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Monster. Abomination.

Since the beginning of this war, she was becoming increasingly apprehensive with the idea of dealing with puppets. Unnerving abominations with human-like physical qualities yet not human in any way … She had been allowed to go home to get a few hours of rest the day before, much to her relief. Running around all day both on offensive and defensive roles had her ready to drop in exhaustion, and it had only been because of the new influx of outside help from members of other villages that the Kiri nin were given some time off. Not that it could really be counted as a break … they were to be on call and ready for duty at any moment, the safety of the village and the people within were prioritized over supposed "breaks". Trudging home in a state that could be described as zombie-like, she didn't even make an effort in greeting her adopted parents, who had rushed to the door the moment she entered and bombarded her with questions about whether she was okay. It took approximately 5 minutes to brush past them and dismiss their worries, another 5 to navigate up the stairs, and finally, finally she was in bed. It was a feeling of pure bliss as the softness of her blankets enveloped her, and the moment her head hit the pillow - even before she had discarded her outwear and changed into something more comfortable, even before she could pull the blankets and comforters over herself - she was asleep. The rhythmic rising and falling of her chest indicated an undisturbed sleep … but it wouldn't last long.

Somehow, even though she had initially fallen asleep with no adversity, her sub-conscious mind triggered itself into gear, sinister images beginning to form, manifesting itself into something that was all too real, as though the reality of the situation all of Kirigakure was facing had simply slipped right into her mind, not allowing her a moment's rest from the horrors that she had faced during her waking hours. She was being chased … running out of pure desperation from the monstrosities that she knew were chasing after her, getting closer by every passing second. No words could be heard, pure silence, even her heavy pants were muted, as though the entire world was holding it's breath and awaiting the outcome of her fate. Running, footsteps pounding heavily against the ground without their usual grace … until she fell. Even if it was simply falling from a standing position to the ground, it felt as though she was falling forward for an extended period of time, that drop feeling in her stomach nearly enough to wrench her out of her dream, but not quite. And then time seemed to skip forward, as all dreams did. She was surrounded by wooden puppets, their bladed appendages looming in front of her, and their hinged jaws moved up and down, making a repetitive snapping sound that seemed to echo over and over again.

She awoke then, jerking up into a sitting position with her lilac eyes opened wide, gaze unfocused, yet with a mix of fear and panic in them. She could feel her undershirt plastered to her back from the excessive sweat that had resulted from the dream, her hoodie suddenly providing too much warmth, unbearably hot. Something seemed to jab hard into the palm of her hand, pulling her out of her shocked state as she looked down at her hand, realizing that she was gripping a small plush animal that was now frozen solid, the sharp edges of the ice poking into her hand. Letting out a little gasp of surprise, she let go, and the ice began melting slowly, water soaking into the soft cotton that made up the plush toy. Glancing at her clock, Keiko let out a soft curse under her breath as she realized that she had only managed to get about four hours of rest. She briefly considered going back to sleep, but the images of her nightmare still haunted her consciousness, and instead, she opted for a quick shower - one that wasn't really that quick. Thirty minutes later, she stepped out of the washroom, one hand still in the process of drying her hair with a small hand towel when the echo of the doorbell reached her ears. Shit … already? No … Knowing that one of the house servants, or even her parents, would open the door, she threw on a short black jacket over top of the bejewelled white t-shirt that she had on, shaking out her still-damp hair before flying down the stairs, eyes immediately picking out the messenger at the door. Just as she suspected, she was already being called out for another mission, even though it was approximately … five-thirty in the morning. The grim faces of her parents watching her descend the remaining steps to meet the messenger told her that they weren't at all pleased that their beloved, adopted daughter would yet again be placed in danger. But of course, they didn't say anything, just as Keiko knew they wouldn't. It was an unspoken promise, their acceptance for her to enter the Academy and become a kunoichi had been hard to earn, but they would support her decision now, there was no turning back.

A quick debrief was given to her. There was a massive man - a human, she was relieved to hear - headed towards the administration building, apparently highly skilled in both taijutsu and bukijutsu … something she wasn't looking forward in dealing with. From what it sounded like, this was an enemy of at least jounin rank, with even higher ranked abilities. To be sent to tackle a foe of this caliber … she was usually confident and took things head-on, but it sounded like voluntary suicide. She was a Chuunin, to have to fight someone two ranks higher than her sounded ridiculous. But as she was about to voice her concerns, the messenger continued to speak. "On your way there, you will meet with a higher up, and the two of you will proceed towards the foe together. More back up may be sent if available." Keiko's brows furrowed. A higher up? It was a relief to hear that she would be receiving help but … she certainly hoped this higher up wasn't just some special jounin only slightly more experienced than herself. "Who … ?"

"Aisu Yuudai. I was told he was your squad leader. A second messenger was sent to alert him of your arrival. It would be best if you headed out now."

Of courseee it would be him. Not that she was necessarily complaining. Her squad leader was Sannin, and that must count for something. She had yet to see him in action without holding back … this would be the perfect chance to see what the Aisu clan leader could do. Two minutes later she was out the door, jogging towards the location where she would be meeting Yuudai, a point halfway between her house and the administration building, approximately ten minutes away. Nearing her destination, she slowed down a bit, narrowing her eyes into the distance in an attempt to spot her sensei.

Word Count: 1211/3000



He could feel it, anticipate it. More chaos kept being created around the village, far too much than one would want to see. It was all inevitable, all that kept occurring couldn’t be stopped just yet, they needed the perfect moment, just a single moment and this all could be won or lost. At the rate everything kept occurring at, who knew how long this would last. The wails of children, another tick of the clock, another hour gone by and the village was still fighting for it’s survival. He couldn’t stop it, he could only play the role he was given, the role he had cast upon himself prior to the confrontation with Mizuru. He still had the battle wounds, something that wouldn’t stop irking him for the next week or so, especially when considering the psychological bout that kept playing as a major internal factor. It was as if everything was thrown at him once, seemingly as if he could potentially just explode from all the things that were going on around him, but he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. And he shouldn’t. Due to his position, for the sake of allowing people to keep hope, and for them all to fight through this, as a member of the Aisu Clan; the clan head, a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, and as a Sannin of the Village Hidden in the Mist, he would be a prominent figure for people to look to for their own mental well being.

So many things were playing a role in the future of Kirigakue no Sato. The Seven Bells and the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist; though not all were assigned as of yet. He had previously been sparring with Kaguza, learning the ins and outs of his newest weapon, Serpent’s Tongue, though it certainly wasn’t anything he had full confidence in yet, but he doubted it would affect him much. Time was what he needed to adapt to the new style, but time certainly wasn’t working for or with them. Thus, he needed to take risks, using something outside of his comfort zone, and that is exactly what Serpent’s Tongue would offer him in the midst of a battle.

Zipping up his his coat, attaching the two latches that were on the inside, at the edge of the collar, Yuudai quickly searched the vicinity for his three weapons. After his spar with Kaguza had ended, it was shortly afterwards that a messenger came to find him, informing him that him that his presence was required as a giant man, one taller than the average person would stand, whom was wreaking havoc on the streets of Kirigakure no Sato. It was reported that the giant individual was making his way towards the area where the administration building was located, and needed to be stopped as soon as possible. Yuudai had quickly agreed, though was informed that he was required to bring assistance this time around; mainly due to his antics the previous day, as if it was some form of punishment towards the Aisu clan head. Not bothering to dwell on that, he quickly sent the messenger away with word that he’d only ask for the presence of one of his squad members, whichever one would be available to aid him in the quest. Bracing himself to push himself on to his feet, Yuudai slowly stood back up, grabbing his two sheathed katanas in the process. Sliding the sheathed weapons on his right side, in between his waist and the sash that was there to keep them in place, his focus dropped to the remaining weapon that gleamed in the small amounts of light that peaked in to the village. His movements still felt restrained due to the bandages around his lower torso, thus bending to grab his remaining weapon was done with a little difficulty. Keeping the gladius-form Serpent’s Tongue in his grasp for a few moments, he needed to acquire a custom sheath for the weapon, one that was made to uniquely fit his weapon, he twirled the blade before grabbing the hilt once more, the blade facing down towards the ground. He should head out and meet the squad member that the messengers could find.

As he would make his way to the vicinity of the administration building, he knew he’d need to wait for whichever of his squad members would arrive. He supposed he should have been a bit more selective in the process, but it was too late to change his decision, nor would he assume that it would endanger any more lives than it would be by himself. In fact, it was probably better that he was not going in alone this time around. Who knew what this giant man would be capable of. A few minutes had passed before informing him that the kunoichi would arrive. That eliminated the possibilities from three to one. Ah, so the hyōton would be the one going to help with stopping the giant man. The girl had piqued his curiosity, though more in terms of how she ended up not being raised by a family that had no knowledge of Aisu arts. Suichi, his penguin, had been firmly instructed by the Seventh Swordsman to remain at home for the duration of the battle of Kirigakure. Not because Yuudai wasn’t confident in his abilities, but rather wanting some protection around them. Dismissing the messenger, the Aisu clan leader would await the arrival of this Kitahara Keiko.

It wasn’t too long of a wait, as he had been standing in place for the past ten or so minutes, awaiting the arrival of the sole person he had requested; more precisely he requested one person, the rest was figured out by the messengers. It wasn’t that much longer that he had to wait as he sensed the presence of Keiko’s arrival. Pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against, his hair freely flowing due to not bother to tie it back up, he stopped his fascination with the seventh blade of the mist. His eyes flickered over to the kunoichi, as he stepped towards her. “I believe you already know what’s going on. Unless you have anything to ask, we’ll depart immediately.”

Running word count: 1064



Two members of the same clan, exhibiting the same kekkei genkai … if the two of them were the only ones fighting against this so-called monster of a soldier, she could only hope that it was something they could handle. Having the same kekkei genkai - the same hyouton release - that only meant that they had the same ultimate weakness as well. Whoever ordered the two of them to be the first on the scene either did not think this through, or expected that the two of them would be perfectly fine working together. Either way, it would be quite interesting. Keiko knew she couldn't expect to truly fight alongside one of the Sannin of Kirigakure, not at her current level, but she looked forward to actually seeing a high ranked Aisu in battle. The fact that she had been raised outside of the clan whose blood flowed through her veins meant that she was never truly subject to their training methods. To their powers. To the full capabilities that their kekkei genkai would allow them to achieve. Most of her abilities were self-taught, some by imitation of weaker Aisu members that she happened upon, some of her own creation. And as much as she was wary of the clan that she felt no emotional ties towards, she couldn't help but be curious.

She nearly missed him at first. The messenger had said that she would be meeting up with him on her way to the location where the giant was last sighted, but didn't specify the exact location. So it was more of a guess and check, an additional waste of time. The moment she neared the halfway point, she began taking in more details, eyes scanning the area for her squad leader. Please tell me he's here already. Lives could be lost if she still had to wait for his arrival. But it appeared that was not the case. He was on time, early too, much like the first day of their squad meeting, where he had been the first to be at the location where they had arranged to meet. Leaned against a wall, half hidden by the shadows that the solid frame casted, she would have ran right past him if he didn't straighten up and approach her first. Slowly to a stop, her head tilted to one side ever so slightly as he took the few steps required to close the distance between them, eyeing the blades strapped to his side. They weren't an unfamiliar sight - he had brought them during the introductions meeting - but it was quite exciting to think that she might actually get to see him use them this time. It appeared a large portion of the village's shinobi force were skilled in Bukijutsu, something she was beginning to think she should try her hand in at a later date.

“I believe you already know what’s going on. Unless you have anything to ask, we’ll depart immediately.”

As short and precise as the first time they had met. Not even a greeting? Hello to you too, Yuudai-sensei. She thought sarcastically in her mind, rolling her eyes. But no matter, now wasn't the time to be chatty anyways. She shook her head to indicate that she didn't have any pressing questions, and began moving towards the administration building, knowing that he would be moving as well. There was no time to waste, the administration building may be one of the most fortified safe zones in the village, but that didn't mean it was invincible. It could only take so many attacks before the defence crumbled, leaving all the civilians who had fled there for safety to be open and vulnerable.

It didn't take long to spot the giant. Only … it wasn't as monstrous as she had expected it to be. Standing at a height that was just over seven feet, the man was taller than the average person, but not enough to tower over buildings or step on people like ants. Still, he was a force to be reckoned with, especially given that he was holding a large club weapon propped against his shoulder. That, and … He couldn't have gotten this far without encountering any shinobi before us. But he doesn't have a single scratch on him … This was strange, very strange. Clearly, size wasn't the only thing abnormal about this man. And she wasn't too sure whether she wanted to know what else was going on.

"So, Yuudai-sensei. Any plans on how to apprehend him? He either is so powerful that no one has managed to put a wound on him … or he's passively healing." Here's hoping that the sannin had some brilliant plan in mind. Not that she was guaranteed in listening to him. It was quite well known back in the Academy that Kitahara Keiko didn't really respond well to authority. Still, the fact that she had asked might have meant that she was open to suggestions. Getting in close to this giant of a man would likely be disastrous, especially given that she wasn't a close ranged fighter. And if her latter assumption proved to be correct, then it would be more than just a matter of taking him down. Everything would be prolonged if the man continued to heal, and they would both be simply wasting chakra. This meant they had to subdue him in a short span of time, apprehend him before he had a chance to passively regenerate. "Should I just …"

Uh oh. Whatever she was about to say trailed off into nothingness as the giant, having sensed their presence, turned his head and charged. Eyes widening, she kicked her ice technique into gear, moving off to the left as she picked up both speed and height, climbing higher into the air. A fist flew towards her as she reached the six foot mark in height, but her quick reflexes allowed her to instantly dissipate her ice momentarily to drop down, effectively dodging the punch. Her moment of free fall didn't last long as she once against landed on the ice that materialized back at her feet, but it was clear enough that with the man's height, she had to move higher to avoid being taught in nasty taijutsu move. Please tell me that mr. sensei knows how to deal with this … Hopefully, he would be making use of his weapons and skills and doing something effective. She herself was eager to make a move, but knew enough that she had to get out of a close range before doing anything. The idea of getting caught by that massive club and turning into a liability on her very first mission with her squad leader made her even more determined to actually focus and not make stupid mistakes. As stubborn and headstrong as she may be, part of her still wanted to impress the one whose charged she had been placed under.

Chakra: 185/200:

Word Count: 2392/3000



The abilities of such a weapon would clearly be tested here, one of the first actual tests that the weapon needed to pass for the wielder in combat, though not necessarily the weapon itself. No, the wielders skills were the one thing to be critiqued, judged, and improved upon. It was also the first conclusion the the wielder of said weapon had reached just minutes after being given such a weapon. Many thoughts scattered through the Aisu's head, particularly all the recent episodic events that had occurred. His bout with Mizuru, the news he had received upon arriving at home, and the endowment of the Seven Swords of the Mist to their crowned swordsmen. The first of the three was a fresh reminder that he clearly needed improvement, even as a Sannin of the Village Hidden in the Mist, his abilities were lacking in some certain aspects, one's that Yuudai had already decided upon improving severely, so not to fall in to a similar situation as he had done the last day. The second event seemed to be even more life changing, eye opening. Arriving at home, he hadn't expected even more news to be dropped on himself, time seemed to have passed by so fast since their encounter that Yuudai seemed to forget about the circumstances around them. He'd need to do some balancing as well, time for himself, the village, and his family. The third, was easily the one that would change his standing in the village. Now, a clan head, a Sannin, and a Swordsman of the Mist, Yuudai knew that there was an imaginary weight upon him, one that could drive him to be so much more over time; if they had time. All three of those events would be life altering, each having it's own effect on Yuudai, some more blatant than others. He'd need to adjust around them and work with his other priorities.

Speaking of other priorities, it was about time he started up with his squad. He had started upon the wrong foot at the beginning, but there was no helping it back then, it just seemed too much for him to balance, yet here he was balancing even more than he had been, but willing to add this one thing on to his plate. Yuudai doubted they would fully accept, given his lack of attention towards the squad and he himself had been entirely convinced it most likely wouldn't last, though who knew if it would or wouldn't. Though that would have to be saved for after Kirigakure no Sato was doing well on it's own and not having to deal with the assault from the Seven Bells clan. He wondered what the other boy had been up to, Hayato was his name? The boy seemed to have ties to Keiko, so it only seemed logical that the boy would remain in the squad. As per the third individual, the one who didn’t show up, Yuudai clearly had no thoughts about the person, given their stance towards the squad on the primary day, though it was certainly similar to how the purple-haired Sannin had been treating the squad itself. So maybe another chance was warranted for both.

Breaking up his thoughts, Yuudai focused his attention on the path ahead of them, the journey to one of the supposedly safe areas in Kirigakure no Sato. Though, no one area was truly safe was how the Aisu clan head saw it. If anything, on the first day of the attack, nothing was truly safe as the Sannin of Kirigakure no Sato and a Jounin of the Village of the Hidden Cloud were not enough to thwart the efforts of the Seven Bells clan to injure the Mizukage. If anything, there was nothing along the lines of being truly safe until these attacks stopped, until the Seven Bells clan was stopped. Thus, every little endeavour, every little victory they could salvage, would mean so much in the entire picture of the final battle, whenever that was to take place. The administration building was ahead, no longer a destination for them to go towards, instead it was now to search for the massive individual whom was wreaking havoc around the area, one whom they needed to take care of as fast as one possibly could.

It wasn’t difficult to spot the one person whose head could be seen over the heads of others. With being that tall, people were bound to find him, given that his height was well above the average for a male adult. Even against himself, Yuudai knew that height was an imposing factor, but beyond that there were limitations and strengths to a person of that height. The towering man had one fatal flaw, one that could easily be exposed concerning individuals of that height, their legs. With the amount of weight upon one’s legs, particularly their knees, the best target would be to strike their, given human nature of taking down a bigger foe piece by piece. "So, Yuudai-sensei. Any plans on how to apprehend him? He either is so powerful that no one has managed to put a wound on him … or he's passively healing." Passively healing could easily be the problem, as per wounding him, he wasn’t sure of the caliber of the shinobi attacking the giant previously. ”Assume that he’s healing passively, given the numbers, he couldn’t have been able to defend against every single attack thrown at him. There’s bound to be a few bumps and bruises so far.” As he finished his statement, Keiko was about to call out again, though the moment was quickly interrupted by the hulking man had his sights set upon the two hyōton users, one of the Aisu clan and the other not sharing the same name.

Once Keiko had left her feet, anticipating the giant’s attack, Yuudai stood in position, eyes staring at the man ahead of himself. Standing in place as the giant man went after the Kitahara. With all this going on, Yuudai pulled Serpent’s Tongue back out, allowing it to take a taste of his own blood, something that which would momentarily put him out of place, but the benefits would be worth it and the drawback would soon be forgotten once the adrenaline kicked in. The whip seemed to come to life in his grasp. With Serpent’s Tongue held in his right hand, Yuudai’s left hand went to reach for Setsura, the blade that made use of hyōton - the element of the Aisu - and would be an additional benefit for this. It would also happen to be his first time attempting wielding two weapons at once, and given his three, and the abilities of Serpent’s Tongue, he could use of all three at once if he had the opportunity to do so. With each of the fragments rising to life, extending outward, Serpent’s Tongue assumed it’s 3 meter length, with it remaining in the air. With a slight nod towards Keiko, if she were to pay attention, it would be the sign signifying he would take care of the giant for a while, assuming she would be able to formulate a plan for him to find the opportune moment to strike. Then again, impulsivity could be accounted for in case things altered in regards to what he mentally hoped for. With a surge of chakra through his right hand, the whipped blade broke off into it’s 20 fragments, each flying in a different arc towards the giant man, then eventually returning to the hilt that remained in Yuudai’s grasp. While the blades would fly, Yuudai would fling himself forward, going directly at the giant with the aim of using Setsura’s ability if he should pierce the man’s skin. Throwing Serpent’s Tongues hilt into the air on his way, Yuudai drew out his second katana as well. The hilt of the Seventh Sword lingered in the air, awaiting any commands that Yuudai would order mentally. for now, the blade would await for the fragments to return to their place.

Running word count: 2440
Chakra: 315/350:



Right, so assume he's healing passively … then what?

Looks like they had lost the chance to discuss tactics. Well, no matter, she was used to doing things her way anyways. Learning to take orders from her squad leader would just have to be delayed until they actually had a proper chance to work as a squad. In the middle of a war … it wasn't exactly the perfect time to instill new habits, especially when it came to learning respect and listening to authority. It wasn't to say that she was mentally prepared to just ignore everything her sensei would say - she wasn't that stupid - but that she would only acknowledge anything she felt was right, and nothing more. Just because he was her squad leader, sannin, a Seven Swordsman, and a clan leader didn't mean she was going to just hand her life to him. Not yet, at least.

After dodging that fist, she began moving further back in an attempt to get out of reach, weaving around to his blind spot and forcing him to pivot around, looking for her. It was quite amusing, acting as an annoying fly to this monster of a man. To her, this wasn't an act of cowardliness. It was tactic, something that suited her own fighting style, being one who didn't dabble in close combat. Although still human, it appeared that whatever drugs and other medical enhancements that this soldier had been receiving was affecting his brain - not quite decreasing his speed or strength, but perhaps decreasing his intelligence by a bit. She may not have focused too much in her medical training, but even the newest rookies knew that one didn't simply get massive boosts in power without some sort of heavy drawback. Even if the enemy had managed to create a soldier like this, it didn't appear as though there was a great number of them - either other experiments had not survived, or there weren't enough resources. Which was good no matter what the reason was, because if there were more than just a handful of these giant men running around wielding clubs, then that would be quite the problem.

It didn't take long for him to realize that there was another threat on ground level, one that was wielding three different blades, and to her surprise, the giant completely disregarded her the moment it turned its attention to her squad leader. Confused, her gaze followed the giant's, curious as to what Yuudai was doing that could so completely divert attention away from her. What is he … Woah. Multiple fragments - which had apparently detached from that weapon she noticed he had been carrying earlier - hovered in the air, all pointing threateningly at the giant. It was a surprising sight, to see a weapon that wasn't a bow of some form to be used as projectiles, and in that quantity. The nod that was sent her way before he unleashed the projectiles forward caught her rather off guard. Was he expecting her to do something? It appeared he was fully intending on going right into a close ranged combat. Any long ranged technique that she used would need to be directly aimed at the giant to ensure that she didn't hit both of them. Even if her squad leader was at a rank where many of her attacks could be avoided, it would undoubtedly take away valuable time and attention from defeating the giant soldier.

The club had long since left its resting position on the soldier's shoulder, now swinging forward in attempt to protect himself. Okay, so I'll just have to keep him from moving. Give him some time to be introduced to each and every fragment. A quick series of hand signs would create four, 10 meter long hyouton tendrils, erupting at the soldier's feet and around his legs, snaking up to his lower torso. Any struggle against them would only assist the barbs along the tendrils in digging deeper into his skin, releasing a steady flow of hyouton chakra into his blood stream, the sudden foreign coldness causing muscles to lock up in a cramped state. This would leave the body unable to relax the contracted muscles, thus rendering him unable to move until the effects wore off. Which they would soon, but by then, it would hopefully be too late. She watched from where she stood as Yuudai closed the distance, holding both his swords while the first weapon he had been holding floated in the air. Hm … it didn't seem like she needed to do much at this point. She was unused to her squad leader's fighting style, unsure of what she should do and what she shouldn't. But if what he was doing proved to be ineffective, then she would jump in then with another attack, hopefully adding to whatever damage he was about to take. For now, it was up to her sensei.


Super Soldier Mission: 3000/3000
Remaining Word Count: 230

Last edited by Keiko on Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total



One could easily say charging in against a bigger, larger enemy was just asking for disaster to happen. Especially when the monstrous opponent was carrying a massive club that could simply crush an individual with the amount of force that would be behind it. The Aisu that was charging already had some things in mind for the hulking individual, knowing that it’d be difficult for the opponent to get two consecutive strikes in. With the size of the club and the individual, he knew the best time for himself to strike would be the gap that would be created after the first strike of the giant. After all, a club of that size, even with the strength behind the wielder, would take some time to prop back up in to a swinging position, given the momentum needed to raise it back up. A club that was coming straight down towards him, something that could easily be dodged with the correct timing. Waiting until he was just about in range of the club, with being able to sense its downward descent, Yuudai used his right foot as a pivot, spinning towards his right and pushing off with his non-pivoting foot. A moment later, the club came down on his previous location, leaving a pile of dust to cover the area. Yuudai, at the moment had stopped his trek as the 20 fragmentations of Serpent’s Tongue attacked the target, the first doing barely any amount of damage, but the following 19 doing moderately more amounts of damage than the first would. Directly afterwards, the fragments had taken another route, going away from the giant and making their way back to the hilt of Serpent’s Tongue. As this was going on, Keiko’s jutsu had taken effect, as four tendrils loomed out of the ground, snaking around the hulking figure’s feet and legs, rooting him in place.

With the Sannin being just a few meters away from the giant whom was stuck in place, the Aisu clan head turned around to face him, having to tilt his head upwards to look directly into the eyes of the giant. His two katanas reseathed as an idea had just came to his person. "Perish." With the words escaping from the Seventh Swordsman of the Mist, Yuudai attempted to use the one technique he never had the opportunity to use, the one technique that focused in the one specialization he wished to advance himself in. Genjutsu. The technique being one he had read into religiously one night where he remained restless, yet he never truly had the opportunity to be able to use it in an applied sense. It wasn’t one he developed on his own, in fact it was one that was widely used by numerous amounts of individuals given the basic necessities of the jutsu. While it wouldn’t be that great of assistance in the fight with the rooted man, it was best to see if it would actually work with his previous knowledge. The Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique was one where the individual’s senses were distorted, playing towards their individual fears. Quickly forming the rat hand seal, one of the very basics of a shinobi, was the only thing required aside from keeping the target in a visual range of fifteen meters. With the giant keeping his eyes on the male Hyōton user, it was far simpler for the novice genjutsu user to apply the technique to his willing victim. This was purely instinctual on Yuudai’s behalf, he never really wanted to see the benefits of such a technique midst a war inside of his village, but if he could learn the applications behind the jutsu now, it would prove to be useful; however miniscule the effect would be for a low ranking jutsu, in the long and short term benefit of the Village Hidden in the Mist. From Yuudai’s understanding of the genjutsu he had just used, the unnamed giant of a man would now be beginning to experience a cyclone of some sorts, and given the weather around them, it would likely be purely of dust, given that snow was highly unlikely given the ice release jutsus that had been used thus far. He wondered what the man would be seeing after that, as once the illusionary cyclone would disappear, the victim would be subject to their greatest fear, whatever that would be. Would it be butterflies? Cats? Hamsters? Flowers? Yuudai honestly had not a single clue what the man could be possibly afraid of given his stature compared to other individuals, but it was evident that the man had limited experiences with dealing with genjutsu. Though Yuudai could tell that the genjutsu he had just used had taken its effect on the Seven Bells member, the fear was evident on his face for moments, enough that it was clearly time to strike.

The hilt of Serpent’s Tongue floated in the general vicinity of Yuudai by now, though the Aisu had already decided on his next movements, once against going after the giant with both his katana’s wielded; Setsura in his left hand and his unnamed blade in the opposing right hand. He didn’t need the third weapon in his hands, it would do the job itself. With the Aisu charging, Yuudai threw his unnamed weapon aiming to minisculely damage the giant, given the regenerative abilities Yuudai had earlier assumed he possessed. If the cells in the mans body would focus on that area, it was far easier for the Aisu to use Setsura to aid in the finishing blows. With the first katana now occupying the giant’s left kidney, Yuudai pulled wound up his left arm before thrusting it straightforward, aiming for the opposite kidney, and the effects of the hyōton blade ready to strike, his first true opportunity to see Setsura’s newest enhancement. From what he gathered, freezing liquids would also apply to that of blood, but he had not the slightest clue on the true effects it would have upon the unique specimen that he and Kitahara Keiko were going against. With Setsura piercing straight through the man, it was clear that his regenerative abilities were restricted to a single area. Now, he just had to quickly get himself out of the area, given that the blows would easily cause the man to escape the earlier genjutsu that he had placed. Grabbing his previously thrown katana with his free hand, tightening the grips he had on both weapons, Yuudai jumped, pushed his feet against the man’s chest in hopes to launch himself backwards, before the giant could possibly strike with his club once again.

In mid-air, Yuudai quickly reseathed both his katanas, Serpent’s Tongue flying towards him, the bladed fragments seemingly avoiding him upon command. Landing miraculously on his feet, yards away from the target he had to eliminate, Yuudai’s final command was simple. Serpent’s Tongue would taste it’s first victims blood. The blade practically came to life, darting straight out before curling up in to an ‘s’ shape that was a meter long. With a final dart forward, Yuudai charged for the man one last time, Keiko would be able to launch any attack she could, as soon as Yuudai came in range of the man for Serpent’s Tongue to strike the bladed weapon did so, aiming directly for the man’s neck, aiming to decapitate him. Hopefully the sole female member of the squad he was assigned wouldn’t be squeamish towards blood. Then again, Yuudai never did prefer killing, but it was necessary now. The fate of the village would depend upon it. If a little more blood was placed upon Yuudai’s hands, so be it, as long as the village had a chance of survival, he would take the guilt that came along with it.

Running word count: 3767
Mission complete:3000/3000
Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique training:750/750
Chakra: 290/350:

Last edited by Yuudai on Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:25 pm; edited 1 time in total



Curiosity brought her closer, despite the danger it posed to herself. In that moment, she was so sure she knew what would happen. Her binding technique would keep the giant in place as Yuudai moved in for the kill, one blade in each hand, ready to cut the medically enhanced soldier into a next life, where he hopefully would be born normal and free from any situation that would lead up to the state he was in now. But what happened next wasn't at all close to what she was expecting. Instead of attacking with his already unsheathed swords, the Aisu clan leader slowed to a stop before the giant. Then, much to her shock, he sheathed his swords, tilting his head up to meet the gaze of the larger man. His lips moved for a second, but she couldn't make out what he said, and it was then that she began navigating closer, eyes narrowed. Of all times … he chooses now to have a bonding moment with the enemy? How bizarre. The two of them had both ceased in their movements, simply maintaining eye contact. If this is some sort of ritual he performs every time he prepares to take down an enemy … I'm going to request a squad transfer. She couldn't help but think to herself, rolling her eyes.

And then something changed. The soldier's face distorted, expression twisting into one of horror, as though he had seen his greatest fear. As though … That's it! He is seeing his greatest fear. Realization dawned. Quite interesting, it appeared as though Aisu Yuudai was not simply a shinobi skilled in ninjutsu and bukijutsu but also a genjutsu user. Keiko herself had little to no experience with genjutsu, unless the basics taught at the Academy counted for something. Even then, it had been more of how to escape genjutsu than how to cast it, and truth be told, she couldn't see herself using tricks and illusions to bring an opponent to their knees. It required too much patience, too much concentration that a rather short-tempered and impatience person like her couldn't possibly muster up.  But from what she could see, it was rather effective. The man didn't scream, nor let out any audible sounds of distress, but the fear was evident in his facial expression and the sudden increase in perspiration. She couldn't help but wonder what it was that a medically enhanced giant would be afraid of. Whoever his creator was, wouldn't they try to ensure that they felt not pain, and felt no emotions? Fear should have been something that was long since crossed off this soldier's vocabulary, made nonexistent. But yet it was fear that he was undoubtedly experiencing now, something that struck her as odd.

At that point, she could have chosen to do a variety of attacks on the giant's open back. The binding tendrils may have worn off by then, but being trapped in the genjutsu, he was wide open. But glancing at Yuudai again, it looked as though he was once again going for his weapons, following up with the attack that he had delayed from before. Anything that she would have done would likely change the giant's position, perhaps making it harder for the sannin to land his fatal blows. Ha … he should consider himself lucky that I'm putting so much thought into this. Of course, she wasn't simply being considerate. Her curiosity of her clan leader had only intensified after that brief show of his genjutsu prowess, and seeing as the giant wasn't much of a threat at this point, she was eager to see more, even if it meant sacrificing a chance for her to take action. Moving around the giant, she kept her eyes trained on both individuals, watching intently as the sannin slid one sword into the left side of the giant's body, likely entering straight through the skin and piercing the left kidney. An interesting entrance point, but made sense, given the giant's height. Hovering closer - and subsequently decreasing the height of which she stood at - she could already tell that the giant's flesh was beginning to heal around the wound, the regenerative abilities they had suspected earlier becoming much more distinct. But before she could alert Yuudai of this, it appeared as though he already had a plan in mind. From the previous attack with the Serpent Tongue's multiple fragments, only the first fragment had appeared to do little damage, the others piercing right into flesh with ease. As expected of a higher ranked shinobi, her sensei also seemed to have figured it out. He can only heal every so often … usually the first attack in whatever section of his body. So following it up with a second attack would be - The second blade sunk into the right kidney with ease. highly effective.

It looked as though he wasn't finished yet. The giant soldier let out a rather inhuman roar - of pain or outrage, she wasn't quite sure - lurching forward rather unstably. One arm had automatically gone to wrap around the wound and attempt to slow the blood and extraneous fluid seeping from where the second blade had pierced through, the other one in the process of bringing the club up for another swing. Something flashed through the air - she had forgotten about the tertiary blade that had been hovering, awaiting a new command. It appeared the command did come, however, as Yuudai moved forward once again from where he had landed previously, the versatile weapon snapping forward, cutting clean through the soldier neck. For a moment … it seemed as though nothing had happened. The cleanness of the strike seemed to go by unnoticed - and then all eight feet of the giant toppled forward, crashing into the ground in a dramatic fall that couldn't have been mistaken for anything but inevitable death, the grotesque head - eyes still opened - rolling away a little ways away, no longer attached to the rest of the body. Blood spurted violently from the stub of the neck as severed arteries continued pumping out the thick red liquid of various shades, decorating the surrounding area with the fluid that marked the death of the enemy.

Okay, that is disgusting. Cancelling out her ice technique, she dropped lightly to the ground below, strolling over to the corpse while gingerly avoiding the large pools of blood that had rapidly formed. Pulling out a kunai from her boot, she crouched down and carefully drew it across an unbloodied patch of skin curiously, wanting to see whether it would still heal the half inch cut she had just caused. Apparently not. Wrinkling her nose as the pungent odour of blood began to get overwhelming, she stood up. Curiosity sated, she turned back to Yuudai, head tilted to one side. "That was rather impressive, Yuudai … sensei." She called out, grinning. "Makes me quite proud to know that you're our squad leader." Closing the distance between them, she moved so that she would be standing beside him, observing the giant soldier. Although they had gotten out of that without a hitch and removed the threat in the process, the idea that the enemy was able to create super soldiers like this man definitely posed a threat to Kirigakure. At this point, it still wasn't clear who had the advantage, and if the enemy still possessed this many surprises … Kirigakure may suffer much more damage.

Chakra: 155/200:

Word Count: 1492

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