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1Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Empty Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:57 pm



“How troublesome…” Bokuden thought to himself as he ran around Kirigakure at ground level, forcing his way through the frantically chaotic crowd, “It’s no wonder this place is in such a bad way. Just look at how these people are behaving at the first sign of danger; fleeing thoughtlessly like sheep.” In all fairness to the civilians, the village’s administration should have had an evacuation plan in place for such an occasion well before it was needed, but from the looks of it that was either not the case, or executed so poorly that it did not make the slightest difference in the way things played out. Things had only been getting worse in Kirigakure since Bokuden had arrived. A battle between shinobi is one thing, but to actively target civilians was nothing short of cowardly. These were not influential members of society, nor were they politicians or nobles. The people being targeted and fleeing from this attack were average citizens, working regular jobs in order to make a living for their families. In the grand scheme of things their lives meant nothing to the outcome of the war, which only made it more despicable that they were being marked for death by their assailants and not being taken as prisoners. If they were to be used as hostages Bokuden would at least be able to find strategic reasoning behind their actions, but this was not strategy, it was slaughter. There was no redeemable reasoning behind their cruelty, this was intended simply to deal emotional damage to the village, which one could argue is a potent anti-morale tactic in itself, but not like this. These were not Bokuden’s civilians, but he would protect them all the same.

The hood on his cloak was worn up as he made his way through the crowd, hiding his face in the shadow it cast. During the entirety of his stay in the village hidden in the mist Bokuden had prioritized keeping his identity hidden as much as possible, not that many would even be able to identify him with just a glance of his face, but these were small things that he was accustomed to doing to help keep it that way. He did however, stand out in the crowd as he waded through, standing significantly taller than most that passed him by, with no mention of the fact that he was a hooded man running towards the danger that the dozens of others were running from. It didn’t really matter however, the vast majority of the people were far too preoccupied with running for their lives to bother questioning his actions or attempting to uncover his identity on the fly.

It was not a difficult matter to track down the source of the commotion, the savage men who were targeting innocent civilians as well as using explosives to inflict structural damage upon the village, all Bokuden needed to do was move in the opposite direction of the crowd and he would no doubt end up face to face with his targets. Well, at least it would have been that simple of the people he was in the process of trying to save weren’t so unruly and making moving around at any kind of reasonable speed utterly impossible without knocking them all aside. He actually did think about that option, but would dismiss it after a fair amount of deliberation due to it being counterproductive to his goal of preventing them from getting hurt. Of course, it wasn’t like he would hurt them too much… just a little shove… but no, he’d grit his teeth and suck it up.

After a while however, his patience had worn thin and that was simply no longer an option he was willing to explore. So instead of knocking around the civilians he decided to take the more efficient, if not less satisfying, course of action and ascend to the rooftops where he could move around freely, unimpaired by the frightened masses below. The only issue was of course that the battles, especially the explosives now being used by the Seven Bells forces, wreaked havoc on the structural integrity of this area of the village. Most of the buildings were still standing, but the ones that were without damage were few and far between. Many had holes blown into walls, debris and corpses on the rooftops, and obvious structural damage all around from the battles that were taking place. It was an unpleasant sight to say the least, one that almost made Bokuden regret making the decision to come up to the rooftops rather than grit it out in the crowds below. One look back at the frenzy that was going on alone made him immediately dismiss that thought from his head. Once again, it ALMOST made him regret the decision.

There was also one other major disadvantage to travelling by rooftop at that time; as many of the battles had moved onto the rooftops, Bokuden would be left with little cover to move around unseen or shield him from potential assaults. Travelling by rooftop would leave him out in the open and vulnerable to attack. It would likely have been a major issue and likely a deterrent for a lesser shinobi, but considering that the likelihood of any of the assailants being powerful enough to be an actual threat to Bokuden was close to zero, it was a risk he was willing to take.

Not having to wade through the sea of people below expedited his travel time greatly. It only took him a few moments to close the gap between himself and the men who were pursuing the civilians. An explosive tag would then go off in the area directly below Bokuden, causing debris to fall into the streets and cutting off the escape path for a handful of the fleeing civilians. Not wanting to sit around for the assailants to make their move Bokuden took the initiative and would jump down to ground level, landing directly between the civilians and the Seven Bells shinobi.

Mission Completion: 1018/3000

2Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Empty Re: Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:45 pm



Uncontrollable chaos.

Masses of people stampeded down the streets of Kirigakure, no different from herds of wild animals desperately running from a common predator. Which was undoubtedly the case now. Since the day of the first attack, the people of Kirigakure had been flocking to the main safe houses of the village - the Administration building, the Hospital, or the heavily guarded market places. But not everyone chose to seek refuge, some too stubborn, too unwilling to leave behind their homes. Homes that they had once believed would be perfectly safe within the walls of one of the most fortified villages in the land. Fools they could be called, but their reasoning wasn't entirely unjustified - leaving their homes to be raided by enemies was a terrible option to have to take.

No one really believed civilians themselves would be targeted. Keiko herself had thought the siege as a struggle for power by some outside force, for control over one of the five great villages of the land. And control simply meant decreasing the defence forces and targeting the higher ups … murdering innocent civilians would mean decreasing the amount of people they had control over - right? As much as she knew many villagers were strictly loyal to Kirigakure, it was also truth that not many would put up much of a fight if even their most respected and powerful shinobi were dead. They were running simply to avoid combat zones, to avoid becoming tragic casualties. But after today, it would become apparent that this was not the case. Whoever was launching the attack on the village had a clear aim to wipe out a large portion of the ordinary people as well, whether it be for a specific purpose, or simply for the sake of eradicating the innocents. Either way, it was sickening. The thought of entire families being at the mercy of the soulless puppets and bloodthirsty ninja without a means to protect themselves made her blood boil.

It had been around noon when the message came. That one of the populated areas that had supposedly been guarded to allow civilians to stock up on necessary resources had been attacked by a group of ninja that associated themselves with Seven Bells, the attackers simply slaughtering people with no apparent goal other than to kill. Any available shinobi were to either provide support to the civilians and bring them to a place of safety, saving as many lives as was possible. Unfortunately, Keiko herself never received the message. Not because she had been busy with other missions, or because a messenger failed to access her, but because she herself had been among the civilians at the time. It was clear that as the siege progressed each day, shinobi that were special jounin or higher were focused on apprehending the more dangerous enemies, no longer able to idly standby as guards. That left the chuunin and genin like her to help ensure that the "safe zones" remained safe. And it had been her bad luck that she was assigned to the most unstable of safe zones - the marketplace. It was a bad idea from the start. A large area with winding paths and numerous turns, a location where keeping an eye on the entire population there was next to impossible without a proper sensory technique.

Keiko had been edgy from the moment she was assigned to this post, and she could tell the others assigned with her felt the same. So when the attack came, none of them were truly surprised - it was the chaos that ensued that caught them all off guard. It was difficult to help people whose instinctive reaction was to abandon all logic and flee in whatever direction they felt was right. Her companions had all dispersed in an attempt to control the situation in some way, and in the end, she found herself attempting to herd a handful of people towards the administration building, with their pursuers hot on their heels. It was impossible to truly keep an eye on everyone that was in her group, they were moving too fast to keep count, and she was aware that their numbers were continuing to decrease as people either slowed down and got caught, removed themselves from the group, or had gotten lost in the chaos. Her position in the group changed constantly, starting off at the front to guide them towards the hill where the administration building stood atop of, then moving to the sides to round up any stragglers, and finally to the end, knowing that she had to somehow slow down their attackers and give the group of civilians time to get to safety. Although everyone was running for their lives, the fact that they were untrained meant that they moved at an insignificant speed, not fast enough to escape by running alone.

One … Two … Five … Okay. So there was a couple ninja coming after them with the intent to kill. Keiko was now running backwards awkwardly, trying to keep up with the group while facing the enemy. The familiar tingling sensation of wind gathering around her finger tips manifested into a condensed blade of pure fuuton, which she proceeded to slash in a horizontal fashion towards their pursuers, doing little damage to anyone by the ones in front, but buying just a little more time for her group. That is, until a small explosion stopped the entire group in their tracks. Yells of alarm filled the air even before she could figure out what the problem was, cursing her short height as she strained to locate the reason why they had stopped. Oh. Well, this sucks. A wall of fallen rock and debris was now blocking the only way out of the street - and it was too late to turn back and select a different route. I could try and remove the rocks … but that would mean leaving the group unattended to. But if I concentrated on fending off our attackers … If their numbers increased, then it would become an even bothersome problem.

But before she could make a final decision, a flash of movement landed between her group and the rapidly approaching attackers. Who …? The tall figure had his back turned to them, so that meant it was an ally right? Best not to do anything just yet and wait to see what would occur. If this person didn't see her little fuuton technique, then hiding her identity may come in handy until she figured out where this newcomer stood. For now, she would attempt to blend in with the group - they were approximately fifteen of them left, all huddled with their backs pressed tightly against the wall of rocks, staring wide-eyed as the attackers began their assault.

Chakra: 185/200:

Mission: Protect the Civilians

3Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Empty Re: Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:22 pm



“How troublesome,” Bokuden lamented in his own mind as he raised himself up from the kneeling position he had landed in, throwing a glance over to the civilians he had jumped in to protect immediately upon his descent. “So there’s eleven of them, huh?” he thought to himself as his eyes darted back and forth through the small crowd, keeping count of them so that he had a better idea of what he would have to do to keep them safe, “A bit more than a handful. Of course this wasn’t going to be easy. I won’t be able to carry them all away, so that means a fight is unavoidable… so be it.”

His attention would turn back in the direction of the assailants who had now brought their pursuit to a halt, positioning themselves scattered throughout the landscape, creating a semicircle around the civilians’ position to cut off any escape routes. “So, they’re smarter than they look,” he mused in silence, strangely impressed with their efficiency and swiftness in taking advantage of their position to gain advantageous footing, “Not that that’s saying much anyway.” In Bokuden’s defense, the Seven Bells lackeys were not exactly the spitting image nor bore the demeanor of a profound intellectual or a cunning strategist. Their clothing appeared tattered and unwashed. In relatively good condition, but definitely not maintained as well as perhaps the outfittings of a soldier in an organized army. Their choice of weaponry was quite interesting as well, not wielding the tools of puppetry that Bokuden had come to understand as synonymous with the soldiers of Seven Bells. Instead however, they were equipped with a gambit of ranged weapons, varying from standard composite bows, crossbows, shuriken launchers and many other various, exotic contraptions.

By both the enemies’ position and the look of their equipment signaled that they had no position of dropping down to ground level to engage Bokuden directly. Why should they? They had high ground and he could only assume that they were capable of using the weapons they wielded. This was actually just the type of scenario that Bokuden wished to avoid the most. In close quarter combat he would be able to take on this many enemies without issue. Even their ranged weapons would likely prove useless against him, the enemies showing no flash of skill great enough to trip any alarms in Bokuden’s mind. To the civilians behind him however, they were likely as big a threat as they have ever faced in their lives. Bokuden wasn’t sure how he was going to manage to shield all of them if the assailants had chosen to aim their weapons at the civilians rather than him. He was capable of taking all of them at once if he really wanted to… but the people behind him would almost certainly wind up caught in his own attacks as well, making the idea rather counterproductive. He was going to have to hope that the assailants would see him as a threat and prioritize focusing their attacks on him, rather than the people he was trying to protect. However, relying on chance to determine the outcome of the situation was not exactly ideal for him and the only way for him to tip the scales in his favor was to get out in front of the problem and influence them the way he desired.

Before they could make their move he would have to make his. He needed to force them onto the defensive and it needed to be done quickly and preferably affect as many of them as possible to ensure the safety of the civilians behind him. From the corner of his eye he would see one of the men draw back his composite bow, prompting Bokuden’s gaze to shift over that way, only to see an explosive tag tied beneath the tip of the arrow with a wire. Acknowledging the danger immediately he would spring into action. The world around him moved almost in slow motion as he began to weave a sequence of hand seals as quickly as he possibly could, his eyes still fixated on the explosive tag. It swayed ever so slightly in the breeze that blew across the rooftops, changing to a violent flapping as the drawstring was released, sending the arrow his way. Fortunately he was able to finish his jutsu quickly enough to have his hand raised to intercept the arrow as it flew towards its target. Water would begin to rapidly condense in front of the palm of his hand, forming a sphere that would grow larger and larger with each passing fraction of a second. Although it would not reach its full size before the arrow collided with the water prison it would continue to grow afterwards, engulfing the arrow in a sphere of water dense enough to halt its flight upon collision.

The sphere would grow to its maximum size before the explosive tag would detonate, the density of the water eating the immediate impact and flames associated with the explosion, but still enough to send Bokuden flying a couple of feet to the side and causing the water to splash all over the area. Unharmed after the explosion Bokuden would waste no time in immediately preparing and activating a second jutsu, using his time getting up off the ground to weave the hand signs inconspicuously before clapping his hands together as if in prayer and beginning to fire a highly pressurized stream of water in a linear fashion from his mouth. The jet stream formed a powerful blade like water spout powerful enough to cut through rock and steel which Bokuden would direct with a tilt of his head in the direction he so desired. He began his attack on the left most enemy, aiming the stream at the building beneath his feet and would then proceed to turn his head all the way to the right most enemy, destroying the terrain and thus their footing the whole way through.

Mission Completion: 2029/3000

4Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Empty Re: Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:45 pm




Keiko tensed as she watched the arrow being notched back, the flickering threat of the bomb tag attached to it dancing in the air. But already, the newcomer was in motion, creating a familiar water sphere that began rapidly expanding, growing into the full size of the water prison and encasing the arrow within, absorbing the explosion. To have used a technique meant to capture a target as a defensive technique … she wouldn't have thought of that, and it killed her to realize it. It appeared she herself didn't fully realize what she could do with her own techniques.

She was beginning to think that as the war progressed, she was becoming more of a liability that needed to be protected rather than a fellow protector of the village. That feeling of relief that rushed through her at the arrival of this newcomer was pathetic, especially given that her reaction was mirrored ten more times on the faces of the civilians around her. In that moment, she had become just another helpless lamb, huddled among others against the "fence" that prevented their escape. Clearly, despite the amount of training she was doing, it wasn't enough.

Ha. All that training, becoming chuunin … it doesn't amount to anything. Sure, there was a chance she could make it out of this if she escaped on her own - perhaps with some injuries, but alive nonetheless - but she was responsible for the lives of others as well. Other civilians who couldn't do anything against their attacks, who would lose their lives if left to fend for themselves. And as much as she wasn't one to tie emotional bonds to people, her conscience wouldn't allow her to be selfish and secure her own safety first. If she were to do just that … it wouldn't be all too difficult. The wall of rocks and debris was approximately six feet tall right in the center, and about four and a half feet along the sides. Breaking through didn't seem like an option that she should or could take. Even if she had a technique that would allow her to knock down the wall or at least resize the larger debris, there wasn't enough room in the cramped path for the civilians to get out of the way - moving away from the wall meant putting themselves closer to the enemy, something she knew none of them were willing to do, even if the newcomer was helping to push them back.  So that left getting over the wall. Anyone with enough physical training - and a tall enough height - would be able to prop themselves and scramble over to the other side, and Keiko herself could use her favourite ice technique to simply levitate herself over. And carry one other person with me … though I don't suppose anyone would be thrilled if I saved myself and one other person, leaving the other nine to die.

Unless …

Her eyes widened as a possibility occurred to her. She could only transport one person at a time, but that didn't mean she couldn't help them one at a time. It would be risky, especially given that they would be hovering precariously in the air for a short period of time - leaving them open to ranged attacks - but if this newcomer could keep the majority of them occupied enough, it was a project that had a chance at success. To her knowledge, their pursuers had only managed to navigate this far because they had been chasing Keiko's group, the other side of the wall would likely be much safer, not to mention bringing them one step closer to the fortified administration building. Even if they managed to reach the vicinity, they would have immediate back up. There was no telling whether their attacks had more back up on the way, so making it over the wall would increase their chances of survival.

Her mind made up, she glanced around quickly, picking out one of the seemingly more reliable men and grabbing at his wrist, hissing at him to follow her. At the point, the enemy were preoccupied, unable to maintain their balance to counterattack thanks to the ground disturbance the newcomer was causing. She needed to take advantage of this temporary moment of peace. First things first … I need to make sure my ice doesn't break. A quick series of hand signs was following by a massive expel of hyouton chakra into the air, and in immediate response, the sky began raining down tiny ice crystals, providing her with a supply of ice without wasting excessive chakra. Leading the man to one side of the wall, she broken into a forward run, heading towards the other low end of the wall, giving herself some runway. As she ran, ice began forming at her feet, solidifying into a sheet of ice that continued to form one step ahead of her, always giving her something solid to walk on with each step. "Keep walking and don't stop under any circumstance, or I'll drop you. She hissed under her breath, directing the ice to move in an upward sloping fashion, leading right over the edge of the wall. They proceeded quickly, slipping over to the other side hopefully without garnering too much attention. Once on the other side, she gave clear instructions for the man not to simply run off and to help her with anyone else coming over the wall.

Once back over, she remained hovering at the halfway height of the wall, at a height in which the civilians would be able to climb on, then proceed to hoist themselves over the wall, where the man she had already brought over would hopefully help them down. It was slow progress, slower than she would have liked as one by one, the villagers scrambled over, but it was working. Three down … four down … five … A flash of movement caught her eye, whizzing towards her location. An arrow, once again with a bomb tag attached. With all that was happening, she couldn't decipher whether it was simply a stray arrow, or that there was a big enough opening for them to be targeted, but that wasn't her chief concern at the moment. Pivoting on the spot, hands outstretched, a solid sheet of ice formed in front of her moments before the arrow hit, the explosion immediately cracking the ice and destroying the mirror, but leaving Keiko and the civilians unharmed. Well, physically unharmed. At the point, the civilians had broken out of their frozen silent state, beginning to panic and push to be the next one over the wall.

Damn it … Concentrating on the shards of ice that remained form the broken ice mirror, she channeled additional hyouton chakra into them, reforming the spare pieces into larger pieces and sending them flying back in the direction the arrow had come from, hopefully piercing into the original attacker as well as any others standing near him. "Come on, hurry up!

Six … seven …Three more left. As long as their attackers could be kept at bay, it wouldn't be long before she got the rest of them over. They weren't far from the administration building so as long as the group managed to get close enough, they should be safe.

Chakra: 125/200:

Mission: Protect the Civilians

5Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Empty Re: Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:02 am



From the corner of his eye Bokuden saw what could only be described as a major relief for the silver haired shinobi. The civilians that he had jumped down to protect, while he had proceeded with his offensive, had begun to slink away over the wall of debris that had previously cut off their escape route. Unable to simply take his eyes off of the opponents that he had just acted against, lest he give them an opening to regroup and launch an organized attack against the people behind him, he had to surmise what exactly was going on with just the information he had attained from his peripheral vision. A voice of what sounded like a young girl could just barely be heard in the background offering what seemed to be stern, if not unwilling reassurance to the fleeing civilians, “Keep walking and don't stop under any circumstance, or I'll drop you. Come on, hurry up!” She sounded almost too young to be the one offering aid to these people, but given the direness of the situation the village hidden in the mist was currently in and how young shinobi training started, it was entirely possible that they had a little girl acting on some sort of rescue squad. It was only making his job easier by taking the burden of responsibility for those peoples’ safety off of his shoulders so he wasn’t even going to bother complaining anyway. He just hoped that she wasn’t doing it alone. The last thing he needed was some brat trying to help and only managing to make matters worse by adding one more person that he needed to protect to the mix.

One other clear and distinctive piece of information he could make out after his brief peek over his shoulder was a mass of ice that had not been there earlier that the civilians were moving towards. Given what he knew about the village hidden in the mist and the shinobi that hailed from there Bokude could pretty safely assume that the ice was the work of a hyoton user from the Aisu clan. Having that knowledge in hand was at least slightly encouraging for Bokuden, knowing that if there was another shinobi assisting in the escape efforts, one with a powerful kekkei genkai no less, he could focus his attention more towards the immediate threat of the Seven Bells shinobi and not have to worry as much about physically moving the civilians to safety.

Bokuden’s jutsu had done what it was intended to do for the most part, destroying the structures beneath the assailants’ feet and completely taking away their footing. He hoped that this would also force fight or flight instinct to kick in, forcing them to either retreat to a point where he could defend the civilians without much issue or attempt a spontaneous retaliation. If the former came to fruition it would rob the enemy of their ability to corner the civilians without Bokuden being able to intercept their attacks and if it were to be the latter they would potentially lose any strategic or tactical advantage their numbers may have provided them by forcing them out of their rhythm and making any kind of teamwork exceptionally different. At least, that was what was supposed to happen.

While his plan to disrupt their footing had succeeded he had slightly underestimated the skill of the shinobi in question. Quite skillfully they were able to maneuver themselves around the crumbling terrain and reposition themselves to allow for a counterattack that Bokuden had not accounted for. To make things more problematic it also seemed as if they were going to make a habit of attaching the explosive tags to their projectiles to initiate combat. This time however, their weapons were pointed not at Bokuden, but at the people behind him. The assailants must have not been too keen on the idea of allowing the civilians to escape if they were willing to redirect focus away onto fleeing and powerless targets rather than the shinobi that had just stood before them and demonstrated the ability to combat them directly. Even with his knowledge of the shinobi behind him that were helping the civilians to escape Bokuden could not just sit idly by and allow those attacks to go through.

Weaving a quick sequence of hand signs he would immediately spew a torrent of water from his mouth in response to the explosive projectiles that were now heading their way. The water would rapidly form a circular wall around Bokuden’s location, providing a 360 degree shield around himself and consequently the area around and behind him. As the projectiles hit the wall they would be thrown skyward by the upward rising current, causing the explosive tags to detonate high above the rooftops. Bokuden knew that the current disruption provided by the explosions would prove to be the perfect chance to make his move and catch the enemy off guard.

Ranged specialists are notorious for being vulnerable in close range, that is why they are forced to fall back to ranged weapons, away from the battle like cowards. By the time any of the opponents were even able to recompose themselves after the force of the explosions Bokuden would already be upon them. Like a hawk he would dive down from above, picking each opponent off one by one as he cleaved through them like butter with his katana. A few of them attempted to defend themselves in close combat, but the element of surprise combined with Bokuden’s vastly superior close combat fighting were overwhelming for the poor fools. As the final opponent’s lifeless body hit the rooftop beneath his feet Bokuden would clean the blood from the edge of his blade, and sheath it in one fluid motion. The click of his tsuba hitting his sheath acted almost as the signal of his parting. With the threat neutralized there was nothing left for him to do here. The shinobi or Kirigakure could take responsibility for the safety of their civilians or the cleanup of the rubble. This was not his village and not his problem. It was time for him to take his leave.

Mission Completion: 3069/3000

6Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Empty Re: Protect the Civilians! [B-A, Open] Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:54 pm



It appeared as though the escaping civilians were garnering more attention than she had anticipated, especially after that arrow launched their way. As the eighth person clambered over the wall, Keiko spared another glance at the ongoing fight, taking in the terrain damage caused by the powerful jet of water that the stranger had used. It appeared only momentarily effective - despite the fact that the solid structure that made up their footing had completely crumbled apart - as the attackers responded accordingly and quickly repositioned themselves for another round of attacks. Except this time, they had suddenly decided that they would direct their attention towards the remaining civilians.

Why would they … !? That didn't make sense. Why would they still be after these innocent civilians when there was clearly a bigger threat that they were facing? She knew for a fact that these were ordinary people, not of any particular importance and definitely not really worth focusing all their attention towards. Still, she couldn't just ignore them. Eyes widening in alarm, she glanced down at where the two remaining civilians stood, silently willing them to hurry up. The situation was significantly better now that the majority of the group was on the other side of the wall, but she was going to just let the remaining people get hurt It would be another while yet before she gathered enough chakra to use her mirrors as a defence, and if nothing stopped the arrows from flying their way, her ice would inevitably be destroyed, leaving the two civilians - and herself - stranded on the rougher side of things. The ninth villager had managed to get on the sheet of ice by now, wobbling rather unstably as he reached for the wall in preparation to hoist himself out. "That's it. Just keep going, the others on the other side will help you down. She murmured under her breath, knowing that bringing attention to the fact that they were potentially about to be hit by a volley of arrows would only bring about unnecessary panic, slowing the process down. At this point, Keiko could only hope that their unexpected saviour would continue to prove useless and bring a stop to the incoming attack.

And she wasn't disappointed. Just as the ninth civilian made it over the wall, the sound of a massive quantity of water reached her ears, lilac eyes taking in the wall of water that served as a large shield before them. The flying projectiles hit the wall and travelled upwards, creating an impressive display of explosions harmlessly above their heads. "Come on, move! You're the last one over. Once you get to the other side, move as a group towards the administration building, you'll be safe there. I'll be right behind you guys." She rapidly instructed the final civilian as he hoisted himself over the wall, turning her attention back to the blur of movement that was the stranger, weaving among the long-ranged fighters with ease. With every flash of his katana, another body fell, until all that remained of the people chasing them from the event were the lifeless corpses that littered the ground, crimson blood seeping among the uneven rubble. As the man sheathed his katana, Keiko could see that he was ready to leave the scene without a word. But she couldn't just let him leave like that. She wanted to know who he was, see his face, ask him what village he was from. But the sounds of people approaching from the other side of the wall drew her attention away, and by the time she glanced back, he would likely be long gone.

Alarmed by the sounds of what appeared to be a large group of new arrivals, she swum herself over the wall, ready to deal with whatever came next. To her relief, they were all shinobi baring the Kirigakure crest, reinforcements that had descended from the administration building to aid whatever civilians remained in the close vicinity. It looked as though for now, the danger was over.

Chakra: 120/200:

Mission: Protect the Civilians - COMPLETE

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