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1First Kill[Mission] Empty First Kill[Mission] Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:39 am



The Uchiha made his way to the village gate shortly after taking a mission from the mission board at the Kage's manse. He sighed after having read over it and nodding a bit. He was to take out a nomad or two, quelling any hopes they might have of making what they were doing a recurring thing. He sighed, shaking his head a bit and moving towards the gates. He had a while before he would actually make it to the meeting cactus so he quietly began to think on what he would do once he got there. His hands were in the pockets of his black shinobi tights, while slight wind gusts buffeted him, blowing the sunagakure jacket he wore proudly about his form, the hems flapping in the wind. He wore his black shinobi net shirt with the uchiha clan symbol stitched into the back today, as well as a pair of green contact lenses he had purchased to hide his identity as an uchiha. Mainly for those who would hunt him for his eyes, but still nice to have a different eye color. And it still allowed him to use his Sharingan.

He stopped at a fencepost, which told him the direction of the wilderness, the meeting cactus, and other lands as such and sighed a bit. He really didn't want to go deal with some weaklings when he could be training and making himself stronger. His mind went back to the day he met the man Mizuto who used sand against him and how he had almost lost his life at that moment. He shuddered a bit to think on it, making his way to the meeting cactus, noting that there was no one in sight at the current moment. Silently he sat upon the ground, beginning his meditation. He would focus his chakra along the pathways, forcing himself control and maintain it. He wanted to be able to focus his chakra to the point he would be unstoppable in a sense.


He was on the old field of sand he had used for his own personal training field and another genin had approached him and disturbed his meditation. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, the scent of alcohol on his breath. For some reason Syekren was angered, and began to violently attack the man. His speed was much greater than the other male's and it allowed him to quickly attack, forcing the other male back before he stopped, assuming a karate stance and preparing for anything this strange newcomer could throw at him. At least at that point in time he had believed that.

But soon the boy had used his abilities to control sand to shoot out senbon made of sand from behind syekren, and use his free hand to make a handseal, controlling the sand below syekren to make arms that wrapped around his legs, to hold him stationary for the attack. Syekren used his Raiton technique: Volt Shield, dispersing most of the senbon but receiving two to his right shoulder, of which he still had the scars. He quickly reached back to removed the senbon, throwing them to the ground and punched the sand arms to rid himself of them as well. Quickly he activated his fire hands jutsu, dashing to the other boy. His fists burning with intensity.

He grabbed the boy by his shirt, rearing his fist back. Before he could do anything, the other male used a gale of wind to blast him back, his own fire style move backfiring on him. The fires were fueled by the wind-style move, sending the flames up his arms, burning him badly. The headband he had wrapped around his right bicep left a burned mark of sunagakure into his skin, which was still there to this day. He had almost died, he remembered that because that's when his One Tomoe sharingan had awoken. when he woke back up, the other male was nowhere in sight, and so he simply left with his newly awoke sharingan as a prize.

~End FlashBack~

The male came back from spacing out to notice that someone had snuck up behind him, he turned to see that two nomads had beaten a tourist to death just behind his position  upon the ground and the strongest of the three was behind him, pushing his foot to the man's face as he turned. Syekren fell over from the kick, the other two nomads running off to escape while the third was keeping the Chuunin Uchiha busy. Recovering from the sucker..kick the uchiha quickly stood, leaping back and away from the enemy at hand. His speed was still greater and so were his reflexes but he wanted to be safe about this. He grinned, tilting his head.

The man charged him as he thought he would, giving Syekren the opening he wanted. With a blur of speed, he moved forth, dodging a few strikes from the weaker man. His knee came up into the stomach of the opponent, watching him double over. The uchiha quickly brought an elbow down onto the man's spine, and with precision he pulled his arm back, pushing his knee back up to the man's face as he began to fall towards the ground, pushing him back up. Once the male started falling backwards, Syekren grabbed him by the shirt pulling him back up. The Uchiha's fist came forth and back repeatedly into the face of the unknown nomad, busting the man's lips open to bleed and breaking his nose as well as giving his right eye a black hue.

He wasn't done yet though. He continued the onslaught before then simply pulling the male up to toss him into the air above himself. Syekren then backed up, waiting for the perfect moment before pushing his body to pitch forth, standing straight up upon his hands in the sand. The male's head came between Syekren's legs and syekren stopped the man's head by pushing his knees against the neck of the man. Pulling his body back, he slammed the man head-first into the sand, twisting his hips a bit to snap the man's neck effectively killing him. Quietly, Syekren stood up normally and dusted himself off, heading back to the village.

Exit, Mission Complete

WC: 1064/1000


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