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1Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:47 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

The Mission:

Kenji had decided to take it easy, and have a bit of fun while staying active. He was dressed in full uniform except his weapons weren't on him. He was heading to the basketball court of Kirigakure. A few of the guys had an exchange of words during the first day, and now it was time to put their money up. Kenji had never been a hustler, his skills were for everyone to know, so if anyone ever underestimated him that was there own stupidity. The air was calm today, perfect for a short game of basketball. He walked up to the court. After a few shots, the trash talking began once more.

"You think I'm that bad huh? I'll show you." Kenji dribbled the ball a few times and rose up from beyond 7 meters (22 feet) and released the basketball spiralling for the hoop. The ball went straight through the net. "That was pure luck, all or nothing." Kenji smirked caught the chest pass. Kenji took his time and looked up at the rim, getting the trajectory just right. He could do such calculations quickly, but to make it more dramatic he took his time and took a few deep breaths. He spun the ball in his hands, letting it barely fall from his grip only to retrieve. He rose up once more, and at the peak of his jump he released the ball with a high arc. The basketball seemed to travel endlessly through the humid air. As the ball seemed to drift down towards the rim, the faces of everyone watching were completely locked in anticipation to see if it went through the net. A thump was generated by the ball hitting the back of the rim, but Kenji shot the ball so softly it had little impact. It bounced gently and then sat on the right side of the rim... It appeared it was rolling to the center, as it did he could see the guy that betted against him and was talking the most trash, he was fixing his lips in a way that made it obvious he was about to release a stream of wind. Just as he was about to exhale. "LADIES! WE HAVE A PROBLEM! THEY'RE GETTING CREATIVE. KENJI! JACQUE! WITH ME." Jacque was the guy trying to interfere with Kenji's shot, while the general spoke the ball had rolled in. Kenji smiled and left with the general.

He had been briefed and now they needed at least one more shinobi to take the mission on. Kenji could think of no one else other than his student Zanto. He had shown great ability in combat and even a knack for battle tactics. To say he was impressed was an understatement. Kenji knocked on Zanto's door. Kenji was fully prepared, his crossbow was equipped and his bookbag/quiver was on and he had his Hane on his hip along with his projectiles. He then saw his student walking past him with a puzzled look on his face. "Oh, hi Zanto. I thought you were in. Anyway, we have another mission." 

Kenji handed the Zanto the brief of the situation and gave him a minute to read it over and digest. He knew Zanto would be up for it, he was more thirsty for combat than Kenji was. This mission seemed like it would be perfect for Zanto. There were to set off against a experiented humans who are now essentially part puppet. Kenji was fed up with the surprises Seven Bells kept throwing at Kiri, why couldn't they just stay somewhat bizarre, no they have to go full alien.

WC: 614/2500

2Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:24 pm



After long battles and bloody conflicts Zanto finally had a chance to relax. Not that he wanted to. He still had a craving for war. So far his strength and skill was tested, his leadership was tested and his tactics were tested, but now he was searching for something more. After sustaining a few injuries on his last operation he decided to take it easy even though he was anxious to get back to the battle.
With his time off he sat on a roof breathing in the fresh air. He was thinking about what to do later down the road when this conflict was over.
‘I don’t know why I am thinking about this, but maybe they will let me take her back. That is if she is willing to leave her home.’ Zanto thought.
He sighed and sat up looking down at the demolished village.
‘This war has done a number on this place.’
He leaped down from the roof and started walking back to where he was staying. On the way he saw his mentor Kenji knocking on his door.
‘Why is he here?” Zanto thought.
His mentor informed him they had another mission and handed him a file with details inside.
‘High priority, assassins infiltrated friendly lines. Dignitaries most likely target along with commanding officers and other key personnel. More than likely 2-3 man squad of human bonded with puppets.
Identities unknown. Mission: Search and destroy the assassin squad.’ Zanto read to himself.
It was a straight forward mission, but this time they were not on the battlefield they were in the rear where anyone could be the target.
‘Well… You don’t hunt a hunter. You get the hunter to come to you.’ Zanto thought.
This may not have been a battle, but it was another way to test Zanto. Before it was just his strength, cunning, and skill being put to the test. Now this was a test of his intelligence, cunning, and instinct. This was a new game for Zanto. Now instead of war it was espionage.
Zanto closed the file and looked up at Kenji-sensei.
So we are going on a hunt. Too be honest Kenji-sensei. I am a lazy hunter, So If I may advise. We should just draw them out. For example one of us will take the Identity of a high value target. If we do it right and make it look real we should be irresistible to the assassins. I can disguise myself as one of the high value targets then all we need to do is move around until they try to kill me. You can be on standby and launch a surprise attack on them when they reveal themselves, or if you manage to spot them before they try to kill me. The only other option I see would be to shadow a high value target and hope we are right, but I doubt two people can handle something like that.
It may have been a risk, but it was a necessary risk. If they did it right then this would be the quickest way to catch them. It would also take some pressure off of key personal. The only X factor here was can Kenji-sensei spot them before he was taken out. He is a sage after all so it shouldn’t be hard for him to spot something as abnormal as a human puppet hybrid. Only time will tell. Zanto wanted to do his own plan, but it is ultimately up to his mentor to make the final word. Perhaps he will go with it given his track record so far.

WC 607/2500

3Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:27 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He had just dealth with a massive monster when the time came for him to deal with another mission. He sighed as the wind blew through his blonde hair, he was wearing a torn up shirt and a loose shorts that was beginning to look like rags. The side of his shorts was torn halfway up the side. He got the note from a ninja who specialised in delivering messages directly, as delivering them through sensory methods would risk them being hacked or intercepted. As he read through the mission he noticed he would have to work together with two shinobi from the hidden cloud village. He then looked down as he said "So i gonna be workin with a bunch of cloudies, i hope this will be okay". He began to head down the streets wondering where he would find these two as he was running through the residential areas for foreigners.

He had been running around for close to thirty minutes before noticing someone who looked like he did not come from here. As he looked on he was still in shock, it was a tall guy with Blue Hair , he checked the picture and the face and realised the guy really had blue hair. He figured it was a mistake cause he thought the people from the cloud village all had brown or yellow hair. Then again he realised he should probably read more books to get a better understanding. He looked on as the man was taking his time to take a shot. As the man jumped and released his shot it landed on the rim and was staying there on the edge for a while. Just as it seemed something else would happen someone shouted confirming that the man was Kenji. He looked around not finding the other guy anywhere.

Just as he was about to relax he noticed that Kenji guy was walking off, he slowly followed from a distance, tailing him on instinct rather than just getting his attention sooner. His sword resting on his back would potentially make him a threat, but who would expect anything from a cute little boy.
He was in a somewhat playful mood having been doing missions all day, as he was a bit happy while tailing the guy. He did not smile though as his happyness was hardly shown on the outside.

As he followed the man he noticed the guy stopped at a door and was knocking he was looking as he went to peak suspiciously from the side of the building. He noticed a guy jump off the roof he nearly wanted to give out a warning when he noticed the guy looked familiar. It was the other guy on the mission and he nearly laughed when he heard the guy say a corny phrase. "You don’t hunt a hunter?" as he whispered to himself. He was beginning to wonder if these guys were serious shinobi. A basket ball player with blue hair and a roof top shinobi with a lame phrase.

He did not want to wait much longer as he came out of his failed hiding as he walked slowly to them and waved. "Hey Ke..n...ji and", he kept keeping his one hand raised while the other one began rubbing his eyes. He was somewhat sleepy but he had to stay awake his mission was not over. Even if he was hungry he could not stop here. Too many have died for him to sleep now. His blonde hair once again blown by the wind which seemed to happen far too often. Would they see him as a threat or would they realise he is there to help them. Only time would tell.

Word Count = 628/2500

4Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:58 am



Kamikira had finally recovered from her slight leg wound that happened within her last mission. It didn't look too serious when she bandaged herself up but found out later on that if she hadn't gotten medical attention when she did, she would not be alive. She shrugged it off as it did not really bother her too much that she had only barely survived her last encounter with the seven bells. This would be her third battle with them yet, and it would probably not be the last one either. She was still in the hospital bed, reading through the dossier when she a nurse approached her. She had asked them to keep track of her subordinate when he came through and they informed her that he had left just a bit earlier, and that he was heading out on a new mission. What a stroke of luck that it would be the same mission she herself was undertaking and was soon getting ready to start.

Waving the nurse off, she sat up in bed and then moved to stand. She had gotten stitches that night and her leg was healing up nicely. They had only just taken the stitches out so she was still a bit sore, but she wouldn't let that hinder her in the slightest. Quickly, the girl pulled her large cloak over her form, putting the buttons up all the way to her chin, smiling. This was another mission with that kid she had found what seemed like a while ago, by the Fusa monument. And with each mission together she could feel him getting closer to her heart. She would never admit it though, she thought to herself, while pulling the large hood of her cloak over her head. The cloak's hood masked her face complete in shadow, allowing only the crimson red eyes to be seen, their bright hues slightly unnerving to anyone of weak mind.

Kamkira reached over to grab her scythe, spinning it around her hand slightly, before pushing it into the loop like sheathe upon the back of her cloak, holding the scythe in a diagonal position across her back. She then let her arms fall straight down to her sides, the sleeves coming three inches past her fingertips. Kamikira sighed, moving out the door of her hospital room, and turned down the hall to exit the hospital as well. Once outside, she began to look around, thinking for a moment on where the dossier told her to meet her team. The residential area seemed as good a place as any and she quietly and quickly made her way there, noticing her student running around before staring intently at some tall blue-haired man. After which he followed the other man, causing her curiousity to heighten. As such, she followed her student, tailing the tailer, and eventually making it to their meeting place, but she stayed silent.

WC: 490/2500

5Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Thu Dec 05, 2013 5:17 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji pondered Zanto's strategy, Kenji was fine with letting Zanto pretend to be a dignitary, baiting the enemy out. He patted Zanto on the shoulder, "I think that's a good..." A small boy interrupted Kenji, greeting both the blue hair shinobi and Zanto. His puzzled eyes ran over the kid who was no bigger than a potato sack. Kenji chose to ignore the kid, but then he began rubbing his eyes, confusing Kenji. "How dare he address me and then get sleepy, he must've been ordered to come over here, hmm. He's another Kiri brat, his rudeness probably provoked Seven Bells." Kenji turned to face the blonde hair short stack. "Hello there, yes, I am Kenji and this is Zanto. I take it you've come over here not to exchange hellos..." Kenji paused waiting for the kid to state his purpose for coming over. Kenji waited for him to spill the beans. It was true Kenji was almost positive on the reason he came over, but he wanted the sleepy fellow to wake up. If he was going to be on a mission with him, he was going to have to be alert. "I'll be damned if anyone dies on my watch." Moreso for his own ego than the actual well being of the accompanying ninja.

Prime Suspects
Back over along the central path of the city, a trip was being made to transport Vice President Chao. The long stadning dignitary was set to leave the village taking a secret route. Chao stood only 1.5 meters tall and was quite chubby. He was guarded by 3 shinobi of B rank. Chao stood up  from his chair in his office as the shinobi came to escort him. Veins pulsated from his forehead, "I said 5 minutes!" He said in a nasely and squeaky voice. He sat back down slowly. Promptly putting the cigar back to his lips, blowing the smoke out in puffs. The room was almost completely filled with smoke. Chao was known back in the day when he was a shinobi to be an impressive fire ninjutsu user, one of the few to master that particular element in Kiri. His eyes watered, "It's been a while since I've have such a fine cigar." He said dramatically. His fall in the shinobi world came due to: First, his incredibly small and unhealthy staure and lifestyle, and secondly to his breeming ego. His posture slacked as the shinobi began tapping and sighing, "Alright, just one last..."
Colonel Yaz was a female drill instructor and an advisor to the Daimyo. She was set to leave in a few days, leaving for Kumo. She was to join a panel of high ranking officers who would discuss on the current situation. She was a supreme strategists and a high level target. Yaz's hair fell to her lower black, the golden locks never caught without an almost blinding sheen. Her gaze was as fearful as it was tantalizing. 1.8 meters in height, most of it consisting of her long tone legs that she loved to show off. She wore a short kimono showing off her glistening thighs. She laid back in her tower, looking out the window at the chaos ensuing down below. "Lady Yaz, your carriage awaits." Kirigakure had set up a exit of the south gate that would set them on the safest and quickest route to the village hidden in the clouds.

"Alright, our two main dignitaries are: Vice President Chao, he's a chubby stout man and an extreme fire hazard. He's set to arrive at a secret passage shortly, we're certain that these test subjects have caught their scent and are waiting to strike. He's somewhat guarded, so they most likely won't attack rekclessly. Zanto, we'll send out a message to have you and the VP meet in a secret location, where you can undergo the switch undetected. Then, you'll purposely stray away from the guards, drawing them out. When you do, our new recruity here will back you up. Blondy, you'll shadow Zanto, acting as one of the guards. When they reveal themselves, new guy (Kenji knows his name by now, he's fooling around) and the guards will have your back. Now, the second dignitary is of the utmost priority and she has to leave today. I'll personally oversee her body. Worry no more about her. You may have spoken with her a few times as she's the main coordinator for the war, Colonel Yaz."

Kenji's crossbow hung snuggly over his should along with his quiver of bolts on his back. His Hane was clipped to his waste, safe in its sheathe. His shimmering gloves bore a slew hidden traps that usually spelled the end for anyone unlucky enough to have their gaze fall upon them. Kenji was ready to take the mission on. And he was sure Zanto was as well. The new guy on the other hand, if he was assingned this mission which he presumed, he was confident he could handle himself as well. "I'm trusting you two, Kiri is trusting you two that the both of you will do a satisfactory job. Work as a unit and you can't go wrong. Well, we have dignitaries to save, let's get to."

WC: 1514/2500

6Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:39 pm



Veins began to pop out of Zanto’s skull. He was absolutely furious beyond all recognition.
‘What the hell!? Why do I have to babysit this little brat! No doubt Kenji is going just to perv on the female commander. Damn it all to hell!’ Zanto screamed in his head.
Zanto looked down at the blonde hair kid. He didn’t even bother asking for his name.
Alright kid. Stay close to me and do as I say. Zanto said sternly
He leaped and headed for the vice president.
‘At least when I had teammates on the last mission they were competent and able. This kid doesn’t even look like he can fight off a rabid dog.’ Zanto thought.
Although he wasn’t happy about it Zanto knew he shouldn’t be a complete jerk to the kid, after all he proved himself time and time again, and maybe this kid will surprise him.
Zanto looked over at his partner and decided to give him some reassuring words.
“Listen… I don’t want to step off on the wrong foot. I am mostly angry at Kenji-sensei the blue haired shinobi. The guy is more than likely going to flirt with Colonel Yaz. It’s not your fault. Anyway here is the plan. I am going to be the bait. I am going to replace the Vice president so he is out of danger, and you are going to take the place of one of the guards. Your job is to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious. They guys that will be trying to kill me are part puppet so be especially mindful of anyone wearing baggy clothes or things that don’t belong. It’s up to you to spot them before they get the jump on us. If you see something suspicious I want you to cough twice to let me know. They will more than likely try to hit us somewhere in the city so when you see an area that’s narrow or has a lot of high roofs be on your guard because they will likely try to strike us from there. As we walk you are going to put more distance between us leaving me open tempting them to attack me. Just be ready.
As they approached the central path were the Vice president’s office was. Zanto and the blonde shinobi came in through the window of the Vice president’s office. Needless to say the other three shinobi nearly attacked.
Zanto quickly explained the situation and told them that he was a shinobi from Kumo here to find the assassins.
Listen we are here to find the assassins trying to kill you to do that I need to switch places with you. I will pose as you and then the assassins will try to kill me, but that will draw them out into the open giving me the chance to eliminate them. My associate here will be replacing one of your guards.
The room was nearly completely filled with smoke making Zanto cough. The Vice president was a short fat man. When he walked it was more like a wobble and he was nearly bald. He wobbled around his desk and approached Zanto and blew smoke in his face. Zanto was only one step away from killing this fat slob himself, but he restrained himself for the sake of his mission and the peace.

‘So this guy is fat… really fat… perfect target sense he is so fat… How the hell do people let themselves go like that? Ad what the hell is with all this cigar smoke?’ Zanto wondered.

So let me see if I have this right Zanto. You are going to replace me and have the assassins try to kill you just so you can kill them.
Was this guy stupid or slow? Zanto just finished explaining it how did he not grasp it the first time?
‘How did this guy become vice president?’ Zanto wondered.
Yes sir that is the gist of it. We will leave first. No doubt the assassins are scoping this place. So once we leave you and the other ninja will leave disguised and we will handle the rest.

WC: 1307/2500

7Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:06 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He appeared very sleepy as he even yawned a bit too. "Aaahhh...." as his mouth was wide open he shaked his head a bit as his hair went all messier than usual. The man greeted him and suspected Ren was not there to say hellos which was correct. He looked at the man for a while before finally speaking. "I am Yuzu Ren, shinobi from Kirigakure, I was told to help you with the mission as well as to report it for." He paused for a bit to make sure he remembered correctly before speaking again. "I am here to help you with the mission as well as to help improve relations with Kumo. I will do my best and please do not play around in this mission like you did in the basketball". In this one sentence he covered all that Kenji needed to know. Kenji wanted to know whether the kid was there to help with the mission and he was, he wanted to know if the kid would be useful. At the very least the kid was observant even if he was not fully awake. There was also some blood on his shoulder that did not stand out too much, but it indicated that the kid has been battling a lot on this day.

He began to sit down with his legs crossed as Kenji began discussing the details of the mission. Looking around as he was busy thinking while also listening to what Kenji was saying. Probably out of annoyance, the guy called him blondie, at that very moment Ren looked up at the guy with a glare. It seemed they both were annoyed by each others company at that point, but after a while he looked down again. As the guy Kenji finally finished his explanation, before Ren could speak he got interrupted. Being called a kid and told to keep close to Zanto.

"Hey!! My name is Ren, not just kid". He then received a reply after that in which Zanto explained that he was annoyed by the blue haired Kenji. He then realised that Zanto must have thought he was not listening the first time as he explained the entire mission to him. He looked back and was wondering for a moment. He felt like he was being followed as he sighed. He then whispered "Shiru" as he looked back to Zanto then said. "Okay i got it, please do not repeat stuff all the time, I actually have a really good memory, just do not like to show it off though". The kid then decided to leave a note which he suspiciously left on the floor. It had the details of a fake mission and a small detail just for Shiru just in case he was right and it was Shiru she would understand it, if it was an assassin spying on them then they might try follow the plan that was wrong. An assassin would not understand the second part of the message though that was real.

Either way Ren planned out for both and also decided to follow Zanto. The note told Shiru to go with the blue haired guy Kenji. If an assassin did that they would most likely get found out and killed, since he realised that Kenji is the strongest in their team. Also he felt that Shiru if it was her would have a better time teaming up with someone strong. He did not want her to baby sit him all the time. The message said "Follow the blue grass and listen to its noise". This was in essence a coded message, basically meaning follow Kenji and find out what the plan is.

As him and Zanto finally met with the dignitaries the three B-rank shinobi nearly attacked them but halted when they saw Ren as one of them smiled and said to the side. "It's just some kid and his brother". When Zanto began explaining that they were shinobi and that Zanto was from Kumo, as well as explaining what the plan was. Ren noticed something new as the cigar smoke came closer, he coughed then hid behind Zanto and used a piece of Zanto's shirt to breathe through. The one guard again spoke to the side this time saying. "Aaaww, his so cute, almost makes it worth it to work for this fat slob" The other serious guard elbowed that guard to set him straight as he was embarrassing them.

It seemed this fat guy was a major slob and did not pick up on the first explanation perfectly. This fat guy finally showed some signs of not being a complete idiot when he stood up firmly as he puffed some smoke towards them in a cocky manner. "So they send a stupid kid and a virgin of a Kumo to protect me? I must not be that important anymore. You guys must be really stupid though, I have seen this kid before at the stupid academy. His that kid who can not even perform the transformation technique, and you want him to pose as a guard? I will be the laughing stock of all of Kiri, look at my guards they all tall fast and strong, and you want me to replace them with a kid who looks like he needs to be sent back to the academy. This Seven Bells must have become a joke if you are all that is needed to stop him." Then in a shock as the cigar slipped out of his hand the one guard immediately jumped underneath and caught the live cigar then handed it back to him.
" Hey! how many times do i have to tell you to get my my next cigar when I'm done not give me this old cigar. Go give that crap to the kid over there"

Ren gripped tightly onto Zanto, he knew he could not pass for a guard, but finally he spoke up as he let go of Zanto. "I am Yuzu Ren, I know our original plan was no good, but this is war and we do not have time. I will tail Zanto from a distance in order to find the assassins. Also a random villager would pass undetected more easily than having an extra guard added. "Just to let you know I might be young but atleast I am not some old has been".

The fat commander's ego was hurt as he nearly went into a rage. However he could not get into a fight with some kid, it would ruin his image but he decided to take credit for the idea. "Exactly as I was planning" As the guards just nodded and clapped. Ren realised the situation and noticed that Zanto looked like he was on the verge of killing the guy. He stepped on Zanto's foot to help distract him with slight pain as he answered the commander. "You should have said that sooner, you did not need to pretend to be stupid just to make us feel better". The fat guy was annoyed the kid actually picked up on it, however he had to save face as he got a new cigar then said.
"If you going to pose as me you will need these" The fat guy passed on some cigars, but a cheaper brand than what he was smoking. "If you embarrass me I will report your failure to the whole village. Do not make me look bad and maybe i will let you keep the cigars" The fat guy laughed as he sat back down on his fat ass.

Ren looked behind him and wondered if they would be able to do this mission to protect a fat jerk. Only time would tell.

Word Count = 1910/2500

8Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:38 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji had jerkishly brushed most of the responsibility on Yuzu and Zanto. It had been fun but he wanted to continue to give Zanto more time working with others... Not really, he just really wanted to flirt with Lady Yaz. He walked along the path of the well in tact city, marching towards the tower Yaz was staying in. Kenji had got a message out, but it appeared to be too late. As Kenji watched the messanger talking to the colonel as he walked up. Kenji ran his fingers through his hair, annoyed that his entrance was tarnished by the tardiness of the errand boy. Kenji's sleeveless gray vest showcased his toned biceps. Walking over slowly, the blue hair shinobi watched Colonel Yaz and her two guards staring at him, paying little attention to the kid with the message, as his point had been received by the arrival of Kenji. The shinobi bowed gracefully, "Lady Yaz, I am Kenji. I've been specially chosen to make sure you arrive to your destination safely, or at least make it out of the hostile area, where your personal guards will take over from there." Kenji spoke softly and kept his gaze on Yaz the whole time, they looked into each other's eyes. She abruptly turned her stare away, and a cute smile came on her face. "Kenji, I'm a colonel, a expert of war. I have no time for childish crushes." Kenji interrupted her, "If anything, my childish crush will make me more able to protect you." The guards and Yaz looked confused as they weren't sure what to make of his logic.

Kenji's tone deepened as he approached Lady Yaz, "If you've read the note you know it's time to move, there's no time for standing around suspiciously. I will have to kiss you so that anyone watching thinks I'm a shinobi and a boyfriend. If I appear to be someone you're not familiar it'll raise eyebrows and they'll know something is up." The arrogant shinobi began to pucker his lips. Lady Yaz grabbed Kenji by his cheeks (face) with one hand. Kenji's eyes expanded. She pulled him into a deep and sensual kiss. The two made out rather romantically. After about seconds Yaz bit Kenji's lip, her eyes were so seductive, if he wasn't so confident in his skills he would've sworn he was in a Genjutsu. Kenji's hands fell to her hips. The texture of the short kimono was silky. He caressed her but, squeezing as he brought her in closer. Her face actually grew red as Kenji had took the skit a Tad too far. Kenji then took few steps back, "lets go." Lady Yaz mumbled to herself, "I'm gonna kill that blue hair perv for that."

They were officially off the tower grounds. They walked as a unit.

((OOC: I wont have much time this weekend to post, so I apologize Kami, but I wanted to get something up, so I wont have to do too much at the last minute. Its now Zanto's go, but Kami, if you can feel free to jump back in at anytime.))

WC: 2006/2500

Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

9Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:45 pm



Zanto was close to saying screw it and let the old fat man die. His patience has nearly met his limit. Zanto’s face was burning with anger and his veins were about to explode. He tried his best to calm himself down before moving on to his next train of thought.
‘Kenji-sensei the next time I see you I am going to beat the living crap out of you.’ Zanto thought.
Get something straight you pompous buffoon. I honestly don’t give a damn about you. The only reason I am here is because this is the quickest way to find these assassins. My sensei Kenji isn’t here is because he left to protect someone important to the war effort. You on the other hand are worthless. If you were to die here today there would be ten others would be ready to take your place at a moment’s notice. So get off your high horse and shut the hell up.
The whole room was silent. The vice president sat there with the cigars in his hand utterly shocked at Zanto’s boldness.
And if you want to complain you can scream and shout at Kenji-sensei.
Zanto grabbed the cigars out of the vice president’s hand and left for the front door.
He stopped at the door and preformed the transformation technique to match the fat vice president’s image.
‘Kenji-sensei is going to kill me for that…. Screw it. It felt good.’ Zanto thought.
To complete his illusion Zanto lit one of the cigars that he took from the Vice president and coughed almost immediately.
‘How the hell do people smoke these things?” Zanto wondered.
He exited the office with his “body guards” surrounding him.
Feeling mischievous he went up to a random person. They greeted him as if he were actually the Vice president.
“Good day fine people of Kiri. I am a Pompous idiot feel free to throw rocks at me tomorrow.
Zanto smiled brightly and walked away leaving the people he talked to in a state of severe and extreme confusion.
‘I guess I should at least try to act like him.’ Zanto thought.
He led his group down narrow and semi secluded passages to make the assassins want to attack. Zanto hoped Ren was ready for a fight, because Zanto was looking for one. He was pretty sure Ren was furious at him for the way he spoke to the vice president and he didn’t care.
Something caught Zanto’s Eye on the roof and ahead of him were two hooded figures.
‘So it’s a classic distract and strike.’  Zanto thought.
Sure enough the assassins hatched their wicked scheme. To from the front charged forward and killed two of the guards while the third leaped from the rooftops.
With quick reflexes Zanto summoned three null spheres. He used one of them to strike the falling assassin into the building next to them.
Ren take this remaining guard and go take care of that ninja in the building. Zanto disabled the henge and drew his rusty Katana. I will take care of our two little friends here.
It wasn’t because he thought Ren couldn’t handle it himself it was the fact Zanto wanted the challenge. Unfortunately his desire for fierce combat may get him killed one of these days.
He squared off with the two ninja taking his traditional fighting stance.  He sent two of his null spheres forward and he charged closely behind them. While he charged he summoned a void grenade in his free hand.
He focused his void energies around him. Black flames licked his body and his flesh turned black.
“Chaos charge. Zanto screamed.
Zanto was launched forward and in less than a sixth of a second Zanto collided with one of the ninja’s knocking off one of his puppet arms. As he staggered Zanto took the opportunity to attack and swung his blade at the enemy’s midsection. Little did Zanto know the Ninja had armor plating and as the sword collided it snapped in half. The assassin saw an opportunity to strike Zanto. He took advantage of it, but Zanto was prepared. He used a replacement technique and replaced himself with the void grenade. As the enemy ninja struck it activated the grenade and blew up. The other ninja tried to get close, but Zanto was keeping him at bay with his Null spheres. Zanto still had the broken sword in his hand he rushed over to the down ninja hoping to finish him before he recovered. Thankfully He used his spare Null sphere to pin him to the ground. With one quick movement Zanto went for the enemies ninja’s exposed throat and swiftly cut it. He then turned his attention to the one remaining ninja. While his back was turned the down ninja fired Sebons at Zanto lodging several of them in his back. He turned and smashed his null sphere down on him until his body was completely broken.
‘Say what you want about the seven bells they know how to make there puppet’s sturdy.’ Zanto thought.
Blood oozed down Zanto’s back as he turned to face the remaining ninja.
‘I can handle this.” Zanto thought.
He raised his broken Katana and prepared to fight.

W/C: 2188

10Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Sat Dec 07, 2013 7:35 pm



OOC: I was actually going to say I'd have to post later tonight and you should do this anyway.

11Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:36 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Everything was suppose to go well, but it seems Zanto lost it for a moment as he gave that fat guy a piece of his mind. As Kenji stormed off as the guards followed Ren bowed his head before the man and apologized. "Sorry about that, he is still a bit of a brat". Saying that with a straight face would normally be difficult, but Ren was upset with Zanto for risking the mission like that. What if this fat guy got cocky and tried to go out by himself in protest. "Bye bye, Chao-sama" as he left the fat guy grinned. "Finally i get to relax, these damn cigars are making me sick. A day off this will be so much fun, that damn Mizukage always sending kids to do missions for me".

They had been walking for a while as Ren tailed them from a distance. He was getting tired from all this walking around as he sighed. Finally after some time he looked up noticing someone suspicious on the roof who had been tailing the group for a while. He wondered when Zanto would notice as he questioned whether he was a genin. They finally ran into two hooded figures as Ren stayed back a bit. Seems Zanto finally noticed the guy on the roof, who jumped down only to be knocked into a building with some special jutsu. Ren was wowed by it, he had never seen this before as he took note of it.

Sadly the two guards in the front got killed by the hooded guys almost instantly and then Zanto told Ren to go take care of the guy in the building. He ran to the building with the last guard as they entered, the shinobi shot an arrow straight at Ren who got pushed out of the way by the guard who took an arrow to the arm as he fell over to the side under some rubble. The ninja was unhappy that he missed his target as he switched from his bow to using the two blades in his arms as he charged for Ren. Not wanting to let himself lose in a close fight he drew his sword making contact. However the guy spun around following up with his other blade. Ren just ducked under it, his short stature being helpful as he slashed under the guys arm. He noticed he did not even scratch him as it was a puppet arm. Gripping the blade under his arm the ninja stabbed down towards Ren.

Realising he may have made a mistake, he back stepped as the ninja stabbed the ground. Ren then followed up with a dash as he attempted to punch the guy. He lost out though when he was in mid air. The man released senbon from his chest, but he was prepared for a surpise atleast, replacing himself with a nearby broken piece of wood. Probably was part of the furniture as the ninja tore it to shreads afterwords. He was now behind the ninja as he just watched as the ninja's grip of the sword was loosened as he turned to attack. Ren dashed taking his sword then spun around and used a sword technique, Mizukiri which managed to scar the guys face.

"Do not underestimate me, I am no child" getting cocky as he looked at the man who was irritated as he then got serious. Attacking at high speed while Ren just barely was blocking both blades with his sword. An excitement began to build up deep within Ren, as he looked to him and smiled. The ninja became more furious his blows knocking Ren back, as he kept smiling while he waited, what was he waiting for, why was he smiling, the ninja could not understand it. He had become part puppet in order to become stronger, he served Seven Bells as an assassin in the mist. He had no talent for ninjutsu or anything else, but he was great with a sword and a bow, his arms being armed with blades. However now he was struggling to finish off some kid who has only one sword. He finally understood what the child meant.

He jumped back giving up the fight as he noticed the kid was blocking better and better. He took out his bow faster than the kid could respond. Ren had been the one underestimating him but as the arrow was shot, he managed to move just before the shot was released, as he dashed to the man's side. "Do not feel bad, I just happened to have faced someone with your technique before". The man looked at him, shocked as his life flashed before his eyes. The man smiled as he noticed the blade slashing for his neck, he managed to avoid a clean hit. However his throat was cut, as he coughed blood then spoke. "You can never stop Seven Bells, he has an entire army at his disposal and you have nothing but normal shinobi". Ren then turned to the side as he then said, "The world is filled with just normal shinobi, that is why I am alone" . The ninja laughed as more blood dripped from his throat. "So you going to finish me now?". Ren looked at him as he then said, " bye " as he walked away the ninja smiling as his life came to an end.

Ren walked outside and noticed Zanto was injured. He wanted to help but he was still helping the gaurd who was also injured as he sat him down next to the building. "Zanto, you need help?". Ren then drew his sword, as he was guarding the guard.

Word Count = 2862/2500

Mission = 2500/2500
Training E-Rank Jutsu=362/500

Chakra = 150/170

Jutsu List

12Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:57 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji along with two guards entered a channel, trying to keep Lady Yaz hidden. They were creeping underground. Kenji knew that going out of sight would make the would be assassins more bold, thinking no one could see them. Kenji took the time while passing through the dark and damp passage to use his ANBU sensing range. His mind jumbled as he was unable to sense any chakra... "Strange" Kenji held his hand out telling everyone to stop. There was a secret latch door on the ceiling. Kenji quickly emerged back to the surface and saw the two lab rats dressed in baggy clothes. He fired a bolt and one and whizzed two shuriken at the other that was on the opposite side.

The assassins laughed the attacks off. It was obvious that their durability had been augmented due to the puppet parts. Both guys opened their cloaks and released a frenzy of senbon from their chest. Kenji was able to bat the projectiles away with ease using his katana. Then, at unruly speed, he arrived a few feet from one of the hybrids. He then side stepped quickly to the man's left as he drew a blade his arm, he was way too slow. Kenji's Hane was already on route from the man's side vision, that combined with his enormous speed advantage, he would have no hope of surviving. Kenji's moves were so fast that the hybrids partner was frozen. He only reacted after his partner's head was flying in the air. The head fell at Kenji's feet.

Kenji didn't even need chakra to overwhelm opponents of this level. As the Guy attempted to flee, Kenji in a split second blitzed him and grabbed his shoulder. The spun around with his blade. Kenji blocked with katana. As the weapons clashed, Kenji hopped over, landing behind him. The hybrid was dead seconds later.

Kenji opened the latch back up. "Its clear lets go." Kenji escorted Lady Yaz to her destination. She was now in non hostile territory. The two guards would take it from there. "You may be arrogant, selfish, and rude... Well that's it actually." Kenji looked away, "Don't try and flatter me." Yaz laughed, with a genuine smile she leaned in and kissed Kenji for real. "You tell anyone, I'll have you killed." "I guess I'm a dead man then, I have nothing to fear." Kenji said his goodbye.

Kenji was back in the heart of the village. He found Yuzu and Zanto. They looked like they had a time of it, but they got the job done apparently. He leaned against a building as he watched then help each other. "How did it go guys?" Kenji couldn't believe the short blonde boy survived. Once again Zanto was hurt. Kenji was starting to think he liked the sight of his own blood. Kenji had not a scratch on him. The only reason he had broke a sweat was because his lip action with Yaz. Kenji was daydreaming now, anyone looking at him would think he was a fool, staring at the skin with a goofy smile on his face.

WC: 2500+/2500

Exit Thread

13Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:36 pm



He squared off with his opponent. Ren asked if he needed help, but of course he didn’t accept it. He was having way too much fun. Zanto had his broken sword ready and his three null spheres. He sent two of them to distract the ninja while he charged forward. He created another grenade in his hand and tossed it at the enemy. The blast itself did superficial damage, but it did distract him long enough to have his spheres attack him in three different directions. As they crushed the enemy ninja Zanto decided to deal the finishing blow properly this time and made sure every part was crushed.
‘When will they learn?’ Zanto wondered.
After they cleaned up the mess and gave their report Zanto got his wounds treated. Around this time his mentor decided to drop in as soon as Zanto saw him he glared murderously at him trying to make him spontaneously combust from his gaze. He asked how it went. He then had a stupid day dreaming look on his face.
How the hell do you think it went!? While Ren and I were working our asses off for some fat idiot! You were off perving on the colonel! Zanto shouted.
Zanto stood up and stormed out of the room before he said or did something he might regret. To say Zanto was pissed off beyond al recognition would be an understatement.
‘That stupid blue haired pervert. Pushing that fat moron on me and then partnering me up with some kid. This is infuriating!’ Zanto thought.
Zanto looked down at his broken katana for a moment. He wasn’t too worried about it Anbu black ops must get paid good money so he can just buy another one.
‘The sooner this war is over the better. I mean It’s has been fun, but there isn’t any genuine challenge.’ Zanto thought.


14Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Superman [Seven Bells/Aulden/Open] Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:00 pm

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He can not believe the guy did not want his help as he sighed a bit. He sat down watching the fight as he noticed a weakness. He decided to write this information cause being from another village, this ally could one day become his enemy. He then noticed that it was getting late, when finally Kenji arrived. The blue haired man was late, as he looked on. He noticed that Kenji guy did not bother to ask how he was doing, all this Kenji guy seemed to care about was Zanto. He noticed that Zanto was really upset about having to work for that fat guy.

He looked on as they began going their separate ways, he watched them, he wondered whether it was his imagination. He was sure Shiru was there, but in the end it seemed like there was nothing more he could do here. As he headed out to hand in his report, being short staffed and needing all the shinobi they can get in the upper ranks. With this mission the current people in charge under orders of the Mizukage had promoted him to the rank of chuunin as he hesitated. "I am a Chuunin now?". The person in charge was tired then replied. " This is a war and you have proven yourself time and again, even working with outsiders you have shown promise. Now go rest we have to make preparations".

As he walked away he felt a bit hollow inside, as he wondered if he really earned the right to become a chuunin. Why did they choose him? Was he really that talented or was this war really that bad that even kids with little experience could become chuunin. Only time would tell as he looked up at the moon then said. " I will be the best "

Word Count = 3166

Mission = 2500/2500
Training E-Rank Jutsu=500/500

Chakra = 150/170


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