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Mission Details:

It was like she could not stop long enough to catch her breath, every moment that she found herself with some small ounce of relief was quickly taken away by another mission or order that needed to be carried out. I suppose that was what war was all about. She quietly made a promise to herself that when given the opportunity she would make damn sure she would find some way to prevent this from happening in the future. She quickly made her way beside Void, she glanced over at him and looked at the mask he wore as a Anbu member and wondered idly what was going on with his facial expressions what he was feeling and his thoughts were about this war. She knew that he thrived on chaos and that was nothing to her, some people enjoyed not knowing what was going on from the moment to the next, that was just their norm. But she wanted to know where his stance was on war in general. She would have to save that for another time, it was not long before they reached their location that Void had overhead on his communication.

They touched down at the sector and quickly realized the reason why the communication was stopped, the entire place was completely destroyed it looked as if some massive thing tore through the place with vengeance. As Iyata glanced around the area she found herself saddened at the bodies that littered the ground with absolutely no care for them. A part of herself yearned out to locate a single person in this bloody mess that was still alive and that she would not stop until she found one. But the other side of her knew that whatever hit this place had left absolutely no survivors. Iyata glanced over to Void.

“What the hell happened here?” She asked in shock…

Her question lingered a moment between them before a body crawled towards them pushing another body off them and out of their way. Iyata quickly closed the distance between herself and the Ninja and placed a hand on him to stop him from moving any further. “Stop, conserve your energy….Void can you heal him?” She asked looking at the mans wounds. It looked as if his entire body had been shattered, the man coughed up copious amounts of blood onto the ground and groaned in agony…”A giant man……strength…fast…..not able to die…kept coming….”He gasped out. Iyata frowned softly and looked to Void. “He isn’t making any sense..” She stated softly.

WC 430/3000

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Ren was not too experienced with war, but it was beginning to drag on which bothered him quite a bit. He was just about to head back home to relax and have a sandwich, when he found a half dead shinobi laying before him. The shinobi held out what looked like a mission, Ren was about to walk away when he looked on noticing whatever did this also destroyed his favourite milk shop. No longer would he be able to have his favourite milk drink or the secret delicious ice cream. He took the mission from the man who died shortly after. It mentioned meeting up with some other shinobi to stop some monster. Ren was wondering if the people writing up their missions was hit against the head. However when he looked at the devastation he figured that it must at the very least be half true.

As he travelled through the devestation trying to find survivors or his team he finally noticed two people standing together. The one was a member of the ANBU, he did not know him as the mask hid their identity. That covered all the information Ren had on the ANBU. He then looked next to the ANBU member and saw a beautiful lady with pink hair. He wondered why her hair was pink like the sakura he saw earlier. He recognised them as Kirigakure shinobi and approached slowly towards them as he looked around carefully, not wanting to be caught off guard. With one hand over his shoulder holding on the grip of the sword on his back. He waved ever so lightly with his left hand, looking at the Masked ANBU member then back at Iyata again.

He was nervous and his blonde hair hanging to his sides with some hair blowing into his face. His hair was a mess as his shirt was somewhat torn. He had been stuck in the same top he wore yesterday, not having time to change with the war going on. He figured he should get a long pants one day cause his shorts did not give much protection. He had his shoes on but they had gone from white to a mixture of gray and brown. As he stepped on the bodies not really caring about that anymore, the horror of losing the milk shop still deeply etched in his mind.

He was thankful that they did not attack him when he approached as he finally let go of the grip on his sword once he was within five meters of them. "I am Yuzu Ren a genin of Kirigakure, what happened here and where is this monster we suppose to kill" A cold look in his eyes as the wind blew through his hair once more. The smell of blood in the air.

Word Count=469/3000


This war. . . It was taking it's toll on our resident former geisha. The silver haired youth having never truly experienced such a terror before, having been thrust into situations that he was never truly prepared for – no matter how much he wanted to believe. From the time of his arrive to Kirigakure no Sato Guanyin Nanashi had experienced through all five senses terrors that will forever be burned into the deepness parts of his mind. He had witness the truth depths of evil that resides in others. Such evilness reminding him of a quote from the matriarch of his Geisha house that he was raised in. . .
If there is evil in the world, it lurks within the heart of man.
Of course he knew there were evil within the world, him being an example of such. But never would thought that there was this kind of evil festering within the world as a whole. The vileness of those who aside themselves with Seven bells was sometime beyond comprehension, and at times it almost gave the man pause. This being especially true during his shifts at the hospital, where he had to heal or attempt to save the life of those who had been affected by this chaos. How many innocent lives have been lost within this war? How many lives have parents are without their child or vice-verse? Who would be the ones to pick of the broken piece of all those who were effected by this war? Would Kirigakure no Sato turned their back on those who were left with nothing, allowing them to fend for themselves. Or will the country as a whole help those with nothing, making sure they got the adequate about of care and the likes? Nanashi himself didn't know the answer to the latter question, for while he had met some amazing shinobi from the country they were only a few of many, and not the whole country.
I will remain, if necessary. . .” He mused to himself, glancing at his partner, catching her looking at him as well. Now there was a reason for Nanashi to stay even after this war. Aisu Iyata, the woman who he had met during the first day and having been partnered with every since, she was something extraordinary . . . something refreshing. During the time that the pair have spent with each other Nanashi had seen the love she had for her home, it radiated through everything she did. Needless to say the woman had dedication for her village, and it was this dedication Nanashi found enjoyable. And it was this dedication that cause Nanashi to decided on staying in Kirigakure no Sato when this war was and help with the restoration of the country if needed.
Oh, so you will be staying?
The rather annoying voice made itself known once more. Was the question really needed to be asked? Of course the man would be staying. The Tsuchikage didn't really give them a time table in returning to home, so as far as he's concern he could stay there as long as he wanted. Not only will this hopefully bring some good fortune to Iwagakure, in the form of an alliance, but on a personal level it will allow Nanashi to spend more time with Iyata. “Plus I can check up on some stuff here. . . He mused to himself, as the terrain around him blended in with each other, as they raced towards the location of the lost communication signal. . .
Fuck. . .” A lone eye looked upon the destruction that laid before them. The building that once housed the sector leader was completely destroyed, as if something had tore through it like it was nothing, bodies and gore littered the ground without care, and from what he could tell all in which was done without mercy. Nanashi turned his attention to Iyata and began to follow her as they made their way through desecrated landscape looking for any survivors.
“What the hell happened here?”
He himself didn't know the answer to that question, but before he could tell her that something caught both of their attention, causing them to quickly move towards a person who had crawled from underneath a pile of bodies.
“Stop, conserve your energy….Void can you heal him?”
I can try.” Nanashi stated, kneeling down beside the man, his chakra condensing into a long glowing blue needle. Finding a connection point of his wounds, Nanashi placed the needle in the center of his chest, watching as it began to get absorbed by the man's body, which took on a blueish tint, organs began to repair themselves, bones were mending and gashes were being healed within a twelve inch radius of the needle entry point. While the technique wouldn't heal everything, it would heal enough so that the man would live long enough for them to get him to the hospital.
There that should – “ Nanashi words were cut off, eye noticing a looming shadow above the pair, without thinking Nanashi grabbed Iyata by shirt and body flickered away from their location, reappearing only three meters from their previous location.

Bam! Squish!

The earth shook as a mammoth of a man landed not that far from where they were standing, the club in it's hand having flattening the sole survivor of the area.

Ho ho ho. . . what do we have here? More bugs for I to squash?” His voice bellowed outward, as his massive arms lifted the club and placed it back onto his shoulder as if it was a baseball bat.

Glancing at Iyata, Nanashi jabbed his thumb in the direction of the giant and whispered “I think we founded the one responsible for this. Ready to get some revenge?” He asked, as he prepared himself from probably one of the toughest fights yet, never minding the boy who was near by.

WC: 984 out of 3000



Iyata looked to Void as he began to heal the Shinobi, she took pity on the poor soul. She could only imagine what sort of pain the man was in. He looked like the focal point of a crafter, his head entire body was caved in at points and she believed that some places the bones were nothing but dust. How painful that must feel, it was times like these that she was happy to have Void around. He had been such a life saver with her and the stupid decisions she had made. She had nicknamed him the Angel of Death but she also got to see him restore life which made her appreciate him even more besides his killing techniques.

"I am Yuzu Ren a genin of Kirigakure, what happened here and where is this monster we suppose to kill"

Iyata looked up to the young boy that appeared before her and Void, she looked at him standing at a safety distance of 5 meters away. She took the boy in a moment and realized he was much younger than herself. She was able to deduce that he was probably a Genin maybe a Chuunin depending on his aptitude. She however did not have long to contemplate such things, she suddenly felt the back of her shirt pulled on and a weird sensation wash over her body as Void had initiated the Body Flicker technique pulling them both away. She had wondered what Void had saw to cause him to react in such a manner however as they moved to their destination she looked at the overly large Giant of a man.

She looked at the location of his club as it killed the survivor they were talking too, reducing him into a pile of blood and goo. Rage racked Iyata’s soul as she gazed at the horror before her, everything was now shaded in a dark red of hatred and anger. She looked up at the Giant with eyes that if she could focus the power of hate would severe the mans head from his shoulders.

“Ho ho ho. . . what do we have here? More bugs for I to squash?”

Iyata almost lost it, but she knew that in the end she would need to do everything she could to avenge their fallen comrade and charging into this attack blind with rage would not help matters, nor would she find the end result she desired. She looked over at the young boy in the distance and found that he may end up getting hurt. For as true as his heart would be in the fight his talents would not be able to match to anything that they were about to face. She knew that he could prove to be a good distraction, but dangling a Genin in front of this behemoth was not something she considered as a possibility too many things could go wrong. Iyata had to think fast and within that time she formulated a plan. She would need to be able to hold the Giant down as much as possible to keep him from getting the upper hand. She knew just what she needed to do to achieve that.

“I think we founded the one responsible for this. Ready to get some revenge?”

OH…God…Yes she was, she nodded stiffly and she placed her hands together as she molded Chakra she threw her hand upward as the skies above darkened and trembled. Suddenly snowflakes and hail began to rain down into their area freezing the blood to the ground. Iyata’s eyes resembled much like the blood on the ground, her face wore a mask of hatred for this bastard that killed these people and she was going to make sure that they were not going to go unanswered. As the snow fell and the Hail pelted the Soldier in the face disorienting him, Iyata decided to device a quick plan, she watched as the first snowflake hit the ground followed by the hundreds after and she placed her hands on the ground and channeled her Hyouton Chakra into the ground.

Immediately beneath the Soldier the ground began to tremble, suddenly chains made of solid ice breached the surface of the ground snaking up into the air around the soldier. They spiraled upward and then redirected downward, the Giant was quick he swung his club able to shatter a series of the chains, however his fight was vain as the amount of chains suddenly attached themselves to his arms and legs coiling over his legs and arms as if the chains took on snake characteristics and suddenly went rigid. The hail and snow from the area helping to harden and thicken the chains to make them much more resistant. Iyata watched as the soldier struggled and attempted to pull the chains that anchored him in place. Iyata looked to void concerned. “They will not hold for long, he is incredibly strong…I give it a minute maybe more…this guy isn’t going to go down easy so let’s make it count…”She said. She looked over to Ren a moment and nodded her head, she had bought him the time he needed to do whatever attack he could to help the situation without fear of being hurt. However there was absolutely no way in telling how long that time would be before this monster was released once more.

Chakra 210/250:

WC 1338/3000

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He barely had time to say much as they were rudely interrupted by a gigantic monster of a man, if he had not kept his safe distance he might have been squished with the survivor. However the blow shook the ground causing him to lose his footing as he fell. This man was at the very least twice as tall as him and more. He noticed that the ANBU guy had backed away with the woman. As he was still trying to regain his footing the monster spoke very primatively as he spoke of them as being bugs. This annoyed Ren a lot as he took deep fast breathes to keep calm as he noticed the monster did not even notice him.

A while had passed as it seemed like the monster was taking them lightly. As he then noticed the masked guy saying that this monster was responsible and that they should get revenge on him. The monster did not seem to care about him however just as the monster sniffed and was about to look behind him. It looked like snow was falling which Ren thought was beautiful. As the hail pelted the monster in the face, Ren took that chance to get up and noticing that she planned to follow up her attack he decided to keep a safe distance before attacking as he noticed her use an ice technique to bind the monster's movements. He watched as she mentioned that it would not hold the monster who he finally realised was just an oversized soldier with a giant club when he noticed it flinch in annoyance. Showing signs that it could be hurt but then he picked up on something which he was uncertain of. He thought he misread it but the beast was pelted in the face but did not seem hurt there. As he decided to take note of it and perhaps watch if it happens again. He took his stance then dashed towards the beast from behind with his clan's secret sword technique. "Mizukiri". At point blank range it left a small 2 and a half inch cut in the soldier's leg. But the soldier had a thick leg as well as he did not really seem to mind the cut much. Everything was suspicious, this opponent was not just large, he already showed himself to be fast as well. Things did not seem to go too well as the soldier broke free a few seconds sooner than expected. If his eyes did not pick up on it he might have taken a blow but he took a double back step as he just barely avoided being smashed with the club. The ground shook as he fell and the club was just one inch away from him as it was between his legs. In self defence and a slight panic he performed kirigakure no jutsu hiding himself in the mist that formed as the beast looked annoyed as it was enraging planning to unload randomly into the mist.

No amount of experience or skill can help you prepare for someone with this much brute force. He used his hidden mist technique just to help himself and the mist also happened to cover the soldier partially but due to its monstrous size it stood out even in this mist which happened to not be as thick. The soldier was annoyed and in any second now who would begin as the soldier raised his club into the air.

"You cut me, you die now!!", it was down to luck and the masked guy to find a way to deal with him. However Ren did save two trump cards just incase. He knew he was weaker than the rest of them, but he had the advantage in the mist so he trusted in his luck, all he needed was some time to figure this out. He needed time to find a way to stop this monster. Will he find a way or will he die trying? He wanted them to try something. "Go for his leg!!"

Word Count = 1153/3000
Chakra = 145/170

Ren's Jutsu List

C-rank : Mizukiri
D-rank : Kirigakure


Rage! Did this little insects believed that they could stop him? Did the pink haired woman actually believed that the chains that were holding him was doing anything to him? Ha! Don't make him laugh. Junichi, his name, allowed himself to be chained to the ground. He allowed the woman to execute her attack. He allowed the woman to gain some false sense of success when in fact the woman did nothing to slowly him down or even restrain him for that matter. With a simple flex of his muscles he could have broken from the restraints, but apart of him wanted to humor those who were below him. Yes! He will humor them, given them a sense of success and crush them like the bugs they were!
Come at me. . .” He mused to him, hand tightening around the grip of his massive club, eyes watching at the runt of the group decided to advance towards him. Junichi's long pink organ couldn't help but to peek out of his mouth, licking his otherwise chapped lips, as his thoughts of eating the little boy a front of him. It had been awhile since the man last feast of human flesh. The delicious tastes of a warm beating heart or the delicacy which was the human brain going down his throat. Oh god. . . he was hungry and the boy would make the perfect snack!
No! Restrain yourself! His subconscious yelled at himself, focusing the man on the plan at hand, his grip on his club lessen a little as the boy advanced, with fire in his eyes. Oh how cute! The kid was angry. That was good! Angry people made mistakes and mistakes ended up in death. At the swing of the boy's blade, it barely cutting into his flesh, Junichi didn't even flinch or blinked at such a pathetic attack. Ha! He done have ant bites that hurt worse than that. Not like the attack would matter anyway, for no sooner after it was made the wound was already been closed, his body rapidly healing the damaged once done, returning his skim back to it's unblemished state.
Seven Bells. . . “ The thought of the man brought back fond memories for the beast. The man was his savior. His god. The man was the one who saved him when others looked at him with disgusted. The man was the one who gave him a purpose, while others just wanted him to die. When the man had asked him would he join his compaign against Kirigakure no Sato, to purge it from it's wickedness he was the first one to join. When the man told him that he would be going under the knife to enchant his already powerful body, he did so without hesitation. Seven Bells, the man had done more for Junichi, than his own damn country! And now theses insects below him want to kill the man that have given him a purpose. Such a crime will not happen!
Deciding that he had humored the insects below him long enough, chakra swelled within his muscles as he snapped the restraints that held him, the Hyoton chains returning back to once it was. At the same time of his break out, he sworn his club down at the runt, in an attempt to coat his club with another thing of blood, but such attack missed it marked by the smallest of margins, not like it matter. Junichi didn't put all his power behind that swing, it being the equivalent of a genin running. . .
A broad smile manifested across his face, his sharp, dagger-like teeth on full display as he took in the panic expression of the boy. Inhaling deeply, a hearty laugh bellowed out of the towering man “Got to love to smell of fear.” He said, as if he was talking to himself. The rolling in of the mist didn't phrase the man at all, in fact he took comfort in the mist. Who did they think he was? He was Junichi the Giant and solider of Seven Bells, arguably one of the best shinobi that ever walked the planes. He had fought in mist before, it was nothing new to him. If anything it would do him some good. . .
Turning his attention towards the boy who had the funny idea of cutting him, Junichi raised his club into the air, twirling it around “You cut me!? Die you worm!” he shouted, bringing the chakra augmented club down onto the ground.
What happen next could only be describe as a miniature bomb going off. The ground groan in protest as the club created a deep crater a front of the giant, buildings that were barely standing were now crumbling down, dust and debris flying everywhere, effectively dispersing the mist and revealing the location of the two enemy shinobi. . .
Wait two? “I could have sworn there was another. . .” Junichi mused to himself as he looked around for the Anbu member who was missing. And why did his shoulder feel heavy?
Looking for me?” Nanashi asked, balancing himself on the Junichi's right shoulder. Before the giant had time to react, Nanashi had jabbed one of his two foot long senbons into his eyes, ripping the weapon out along with the optical organ. Once that was done Nanashi jumped down from his perch, but not before executing a kick to the back of the giant's head, sending the man sprawling to the ground.
Landing not that far from the giant, Nanashi looked at it impassively, of course his mask obscured this facial expression, flicking his wrist to the side, the eyeball that was stuck on his senbon flinging off into a random direction. Despite Anbu's appearances the silver haired male was incredibly strong, to the point that his strength could easily rival that of a sannin. And it was this strength that was about to be on display for all to witness.

Not given the writhing giant time to recover, Nanashi snapped his foot forward, it connecting with Junichi's right side, the sound of ribs breaking echoing throughout the area, as the mammoth was sent flying into a nearby building. The Anbu member wasn't stupid enough to believe that the giant was down for the count, in fact he would be a little sadden if that was the case. Turning his attention the Genin who, if his memory serve him correctly, name was Yuzu, Nanashi spoke “Get to where Iyata is.” He stated, watching as the beast got up from the rubble.
Ugh! Who hit me?” Junichi asked, the socket which his eye was once in having stopped bleeding and had clotted over. The gigantic man looked around, trying to find who cause him such pain and sent him flying into the building, hand tightening around his club as he spotted the bug responsible for such wounds.

You! You will die first!” He bellowed out as he began to twirl his massive club around, stalking towards Nanashi.
Iyata! Yuzu! I will distract him. Try to attack him from a far. Okay!?” Nanashi yelled, a long red needle materializing in his right hand, being obscured by the other needles which had formed as well, with a flick of his wrist Nanashi throwing them at the stalking beast, all of them hitting the beast with deadly accuracy.
While his chakra senbons didn't do that much damage, only puncturing the beast two or three inches, it was the red needle that causes Junichi to cry out in pain. The needle of Dharma, the offensive version, caused crippling pain and paralysis expanding over a six inch radius and restricting limb movement. For Junichi's case he would no longer be able to feel or walk on his right leg, causing him to using the club to prop himself up, as he kneel down on one knee. Not only that those in the vicinity will see the skin around the area to blacken, it's cells being permanently damaged within a two inch radius of wound. Needless to say the wound wouldn't be able to heal, unless a skill medic did it.
What did you do to me?” Junichi said through gritted teeth as he tried to stand but couldn't, the pain from the attempt shooting throughout his body.
Theses bugs will pay!” He mentally scream, his brown eyes full with unadulterated rage.
Oh yes, they will pay!

Chakra 260/300:

Word Count: 2401 || 3000



Iyata watched as Void sent once of his infamous kicked cats directly into the giants area, Iyata shielded her eyes as a violent explosion coiled out from the impaction point and rolled smoke and debris outward. Iyata turned her back to avoid the debris going into her eyes, she looked forward to see that the Giant was looking for Void whom had attacked him. Iyata glanced humorously to the direction in which Void had scampered off too. Iyata looked as the Giant slowly began to realize it was just herself and Ren standing in front of him. As the Giant turned around as Void beckoned him Iyata looked around a few moments taking in the terrain around her, as it was rapidly changing with the combat that was going on she found that there was a few opportunities that she could exploit should the situation call for it.

Iyata quickly looked back as the Giant took a boot to the back of the head by Void and followed up with another series of kicks to the mouth and face keeping him off balance. Iyata stifled the urge to give off a laugh at the big mans current predicament. Iyata saw that Void took off towards Ren and exchanged a very quick conversation. Iyata looked as the giant once more stood up and, she shook her head softly unbelievable that this monstrosity was able to stand back up after Void’s attacks and assault. She quickly realized this was not going to be as easy as their previous missions and in a way she was gracious for that but on the other hand it concerned her more. She found herself looking to Ren as he made his way back over to her.

“Iyata! Yuzu! I will distract him. Try to attack him from a far. Okay!?”

Iyata gave her head a quick nod, she quickly watched as Void drew the giant off herself and Ren she placed her hands together and began forming seals. Immediately she split off into 4 separate Iyata as the moisture in her body and the atmosphere pooled together and collected beside her and Ren. Herself and the water clones made up a total of 5 Ninja. She looked over to Ren, “If it’s not something you can strike at a distance with do not use it, that Giant can crush your entire body with little effort…”She ordered the Genin.  She was his Superior at this particular altercation and she understood he fell under her responsibility being out here to begin with.

The Iyata clones took off in all directions disappearing into the environment and looking for appropriate vantages to be able to strike. Iyata stayed with Ren for a moment and awaited to see what Void would do so she would not give the signal and foul up anything he was working on. He suddenly saw that the Beast was crippled for the moment. Iyata took that as the most appropriate time to take into action, she gave the signal to her clones with a wave of her hand. The Iyata Army jumped out from their hiding spots all around the Giant, they began to weave seals and placed the hands to their mouth and in unison expelled jets of water that crashed into the giant pushing him flat onto the ground, the ground cracking somewhat with the pressure that they were exerting down on the giant from above. Iyata sprung into action racing towards one of the still standing buildings.

She allowed her feet to carry her as quickly as she could, She inhaled a deep breath within her body and leaped up into the air landing on the buildings roof about 5 meters high above the rest of them. Iyata blew the air out of her lungs and into the air. She quickly snatched her hands into the air she was expelling from her body in doing so orbs of Fuuton Chakra began to oscillate rapidly she began to throw a barrage of those orbs down towards the giant pummeling him left and right, she picked up her speed throwing rapidly the orbs of Wind. As they impacted the giant they expanded and drilled into the body of the Giant, with each impact the ground continued to deepen and crack the wind blowing debris and dust around and in different directions. Iyata suddenly threw her sixth and final orb as it impacted the giants back with a final CRASH the ground impacted atleast 1.5 meters down into the ground. The back of the Giants body looked terrible the first impact of her orbs had healed over but because of the rapid succession of the attacks impacting the same spot he was unable to heal quickly enough.

The back of the Giant looked like something that could be described as ground hamburger, it was not enough to kill him no way no how, but by just looking at it you know that it had to sting like hell. The giant slowly began to push himself up however slower from the ground…”You…Kiri…Bitch! I will flay the meat from your bones!” he hollered at her. Iyata frowned softly as the man was able to push himself back up to one knee and bring his eyes upward to Void.

“I will disembowel her corpse and make you watch you mask wearing freak.” He growled up at Void and attempted to raise his club to strike down the ANBU.

Chakra 155/250:


Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

The monster seemed to ignore him as it was taking its time to finish him off. He was not certain of what was going to happen but he just began running in the opposite direction of the soldier. He had barely traveled out of range when with a big massive blow to the earth, he knocked away the mist and sent Ren flying through the air, luckily not being hit by the club itself, but a few too many close calls for one day.
He screamed “wwaaaaahhhh!!!”, while he hardly ever made this sound, he felt it seemed the right thing to do as he twisted his body slightly, bending with an arch using momentum to twist around landing on his feet. Just when he thought he had gotten a good footing the building began falling apart, he was a bit confused as he wondered how hard this guy was actually hitting. As he slipped falling on his rear end, he rubbed his head the building collapsing with him on it. Today must really be a bad day, his mist was knocked away, he was sent flying through the air, his perfect landing ruined by a falling building and as he looked on it seemed the ANBU guy managed to get on the monster’s shoulder. Was this man holding back from the start, and why did he wait for the beast to nearly kill him.

As he looked on he held onto a piece of the roof to keep his balance as the building stopped half way making creeking sounds. He then saw the masked guy stab some senbon in the monster’s eye. He watched closely as he tore the eye right out of the socket. Ren could not believe his eyes as he held his own eye, it looked so brutal it was like he could feel it. He then remembered the last time he saw someone’s eye ripped out


“Hey guys, look here I can do whatever you do and I can do it at the same time” A cocky boy with an active sharingan, bragging in the academy. He had short spikey black hair and a smirk on his face that annoyed men, but made girls faint in awe. The boy was going around bragging then noticed the most beautiful little blonde girl he had ever seen. She wore a beautifully minishorts and a loose shirt which he felt would one day hold a great rack. He approached the little blonde girl with his smirk then asked her out. “Hey would you like to go out with me?”, it must have come as a great shock when the little girl replied. “I could go out with you, but is it really okay for two boys to go out with eachother?”. The entire academy laughed and ridiculed him, he never recovered from that as he hung out with the little boy who later introduced himself as Ren. They went out every now and then, but eventually he improved going from tenth in the academy to first. He became more serious after mistaking Ren for a girl, never becoming dependent on his eyes again. He graduated before Ren and said that he was leaving, however he told him to meet after his graduation. Ren met with him as he told him “You the best friend I have, if you were a girl I would totally date you.” Ren just listened not really caring about the date or being seen as a girl by some. Then as he was about to say something important he panicked then shoved Ren into a nearby bush and told him to not say a word. Some strange people met with this Uchiha whose name was Uchiha Tora. What Ren saw was five or more shinobi attacking Tora then before his eyes he saw them tear the eye from his socket as he screamed. Ren did not move out of fear and having only finished his first year in the academy he did not have much he could do. They then ripped out his other eye as well, they were going to kill him, but then a bit too late Shinobi arrived. “We too late, they took it didn’t they” It was unclear who those bandits were, but they took his friends sharingan. Ren spent a few days with Tora in the hospital, but due to a shortage of staff there was no one to look after Tora who later died from blood loss. Ren never understood why they did it, not until he learnt more later on. The day he saw what happened he through up repeatedly in that bush. He never left the bush until Tora asked for him and they searched. Ren changed that day and it was this change. How he changed was never clear, but there was a word. “Seven Bells”

***Flash Back End***

For some reason seeing the eye torn out of the beast he was a bit happy. He then finally stopped daydreaming when he heard the masked man shout for him to get to where Iyata was as he then noticed the building finally was about to completely cave in as he jumped off the building. As he ran off to where Iyata was he stopped not getting to close to her. She gave him a small lecture stating that they should rather attack from the distance, than risk getting hit by the giant club. He remembered hearing the guy shout that the monster was distracted and that they should attack. All the talking was a bit much and as he noticed her attention shifted she created several water clones. He wondered if they had similar styles as he also formed hand seals and what once was one was now seven. Basically one Yuzu and six water clones of Yuzu as he then sent the clones in as he pointed to the beast.

The clones did not head to the same locations as they all hid in different small openings. His small body made it ideal for hiding under rubble, or in small ditches without being noticed. He waited patiently as he noticed that the woman was also waiting. He spoke to her for a few seconds just to say, “He called you Iyata right?”. Before she could even answer he noticed she sent her army out of hiding. They blasted jetstreams of water from all directions as the main Iyata followed up by jumping in the air and releasing a barrage of spiraling balls of wind against a single spot on the beasts back. Following onto that he charged into the battle he jumped on the beasts back while it was still busy getting up. Hitting the part on his back pointblank with Raiton Hiraishin, as lightning surged through the wound the beast was annoyed even though the technique was weak. With his leg disabled somewhat the beast could not properly reach the kid with his left arm. His right arm still using the club for support. Not wanting to take too many risks he jumped back a bit then used a second lightning attack on the spot. With the follow up the monster screamed. “Stop that you annoying brat!!”, as Ren was falling back two of his clones caught him and helped him get a proper stance. Then as he stood he told the water clones to do a six pronged prison. The clones each getting the monster from his left leg to his right leg to his left arm to his right arm and and extra one on the chest of the beast as the final one jumped on his head. A strange combination of water spheres formed around the soldier as Ren finally jumped stabbing his sword into the monsters back. It was unclear how long six emprisonments would hold him, but he was proud of his water prison technique. As well as his sword as he kept it in the back to prevent the wound healing as he jumped away just incase. The monster being held back by the army of little Yuzu’s. If he had not been injured he may have escaped but too many blows and focus on his back left him at the mercy of the masked guy. Ren looked towards the masked guy hoping for some praise while the clones concentrated.

Word Count=2550/3000
Jutsu Used
Mizu Bunshin:

Raiton Hiraishin:

Raiton Kangekiha:

Jutsu Used by Clones
Suiton Suirou:


Pain and rage. Those were the prominent feeling that was coursing through his body. The giant didn't know exactly what the mask Anbu member had did to him but whatever it was it hurt like hell. Never in his life did he thought some puny insect would cause him so much pain! Who would have thought they were able to bring him, Junichi the Giant, to one knee. The mere thought of such a thing ever happening to him was laughable at best, but yet here he was in that situation, using his club as support, brown eyes blazing with hatred as he looked at those below him, their faces turning into viscious snarls as they laughed at his misfortune. Of course the latter part was only in his head, and none of this was happening, his mind was just that twisted at the moment.
Junichi snarled in angry as he looked at the small army of pink haired whores that were now surrounding him, circling him as if he was the prey and not the predator. He watched in angry as they all began to go through a set of hand signs, chakra being built and molded within their bodies. Brown eyes glared as they placed their hands to the lips, each one expelling a powerful jet of water that drilled him in the back, pushing him further in the ground that were cracking underneath his immense weight. The beast groan in protest as he tried to get up, his attempt being futile as he was drilled once again by a multitude of chakra spheres, each one drilling into his flesh, grinding it up till the point it looked like freshly grind hamburger meat. But it seemed like that was the worse of it. The little runt from earlier had managed to jump on his back, shocking him with raiton chakra that was only amplified by the water that were still present on him. Junichi bit back a scream as the raiton chakra course through him a second time, instead yelling at the brat and managing to knock him out, though the boy was saved by his clones.
Fucking clones!
It hurts!” He mentally screamed, not seeing the water sphere that was being formed around him till it was to late. Again he screamed in rage as the sphere captured him, ”You…Kiri…Bitch! I will flay the meat from your bones!” he hollered, while taking in a gallon or so of water at the same time attempting to push himself off the ground, successful getting back up to one knee, the pressure of water bearing down on him, brown eyes glaring at the woman with pure hatred, head swirveling towards the Anbu member who was standing near by “I will disembowel her corpse and make you watch you mask wearing freak.” more water filled his lungs. . .

Good job kid.” Nanashi said, ruffling the boy's hair a little bit before position the genin behind him so that he wouldn't get in the way “You might want to close you eyes. . .” He warned. Without waiting to see if the kid would take his advice, Nanashi began to building raiton chakra into his mouth, a lightning sphere roughly the side of a golf ball forming inches from the mouth portion of his mask before being fired at the captured man, two things would happen. . .
One, the raiton beam would hit the water sphere, it's power being increased by the suiton element, causing it becoming a modified electric chair or in this case sphere, electructing the man continuously.
Secondly, the beam would pierce the man in the chest, right where his heart once was, completely destroying the organ and kept ongoing through a couple of buildings before dispersing.
Junichi's body began to fall to the ground, but would be allow such a luxury, as the corpse began to get riddled by hundreds if not thousands of senbons that pierced through his body, making him have more holes than a sponge.
Where did theses senbons come from?
Nanashi of course!
The man had used an additional technique, causing his hair to lengthen and harden before being fired off in a cone shape fashion. Though the attack wasn't needed, the man didn't particular take well to the beast comment about killing his friend. . .
You know. . .I wouldn't have did that but you just had to open your mouth.” Nanashi said, kneeling down beside the cooling corpse, and snatching a medallion from around the beast's neck that he had spotted earlier.
Turning his attention towards his comrades Nanashi made his way back towards Ren, patting the boy on his back, before moving where Iyata stood “Now that we know what happen here. What's next?”
Yes, what was next. . .

Final Word Count: 3204 out of 3000
Chakra 215/300:

OOC: Consider this my exit post. . .And Iyata if you want you can start the next mission :p



Iyata looked to the heavens as the man was suddenly riddled with Senbons from Void’s attack if the man had not threatened her in such a way she was almost fairly certain he would not look… as bad as he did right this moment. It reminded her somewhat of the time she came face to face with mortality. She thought back to a time long ago…

Iyata walked down the pathway before her gazing up above her at the darkness of the night, it did not bother her as much as her parents fighting at home. She really hated how they would bicker and fight with one another because the end result would be the same, her name would eventually leave one of their lips and make her feel worse than she already does. She tucked a strand of hair behind her eat and looked down into a small puddle of water gazing at her young 8 year old reflection in the surface of the water. Iyata sighed gently and stepped into the puddle distorting her reflection and face as she walked onward down the pathway.

Slowly making her way along the city roads wandering aimlessly not really with a destination in mind, she found herself eventually in one of the parks that were available for the villagers. She took a seat on one of the swings and began to swing herself back and forth slowly and silently. As she kicked her legs back and forth she picked up speed quickly and launched herself into the air and landed on the ground sticking the landing she smiled slightly before looking around seeing that the darkness had taken away what faint light of the sun was left when she had left her home.

Iyata heard a noise in the distance and blinked softly struck with curiosity she slowly walked towards the area that she heard the voices from. She stopped at a group of shrubs and knelt down and crawled into the bushes crawling towards the sounds she heard. As she near to the voices they got louder until she could almost make out what they were saying. Just as she was able to brush the last of the limbs out of the way a blood curdling scream was let out and the first look of blood being sprayed across the ground and the neighboring walls. Iyata screamed at the sight of a man cutting another mans throat. She quickly shuffled backwards into the bushes just as the man still standing was looking for the source of the scream.

Iyata made her way out of the back of the shrubs and quickly retreated back into the park. Iyata heard the man behind her running after her. Iyata felt her heart beating in her chest rapidly through the taxation of running and also the fear that coursed through her veins as she knew that if she was caught she would end up much like that other man. She was quick and swift enough with her size to be able to out maneuver the man and keep him at a distance. She quickly darted down one of the roads that led towards her house. She ran along the dark alleyway jumping over a crate in the middle of the road and exited out the other side and ran down the street losing the man. She looked behind her a moment before striding up the pathway to her home and opening the door and slamming it behind her quickly. She was safe…her parents would never let anything happen to her…

Iyata was brought back to reality and looked as the gaints body hit the ground beneath him. Iyata cringed softly some and smiled relieved that the bastard was dead. She looked around and saw Void and gave him a smile, she walked over to him and stood at his side.

"Now that we know what happen here. What's next?”

Iyata nodded her head softly and gave a soft shrug of her shoulders, “I believe we should check in with Command and make sure they are informed of the situation appropriately. More than likely they will provide us with our next set of instructions and make us go out into the field again.”She stated factually. She turned and saw Ren and nodded her head to him, “You did pretty well young Ninja. I will make sure your Sensei is aware of your bravery here today.”She assured the young boy. She looked to Void and inclined her head that they needed to go and took off back towards the command center.

[Exit Thread]

Mission WC Total: 3024

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He was rewarded with the one thing he loved, as his hair was ruffled by the masked guy who praised him for his performance. He was then told to close his eyes as he was placed behind the guy. He peaked passed him and watched as the giant of a man was being torn apart. As he was watching he realised the masked guy also had a darker side to him. He felt sad that he could not have done more than what he did though. As he was looking down he felt a pat on his back, which felt weird as his heart raced as he remembered something from the past.


"I knew you could do it hey!" As the spikey haired Uchiha looked to the little blonde boy as he was patting his back. The boy never understood why it felt good to have people tell you that you did good as he smiled back. "I knew it too"


As he stopped spacing out the woman he met Iyata nodded towards him and told him that he did well and that she would make sure his sensei knew about his bravery. He did not know why he did not follow her, something was calling to him, something was telling him he was not done here. He felt he needed to do more as he took up his sword and placed it carefully on his back. He then looked up into the sky and then said as the two of them were now gone. " Goodbye Iyata and Masked Guy "

He then stood in the center of all the corpses and destruction as a he began humming a tune.
" Enter the mist with the will of a frozen fist"
" Let your mind twist at the end of the raining list"
" The tears that rain down for the souls of the fallen "
" As without your fall, we would never win "

" I may not have known any of you "
" Unlike the fruits of the Trees of Yuzu "
" We need you to fall so we can feed the will of the next generation "
" We will live on as the seeds for the fruit of an entire nation"

"Thank you for answering the call"
"When the time came for you to fall"

He then collected as many headbands as possible, carrying about twenty of them. He left this broken area as he would now answer his own call. The Seven Bells had overstayed their welcome, they were the heart of the problem now plaguing the mist. These monsters who had even taken his best friend from him.

"Ren.... Ren.... are... you... there...?" as he blind child layed in his final hours in the hospital. "Ren, are you okay?". The small blonde boy was sniffing ever so slightly, as tears dropped on the bed. "It is all my fault, I should have saved you". The black haired guy coughed and laughed as he reached out and pulled the little boy closer hugging him. "You were my best friend, even when everyone hated me for my eyes. Even when the girl i like dumped me and my parents disowned me. You were always my friend. I know you are stronger than anyone I know. That in all the time I have known you, you never let me see you cry. I am glad you survived" as the boy coughed more blood before saying. " When i was still fooling around in the academy, I saw a boy who looked cute and cold at the same time, and when asked why he was there he said ..." As he was about to finish the boy passed away as the blonde haired boy said, "I am Yuzu Ren, I am here to live"

Word Count = 3172/3000
Exit Thread


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