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18 Phases of Morganna(W.I.P) Empty 8 Phases of Morganna(W.I.P) Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:02 am



8 Phases of Morganna(W.I.P) 3101707_1296292989

Clan: 8 Phases of Morganna

Kekkei Genkai: Morganna Factor

Elements: n/a

Specialization: Summoning(Primary), Ninjutsu(Secondary)

Location: Scattered

Clan History: Back when the world was still young, 8 sages came together in a council. They lived in a different dimension than the human world. The dimension they lived in was like the older sister to the human world. They watched over Earth carefully. The sages saw how it was riddled with war. The sages argued bitterly about whether they should let a blessing come to earth in hopes of stopping war. But since it was 8 sages, they were always tied in their vote 4 to 4. It went on and on until finally, a young girl asked the sages why they cannot help the humans stop killing each other in the other dimension. Touched by the little girl's words, the counsel changed their vote to help the humans with a blessing in the form of a seed that would grow into a tree which grows fruit that gives anyone who eats it godly powers. It was the same tree that the sage of 6 paths ate from that gave him his power. The Sages called themselves the 8 Phases of Morganna after the little girl that persuaded the counsel to help the humans. They wanted to make sure their legacy was known so every century they would send out a small fragment of their soul into a few humans so they would have the power to change the tide of the human race as they see fit. These souls that a chosen few can fuse with were given the name 'Epitaphs.'

Kekkei Genkai Description: By summoning the spirit of the 8 Phases of Morganna. A member of the clan fuse with an epitaph to gain their power. They of course do not gain all of the power of the 8 sages, they only gain a fraction of their power. They gain more power as the member ranks up. The higher rank they are, the stronger they are when they fuse with 1 of the Phases of Morganna. The energy that allows them to fuse with summonings of the 8 Phases of Morganna are called the Morganna Factor. Thanks to the Moganna Factor, the member of the clan is able to fuse with any summon they choose gaining their abilities. Chakra costs that related to kuchiyose jutsu are lowered by one rank. The user can gain a new epitaph, however the word count requirement to discover the power is increased by 1,000 words for each epitaph they discover. The word count requirement of discovering a new epitaph starts off with 2,000 words; only 2 epitaphs can be gained per rank. The power of an epitaph is dependent on the rank of it's user, as such only chuunin and above can discover an epitaph. The chakra pools of the summon are increased by 25. Epitaphs have the jutsu limit of one rank above it.

Drawbacks: Whatever summoning that the clan member creates, they are connected spiritually. If that summoning is wounded in combat, the summoner takes wounds that reflect the wounds of whatever is summons. If an epitaph is killed when summoned, then the user dies. The rank of the summon is how severe the wounds are. All Epitaph Users must take frail as a negative NC.

Members: Balto Yamakawa

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Fusion
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Element: n/a
Range: Self
Specialty: Summoning+Ninjutsu
Duration: /-15 Chakra per post
Cooldown: 8 Posts
Description: By activating the Morganna factor, the user is able reach into the power they have deep within themselves to fuse with the spirits of the 8 Phases of Morganna. By doing so, they gain the powers of the 8 Phases, but they can only be fused with one spirit at a time. If they are able to use more than 1 Phase, then they can do so at the cost of an additional +5 chakra to maintain the technique. The user also temporarily switches their specializations and elements based on that phase they switched to. While in the fusion state of ANY summoning if they take a direct hit from a jutsu that outranks the power of the summoning, or is hit with a jutsu that has an advantage of a summoning's base element the user is knocked out of the fusion and takes +1 damage for 3 posts.

Name: Energy Shot
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Element: n/a
Range: 40 meters
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Instantaneous
Cooldown:4 posts
Description: The user focuses chakra into their palms and shoots it out at the target in the shape of orbs. Moving at 80mp/s, the chakra orbs will speed towards the target to shoot them. It will cause no bodily harm(more like a hard punch to the solar complex) to the target but for the next 2 posts, they will take +1 damage(chakra based or nonchakra based). Also if hit with this technique, it will cause the target to cease any jutsu that influences their body.

Name: Data Drain
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Element: n/a
Range: 75 Meters
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Instantaneous
Cooldown: Once Per Thread
Description: The Epitaph user activates the power of the morganna factor in one blast. Chakra gathers around the arm of the user until it's brimming with chakra. 8 branches of chakra springs from the user's wrist. Firing a fragment of the user's morganna factor at the user, the user takes away the target's ability to user chakra. The target's skills, chakra pool and general stats are lowered to that of a low leveled genin. The blast moves at 70 mp/s.

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