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1The Calming's of the Mind [Private] Empty The Calming's of the Mind [Private] Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:07 am



A day in Kirigakure no Sato was like any other day. The layer of everpresent layer of mist that covered the skies above the Village Hidden in the Mist allowed for the usually darkened days that always came about. It was like a normal day by all means. The birds, whom constantly woke early, resumed the chirping that was halted due to the night that had just recently went away. Chirping which seemed to awaken the lightest of sleepers in the village. One of which had only slept for a few hours before having to arise at six o’clock in the morning, all due to the incessant noise coming from the creatures of the sky. The mist blocked out the rising sun, thus giving the village the constant darkened atmosphere that was considered normal to all those who resided in the village for years. Internal, biological clocks seemed to work a lot better than the radiating sunlight that rarely ever graced the village and it’s residents.

Yuudai Aisu, the current clan leader of Kirigakure’s Aisu clan, famous for their advanced element; Hyōton - Ice Release - woke with a dreary start. He already had his plan set out for the day, knowing exactly what he would have to do before he could set off and expand his prowess in other fields. While he was adept in a sole element, there were two he needed to improve massively in, one which he decided to spend the entire day solely training, and the other being a combination of the two elements he knew. While he could get more familiar with his clan’s specialty, it would prove to be null if he could not gain a grasp on the two elements that are required to create his clans jutsu. The usage of Hyōton chakra required for one to become more and more familiar with Fūton and Suiton, the elements of Wind and Water. The breeze that gently flowed in through the open window did not affect Yuudai as much as he’d liked, but the tingling of coldness - the result of Hyōton chakra travelling throughout his entire being -  that lurked within the depths of his body certainly seemed to expel from his touch on to.

The start to this day, like any other, was an early one as he knew he had to juggle more than he was prepared for, but he was slowly growing accustomed to the workload he had set out for himself, so it was becoming a positive. There was very few days where he looked forward to waking up, this certain day happened to be one of them. Since becoming a Sannin of the Village Hidden in the Mist, Yuudai began to free up more time for himself, being able to put in more effort with his personal training and ultimately time to relax as well. Clan duties were still upon him, but they were starting to get to the point where they were now just meetings or just a small handful of paperwork that he had roughly a week to get through; something which he could accomplish with relative ease with how much he had to deal with office-esque work since he became head of the clan. He still didn’t enjoy doing paperwork, but since it was simple enough, and less time consuming, he supposed it was an enjoyable change of pace for himself.

It had been quite some time since his last venture into is own personal training; from the trip he had taken to Kumogakure in order to learn a new specialization, one that very few in Kirigakure no Sato had extensive knowledge about, though he wasn’t alone when he came back, nor was he when he left, but there was additional company with him. Since his return to the village, the Mizukage still being out of office, as he had received word that Solstice, the former clan head and current Mizukage, was attending the Chuunin Exams in the Wind Country, the hosting shinobi village being Sunagakure no Sato. There was no urgency, especially after that one conversation he had with Himitsu during the first day of their return and all the subsequent ones that followed after the news he received. He’d need time to adapt to the situation, if one was presented.

Padding. Soft padding. He knew that sound, yet couldn’t seem to bring himself to open his eyes until the very last moments. It certainly wasn't a human being due to the scurried steps that were taken, nor was there an attempt to remain quiet. Knowing what was to come, Yuudai relished in the last few moments of comfort that he guaranteed himself. Suichi would still need to climb onto the bed in order to finish his task. More shuffling, the ruffling of the sheets, caused Yuudai to crack his left eye open, though just barely to give off the illusion of sleep on his person. There, standing right beside his head; the small webbed feet not touching any of his purple tresses, Suichi in his direct line of sight once he reopened his eyes, looking almost ready to jump on top of the Aisu clan head in order to wake the once sleeping man. Taking his right hand, the one closest to the creature, Yuudai gently patted his head, letting the male penguin know of his presence and of the task he wanted to accomplish today. Even if it had been the most recent thing he learned, his concept of the technique of illusions was far from decent, adequate, or anything considered viable in combatative situations. Or maybe just improving his understanding of Suiton, something he neglected in favour of utilizing more of his natural element, Hyōton, or of the element he found useful in countless situations, Fūton. It was debatable which he could train, maybe, possibly, even both if he wished, but he needed to get better, not for the village, not for anyone, just for himself. To find out more about himself, as he was realizing over the past few weeks, that nothing remained constant to him anymore. What was he even fighting for now? Had his goals changed? No. Just slightly altered, and in question of altering even more. What did he want to do now? His life had flipped recently, yet he was still comfortable to move forward, to pay no heed to this sudden change in his reality. He had welcomed it, taking it in stride, and making the most of it.

Maybe, just maybe, it was time for Yuudai to figure himself out, before he did anything of the sorts to deal with the rest of the village. He knew he had put off countless things for quite a while, his duties, his squad, his family, just to gain time to himself, to clear his own head, but that had been fruitless. There was nothing he gained out of it, thus needing to support a new direction to figure out his own ways.

Running Word Count: 1180

2The Calming's of the Mind [Private] Empty Re: The Calming's of the Mind [Private] Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:56 pm



It was a few moments later, Yuudai still laying down, blankly staring up at the ceiling. If he was perfectly honest with himself, he had no clear direction he wanted to go in. Being in Kiri for so long allowed him to set his own mindset of protecting the village, but what exactly did that mean? He knew his own life was insignificant when compared to that of the remainder of the village, yet he wanted to continue living to see the village grow, for the next set of genin to grow up and take over the reins. He was still young, only in his early twenties, but he knew that he himself could not solely defend the village, though with the aid of others it was possible. Currently, the village seemed to be prospering with new genin that seemed to just pop out of the woodwork. Speaking of genin, he had forgone his assigned squad for far too long. Maybe it was time for him to make amends with his own dealings, forget them completely and focus on the betterment of others. Though, not without achieving his own training.

Today, he decided he’d finish up the training he should have finished quite some time ago, mastering the element of water. For Yuudai, such was necessary to improve the possible results he could form between the elements of wind and water to create ice, to harness the power that was in his blood. With the more natural suiton came to him, the more he could harness it in combination with Fūton to create more deadly Hyōton techniques. Jutsus that could take lives. Jutsus that could be the line between life and death. While he could do that currently, to an extent, the lack of raw power was significantly hurting his prowess, or at least, that’s how the Aisu clan head currently thought about himself. Incompetent. Self-doubts continuing to linger in the purple-haired shinobi’s mind. A training session would help keep his mind focused on what needed to be focused upon, not the doubts that may never come to fruition, or doubts that could be avoided with persistence in improving one’s own self.

Giving Suichi another pat, the penguin scurried off of Yuudai’s bed and went to do…. well, went to do whatever Suichi did on a regular basis. Using both of his arms to push his body into a sitting position. Running his right hand through his hair, Yuudai’s mind processed what he wished to train today, and coming up with a sudden realization, he already knew the aspect he wished to train to it’s fullest capabilities today. It wouldn’t be too difficult, though with the lack of techniques solely using that aspect of his arsenal, he knew he’d have to think outside of the box, or even find a way around, maybe even develop a technique or learn one that most people were already aware of. The time for slacking was over, it was time for Yuudai to go back to his original ways, or rather the ideals he set for for himself, thus needing more time to strictly training. While other aspects of his life still held priority, he knew the slack he had recently shown was not anywhere close to where he wanted to be, infact it was the exact opposite.

Pushing his legs to the side, off of the bed and on to the ground, Yuudai sat there momentarily, not really wanting to get on his feet at this particular moment, but it was needed for him to commence his early morning training, knowing that he’d forgo breakfast or even a snack as of right now in order to begin training. That’s how he was before, when he was more committed to training. And knowing that he’d be by himself, there weren’t going to be any distractions to cause any hindrance to his goal. He needed to complete his training today, for if he succeeded, he knew exactly what he’d be using the end result of it for. Waiting for needless seconds to pass, Yuudai blankly gazed at the wall in front of himself, still continually lost in thought, before he pushed himself off the bed, the covers that once covered his body now draping off the edge of the bed. Standing half clothed, just in his pajamas, Yuudai’s bleary eyes searched the room for his closet, though his mind already knew the location of the holder of his clothing. His feet were already guiding him to said location, remembering the location from muscle memory. He wasn’t going to pull out anything special, just his usual plain black fighting kimono attire that he found better suited for light training, and for wearing around the house. Removing his pajamas, Yuudai swiftly, though with stiff motions, changed into his regular outfit, knowing that it’d be thrown back to be washed later on in the day, after his training was complete, whether it was light or heavy training. Quickly rushing to the connected bathroom, after being fully dressed, Yuudai performed the daily necessities that most individuals performed early in the morning, taking care of their hygiene. As the water began to run from the faucet, Yuudai wondered, just how beneficial it would for him to mold the water in front of him, though with how planned to train today, there was no need as he’d be melding both suiton and fūton to create his clan’s unique element, one that signified their strengths and weaknesses. It was a double-edged sword in the end, one that each member of the clan would have to somehow overcome, due to how well renowned the Aisu clan is around the world, all due to the current Mizukage. It was hard to keep certain aspects in secrecy when one of the more powerful figures of the same clan were known around the shinobi world.

Speaking of the powerful figures within the clan, Yuudai wondered where he currently stood. While before it wasn’t much of a concern to the purple-haired male, it was always something that would linger in his mind, wondering if he was fit for his position, if he was worthy of the two titles that were bestowed upon his person, one which he was confident shouldn’t even be his, and the other caused doubts to rise about his own abilities, about how powerful he truly was, and if he was worthy of being denoted one of the three strongest shinobi in the Village Hidden in the Mist. Inner lingering doubts were present as always, knowing that he could be so much more that he already was, but that wasn’t what he wanted. He just wanted to be the best he could be, to push his own limitations even further, yet he knew of the hurdles. The hurdles he could never overcome due to the presence of others, the denotation that his capabilities were limited, that everything he aspired to become as a child, couldn’t be achieved. He accepted that fate, yet would always continue to think about what could have potentially been. If only he had pushed himself further, earlier in life. If he made strives a whole lot sooner, would he be where he currently is, further along, or held behind?

Finishing off, Yuudai walked out of the bathroom, out of the door to his room; grabbing Setsura before truly exiting the room, and made his way to the back of the house. His backyard had more than enough room for the Aisu to finish off his minor regime he set before himself. All it’d mainly concur of was melding suiton and fūton to create hyōton. Starting off with lower ranking techniques, and then making his way up, he hoped it’d give him a better understanding of how the two elements would work together, as the usage of suiton was essential to create the element solely exclusive to the Aisu clan.

Running word count: 2533

3The Calming's of the Mind [Private] Empty Re: The Calming's of the Mind [Private] Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:47 am



Before he had exited the house, Yuudai grabbed a full tea cup that rested on the counter that lead towards the backdoor, cold, but still drinkable. Who had even bothered to make a cup of tea for him? They probably already had a clue that he wouldn’t have been bothered to make anything for himself, which narrowed down his list of suspects to two individuals, not really worried about figuring which of the two it was, as the both most likely had good intentions as it stood. Taking the  cup, drinking it as he made his way to the backyard, faster than he normally would have due to the fact it was cold, not that he minded, he set the cup down on table that stood next to the door that lead to the outside world. Gently pushing it open, Yuudai prepared his eyes for the sight to come. The bleary eyes of Yuudai now became clear as day, as the sunlight that peaked through the mist over the village lit up the village to indicate it was daytime, yet not like that of other villages, where the sun actually had graced them with it’s presence. Instead, the sight that greeted him was like any other, with objects slightly less dark than they would be, though that was enough for the Aisu whom had just exited his home; not leaving the property as of yet. He no reason to leave. He’d be able to accomplish his task in the proximity of his backyard, as it wasn’t anything excruciating, or something that’d be devastating enough to cause harm to the neighbourhood.

With the amount of techniques Yuudai knew, most specialized in making use of solely Fūton, or fūton in combination with suiton to create hyōton. He already had plans in his head to make use of the one element he never made sole use of, but that would be for another day, or rather a different time. He could accomplish that goal today as well, but his current focus was on one thing, and one thing alone and for that he needed to make use of suiton one way or another. The process could be infinitely sped up if he ever took the time to learn said jutsus that were solely water oriented, though hindsight wouldn’t change what he was currently capable of. He could perform jutsus of the suiton element, if he ever had taken the time to learn any. A situation that would be remedied before it was too late. Taking a deep breath, Yuudai settled himself in the middle of the yard, no eyes upon his figure, as he sat down cross legged. In that position, he could easily bring forth his chakra, exerting less energy than a spar would, and relax at the same moment. The village provided him with enough moisture in the air to easily call forth the two elements that he required to produce ice, the air that was present everywhere, and the mist hanging above the village which easily allowed the Aisu to access water for his session.

For the first technique, one that he knew from long ago, something akin to Kirigakure no Sato, all due to the name of the jutsu. Hidden Mist Technique, otherwise known as Kirigakure no Jutsu, lived up to it’s name, and made sole use of suiton, thus, he knew it’d be in his best interest to utilize this, along with giving him a more private atmosphere, and in the case he ever needed to use said mist in battle, something that didn’t happen much to date. Taking in a breath, Yuudai released it excruciatingly slowly, allowing the mist to gradually cover the area of his back yard. It wasn’t much of a change, but the eventual thickness of the mist was different than the usual mist around the village. No one would question his use of the jutsu in his yard, people knew not to question shinobi, thus it wasn’t much of an issue for Yuudai when he regarded his neighbours.

Next, would be to combine the two elements he needed to combine, taking note to focus more on the element he had overlooked in the past, to become better rounded. Earlier, while he had decided to start with a simpler technique, he may as well have just jumped to a higher rank as well, both would eventually provide the results he needed. Raising his right hand in front of himself, as if praying with a single hand, the Sannin began to focus his chakra in his hand, melding both wind and water. The air slightly around the man began to swirl though not noticeable to the human eye. The moisture in the air, from the mist, and the lingering dew drops on the grass below him began to shift ever so slightly, yet did not move out of position. Energy from the mist and water droplets allowed for the process to be faster than intended, but Yuudai held his motions, taking them at a snail’s pace, to get a better comprehension of the water element. The suiton chakra that he gathered began to become colder, though to his perception cold wasn’t applicable at all, due to the wind around him. He could feel it, though the energy still wasn’t released, he knew that the jutsu was fully prepared. With a single swipe of his hand outward, a single icicle was released, travelling forward at a pace of 40m/s, enough to cause an injury to any individual who would choose to get in it’s way. Though, Yuudai had more chakra than just for a single shard. With motions that were too fast for civilians to perceive, a barrage of 49 more icicles followed directly after the first lone shard, each travelling at the same velocity and with the same amount of impact as the first one would carry.

His thoughts trailed as he watched each of the 50 icicles crash on to the ground, the area he intended for them to strike. A little bit of yard work would eventually patch that mess up, though that really wasn’t at the top of Yuudai’s list of concerns at the moment. The single hyōton jutsu he just used got him thinking about potential ideas he could eventually create. There were endless possibilities, but at the same time, there were limits that he could foresee. His list of things infinitely kept growing for some odd reason, not that he minded one bit, as he would eventually knock each item off the list, just for more to eventually arise out of thin air.

Running word count: 3658

Chakra: 320/350:
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