing a great pride and strength in their village. Despite all the killing and bloodshed that had been brought to their doorstep they cheered and celebrated giving themselves and others hope. Hope was something he now head, his future seemed bright if not a little dangerous. He knew being a seven swordsman was going to create new problems for him but it was worth it so long as he could protect those he cared about. The Mizukage had called him a prodigy, something he had not expected after having been both scolded and promoted by her not a day ago. His ribs were still healing from that mission as well, two broken ribs and a hole clean through his left shoulder. He had been ignoring the pain to put on a strong face for the crowd but saying it didn’t cause him great pain would have been a lie. His jacket was strapped closed as well which was something he never usually did. It was to hide the bandages that had been wrapped around his torso as well as his shoulder injury, but aside from a few scuff marks and a hole or two in his jacket he looked normal. Now that he had a much better blade he had someone in mind that needed a sword that he would give them, but as he looked in the crowd he couldn’t see him either. Though he couldn’t see too far into the crowd because of the sheer number of people that were there.

He scanned the crowd some more seeing some unusual faces and noted them as the crowd began to slowly dissipate now that the ceremony was over. He wondered to himself if he would see Toraika or the man he could call a comrade Rinao. He had only known Rinao a day or so but already he had been through hell and back with him, though generally when he showed up it also meant that the day was going to get out of hand quickly.




It wasn't that he was avoiding the ceremony entirely, but he was reluctant to go and see the events unfolding knowing he had not earned the right to join their ranks. His passion for the blade and what skill he had just wasn't even close to being on the level of the others, and he knew that. Rinao had no delusions about what he was capable of. It was one of the things he prided himself, and hated at the same time. The sense of doubt about his own abilities, but it kept him striving beyond his capabilities and the fine lines drawn in the sand made by his own traitorous body. It had been embarrassing enough to pass out after the battle in the forest. What had made it worse was that he had been carried bodily to the hospital by the one person in Kirigakure he had any respect for that was went deeper than the superficial displays. While he had in fact saved him during that same battle, he also felt a certain level of contempt inside him for how little the act seemed to mean to Dameon.

To Rinao, it was indeed a big deal. On top of the fact he already felt oddly distracted around the other shinobi, he now had to add the fact he owed him his life to the growing list of reasons to not ignore his want to be near the other. There was a lot that had been going through his mind since their first mission together fighting those spies, which was the first time he had made a fool of himself in front of him. It seemed like it was becoming a defined pattern of making himself look like a total idiot, but at least Dameon didn't seem to outwardly care so much. In fact, much to his previously explained dismay, the young man didn't seem to care that much about anything except his duty. Though maybe that was something to be glad about. It meant there were aspects he could ignore for now until he found a way to either squash his rampant thought process or the hesitation he found near the other. There could only be one or the other; Both would not be something he was capable of keeping up for long.

At least he no longer limped from exhaustion like when he had first awoken, but he wasn't much better off. He'd been pushing himself so hard lately, he was amazed he hadn't been out longer at the hospital. Maybe it was a sign his body was getting stronger yet. At the rate with which this conflict was progressing, however, he knew it would be awhile yet before he was allowed to take it easy again. Even for a short while. Rinao found himself on the outer edges of the crowd, keeping to himself with his nearly brooding mood as he'd watched the event go on without care of his pangs of jealously and admiration of Dameon. He looked so strong and solid, despite the injuries he knew he must have hidden under those dark clothes. He couldn't help but feel unsettled though, and that attributed to the fact he made no effort to part the crowd and pass through to go to his comrade and give him his congratulations. With that slightly arrogant tilt to his chin, his midnight blue eyes scanned over the crowd with the uneasiness causing a dull ache in his shoulder where the needle had once been buried deep. Shifting back and forth in place with an obvious nervous energy humming over his skin.

Word count- 604/3000



Toraika had arrived from the ferry earlier that same morning and after stepping foot into Kiri territory, her Master, Sanosuke, had spoke to her about her sennin power. He told her she would have difficult training ahead and that it would be best to go off on her own for a bit to check up on her squad and on a certain someone. He thought she deserved a little off time before having to go back to war or get back to training with him, so she thought she would. After running off and leaving him behind after thoroughly apologizing for what she did to him on the ferry, she then needed to take care of her new student Sammey, who they had brought back with them. She knew she needed to take her to go check in with the Mizukage or the head admin building, so she led Sammey to the center of the village where the buildings resided. Once she had arrived there, she could barely move, as she was surrounded by a large crowd of people. She had no idea how to get out of where she was and most of all she had lost Sammey. She took a deep breath having faith in the girl and that she knew where she was going. After all it wouldn't be that hard to find since the Mizukage building was the largest in the village. She took another deep breath and made a few hand signs as she breathed the steam out from her mouth at her feet and manipulated the air around her and began to float, even flying in a way. She drifted off her feet and straight up into the air and out of the crowd to see what everyone was so interested in looking at. As her eyes caught the sight of him her heart rate rose to unexplained levels and her eyes widened exceptionally. There was a sort of stage set up with the Mizukage herself handing out the seven legendary swords. And the most amazing part of all of it, was that HE was getting one. Before she left he was but a genin and it blew her mind to see him accepting such an honor. With that said she wondered how much she had missed in the few days she was gone.

With her body still airborne, she flew over the crowd, her long bright pink hair flying around her face the whole while, and landed on the ground on front of the crowd at the foot of the stage. As the Mizukage finished up her ceremony, she watched him put the sword in its sheath and attach it to his back. The Mizukage walked off the stage and left the swordsman there to bask in their new glory and strength. She was unbelievably proud of him and she smiled softly seeing the smile he wore as he looked out at the crowd. At that moment she grew tired of watching and needed to hold him immediately. She had missed him so much and there was so much she wanted to know and so much she needed to tell. Before he had a chance to realize it, she floated back into the air and flew straight into him gently with enough force to cause him to step back but not enough to cause him to fall. She made contact and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him happily on the lips, with her body still levitating above the ground. She held the kiss for a moment happy to have him back safe and sound and better than ever, then slowly let her feet touch the stage again standing beside him and pulling away from the kiss. "I missed you Dameon." She whispered softly looking up at him with her signature light pink blush staining her cheeks. He didn't seem to have any sense of seeing her coming and that made her giggle lightly with the shock in his face. Then at that moment she got the feeling he had not missed her back making her extremely nervous. Swallowing hard awaiting him to say something, she looked up at him with her giant innocent eyes in anxiousness of his response.

Mission WC: 713/3000

Chakra: 240/250

Jutsu Used:



Sanosuke had just gotten off the ferry from Suna after guiding Toraika in the right direction to begin her journey as a sennin. She was already so excited that she had received the blessing of Lady Aelita, the Great Sage of the Bird Clan. The jounin already promised the girl that he would begin to teach her ways to properly implement the senjutsu chakra she was bestowed by Aelita-sama. In the meantime Sanosuke suggested that she rest and spend time with the people she loved. On that note she gave Sanosuke a rib splitting hug that made the Wasp sennin literally feel every rib in his rib cage snap at the monstrous hug he was given. No doubt she went to see her boyfriend she wouldn't shut up about the whole time they were on the ferry from Kiri and back. It made Sanosuke wonder when exactly the boy that was seeing his student would just give the girl the 'D' to keep her quiet. Of course he was kidding with that. If anyone put harm on his student, they would answer to him. With nothing to do, Sanosuke tried to figure out what he had to do. Scratching his head furiously he tried to figure out what exactly he should do. Navi was floating over Sanosuke's head aimlessly while Sanosuke was trying to think. He tapped his feet repeatedly to get his mind thinking.

"Don't you have to make a report to the main office about your mission failure to ask the Kazekage for her personal assistance in the war?" Navi suggested while landing on Sanosuke's head gently kicking against his head bored. Sanosuke could feel a sweat drop come from the back of his head. That's exactly what he needed. Supervisors of Kiri getting on his ass about not completeing his mission. It would make Kumo look like a bunch of idiots. He would get shit from his comrade shinobi and get chewed out by the Raikage. No he would keep this to himself for a while and do some other missions and complete them. When they're completed he would then go and tell about the failed mission. That way he would have something to defend himself with some evidence. But in the meantime he might just check out this festival that everyone was talking about. It was about the crowning of the seven swordsman. It would be interesting to go to. With nothing to do, he followed the crowd to the central part of Kirigakure where he was a part of an audience watching shinobi being knighted by the Mizukage.

They were all shinobi each with their skills of expertise. He recognized one of them as the boy he taught in the woods. So he got better in the days he was gone from Kiri. That was good. Now what was his name again? Dameon, that was it. So looks like he was good enough to become Seven Swordsmen. A feat that was remarkable. It would be good to spar against the little gaki sometime to test out the metal of that blade. And speaking of gaki, Sanosuke spotted a certain pink haired girl come floating to the ground landing gently on the ground. She rushed over and kissed Dameon on the lips. It made Sanosuke raise his eyebrow at this. Sanosuke smirked. So this is the kid that has his student head over heels in love. Sanosuke made a mental note to tease his little dove gaki about her love life a little bit later. It would be perfect payback what she did to him on the ferry ride back to Kiri. A shudder went through Sanosuke's spine at the hugs he got from grown men who kept on telling him sob story after sob story. They wouldn't leave him alone the entire time. He wouldn't mind if they were girls; hell no other man would complain. But they were men just crying like a bunch of girls! No Sanosuke would get his payback, with that he had a little chuckle as he visioned his revenge.

"Why can't you date somebody Sano? I bet it's your temper of yours!" Navi teased. It caused a blush to appear on Sanosuke's face at the comment his partner made about his own lover life.

"Wha-what? Shut up you damn bee! It's probably because no girl wants to hang out with a guy that has an annoying floating flashlight as a sidekick!" Sanosuke retorted.

"Who are you calling sidekick you lonely crybaby?"




"Forever Alone!"

"Take that back! I don't need to date to make myself happy you damn fly"

"Who the hell do you think you're calling a fly?!"
801/3000-> WC Mission



Not only had been caught by surprise by the way she had suddenly come flying out of the air he was simply surprised that she was here. He had only just a moment ago been wishing that she had been there to see everything and now he was holding her closely and kissing her like they had done before she had left. It was like all of his wishes had come true at once in such a fashion it had made him wasn’t to cry. He listened to her words and held her closer only wincing slightly at the pain she had caused to his ribs by charging into him. He hugged her tightly and looked over her shoulder at the crowd that was thinning out more and more. The same men he had spotted before were still in the crowd as if they had never moved at all, in fact they hadn’t. His eyes did what they did best and focused on one of the enemy trying to pick apart any details that gave away to their intentions.

“I’ve missed you too. So, much has happened. I’m…I’m just glad your back,” he said sincerely as he picked one man out of the crowd that had caught his attention. He was dressed in near rags with a hooded cloak, almost made to look like a vagabond except all the clothes were dark. He could see imprints on the clothes they wore, little bulges that moved the cloth around their torso giving away the concealed weapons, and furthermore none of them had any signs from a village especially kiri. Something didn’t seem right. They seemed to be strategically positioned as well. Dameon himself was facing directly away from the entrance of the administrative building. There was one was to his far left, and one to his far right, covering side escape routes. On top of that there were two guarding the two other roads that lead into the area in front of the admin building. They were at his ten and two O’clock to be exact forming a sort of trapezoid between the four of them. He was just about to speak up to Toraika when something else caught his eyes, the glare of metal from them all. They were targeting him seeing him as the most immediate threat. After all he had just been handed one of the legendary seven swords of the mist and he was now the only one of them left at the ceremony.

Kunai if he had to guess were all being tossed aiming directly for him as he held Toraika. They didn’t seem to care that she was in their way of a perfect target. It meant the world to him though. Not seen taking a second thought he dove to the ground holding her and rolling to fall onto his back as to attempt to not harm her. The kunai all hit the ground simultaneously, which wasn’t good. To have that level of precision at that range and on top of that the timing between all four of them to be perfect meant that they were trained, very well. Just as his back hit the ground he winced in pain from the injuries he already had. Not a second later though and explosive seals were all triggered simultaneously closing them and all the civilians within the ceremonial courtyard in front of the admin building. The explosions had been loud and collapsed the buildings next to them blocking off all the roads and exits for the normal civilians. To top it all off an arrow had been launched in the chaos with an explosive tag on it and exploded just in front of the entrance to the admin building closing it off as well. This had been planned he figured as he gripped his side having landed on his broken ribs. He helped himself up slowly with Toraika and looked around spotting Rinao and Sanosuke. Somehow his earlier suspicion had been accurate Rinao was like a beacon of bad luck. Whenever things were nice and calm and he showed up things managed to go to hell from there. Though he knew they could get through it again. His concern wasn’t for himself though it was for the trapped civilians to which he had spotted roughly twenty or so.

“We need to protect them,” he managed to say obviously catching his breath from the pain in his ribs that was restricting his breathing slightly. He would be fine but his body had yet to fully heal.





The sight of the girl practically flying through the air was what initially gave him alarm, and his eyes narrowed as he followed her progress through the air towards Dameon. Yet she gave no sign of being threatening, no weapons in her hands or a malicious air to her posture as she touched down in the ring of the shinobi's arms. In fact, the only reason he was still alert was because he was looking for something heinous about this act, but knew from the looks on their faces this was no attack. They were quite familiar with each other. The crowd had been thinning out, and with his sudden, unexplained animosity towards the female stranger, Rinao averted his gaze and started to navigate his way towards the nearest exit. Content with giving his congratulations in spirit, and knowing he had come with the intention of supporting his comrade. He had overstayed his own personal welcome and acceptance of the event. The haste in his step was only slowed by the sight of the odd man who appeared to be arguing with himself.

Others had also turned to stare at the man who shouted the obscene word, then he heard the tinier voice that did it's own version of shouting back. It was odd enough to made him completely stop and tilt his head before he flicked his gaze over someone close by who had not even twitched at it. A raggedly dressed...well, he wasn't sure of the gender from here. The shape was uneven and odd for a body, and it took him a moment to realize that was probably poorly concealed weaponry that gave the cloak that odd fall of cloth around distinguished shapes that were not anatomically correct. He had been so distracted by the girl's entrance he had let the odd feeling take a back seat. Rinao should have known that with Dameon involved, things were never so simple as being uncomfortable with this or that. The shinobi was becoming an omen of bad luck and a certainty of confrontation soon to come.

Then came the group of perfectly timed kunai that implanted themselves where Dameon had been moments before with the girl. His attention wasn't on the nearest enemy, but on the three member family that looked up having been startled by the initial screams of the small crowd that realized what was unfolding. The explosions set the little girl in her father's arms to crying, and Rinao made his decision to leave Dameon to handling himself as he took both parents by the arms and shook them out of their shock. Pulling them away from the distracted enemy and setting them hurriedly on their way to the side. Every possible exit he saw was blocked, so the best thing he could do for them and the others was shake out their deer in headlights reaction of being trapped or pushing the hysterical out of the way of what was about to be a promisingly nasty fight. His sure hand pushed insistently at the man who had his wife by the hand and clung to his daughter, grabbing up a teenager from the ground with his other and nearly dragging her to her feet. There was no time to be gentle about this.

Eventually she caught on to the idea and moved ahead of the family towards where he was directing; A place up against one of the walls of a nearby building that sat a little back further in the ring than the others. In this little pocket of space they would be as safe as they could be right now. He paused only long enough to work through the jutsu to summon his Eizo in to existence at his side, and it wordlessly grabbed up an older man from the ground nearby and continued on with the group. It was better to have two pairs of eyes than one right now, with the multiple enemies and rubble blocking the exits. Now to figure out how to get rid of it with what he had to work with.

Word Count- 604 + 685 = 1289
Chakra- 135/150 (Original-60 Eizo-75)
Jutsu Used:



Toraika was so happy to see him and the feeling of having his arms around her again made her heart beat faster. But as he pulled her to the ground she sensed something was wrong and her hearts pace changed for the worse. She closed her eyes tightly not knowing what was going on until the kunai hit the stage two inches from where they just were. She felt her eyes widen as the war setting came back to mind. Everything was so peaceful moments ago and now chaos filled the air. She always hated being on the ground. She preferred being in high places and mostly being in the air. So after floating through the air as she did, she felt free and safe and relaxed. Though the moment she touched ground she nearly was killed and in a war zone. Just her luck. She huffed a breath of air laying on top of Dameon sick of the Seven Bells and all their followers. In her mind they didn't deserve the air they breathed. "They just had to ruin this didn't they." She closed her eyes again and took a deep breath ready to take down her enemy, though as Dameon picked her up to her feet, she watched a little girl in the crowd barely escape a kunai aimed for her neck, that had been going extremely at a high speed and force. Toraika then felt her blood boil. Why were they attacking innocent defenseless children?! Now she was going to get angry. Her motherly instincts were now kicking in and she was going to protect these people from these monsters.

She soon noticed, as the crowd ran in all directions scattering from the danger, that her Master and one other man that wasn't dressed like the enemy were all that was left in the area. Well they were all that was easily visible. All the citizens were hiding beneath the stage and at corners of other street unsure of where to run. The enemy was taking notice of that and began to attack a family of three at one of the said corners. They slowly arose from the ground after having been huddled there in fear. She watched as the unknown man got the family to safety as well as tossed a teenage girl to safety along with them. Her attention then darted to a small girl but not just any small girl, the same one who barely escaped death moments ago. She was running away as fast as she could from one of the enemy. Only the enemy was a lot faster, which primarily had to do with the girl being no older than seven. Toraika ignored the world around her and focused in the girl and the enemy in pursuit of her. She wasn't sure if she would be able to kill him, so she opened her item pouch on her leg and pulled out five shuriken. She threw them all at her target who was moving and surprisingly to her all hit but one. She had been practicing that and was pleased to see she had improved on hitting moving targets. One had went into his upper leg, two his torso and on his chest. Next, she made a few hand signs and clapped her hands together creating a loud rumble through the air as she pushed her hands in front of her as if to push a boulder down a cliff. "Wind Release: Gale Palm!" As her hands were pushed forward it was as if all the air that was in front of her, that was directly in front of her, hurled forward like a tornado. Her target was the enemy chasing the little girl and she was surely not to miss with this jutsu. It hit him directly and sent him off his feet and flying the opposite way. Not only that, the shuriken were sent into his body a few more inches which pleased her, as they did as they were supposed to do. The enemy went from a sprint to a jog to a limp, until he just collapsed to the damp ground face down. The shuriken, as she had aimed for them to do, had penetrated into his body and ruptured an internal organ. He had internal bleeding and sadly couldn't even realize it. He died pursuing a small child in attempt to kill her. This was the third person Toraika had ever killed, and the first she had killed all on her own with no help of others. Though it hurt her on the inside, she knew he was one of those earthly demons that deserved to die.

Upon seeing that her strategy worked, Toraika hopped from the stage and ran to the small girl who cried hysterically. "I don't know where my Mommy and Daddy and sister are! They were just with me, and now I lost them forever!" Surely she didn't mean the family that the mystery man had just rescued from danger. She looked around frantically for the family as she scooped the small girl into her arms, holding her like a baby and safe to her chest. She knew whoever the Mystery man was, he was good. If he wasn't he would not have rescued the people he had. As she stepped forward to find out where he had sent the family, she saw the Mother and Father running from behind him screaming for their youngest daughter. "Mommy! Daddy!" The girl screamed still crying. As Toraika was going to run and send them away with their daughter to safety, two arrows headed their way. Toraika gasped and quickly sprinted at a lightening fast pace and ran full force at the parents, throwing their small frail daughter at them out of harms way. The two arrows that were to have penetrated the couples hearts were now in her own body as she felt the intense new pain of something she had never experienced. Never had she ever been injured in battle before other than minor scrapes or bruises and now that she had, she felt the burning and stinging of the new fresh pain. She winced in pain, and hit the ground hard after ramming into the family. One arrow was in her right side of her exposed stomach, and the other in her right forearm. The one in her arm wasn't as painful as the one in her stomach. She whimpered in pain and yanked the arrow out of her arm, leaving the one in her stomach. That was common sense since if she yanked it out it would do more damage than leaving it in. The family she had taken the hit for still laid on the ground near her, and she was annoyed with their stubbornness to not get of harms way. "Go! It's not safe here! Get to the nearest building before I did that for nothing!" The family nodded and stood up grabbing their other daughter from the street and running into the admin building, as they ran away the girl that she had saved waved goodbye. "Thank you Miss Pink Lady! Be careful!" Toraika sighed happy they were finally out of there. "They were more trouble.." She murmured to herself, but she was not safe yet. She was still sitting in the middle of a battle zone.

WC: 1951/3000

Chakra: 225/250

(Locker in link in signature.)

Jutsu Used:



Only one word could describe what had happened next. The ceremony was a huge turn out. That much was certain. People were laughing, clapping and dancing in the streets in the joy that the Seven Swordsman were going through the process of being fully revived. Happiness were on the face of each person that was watching the ceremony. They celebratory cries of happiness had Sanosuke and Navi look around them as the crowd was in an uproar of the shinobi that were now being appointed as members of the seats of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist. Their good spirits had Sanosuke and Navi look at each other and then laugh. It was the good vibes that were around them that had their verbal battle cease and have them smiling back at each other. These Kiri folk really did know how to have a good time. There wasn't single person in the crowd that wasn't smiling and having a good time. The amount of happiness that was resonating to all parts of the village; Sanosuke even believed that the cheering was so loud and explosive that it was reaching the soldiers that were still fighting, raising their morale so they could remember exactly what they were fighting for. That's when something happened that could only be described in one word. That word was the one that was referred to previously; it was 'madness.'

Explosions went off around them as the screams of joy turned into an uproar of terror. All around him people were being attack by shinobi that wore the emblem of Seven Bells on them. Nobody was safe from their attack; men, women, the elderly, and even the children were being attack. Smoke clouds mixed in with the mist that were coming from the explosions. Embers danced in the air to substitute the people dancing on the streets; except the dancing done by the embers weren't done to express happiness, but done to express chaos and death. Sanosuke looked around him frantically to get more information trying to find out where the attack had come from. The enemy somehow found a way to force their way into Kiri and mask their presence. They had to have come from somewhere; after all hostiles just don't appear out of no where. But the question was where had they all came from. A quick peak at the enemies that were attacking the people was all Sanosuke had to do was to find out where they had come from. This whole time the soldiers were right under their noses this whole time. All of the shinobi that were attack the crowd still had shreds of their civilian disguise on them. So that's how they did it. Disguised like they way they were, Sanosuke didn't doubt that they could be able to sneak into Kirigakure without ease. Kirigakure really needed to up their security.


Looking over to where Navi directed him, Sanosuke's popped open in shock. This was bad indeed, there was no doubt about it. An elderly man with missing legs had fallen down trying to get away. He looked to be about 80 years old. His wheelchair that he was in had skidded away from him so he was left on the ground tryung to frantically get away. How could something like this happen? Running over to him, Sanosuke checked his surroundings to be sure that he was indeed safe to pick the man up without him being intercepted by any shinobi. One shinobi from Seven Bell's army jumped down holding a katana trying to finish off the man. So he had a straggler to deal with. Drawing out his own blade, Sanosuke unsheathed his sword and held it with one hand. The shinobi came down to try and kill the older man, but Sanosuke had interrupted the downward slash that would have certainly ended the elderly man's life if the Kumogakure shinobi had not have intervened with a parry of his weapon slash. The blades met with sparks flying in the air being evaporated into thin air. Sanosuke swiped at the shinobi's neck to slash at the shinbi's neck to cut his throat but the enemy had blocked it but barely. Even though Sanosuke was using a weapon that was far less refined than his enemy, Sanosuke was sure that he could overcome that weakness with his experience. Slashing outwards, Sanosuke went for another slash at the shinobi's legs but he blocked it and went to stab at Sanosuke's arm. Swooping in low, Sanosuke rose his blade to slash diagonally upwards to swipe at the man's shoulder. But once again he was blocked by his strike. Sanosuke smirked as he planned out this, now the guard of the Seven Bell's shinobi was opened up. The shinobi didn't stand a chance as Sanosuke swiftly leavied his blade and struck it into the stomach of the Seven Bell's shinobi. It wasn't too long before the shinobi slipped off from Sanosuke's sword, lifeless on the ground. Sheathing his sword back, he turned to the elderly man and lifted the elderly man's body with both arms; being sure to take careful care of the old man as he ran with him towards the safety of the marketplace. With speed like his, he made there in no time. He dropped the old man off with a family of 5 that he was sure would take care of the old man. "Thank you old man. You remind me of my grandson so very much" The old man said thanks to Sanosuke. It caused Sanosuke to smile to himself as he ran back to the town square to see who else could need his help.

What he saw before him made his heart sink. In the middle of the battlefield was his student. Toraika was holding her stomach with a wound oozing out blood from her wound. He pushed his body to the limit to run over to his student. "Toraika!" Sanosuke ran over to his student, yelling as he frantically got there to her location. There was an arrow in her stomach. It seemed as though the gaki wasn't dumb enough to yank the arrow out of her stomach to make her bleed out, possibly killing herself in the progress. She was a medical shinobi so she should know better than doing something like that. She would live but she needed medical treatment as soon as possible. He was so helpless, he was no medical shinobi specialist; he was a warrior nothing more nothing less. The shinobi that had shot the arrow had come out of his hiding to inflict the finishing blow. Anger bubbled inside him as he got sights on the person responsible for this. He dared attacking his student when she was throwing her life away to defend the family of 3. That was unforgivable. Static danced around his body as he let his emotions roar loudly inside him. "You just fucked with the wrong sennin you bastard...." Sanosuke growled under his teeth as he held his student in his arms. Chakra exploded around his body outwards. A might torrent of chakra came from his body that was so intense that it was visible by any who looks at him. The intense chakra flow made his body look like a demon that was enveloped in chakra. He had gotten this power to protect those who couldn't protect himself and his loved ones. Nobody he cared about would die around him. The shinobi that was about to kill Toraika and Sanosuke stopped dead in his tracks when he was in a meter from the couple.

In the eyes of the shinobi that was before Sanosuke, he was scared out of his mind. His will was shattered by the sight of a shinobi that had for outclassed him. "S-sennin..?" he asked in terror. He looked at his hands and then the girl that was before him. It was then that he realized what he had done. One could already tell that the shinobi wanted to run away from the jounin but he couldn't. Fear had its hold on the Seven Bells' shinobi's heart and wouldn't let him go. The shinobi was breathing heavily. The chakra that was before him was so great that he could barely be in its presence for long. Just standing there without anyway to run away from this pressure was agonizing. With Toraika in both of his arms, Sanosuke made sure that he was taking good care of her so that the wound would not worsen on his student. Cutting the chakra from his body, he approached the shinobi frozen before him. Without a fuss, Sanosuke took the blade that was being held by the shinobi and used it as his own to end the shinobi's life. One anger filled slash was all he needed to decapitate the enemy shinobi. The body fell down without any resistance. With the body dead before him Sanosuke dropped it down on the ground. "Don't you ever lay a hand on my gaki you insolent brats." Sanosuke warned those who was around to witness the execution he committed with his own hands. None of the shinobi that had seen the slaughter didn't follow Sanosuke had he ran, with his precious student in his arms, to the marketplace where she would be safe for now.

There would be no doubt that Toraika would try to resist saying she could still fight, but Sanosuke would just roll his eyes. "Don't be an idiot gaki, you're in no position to fight right now. And what the hell were you thinking just throwing your life away?" Sanosuke chastised his student while he ran to the nearest place that would provide his student with safety. She sure was a stubborn girl, even though she was strong enough to kill the shinobi at the cost of the family's life, she took the hit for them. To be perfectly honest Sanosuke would have most likely have done the same thing that Toraika would have done. She was certainly his student indeed. If they weren't fighting, Sanosuke might have told his student how proud he was of her abilities. Lady Aelita would be proud of what she did to save the life of another. A kunoichi from Seven Bell's forces attempted to intercept the group as they ran for marketplace. Just when he thought nobody would be dumb enough to face an angry Sanosuke. The woman was holding a bow and arrow and was launching arrows at them. Sanosuke weaved  through the volley of arrows dodging most of them. Each evasion maneuver he did was enough to escape certain death by just a few inches. If it wasn't for his incredibly swift reflexes, he would have been killed long ago. When he wouldn't be able to dodge, he would walk in with his shoulder so that the arrows would hit his arm and none of his vitals. It made Sanosuke wince in pain as he ran. He wouldn't stop here when he was so close to getting Toraika to safety. Adjusting Toraika into his arms so he could hold his student with one arm, Sanouke focused chakra into his fingertips so that it was much like his left hand was a blade of chakra. He got close enough to the kunoichi to slash at the woman's neck. The kunoichi was smart enough to use a substitution jutu with a log so that he would have slashed at a simple log. With Sanosuke's eyes of his peripheral vision, Sanosuke noticed she appeared behind him to stab him in the back with a kunai. It would have worked if Sanosuke was slower. Quickly and swiftly, Sanosuke slashed outwards at the woman's stomach to stop the kunai from reaching him. The slash however did nick his head so that blood ran down his forehead. The woman however wasn't so fortunate as she sunk down to the ground dead.

His body was heaving as he was getting out of breath. 4 arrows. 4 arrows had found a way into his arm. Sanosuke winked at Toraika with a smirk. "This is nothing gaki. Just a scratch." Sanosuke reassured his student as he walked the girl into the marketplace. He put Toraika gently down with a group of medical ninja that was treating any of the wounded. Since she was a shinobi, she would be treated immediately. She would be safe that much was for sure. "You sit tight, I'll be right back. I'm ending this slaughterfest..." With that Sanosuke ran towards the town square to kill as many enemy forces as possible. They would regret what they had done. Their fate has already been sealed by Sanosuke's anger. Yanking out the arrows from his arms, Sanosuke clenched his fist tightly. His arm was a bit numb from the arrows he was hit with, but that would mean very little as he would put an end to this fighting once and for all.
3001/3000--> Mission WC completed

290/335; Jutsu Used:



Almost all battles were won or lost in the first few moments. Quick thinking and precise planning usually lead to a victory, but in an ambush most of those traits went out the window. One could not plan against an effective ambush so your only instinct is to protect, recover, and strike back. Dameon’s first concern wasn’t for himself but all of the trapped people. The easiest way to get them into a safe place would be through one of the blockades that had been created. Assuming of course there was only a small amount of attackers then they would not try to do something as bold as take the administration building. The idea behind the attack would have been to cause chaos and loss of morale, and it had been effective at doing just that, to the citizens at least. He quickly raced to the entrance of the administration building; he had spotted Rinao earlier and knew he had hid a family close by. He needed to get the door open from the rubble. He prepared chakra into his right index finger and as he did so he activated his electrolocation technique to max level. He could now sense everyone and everything within a hundred and fifty meters from himself in all directions. He kept track of the signature that he knew was Toraikas.

A white beam of raiton shot out of his hand and into the side of the administration building. He knew he wouldn’t be able to clear the rubble in one motion but making a new doorway he could do. Afer the beam penetrated the building he gripped the beam as it was a sword and made a large arc with it making a big enough doorway after he kicked it down. He then moved over to Rinao to see the family he had helped. They were pretty beaten up and shaken up. He tapped Rinao on the shoulder and pointed toward the entrance he had made. Rinao always seemed to have a decent idea of what to do when shit hit the fan, much in the same way Dameon did. It was almost coming to the point where he could predict exactly what he would do in a given scenario. In the crisis they were currently in he had expected Rinao to first help out everyone before attempting to completely fight back.

“Get everyone you can into the entrance we will cover you the best we can. Make sure everyone gets in there alive. I know you can do it,” he said as he looked at him and gave a slight wink to reassure him before he turned around and leapt back into the fray. He was still keeping track of the battlefield Toraika had actually found the group he was meaning to go to before he had. He was on his way to give her hand when he saw he get hit. His heart had dropped to the floor; suddenly the rest of the situation didn’t matter to him. He had tunnel vision on her as he raced to her, ignoring everything else around him. As he got there just after Sanosuke had. As he turned to deal with the shinobi that had done that to her. He could see she was still breathing and he felt his worries ease if only a little. He held her close kissing her forehead as a couple tears fell from his eyes into her hair. Another emotion began to build within him, one he hadn’t felt before as he felt his body begin to heat up and his face turned red. He gritted his teeth as he looked over his shoulder at the remaining shinbo. It was blind rage, normally he was cool and collected but now he wanted to kill them all for hurting her. He drew the sword from his back and powered chakra into it.

The blade extended to its meter and a half-length and weightlessness as he charged forward blinded by rage. The first enemy he encountered was a foot soldier wielding his own sword and slashed at Dameon. Not even blinking Dameon simply stepped to the side out of the reach of the weapon and sliced high onto the enemy. He didn’t stop running though as he moved onto the next opponent, the previous ones head split in two horizontally across the nose after a brief delay. The next enemy was also a foot soldier paralyzed by fear after what Dameon had done to the last enemy and so effortlessly. Dameon simply passed by the man flicking his sword in various directions as he passed; the man would moment latter collapse in a bloody pile of cut flesh, perfectly dissected. He needed to kill those that were ranged on the roof launching the arrows and springing the traps. Arrows launched toward him but with his electric field up he knew their exact trajectory to which he simply avoided them the moment they were launched and he leaped up to fight the man, taking the arrow he had been loading and jamming it into the man’s chest before kicking him away and activating the explosive tag that was at the end of it. He simply couldn’t control himself anymore, and he didn’t want to. Normally he didn’t like to kill but he knew he had to. However now the enemy had found a way to get to him emotionally in such a way it made him only want to get revenge and kill everyone that had hurt Toraika. He knew that Sanosuke would take care of her, and he himself would have taken her to safety had he not been there to beat him to it. There were still enemies all around though and she would never be completely safe until they were all dead.

255/300 Chakra




Of course he knew he didn't have the kind of fire power that was necessary to clear away the rubble enough to do much of anything, but Rinao felt the tug of the information in the back of his mind. That devastatingly effective technique that Dameon had used in their last mission, and the sheer destructive capability of that beam of light. He didn't doubt that this was something the other might have realized by now, but he turned to locate the other anyway to see if he might be picking up on the same train of thought yet. They were becoming more in tune with each other through their odd misfortune with these missions it seemed, because as he watched the other shinobi cross to the administration building and he knew he didn't have to actually say the words out loud of what needed to be done. His attention was drawn back by the whisper of the Eizo's words through his head, and he turned abruptly to see the mother and father he had hidden away running out in to the open again. His clone took a few steps back out in to the open, frustration clear on it's face from the silence that came from it's parted lips as it made to call them back.

Rinao was already moving towards them, leaving his copy to guard the others. Before he reached them, they reached the other little girl and he caught a flash of pink. He stopped, whirling on Dameon with the tap on his shoulder. Seeming to relax minutely at being given the order to get everyone to safety. As if he wasn't already trying to do that already, but he didn't say that bitter piece out loud. There was no time to be petty about this. A quick nod, his dark eyes looking beyond the other shinobi to see what the beam of light had done to the administration building. Well, that was one way to do it. The Eizo was loud in his head, alarming him to the danger of the pink haired girl. If Rinao hadn't told it to stay and protect the civilians it would have rushed forward to push her out of the way and still not have been fast enough to protect her from the projectiles. A lose-lose situation at best. No amount of animosity would have made him feel anything less than regret and anger for having overlooked the little girl and letting himself be distracted by everything else that was going on. Another thing to add to his list of acting like a fool.

Looking after multiple people all at one time was a much harder concept for someone who was raised to only look after himself. That everyone else was just canon fodder for your own protection, because they didn't care about what happened to you. Yet seeing that girl throw herself in the line of fire reminded him that the old woman's teachings were stupidly ignorant things. He was glad he never thought much of them to begin with. In that moment he might have gone to her, but he couldn't let that act be in vain. Rinao had to do what he was told to now, and let the others take care of her. Already the odd man from earlier was on a blood seeking path that started with the one who was in the right positioning to have thrown those weapons. He didn't pause long enough to watch what he did to him. The young man was already dictating to the Eizo where to go, how to avoid the fighting as Dameon and the others took up the centers of attention with the attackers. His clone had an older man in his arms as they trotted along the outer line of the fight as close to the buildings as possible. Trying to be as small and unnoticeable as they could.

Rinao himself was already moving towards the stage, dragging out the young and the old alike from their hiding places. Pushing them roughly on their way and directing the more stable to help those who were still in shock or hysterical. He didn't hesitate to the sounds at his back, and trusted the Eizo to be keeping a better look out on his backside as they were on opposite sides of the area by now. It was ushering people in to the makeshift entrance, shifting the old man to the arms of the father from before. The mother and children, along with the girl and one or two others they had picked up on their way to the building, were already inside and to safety. Now he just had to make sure these people did as well. He moved between them and the fight, shouting encouragement when they balked at the sight of the destruction and blood shed. At one point he was dragging a young boy to his feet who had started to scream and cry hysterically, clamping a hand over his mouth to silence him hastily. They were so close to the administration building...just a couple more feet. Of course, nothing was ever so easy.

One of the enemy threw their kunai, embedding themselves in a wall and hardly missing an older woman who had been pushed out the way by another civilian. They stumbled and ran frantically as the shinobi moved back with a smile, as Rinao ran forward to take up his place protecting them. The wall exploded behind him, but luckily the other civilians had already started running and got out of the way in time. He was on the ground when the spots cleared, the Eizo covering him with it's body. It was moments like this that he was glad for it's durability. They untangled themselves and got to their feet with nothing but a few scratches and Rinao's bleeding forehead to show for being so close to it. Then the enemy was upon them, and it was the Eizo who let the kunai sink in to it's chest as a distraction. The attacker looked confused at the fact it didn't disperse, then pleased because it thought it had the right one and dug the weapon deeper. Rinao took the chance to move in during this distraction, throwing all of his weight in to the tackle and driving them all to the ground as he readied the jutsu.

His hand found the enemy's face, and the shock of concentrated lightning surged through his hand. There was a muffled scream, but he was already up and moving away towards the citizens again. He had to make sure they all got to the building alright. For the first time, he turned his dark gaze to the battle behind him.

Word Count- 1289 + 1129 = 2418
Chakra- 120/150 (Original-45 Eizo-75)
Jutsu used:



Toraika was in pain but not much. She had a high pain tolerance and that was working to ability. She lay there on the battlefield focusing her inner chakra making her hand glow and lay near her stomach wound. She was just beginning to be able to stop the blood flow in that area of her stomach so that she could pull the arrow out but then her Master came to her and picked her up causing her to lose focus and send her blood flowing freely again. She sighed and pouted lightly. "Master! Put me down! What are you doing! This isn't a serious wound at all! I'm an S-Rank Medic! I am fine!" Though he seemed to drown her out as Dameon made his way to her. He was... Crying? Why would he do that because if a simple arrow in her? Feeling his tears dampen her hair cause her to blink back to reality. "Really, leave me alone everyone! Go help the citizens who are really in danger!" Though they still ignored her as if they couldn't hear her. This was frustrating as it was and instantly she watched as Dameon left her and went to attacking the enemies at all angles and in brutal ways. It sent a freezing chill to her soul watching the bloodbath that occurred in front of her. Though they were the type of people that deserved to die as she reminded herself. Not long after Dameon began slaughtering the enemy, her master joined in and killed them just as brutally. Was this what being a shinobi meant? Killing mercilessly? An enemy approached her and her Master and began to fear them as her Master real eased his sennin chakra. One by one, nearly all the enemy at their eyesight was being put out of their misery. Though as more arrows came hurling towards her master and her, he seemed to reflect most of them as well as dodge but a few still made contact with him as he protected her. She was touched and looked up at him in awe. She had done such a mean thing to him back on their ferry ride and he could have easily been rid of her, though he seemed to really care about what happened to her. "This is nothing gaki. Just a scratch." It was true it wasn't too bad of a wound, but she still felt terrible it was on her account. She used her healing hands that were still in effect and lay ten over his own wounds as he carried her. They weren't too deep so they closed up pretty quickly. She would tend to them better lately and wrap them personally as thanks to him. She knew now that she was right in having him be her Master. She owed a lot to him and would do as he told her to from now on with no arguments. She wouldn't retaliate anymore either. She would be the perfect student.

The next thing she felt happening was the battlefield getting farther and farther away. She was moving away from it but it wasn't her legs doing the running. Her Master carried her away and to a building full of medics. "Stop it! I'm fine! I promise! I'm needed more out there than wasting time getting medical help I can do better myself!!" She then watched him as he nodded his head no. The first acknowledgement of her existence from anyone. "Don't be an idiot gaki, you're in no position to fight right now. And what the hell were you thinking just throwing your life away?" He just didn't understand. She could have easily healed herself had they not intervened. Sure it was a risky situation since the enemy could have attacked her at any time being defenseless as she was but it would have caused everyone else less trouble. Sighing she accepted the fact as he laid her down with some medics, that she was not going to be able to argue with him as is at the moment. The medics tried to treat her first since she was a shinobi but she wouldn't let them. She was fine healing herself. Her healing hands still had a little chakra flowing through them, but just enough. She slowly pulled the arrow out with one hand as she lay on her back wincing in pain. The other hand healed the flesh and blood and insides of her body around the arrow. The medics were a bit wide eyed at her high level of Jutsu but the sparks of electricity sent out from her hands made them aware that she was a Yoisha which let the medics leave her side. They saw she knew what she was doing. She got out her bandages from her leg pocket and once her arrow was completely out, she healed her wounds deepness, though it still bled out quickly. She rapidly wrapped her stomach around and around with the bandages stopping the blood and stood up slowly feeling her blood at low levels taking effect. She shook off the weak feeling though knowing she had more important things to do than lay there and do nothing when she could help the others. She accepted water from one of the medics and felt a lot better after all. She had used a bit if chakra, but not her kekkei genkai. She knew if she had she wouldn't have been able to love very much anyway.

She left the building and went back to the battlefield. She stayed in hidden sight from the enemy until she had gotten to the town center where the stage was and saw there were very few left. Well in sight anyway. There were still plenty of citizens in harms way though. She helped an older man, who had fallen stand up and watched him run down the streets as if he was 12 again. It was actually quite amusing. The man made it to the building she had just come out of herself and she smiled realizing she had helped someone else, if it was even just a little. The next citizen she saw in a fetal position was a woman not much older than herself. She had her eyes closed tightly and she was whimpering in what seemed to be fear, though as she got closer, she realized the woman was... Laughing? Maniacally as a matter of fact. She then threw up a Kunai that Toraika was able to dodge by jumping back in just the nick of time. She had tricked her which really ticked Toraika off. The woman was still laughing in the fetal position which left her in an easy position to attack. The woman didn't seem to even try to move though. She must have watched the brutal deaths of her comrades and in a way she saw that her situation was similar to her own. Her friends or those she worked with anyway had been defeated and now she was just scared. Toraika's guess was proven correct as her laughter really did turn into crying. "He killed him... He died in front of me... I loved him...." She cried even nor hysterically until she took out another Kunai making Toraika prepare to attack or dodge, but instead the woman stabbed herself right through the heart and slowly bled to death. She watched her lover die in war and it made her feel as if she needed to join him after death. How sad it was. But beautiful at the same time. Toraika felt her eyes water just a little in sympathy for the woman. She immediately dropped to her knees in an attempt to heal the woman, even using her kekkei genkai defibrillator, but it didn't work. She had already lost too much blood and there was no way to save her now. She knew that she was even dead before she had begun but she felt she needed to live. She was an enemy, she surely had killed multiple people. But just because she was enemy, it didn't mean she was one of those people Toraika believed 'deserved to die.' She was one who deserved mercy. Though the woman didn't let herself accept it. Toraika quickly stood and wiped her eyes remembering her surroundings. The attacking was little to none on the enemies side now, and the civilians were finally making a break for the buildings nearby for safety. Though there was still battles to fight and civilians that were still in danger here. She was going to help them too.


Senjutsu Training D->C WC: 3406/6000

Chakra: 195/250

(Bandages are in my locker in my signature.)

Jutsu Used:



Dameon continued to cut the enemy down hopping from one enemy to the next. A completely different look on his face; a face of anger and pain. The enemy’s weapons failing to even touch his sword as the fuuton chakra pushed it away long enough for them to be sliced through effortlessly. The blade was so light it felt like he was simply waving his hand and leaving a trail of bloodshed. He could see Toraika was okay and he began to calm down slowly but still focusing on the enemies on front of them. They tried to react to block his strikes but Dameon would simply stop it mid motion and change the trajectory, the benefits of a weightless cutting weapon was overwhelming. They were starting to gather now in an attempt to fall back or retreat but you could tell at this point they didn’t have a choice but to stay. If they failed seven bells would simply kill them anyways. A group of the archers gathered and fired off a volley of explosive tagged arrows at him. This was a whole different problem if he dodged the citizens that were left and possibly even Rinao would be hit. If he cut them out of the air the tags would activate and explode. Thinking quickly he focused chakra into his left hand and fired off three quick raiton spheres. It hit the arrows just shy of Dameon and exploded throwing up shrapnel from the rooftops and the arrows themselves. He ran through the smoke ignoring the small burns and cuts to his body and jacket. If he had waited any longer he would have been a goner.

After he appeared from the smoke he saw them preparing another volley he hadn’t expected them to prepare to fire again so soon. He was now about half the distance to them and there was no other clear way of getting to them other than a direct attack. Fear could be seen in their eyes as they fired their second volley. This time it was going to be worse he had nothing to take them out of the air and his timing had to be perfect to dodge them. The arrows were a lot fast than he had anticipated. One of the arrows hit him in the chest followed by the other four also to his mid-section. Blood flew from his mouth as he gasped in pain just before the tags exploded causing a cloud of smoke and another wave of shrapnel into the air. Smoke clouded the epicenter of the attack where Dameon could have easily been seen getting struck and mortally wounded by the tags.

The smoke slowly cleared and there was nothing left but a sword in its sheathe in the small crater. The smoke had bought him enough time to sneak behind his opponents and the smoke from his substitution jutsu had also been masked by the smoke created from the explosive tags. He hid now behind them out of sight of everyone he could still sense them as they looked around unsure if they had actually killed him or not. After a few moments Dameon jumped out from behind them catching them off guard and cutting them down quickly. He looked around quickly noticing that all the ranged enemies had been taken care of, and everyone else was cleaning up what few enemies that were left. He gave a soft sigh of relief as he wiped his forehead, his skin covered in black residue from the explosion mixed with blood that the shrapnel had caused. He looked for Toraika as he powered down his sword and wiped the blood from it with his jacket before he re-sheathed it onto his back. He grabbed his other sword that was still intact and in the same shape it had always been in. He leapt down from the roof tops past the bodies of the dead enemies. His ears were still ringing even dried blood coming from them. He had only just managed to escape the arrows and his somewhat beaten body showed that. He looked around for Toraika for a moment but decided he was best not moving for the moment. The damage to his ears was throwing off his sense of gravity making him dizzy. He sat down at the edge of the stag and laid down looking up at the sky and closed his eyes. Every day had been like this and things were getting worse. Another shinobi appeared in ANBU attire and handed him a letter before he disappeared. He held it in his hand. ‘Another mission already?’ he thought as he coughed.
3,070 WC [Complete]
210/300 Chakra




The Eizo he had left behind to grapple with the man who had been blinded by the burns to his eyes, and to anyone else it would have looked like Rinao himself was bleeding to death. Yet he was focused on the battle as he watched the carnage unfold. More bodies that littered the ground, but luckily it was mostly the enemies' blood that painted his streets red this time. These were not Kirigakure's people who lay dead and dying all throughout the makeshift cage the enemy had made. All in all, it was a pretty good change of pace that his clone was actually hurt a lot worse than he was. If Rinao had gone for anything other than the face of that shinobi with his jutsu, he was certain that his clone would have been finished off a lot sooner than it was taking to bleed out and die on it's own. It rolled over on the ground, and he turned away to help the last of his small group in to the building. A very old woman who was having trouble moving up the stairs, and he could feel the copy's consciousness fading.

Many times he had wondered before if it thought about how it was destined to die again every time he called it to life. Though Rinao was more than certain that it just accepted this fact, because it was part of him and he was not going to die. Not from anything done to the clone, anyway. If it had it's own mind, he was certain he wouldn't ever use it. Why would you call something to life just so it could suffer death so shortly after? The woman thanked him, and a man helped her the rest of the way in to the building as he trotted back down to the steps and out in to the open again. That was when he saw the line of archers all aiming for Dameon. It was like slow motion as he registered the fear, and the fact that it didn't seem like even Dameon could get out of their range of fire fast enough to be unhurt. The arrows were set loose, and his mouth froze parted as if to yell something, but there were no words. His comrade was littered with projectiles, and then the tags connected to them exploded.

He felt hollowed out all of a sudden, but quickly filled with that edge of his raging anger. Surely, he was about to do something stupid. Rinao was already halfway across the distance to them when the shinobi broke the mirage of his little trick and took them out. He stopped, watching in mixed emotions of anger and wonderment of having falling for the same show the enemy had. Though before he had time to think more about this the world swam in a menagerie of colored spots, accompanied by a splitting headache and a fit of coughing that drove him to his knees. This was so not the time to be sick. With a growl of frustration and a smear of fresh blood on his mouth and the hand that had covered it, he pushed on past the bodies and the scattered debris. There no longer seemed to be anything besides civilians or shinobi moving now. The fight was over. He made it to the edge of the stage where Dameon was, shouting an angry word to the ANBU who left behind the note, before promptly snatching it out of the other shinobi's hand.

It was obvious he was a very pissed off Rinao at this point. Angrier than he'd allowed himself to be in a long time, but it wasn't really anything in particular he was angry at. Maybe the fact they wanted Dameon to run off again while he was bleeding out of his ears had something to do with it. Not caring whether or not the other could hear him, he growled the words resentfully. "Not until you're properly looked after. They can just damn well deal with it themselves until then."

Word Count- 2418 + 682 = 3100



Toraika's world got dark as she watched a showers of arrows headed towards Dameon. She was terrified of the fact of them actually hitting him. She began to sprint towards him in attempt to do the same thing that she had done for the family before. Though the faster she ran she saw that she wouldn't make it, but she wasn't going to stop in case there was a chance. If she had been just 2 seconds faster she would have made it too, but she didn't. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth flew open as she watched arrow after arrow impale the boy she loved so much. "DAMEON!! NO!" She screamed as he then began to finish off the few enemies that had struck him even though it was just making his injuries worse. Once he lay at the edge of the stage she felt her eyes burning with tears as she hopped to the stage and the tears stained her cheeks. Sure he was still conscious but she wasn't listening to what he said. Though once she began to examine his body, she saw that his body didn't have any damage. Well no serious damage caused by the arrows anyway. He was never hit at all. "Dameon.. How could you scare me like that?!" She gasped and continued crying. Though when she looked at him still in pain and bleeding, she could help but hold him in her arms and kiss him passionately. Even though he had scared her she couldn't not love him in that condition. She looked around seeing or sensing no more of the enemy and as she kept note, even her Master had left the scene, and the other man helping them was relaxing. Best of all, none of the civilians had died in the battle. Smiling at that, she broke the kiss and just held him. "Thank goodness.." She took a deep breath and relaxed seeing as they were done fighting this battle.

WC: 3744/3000 (Mission Complete)

(Exit Thread)

Senjutsu Training D->C: 3744/6000



Crimson. The color that was drenched over the drenched over the dead bodies of those who were fallen. Shinobi from all villages were attacked, from Iwa to Konoha, some were even killed. The bloodshed even spread to those who played no role in the combat between Seven Bells. There were the bodies of civilians throughout the ground of the city. Men, the elderly, women, and children...none were spared of death. The attack on Kiri left the citizens scared and for the first time afraid. This was of course the first time they realized how significant this war played in their lives. They realized that this war could very well spell death for them. Crying over loved ones could be heard as Sanosuke closed his eyes and looked upwards to the sky. Around him was dead bodies alike from Seven Bells forces. A few arrows and kunai were lodged into his body as he stared looking into the sky. The projectiles and cuts weren't too deep since Sanosuke maneuvered his body so that when he got hit, they would only be flesh wounds. Blood was beginning to spill from his body as he looked upwards. His body was drenched of not only his blood but of the bodies of enemy shinobi he had killed, and his blood that was shed. Thankfully the enchanted clothing the wasps led him was never torn in this battle. But still the stinging was getting to him from his wounds. Sanosuke looked up to the sky and just thought of the things his mother and father preached. They said that God would punish those who would use chakra, for chakra was responsible for death. Before he thought they were insane. But now that he has killed so many, he wondered if maybe they were telling the truth. God maybe has punished Sanosuke already for the lives he had taken. The mist clung to his body as he felt a feeling that he hasn't felt in years. That was the feeling of closure. He missed his parents, even after what they did. Even though he stood for everything they were against, Sanosuke always thought what it would be like if he could speak to them once more. They would no doubt hate him for what he has done, but still he missed his parents so very much that it ached. Every time he would see children play with their parents in the village, he would smile in nostalgia at the times he spent with his parents before things changed.

Crying from a child could be heard. Just from the sound, it was most likely a child whoms parents were killed in the attack. This was the first time that Sanosuke had time to reflect on what was happening. He was in war, but yet he felt nothing but rage towards those whom started this war. These children were being orphaned by shinobi who wanted nothing but destruction for the people of Kiri. Clenching his sword in his hand tightly, he realized that he was panting heavily. There was a dead body laying over his foot. This was madness, this war should never have happened. The prison riot from years ago didn't hold a candle to this war he got himself into. The loudness of the child crying was a reflection of himself crying on the inside like a child. Navi was floating over Sanosuke and looked at his partner with sadness. This was the first time she had probably seen him like this. And since they were connected spiritually, she felt the sadness that was coming from him. Instead of pestering him, she went over to his partner and gently hugged his face. The warmness of Navi's body made him feel better about the 30 shinobi he had killed mercilessly. If it wasn't for him, the Kumo shinobi would have most likely stood in the street full of dead bodies for the whole night.

"Come on..let's get you cleaned up.." Navi suggested as she finally got Sanosuke moving. Sanosuke sheathed his sword back where it belong and began walking against the pain he was experiencing in his body to the medical tent where he would get treatment for his wounds. Looking over, he saw how his student Toraika was over the Seven Swordsman member Dameon protectively. Sanosuke smirked. Stupid gaki. Love has no place on the battlefield. I hope you realize this... Sanosuke said mentally as he walked over to get treated. He already began pulling out the arrows and kunai alike that was in his body.

768 WC
(Exit Thread)



He sat up kissing Toraika back just like they had done before the crisis had broken out. He thought about her words, he hadn’t had time to worry about how they would handle the illusion of his death; if he had he probably would have died. Still a part of him had felt bad that Toraika and Rinao had to witness it. He sat up holding the parchment in his hands as his hearing was beginning to recover. He opened the letter reading the contents. It gave him a special mission where he and a select few were being assigned to end the war by assassinating the enemy leader, seven bells. His eyes grew wide as he read the complete details and even swallowed a bit. He exhaled slowly and rolled the note into a ball and threw it onto the ground as he stood up and handed his old katana to him. It wasn’t useful now that he got his new sword and he knew the other shinobi needed it. He wiped the blood from his ears and cleaned his face lightly, he had to stop by his place before he left anyways he could finish cleaning himself there. He turned to Rinao and gave him a big hug after handing him his weapon to keep.

“You can have that; it has helped me out a lot. It will probably be of more use to you than me,” he said before he turned to Toraika. He wasn’t going to tell her the mission he had been assigned. He didn’t want to worry her more than he already knew she was for him. He held her and kissed her on the lips passionately.

“I’ve got to go. I love you and I will be back soon,” he said trying his best to keep a straight face but realistically he wondered if this mission was bigger than he was.  He looked back at Rinao and Sanosuke before he left quickly jumping to the rooftops and heading toward the lake.

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