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1Kishou Empty Kishou Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:19 pm



Kishou Fyrm

Clan:  Kishou

Kekkei Genkai:  Grand Summoning (Gurando Shoukan ~ グランド召喚)

Elements: /


Location: Scattered

Clan History: Storytellers. Orators. Keepers of ancient secrets. The Kishou is an old clan, with older secrets. They are the keepers of an ancient library, one that recorded the history of man before the time of shinobi. Nowadays, the clan is little more than a family name but at a time in history, the Kishou were revered.

The clan were infamous as shamans, priests and priesteses of the old religions; men and women whose lives were inexplicably tied with the deities they worshipped. To the people around them, the Kishou were strange folk, obsessed with what they believed were 'the spirits of the world'. Mythical creatures; dragons, dijinn's and aspects of the elements, just to name a few. The Kishou worshiped them all, and in return were protected by these creatures.

As time passed, the old religions fell and the world of the Shinobi rose. The collective deities, knowing that they would have no place in the 'modern' world, gathered thier followers for one last request. The Divine Court, as they were known, gave thier followered one final decree; the members of the Kishou clan were tasked with carrying on the legacy of the Divine Court. The Kishou were to keep the stories of the of the Court alive through the ages; in return the Kishou would forever be protected by them....

Kekkei Genkai Description:  Gurando Shoukan was concieved as part of the Kishou's contract with the Divine Court, allowing the members of the court to continue to exist in the modern world. When a child is born in the Kishou clan, there is a distinctive marking on thier body, which varies in location from person to person. The mark is the sigil of particular members of the court, the diety that is tied to that particular person. Each person is tied to only ONE diety. If the diety dies, the clan member is unable to aquire another.

(All dieties are custom made by applying members and must be submitted with your character, and subject to individual approval. Because of much the character and diety are interdependant of each other, if your diety is not approved, your character cannot be approved.)

At a young age, the clan members are taught how to manifest the diety in the form of offering part of thier lifeforce ( 25% of thier Chakra) as a tribute. Because of this, the diety is permanantly active, but is bound to the clan member, in addition to being recieved free to clanmember. The clan member is intricately tied to thier diety; thier lives are one and the same. What the clan member sees, the diety sees and vice versa. In essense, the diety grows in power as the shinobi does.

Members of this clan start with three specialties of which Summoning must be the primary. The secondary and tertiary are left up to the user, but please note that they will also the same as your summoned diety. In addition, the third specialty must be trained from D Rank.

For example, if your summoned diety is a Fox with Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, then your own specs will be [Summoning | Ninjutsu | Genjutsu]

Drawbacks: First and foremost, members of this clan are limited to one summon. This summon is thier partner through thick and thin. IF the summon should ever be killed, then the clan member will be unable to aquire another.

Clan members are locked to a single elemental nature. Thier summoned diety must either be of the same element, or non-elemental.

All jutsu that are learned by the summon must first be learned by the clan member.

All jutsu wordcount requirements are increased by 50%. This is due to the fact that any jutsu learned is essentially being learned twice. Being that the summoner and diety are connected so inimately, they learn from each other's mistakes, thus keeping the requirement from being a full 100% increase.

Due to the fact that each summon is considered a 'mythical' creature, Fuinjutsu used against this clan receives a +1 in effectiveness.

Members of this clan have 25% less chakra than their peers of equal ranking; thier tribute to keeping thier summoned deity active.

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: ( What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four.)

Last edited by Riven on Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Kishou Empty Re: Kishou Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:35 pm



Bumping for possible completetion

3Kishou Empty Re: Kishou Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:09 pm



This looks good.'re going to want to do two things, Javon.

1. Make Kuchiyose: Divine Court. If you don't have a jutsu, these are pets and not summons. (Simply put in that it is auto-activated at the beginning of the thread and lasts throughout.)

2. Give their base chakra pool for each rank instead of giving a percentage. It's just easier, and we don't want any Senjutsu/etc chakra bonuses to be affected by this, that'd just get crazy.

3. It's deity, not diety.

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