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1Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Empty Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Mon Nov 25, 2013 12:56 pm

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara


Kenji couldn't have predicted the strength of his opponent's proficiency in puppetry. His rivalry with Latika had prepared him somewhat for the tactics, but the utilization of an actual human corpse as a puppet was a change. Kenji was assisted by two Iwagakure shinobi who used S rank doton and who had fought valiantly aside Kenji. As the battle waged on, the landscape gradually changed, as the opponents used destructive and wide scaled offensive maneuvers forcing Kenji and company on the defensive. They needed to defeat their enemy, not survive them, there was only one thing Kenji could do to ensure that they would do just that.

"WATCH OUT!!!" Kenji yelled as he dove, tackling one of his teammates out of the way of one of the charging puppets. They went spiraling out of way of the attacking puppet. Kenji looked in the eyes of the Iwagakure shinobi, "Use doton, I'm going to retreat and get assistance, I heard there are more men coming as we speak, hold them off as I leave. The people back at HQ don't know our status, I need to let them know of our need for backup, just in case it's not already on the way." The war was starting to escalate drastically. The first day didn't go as well as planned and now more offense was being required. Taking out these highly skilled puppet masters would be crucial to Kiri's stance in the war. Eliminating them was a top priority. The two main ninja who utilized human puppets also were accompanied by four other (2 each) shinobi of adequate skill. Kenji and his team of 2 Iwa shinobi weren't even able to take them due to them being on the defensive the entire time.

Kenji sprang to his feet, he was no longer fighting as an ANBU, there would only be special missions from now on that he would work as his ANBU personality, Jenito. The blue shinobi jetted off the battlefield leaping into the air as his comrades eject walls of doton from the earth to provide Kenji cover as he ran through the leveled area. The area once had buildings and shops but the fight had destroyed all remnants of a town. Kenji slowed down as he saw a shinobi approaching... "Follow me, have you already been briefed on our situation down here?" Kenji asked in a rushed voice, the adrenaline was pumping, he had never fought such fearless and skilled shinobi before, and they were outnumbered. There were two highly skilled puppet masters, who used Human puppets and they each had two guards, totaling 6 opponents (technically 8 if you include the human puppets).

Kenji knew that with their new addition to the team, that they could take out the enemy force. He was sure this guy was a talented ninja, and the Iwa nin that were holding down the fort were also very solid ninja. Their ability with doton ninjutsu and taijutsu was commendable, their defenses were strong enough so far to continually hold off the enemy, but so far they hadn't been able to mount an offense. It had simply been too many opponents attacking him at once, but now, they (Kenji and Dameon) could both focus on one sub commander and his correlating human puppet, while the two Iwa ninja provide support and handle the other four lesser skilled shinobi.

WC: 572/3500

Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:13 pm; edited 3 times in total



His first task was an overwhelming success. He was now able to  rest before his next task. Zanto sat alone in attempting to clean up the Rusty Katana Kenji gave him.

'Maybe they will promote me to chunnin if I do well enough here.' Zanto thought.
He chuckled softly and continued cleaning the Katana. He studied the sword carefully memorizing every little defect.
'The sword needs a little love, but it should serve as a fine weapon through this conflict.' Zanto thought.
He remained quite in his little corner of the room pay no mind tot he outside world.
'The next day may be my last, but if I am turning into a monster. Maybe it's for the best.' Zanto thought.
Zanto wanted to go on this new mission, but his mentor wouldn’t allow it said it was too dangerous. This infuriated Zanto to no end. He was teamed up with an Anbu and sent to the front lines why should he have to stay behind just because something is dangerous. On top of that it was a crucial mission. It was the perfect chance to prove himself.
‘Damn it… I am not weak I can handle myself. Why can’t he see that?’ Zanto wondered.
‘I can prove myself. I can do a lot.’
Zanto’s thirst for battle was starting to grip him. He wanted the high. He wanted that pure surge of adrenaline ripping through his body.  Most of all he wanted the blood of his enemies on his sword. Well it was technically that Anbu’s sword, but for now it was his.
‘Well… He said he wouldn’t let me join him, but he didn’t say anything about me going out on my own.’ Zanto cleverly thought.
‘No… disobeying orders would only lead to trouble. I have to stay and wait.’ Zanto thought.
He felt alone. All the other shinobi got tasked out except for him. All he could do is wait. He was officially tasked as a standby shinobi he would run and assist any teams that needed help. If he had left to chase his mentor down others might have needed his help and he didn’t want that kind of blood on his hands.
He sat down and waited for something. He was ready for action eager and willing.
To pass the time he was still cleaning the sword the Anbu gave him. It was a rusted blade, but it was still better than no blade. He would be able to do more damage no and not have to rely solely on his ninjutsu. He was surprised that an Anbu he never met before would willingly him a sword like this even though it was rusted. Right then something hit Zanto. A notion so radical it might be true.
‘Didn’t Kenji- sensei have a sword like this the first day I met him? Before I left for Kiri with that Anbu? But now he doesn’t have one now.’ Zanto thought.
‘It would explain why a genin was tasked with an Anbu, but why?” Zanto thought.
‘No it couldn’t be. The Anbu had green hair and Kenji has blue hair.’
'They can't be the same person. That Anbu guy is way more annoying then Kenji sensei.' Zanto thought.
Maybe Zanto was just bored and he was trying to find nonexistent links between two unrelated people.
‘Damn I’m so bored.’ Zanto thought.
All he could do at this point was wait until he was needed.

Last edited by Aulden on Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:34 am; edited 1 time in total

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji and his new partner flew through the shrubbery. His legs ached from his earlier skirmish. They screamed for relief. He listened to their cries, he didn't have much of a choice. His feet dogged through the terrain as he glided back to the battlefield. Kenji knew the Iwa ninja were handling their end of the bargain. The sky darkened, as they were in the middle of the afternoon, clinched tightly in warfare. His mystery partner was a shinobi he vaguely recalled from his short stay in Konoha. He was a silent but deadly shinobi, actually Kenji had good reason to believe he was mute.

The man behind the shades ~~~
FLASHBACK : Fu was a Konoha jounin who was held in high regard. His background was hazy to those who weren't people he was raised with. What is known about his childhood is merely an accident in his youth. Fu while walking through a park saw a crime being committed, and till this day, he doesn't regret the decision he made.

It was a bright and sunny morning. He was going on a stroll through the park, getting some fresh air. Fu carried his breakfast in a bag that was prepared by his guardian, his older sister. Fu made bird whistles, enjoying the walk. The ninja in training talked to everyone he saw, always looking to meet new folks. His sister had always taught him to be open to other people, because true strength was in trust, and the only way to know who you can truly trust is by giving them yours and seeing first hand what they do with it.

Fu made nothing of what he saw on his walk, which was a couple of boys playing rough. Every week Fu witnessed the same guys get into fights with each other, each one giving as good as they got. The boy barely noticed them anymore. This time was different however, there was a sound he had never heard before. Fu looked over and saw that things had escalated a too far this time.

One of the guys were on the ground, barely moving, and about 5 other boys stood around him. This was serious, there was no time in Fu's mind to get help, the kid needed assistance now. The fallen boy could trust Fu.

Fu dashed at the boys at leapt in the air, as they were distracted by him going airborne while doing a corkscrew spin, out of of the maneuver while still airborne he released shuriken at each one of the standing boys. Because of the spinning, he had the element of surprise but as a novice, he lost accuracy. As he landed he had a feeling he missed one of the and as that notion dawned on him he felt a strong force collide with his face.

While sprawled on his back, he looked at the boy that had been beaten to a pulp, he was still barely moving. The culprits were no longer circling the helpless boy, but had a new target, Fu. 4 of the boys who were hit by Fu's shuriken yanked them out with a grimace. The one that hit him with the colossal kick, was now raising his foot, he brought it down right on his rib cage forcing blood to spit from his mouth. The vicious stomps were repeated for another 30 seconds. Things were escalating out of control again. Who was going to save him?

The bloodthirsty was spilling out of their pores. One of the ruthless teenagers knelt down and drew a knife from his pocket, the smile in his face spelled the end for Fu. He pressed the sharp edge against his neck, slowly sliding it back and forth. The others held him down. At this rate he would have a giant hole in his neck in a few minutes.

The shock set in. He was fading in and out of consciousness. Right as his entire world went black he felt the cutting and torture stop. Everything he heard was muffled and indeterminate. He passed out completely soon after. He woke up in a white room. He was snug under a white sheet. Running to him with tears pouring down her face was Fu's sister. She spoke to him words of love and encouragement. For a while all he could do was smile and try to piece together what got him here. He quickly remembered the incident, but he still didn't know how he survived.

He separated his lips and took in air. As his tongue flapped all that was released was a raspy wheeze. He tried several times again, but the words were lodged in the back of his throat. His sister saw the tears beginning to well in his eyes, she placed her strong yet gentle hand light across his throat. She kissed him on the forehead, and that was it. As soon as her lips touched his little head, that's when the stifled pain was released.

Fu was now mute. His actions had always spoke for themselves, but now more so than ever.


Back at base a message had been sent notifying them of Kenji's status... which wasn't good.Zanto and two other shinobi around similar strength were brought together and briefed on the assignment and Kenji's location. Hopefully they would arrive soon to help their chances at success. Zanto had earned the respect of everyone at the base. He had gone into combat twice and returned victorious, as a Genin. This was a big step up, but knowing Zanto he was looking forward to it. Zanto would be the leader of the 3 man relief squad.

Kenji and Fu were now back at the battle field. As expected the IWA shinobi had miraculous defense and were holding off, but it clear they were tiring. Fu and Kenji had already "discussed" their strategy, and with an exchange of glances they were ready to go. Fu's shades were black, and Kenji remembered from their last meeting they had some special ability.

WC: 1594/3500

Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:37 am



Zanto was eating what was thought to be food. He saw three new shinobi sitting across the way a tall skinny one had the nerve to come over and talk to Zanto.
“So you’re the genin from Kumo right?” He asked.
‘Damn it, why can’t he go bother someone else.’ Zanto thought
He didn’t want to be rude so he looked at the Shinobi and said.
“Yes… My name is Zanto Akitaru.”
He smiled at Zanto and bowed.
“My name is Kudamo. That big guy in the corner stuffing his face is Patsu and the pretty girl over there is Akia.”
Zanto looked past Kudamo and saw the other two. Patsu was a little on the heavy side and was sitting next to a hammer he also wore a black bandanna around his neck.
‘So judging by the weapon he is a heavy hitter.’ Zanto deduced.
Zanto then noticed the girl Akia. She was a short woman with bright green hair he thought she was cute. Zanto didn’t see a weapon with her so he couldn’t accurately guess what her specialty was.
“So what’s everyone’s specialty?” Zanto bluntly asked.
Kudamo looked down at Zanto and smiled.
“Well… Akia overt here is our cover she has water ninjutsu like no other. Pastu believe it or not is a sensory ninja and I am a ranged expert I use Sebons and paper bombs.”
‘Cover, sensory, and ranged. It should be interesting to see how they work together.’ Zanto thought.
“So what about you?” Kudamo asked.
“I specialize in close quarters combat.” Zanto explained.
Zanto continued to be vague with his answers as Kudamo continued to bombard him with stupid questions and he was starting to get annoyed with Kudamo. Why couldn’t he just leave Zanto alone? Kudamo was continuously trying to spark a conversation with Zanto, but he just wanted to be left alone.
Just finished his mean when he saw a messenger arrive at the base; Zanto figured it was good news. He saw firsthand what his sensei was capable of. On the down side it probably meant he was going to help pack up and moved the base forward, or worse clean up the mess Kenji left in his wake. Zanto had proven himself in combat time and time again but he was still treated like an amateur.
‘I guess these things take time.’ Zanto thought.
The base commander walked up to the Shinobi and said.
“Zanto, Patsu, Kudamo, Akia front and center.”
The other three shinobi leaped and formed a line, but Zanto got up lazily and joined the other three.
“Listen up the forward advance team is in need of reinforcements you four are going to assist them. Zanto you will lead the team.”
Almost immediately the other three shinobi screamed there protest.
“But sir he is a genin.” Patsu said.
It always comes back to the fact that Zanto was a genin. Zanto wondered why it was so hard for people to see past that.
“Enough!”  The commander shouted.
[“Zanto has proven himself in combat. That is all you need to know. Now you go!”
They quickly gathered their gear and begin traveling to the battle field.
On the way out there Zanto summoned his null spheres and his Void eye. The others looked at Zanto in awe. They apparently had never seen abilities like this before.
It didn’t take them long to reached the battle and Zanto lead them to a vantage point overlooking the field. With his void eye Zanto did a quick recon of the area to assess the situation.
“So what’s the plan?” Akia inquired.
Zanto thought for a moment and created a plan in his head.
“We are going to be a distraction… and allow the others to attack.”
“Wait what!?” Kudamo whispered.
“Think about it for a second. We have the element of surprise and the others are fighting off the puppets. If we hit them hard on their flank we will draw their attention and they will divert there forces to deal with us. That should give the others enough time to get in close and take out the puppeteers.”  
Zanto could tell they did not like this plan at all, but he didn’t care he was dead set on doing this and it was the best plan for the situation at hand.
“What makes you think they are going to send an enough after us?” Patsu inquired.
Zanto turned to the group and continued to explain his plan.
“We are going to make it look like we are a much larger force than we really are. Kudamo how many paper bombs do you have?” Zanto inquired.
Kudamo looked in his satchel and pulled out several rolls of paper.
“Enough to fight this war and then some.” He explained.
Zanto nodded and looked to Akia.
“Do you have any jutsu’s that can cloak us and cause a lot of damage?” Zanto asked.
Akia nodded and said.
“I can create thick layer of mist and I’m very good with the water dragon jutsu.”  
“Then we have everything we need.” Zanto explained.
“Ok here is the plan. Patsu you are going to go down to the others to explain this plan to them so pay attention. We are going to move down there on their left flank. Akia you are going to shroud us in mist to conceal us and Kudamo You are going to throw as many sebon strapped with paper bombs as you can and continue to throw them. I’ll take out any that try to get close to us, After our initial attack Akia will hit them with ever thing she has, by then they should send a lot at us and that should relieve the pressure on the others giving them a chance to hit them where it hurts.”
Kudamo looked at Zanto as if he was insane.
“What if the others can’t make it to us? We can’t take on all those puppeteers by ourselves .” Kudamo said.
“They will make it.” Zanto assured.
“Alright Patsu get going. Find a blue hair Jounin named Kenji and explain to him what’s happening.”
Patsu nodded and disappeared into the woods.
“Alright let’s get going”
Zanto lead them all the way to the enemy flank.
He looked back at Akia and nodded. She made several hand symbols and created a thick fog.
‘I hope Patsu got the message to Kenji-Sensei.’ Zanto thought.
The fog was thick and Zanto could barely see. Kudamo was doing his part and throwing dozens of sebons strapped with paper bombs at the enemy. After the initial attack Akia was using her water dragon jutsu. Zanto’s plan looked like it was working.
‘Now for the hard part’ Zanto thought

WC 1742/3500

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

They looked on, they ready to launch forward and take the enemy by surprise. Kenji knee this was it, this could be the win that closed the gap, he could be a hero. He didn't care much about that, his priority was staying alive. It did add another layer of pressure knowing that his actions in particular could have so much impact. His Hane was strapped tightly to his hip. Kenji tapped the hilt as he often did before he lunged into a fight. The Iwa shinobi (3) wouldn't last much longer, it was time. He just hoped he and Fu would suffice.

It was no surprise that Fu seemed as composed as if he was taking a nice long walk on the beach. Fu's analytical eyes absorbed all visual cues from behind the tinted shades. The Konoha shinobi was without a doubt braver and had purer motives than Kenji. What the two men did have in common though was spectacular fighting skills. Right as Kenji hand tugged ever so gently on the hilt of his katana he and Fu sensed a non threatening chakra approaching.

It was ... one of the shinobi from back at the base, he never caught his name. The man addressed Kenji and introduced himself as Patsu. He told Kenji of the reinforcements that had arrived just east of their current position. Kenji smiled, the more the better, and from the plan described, their chances of success had just increased ten fold.

Kenji and Fu remained in position for now. They waited for the diversion that would give he and Fu the opening they yearned for so they could defeat the foe. Kenji's eyes zoned in as the visibility of the battlefield was no more. Kenji was very familiar with the technique, it was the Hidden Mist Jutsu, a very useful jutsu.

Fear, confusion, two of many things that were likely hounding the enemy's Psyche. The thickness of the fog drifted around the area, Kenji and company crouching a few meters out of range. The next phase of the plan that Patsu described was coming to fruition.

A storm of senbon rushed into the fog looking to pierce anybody. Shortly after the needles cut through the fog, multiple explosions followed. The explosion cleared the fog, revealing the lower level shinobi sprinting forward, as they charged angrily they were met with a thunderous thrust from a giant dragon composed of chakra infused water. Kenji was truly impressed. The four Chuunin were disposed of, the water dragon broke several of their bones. They wouldn't be an issue anymore.

The two sub commanders were flustered. Before Kenji and Fu went to finish the job, Kenji asked Patsu who was behind the plan. He told him Zanto. A crooked smile showed as he and Fu took after the two sub commander puppeteers. Fu sped out first and created a strong suction force, pulling the two shinobi and their puppets in. Kenji then leaped forth with his katana drawn and cut through one commander and his puppet. The other two were met by a ferocious fire ball jutsu by Fu.

Kenji chakra sensory spiked, he looked over at Fu and without the need of words they both understood they were clones. They were without their puppets now. Or at least they thought. The two burnt and mutilated shinobi dispersed in a cloud of smoke but the puppets... they slithered back together and regained their full stature and released an intense stream of fire from their mechanical mouths.

Fu and Kenji took cover behind a lone boulder to their left. Kenji had already located the two sub commanders, surrender was not an option for the sub commanders. Kenji assumed that failure would not be tolerated by Seven Bells. Kenji had an idea for how he would finish them off. It was a guaranteed killer.

Patsu had returned to Zanto and the rest. Kenji was impressed that Zanto came up with such a detailed strategy and led a group of shinobi. Kenji felt he could help Zanto develop into a great shinobi yet. As Zanto continued to impress, Kenji wondered if he could provide the knowledge, if he was ready to lead a squad himself, Kenji still had much to learn himself. He figured they could go through the hi's and lows, the wins and defeats, the unison and disagreements together. Kenji just hoped that Zanto didn't think he was perfect. There were many thing the blue hair ninja had done that he wouldn't mind going the rest of his life without sharing.

The fight would be over soon. Kenji had the enemy right where he wanted. Kenji had gave Patsu a messaged, telling them and the rest to stay alert and prepared. Also, before Kenji, Fu, and Zanto's team could finish the sub commanders, they would have to eliminate the two puppets first.

WC: 2415/3500

Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

6Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:24 pm



Zanto Stood at the edge of the battle field. As expected his plan went off perfectly leaving the two sub- commanders. He could see his mentor plus a ninja he wasn’t familiar with locked in battle with puppets. He made the observation that the sub commanders were in fact clones after they burst into smoke leaving the two puppets behind them.
‘Sneaky… so where are the puppeteers?” Zanto thought.
Patsu arrived moments later. Zanto could tell he was annoyed stuck playing errand boy. He could sympathize with Patsu; after all he wouldn’t like playing carrier pigeon either, but it was a job that needed to be done. Patsu finished explaining to Zanto what the situation was on the ground. In his mind the only thing left to do was to find the sub-commanders.
‘Stay alert and prepare. I am already prepared and alert it is time for action.’ Zanto thought.
“Patsu can you locate the puppeteers from here?’ Zanto inquired.
Pastu nodded and went to work tracking the Sub-commanders.
“You are not thinking about taking them on do you?”
Zanto didn’t answer he continued to formulate an attack strategy. He knew the Ninja sub-commanders have to be at least jounin level if they were giving his mentor and that other guy such a hard time. Even though there were 3 chunin and a genin in this groups the odds still are not in their favor.
“You can’t be serious How are we supposed to fight them? We are out classed and probably out gunned.” Kudamo explained.
He was probably right, but Zanto wasn’t going to listen. Every battle had the right approach. They had the advantage in numbers and the fact that their puppets are being kept busy by Kenji and that other guy means that they can’t use there puppets against us, and there is no way they can pull them away from that fight because then Kenji and that other guy will just follow them and reinforce us.
“Yes Kudamo we are going to find and engage the sub commanders.”
Akia, Patsu, and Kudamo gasped at the very notion of it.
“But Zanto. How do we know they don’t have more reinforcements with them? Even if they don’t surely you know they must be at least Jounin or greater.” Akia pleaded.
Zanto turned to the group and said stoically.
“Honestly even after this battle you still have no faith in me? Zanto inquired.
Kudamo glared back at Zanto and almost shouted at him.
“Flanking the enemy and having reinforcements right behind you is different. We have 3 chunin and a genin going up against at least Jounin level puppet masters. We are out classed here.
Zanto sighed and sucked his teeth.
tsk tsk tsk. You three haven’t analyzed the situation have you? Right now they only have two puppets and no reinforcements if they had any they would have sent them here after we decimated their front line. On top of that if they were going to fight us their attention would be split or they would have to recall their puppets in which case Kenji-Sensei and that other guy would follow them and reinforce us and I am willing to bet they are a bunch of arrogant basterds so their attention is going to be split. So that means we have the advantage. Even if we are just a distraction it would limit their ability to focus on Kenji-sensei and that other guy. Meaning those two would be able to dispatch those puppets and come and reinforce us anyway. No matter how you look at it attacking them right now is our best option to knock these guys out of business quickly.”
The three chunin took a minute to digest the information. It sounded solid the way Zanto explained it. Eventually they all caved and decided to go with Zanto’s plan.
It took a little while but Patsu was finally able to locate the two sub-commanders.
Zanto turned to observe the two ninja currently manipulating there puppets to fight Kenji and his partner. He quickly formed a new plan that would hopefully be as successful as his previous one.
“Alright here is the plan. It’s going to be similar to the last one. We need to create as much chaos as possible so Kenji-Sensei and that other guy have a chance to advance. Kudamo, Akia you two are going to strike first. Give me your best initial attack. After that me and Patsu are going to strike and try to keep one at close range. Kudamo pick one of them and focus on him you need to be accurate and keep him busy while Patsu and I try to deal with other guy. Akia You are going to be our trumph card you will stay back and wait for an opportunity first chance you get drill him into the ground.    
The three of them nodded and left to face the Sub-Commanders.
‘Alright we can do this. Even if we can’t finish them here we can still give Kenji-sensei and that other guy an opening to come and support us.’ Zanto thought.
They approached the sub commanders and prepared for action.
Kudamo did his part and engaged one of them forcing him backwards. Zanto sent one of his null spheres to assist Kudamo in keeping him pinned down while Patsu and he engaged the other one.
Akia was waiting in the shadows for her chance to strike the enemy she was ready. At a moment’s notice she could drop a water dragon down on them.
Zanto Held his hands behind his back and created two Void grenades. He remembered his first battle with the puppets in the market district. He was going to try the same strategy to see if it would work.
Patsu was struck in the gut and sent flying backwards. Zanto maneuvered around him and kept running at the Jounin with his hands behind his back.
As soon as he was close enough the sub commander struck him not knowing that Zanto already replaced himself and the two Void grenades detonated sending the sub commander flying backwards. Akia saw her opportunity and used her water dragon jutsu and had it come crashing down on the enemy. Zanto then drew his sword and charged at him one more time. He transformed his null spheres into long speared and pinned the enemy sub commander to the ground. Zanto got up close and drove his sword into the enemy’s chest.
‘One down one to go.’ Zanto thought.
Zanto turned to face the other Sub-commander. He caught several sebons with paper bombs attached and threw them at Zanto. He quickly pulled his null spears and made flat shields with them to protect him, but the blast was too great and it ended up knocking Zanto back.
‘Damn it I got careless. At least my null spheres took a majority of the blast” Zanto thought.
Patsu rushed to Zanto’s side. Zanto suffered severe burns and several lacerations on his chest.
Kudamo stopped throwing his Sebons and moved to join the other two ninja. Akia came out of hiding and tried to hit the jounin with another water dragon, but was unable too. Now the entire team was out in the open and Zanto was injured.
‘Well at least we got one, but this guy looks like trouble and we have no plan to deal with him. Come on Kenji-Sensei where are you?’ Zanto thought.
Zanto forced himself to his feet and readied himself for battle
WC 3016/3500

7Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:09 am

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji waited for Zanto and his team to strike, with Zanto at the wheel it was sure to be successful. The flames ceased and it sass apparent to the two Jounin thanks to their sensory abilities that the puppet was preparing to engage in close quarters combat. Kenji thought that's what he wanted, but you can never be sure when facing puppet users. There could be bombs on the puppet, as the one pulling the strings wasn't in harms way he wouldn't care. It was final, Kenji was ready quite yet to welcome a close range fight. Instead both Kenji and Fu manifested clones, both running wide of the two puppets. The foe fell for it as they sent one puppet for each of the clones. They knew the puppets couldn't be destroyed, but they could be detained. While the puppets were distracted, Fu made a few hand signs and made the earth underneath the puppet's feet muddy and swamp like. Their mobility grew lesser and lesser until they were completely useless.

Finally they were making some progress. With Fu's added expertise and experience Kenji had the support necessary to make some power moves. He was truly fortunate to have Fu be sent to help out. His wind, fire, and earth elements made him a force to be reckoned with. Then the unlikely assistance of Zanto was a big help as well. They were in the lead now, but the was only just beginning. The sub commanders were truly resourceful and dangerous shinobi, this fight wasn't over yet.

It would be reckless, even for shinobi of the Jounin's level to just the enemy. So Kenji began scanning the chakra in the area, and was picking up a lot of action from Zanto's position. They were prepping another attack. Fu and Kenji split up and retreated, waiting for the right moment to attack from the shadows, Kenji just hoped Zanto knew what he was doing. A terrifying feeling swept over Kenji as be realized his miscalculation.

It dawned on Kenji that the only reason Zanto and his squad would attack would be if they were relying on the puppet master's attention being focused on their puppets and Kenji and Fu. Just as Fu disabled the puppets moments later they engaged, they were attacking fully alert Jounin now, this was bad.

One of the ninja started the ambush, and it was pretty successful. They were able to defeat one of them but the second puppet master would prove to be the most dangerous. He counters Zanto and the gang flawlessly. Kenji arrived behind Zanto just as he was knocked back. Kenji had his crossbow loaded and aimed at his target from about 15 meters. He was done for. The bolt sliced through the air and right into his chest. The puppet master lied still on the ground. They were savvy and tough bunch for sure, but ended up being no match for the team effort led by Kenji and Zanto. Fu seemed to just appear. Kenji introduced Fu, and congratulated everyone on their fine performance. They couldn't have done it without everyone contributing.

Fu carried a bookbag and threw everyone a body of water. Patsu downed the 20 oz bottle in seconds. Kenji took a few sips. Afterwards, he walked over to the still puppet master, he knew for a fact he hit the man's arteries. He glanced around then turned back to the group. I think it is time we head back. This victory definitely needs to go in the report. And once again Zanto needs to get patched up. He looked at Zanto's singed and scarred chest. The Genin wasn't afraid to take a hit, that was for sure. Kenji had not received a single scar, and had not been physically pushed to the limit, not even close. Mentally though, the war was beginning to weigh on him. Of course he enjoyed dicing up puppets and decapitating foes, but the constant lock of battle was suffocating. There was little time for anything other the combat. What was to be expected, all he knew is that he wanted a piece of the people behind all this. He wanted their heads especially, their bodies lying in front if him. He assumed he would get his opportunity soon enough.

The crew walked back to base where Kenji would have submit their reports. There was a soothing breeze that relieved Kenji's mind as they walked. His silver gloves beamed as a sliver of light hit their surface. They stepped inside the base limits. Kenji said bye to Fu Patsu Akia and Kaduma. He walked into the commander's office. They had been seeing a lot of him. They went through the usual and then left. Zanto, thanks for your help out there. Trust is important in battle, and I definitely trust you now. Anyway, there is a show going on tonight to boost everyone's morale. I thought I'd tell you about, maybe you can bring Setsuku, that's her name right? Kenji asked, he could use something a bit lighter. All the violence was turning him stiff.

WC: 3285/3500

Last edited by Kenji Chikara on Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

8Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Empty Re: Shake Loose!! [Seven Bell/Aulden/Open] Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:50 am



It was another successful mission. The puppet masters were dead along with their guards. It was no easy task, but everyone made it and Zanto only suffered minor injuries.
‘Another job well done… I should talk to Kenji-sensei about the chunin thing, but for now I need some medical attention.’ Zanto thought.
He turned around and looked at his mentor.
 “What took you so long?”   Zanto inquired.
Akia walked over to Zanto. She pulled out some disinfectant, some ointment and a few bandages to dress Zanto’s wounds.  She smiled tenderly at Zanto as she dressed his wounds.
‘Why is she smiling like that?’ Zanto wondered.
She noticed Zanto was staring at her as she rubbed ointment on Zanto’s chest and her cheeks turned a light pink.
‘Oh no I already have one problem like this I don’t need another… Maybe I should be a complete jerk to her to scare her off.’ Zanto thought.
“I got to admit Zanto you have some real talent for battle. It’s hard to believe you’re still a genin. Kudamo teased.
That one cut a little deep. It was true it was only his third mission, but sense he was a little old to be a genin every time someone mentioned he was one made him angry.
“Yeah hard to believe right? And yet they still put me in charge over you.”
Zanto shot back.
Kudamo glared at Zanto and was about to say something, but what could he say he was right after all.
Akia giggled softly and said.
“We did a good job today that’s all that matters. We took no casualties and we beat them all.
She finally finished dressing Zanto’s wounds. For some reason Zanto thought she enjoyed rubbing ointment on him a little too much.
Zanto Stood up and stretched his arms out. He properly thanked Akia for patching him up and she blushed ever so slightly.
Patsu walked up behind them and said
“Let’s head back everyone I’m getting hungry for some food.”
Zanto sighed and said.
“As if you can even call that crap food; I swear once I get back to Kumo the first thing I am going to do… Is get me some real food.”
The group had a good laugh before heading back to the base of operation.
They were that much closer to ending the war. Who knows how much longer it was going to last, but if things keep going the way they are now It was a no brainer. They were definatly going to win. IT was unclear what was going to happen tomorrow, but Zanto was confident and excited. The past two days were exhilarating. The combat, the death and the carnage was exciting Zanto. He tried his best to bury these unnatural feelings, but how long could he bury them. He had hoped that this was Naraka’s doing and he hoped that he can hold onto his humanity.
once they returned to the main camp his Mentor had to go report to the commander. Zanto said his final goodbyes to his squad and waited for his mentor. Once Kenji returned he told about a show that was happening and suggested that he take Setsuko with him, But something struck him hard. How did Kenji-Sensei even know about Setsuko? Only the Anbu ninja has met her.
"You know I just might ask her Kenji Sensei."
That didn't sit well with Zanto.

Last edited by Aulden on Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:14 am; edited 1 time in total

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji went to his barracks and flopped on the bed, he was beyond exhausted. Kenji got comfortable, he no shirt and some shorts on. For the briefest of moments he thought about what tomorrow held, but quickly cleared his and allowed his body and mind to rest. His eyes fluttered as he remembered how early it was. Well a nap couldn't hurt, if anyone need himed they knew where to find him. Plus he was a light sleeper. His body relaxed, he then began to drool, that was the final stage of sleep for Kenji.

The war against seven Bells were finally start to tip in Kiri's favor. Kenji was aware of of spies being detained and of course Kenji and Zanto made a lot of progres, mostly in offense which was what they needed at the moment. Kenji slept peacefully until a commotion began outside his door. If there was one Kenji could count on during the war was that quiet was few and far between. Despite his drowsiness he popped up, his instincts kicked in and he darted for his clothes and weapons. He exit the barracks addressing the raucous head on.

The commotion turned out to be no more than an accident. Somebody had knocked over a crate containing weapons, and few suffered mild injuries. Kenji was up now so he decided to help clean up. He first fetched a new crate. It took about 5 minutes for the supplies to be restocked and sent on their merry way.

WC: 3500+/3500


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