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1A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Empty A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:30 pm



Shaking himself out his trance, Kuroshiki opened his eyes only to be greeted by the site of the slightly fogged up mirror of the bathroom that was connected to the room he had temporarily rented out. The inn Kuroshiki was staying at was modest and affordable for the sum of ryo that Kuroshiki had assembled for himself ever since he was out on his own. Staying at a place that cost him more than his current arrangements would put a dent in his funds, something that Kuroshiki could not have happening, not if he wanted to consistently have a roof over his head. Modest accommodations would have to do, knowing that they were neither luxurious, but also weren’t off-putting as well. It was different compared to his upbringing, where he was used to have almost everything he needed, most of which was on the higher end of the product price. The only issue came if Kuroshiki wanted to stay here long term, more than a week or two. If it came to that, he would need to find a more temporarily permanent place to reside. Maybe someone had a boarding house that allowed lodgers to stay for more than a few days. He would have to get that business settled some other day, for today he decided would be dedicated to one task alone; satiating his curiosity through the medium of books.

With his shower done and now almost fully dressed, Kuroshiki exited the bathroom to enter his bedroom. Glancing towards the foot of his bed, he found his black blazer that he instantly made his way toward. Buttoning up his black blazer overtop of his white turtleneck shirt, Kuroshiki’s eyes searched the vicinity for his glasses, trying to find them – even if he didn’t exactly need them. Putting on his black-rimmed glasses, Kuroshiki’s ensemble almost complete, for he solely needed to put on a pair of shoes to compliment his darks pants. His outfit resembled that of a school uniform, something that he utilized at times to blend in, though he really didn’t need to do so now, seeing as how he was in the village of Konoha, where he was unknown in general. He only met a few select people, but even then he doubted they would remember him much if he ran in to them at a later date. It was no skin off his back, whether they could recall him or not, for one day he would have to leave the village due to necessity.

Slipping on his black shoes, Kuroshiki left the room he was temporarily calling his. With his messy hair obscuring some of his vision, Kuroshiki let his eyes roam as he walked, trying to recall his steps from his first… or second… day in Konohagakure no Sato. That was the day he had seen a library? Or was it a bookstore? Struggling to remember that simple detail, he figured he could roam around the village until he found a familiar landmark and from there he could go and find the building – he hoped it was a library rather than a bookstore. While he didn’t mind owning books, they proved to be a detriment to him, as carrying them around when he would have no practical use for them. If he actually had a permanent residence – which was unlikely – then he would eventually begin compiling books for his own collection. That, however, would be required to wait until he actually was able to live a peaceful life without having to constantly check over his shoulder, as he had been doing so for the past few months; nearly half a year, if he could recall the exact time frame.

The boy originally from the Land of Tea, who was now essentially a fugitive to his homeland, roamed around Konoha, searching for the library – or was it a bookstore? – that he had seen a few days ago. He would have checked that particular day, had the not been busy trying to address different needs, trying to figure out how long he’d be here for and how much it would actually cost him over that period of time.  While it wasn’t an issue yet, it was something he would prefer to get out of the way sooner rather than later, such that it wouldn’t pose a problem for him when the time came. While he could attain some ryo during his time here, through varying missions and odd-jobs, Kuroshiki knew they wouldn’t pay as well as the ones he could take if he simply improved his skills. It was all a matter of figuring things out, and he found that the only way to initially do that was to find something to sate his current curiosity.

803 Total Words

2A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Empty Re: A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Mon Jun 13, 2016 11:24 pm



Currently, there are five types of elements that are widely used by the shinobi of this world, and those elements are Fire, Water, Lighting, Earth and Wind.

em..em...Shihai nodded her head in agreement, she knows that, they teach the students about the basic elements in the Ninja Academy.

However, shinobi have long since found a way around those basic restriction, and the solution came in as the way of advance elements.

Advance...elements....? That would be like...super hot blue fire...? Shiahi tilted her head to the side, pulling the book slight away from her to get a good look at the road ahead of her, so that she doesn't accidentally bump into anybody. She might be a new Genin, she is still a Ninja and she didn't want to destroy the reputation of all Ninjas of Konoha so soon after graduation by walking into a light pole or anything silly like that. Just because she was only half paying attention to the road and was skimming through a questionable book with the name of the author erased doesn't mean that she wasn't paying an attention to her surroundings, like she should. Shihai found where she left off and continues reading.

Advance elements are made by combining two or more basic elements, taking Lava which is a combination of Fire and Earth as an example. In addition, Advance elements can also be of those not made from the basic elements, such as Shadow, Space and Time.

Sighing, Shihai closed the book with one hand and tags it closer to herself. Walking down the street of Konoha, with people going around on their everyday business all around her, she was slowly making her way to the Konoha public library. As the subsidiary Ninja village to one of the five great nations, the Konoha central library has an impressive collection books ranging from all subjects, and not just limited to Ninjutsu, but a healthy collection of myth and legends, and fictional stories too, some of which are limited and restricted materials donated by the Shogun as courtesy to the Hokage and a show of good will and for the hope of continue peaceful and friendly alliance.

It had been some years since this Ninja village last seen war, and the central library hasn't even been bombed once ever since the last war, and it didn't get burn to the ground either. Albeit that some of the books that survived are no longer allowed to be borrowed outside, but the building has air conditioning and that is something.

Walking down the street on her way to return the books that she borrowed from the public library, which has soon becoming one of her favorite place to visit, since her brother was being a jerk to her and all, and that it wasn't like she wanted him to teach her or anything. Who needs teachers?! When you got tutorial books that you can get for free, for like 2 weeks and they have air conditioning!

Sighing at the thought of her sad excuse to be called a sibling, that was when she noticed someone wearing a slick blazer and glass exiting from an Inn, as he was coming out of the door, she noticed him subtly checking his surrounding with the turning of his eyes before walking along to the street. Shihai tilted her head looking at him. It wasn't all that unusual, it was just that such cautionary actions are usually reserved for Ninjas checking for surroundings. That combining with him coming out of an inn, leads her to think that he was a Ninja of another village, out here for vacation or something.

It was just a guess, he could very well be a fellow leafy who recently had his home burn down to the ground by an accident kitchen fire (it happens to us all) and has no other choice but to temporarily stay in a hotel, it was one or the other.

It appears that she was going along the same way as he was, and he was walking in front of her. But it had looked like he hasn't entirely made up his mind about which way he wanted to go, and he was looking around and occasionally slowing down, showing hesitation.

Shihai's face lit up into a cheerful smile as she approached the young guy. "Hey there fella! Are you looking to be in somewhere?" She called out to him, once she was caught up to him, she continues her greeting. "My name is Shihai Kimura, I am a leaf shinobi and I basically hang out around here all the time. What is your name?" She paused for a bit before continuing. "Not trying to offend you or anything, but you look like you could use some help with direction." She smiled at him. "I have nothing else to do today, so how about it? I could give you a tour if you want?"


3A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Empty Re: A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:13 pm



Two steps outside the build and Kuroshiki was welcomed to the outside world – the village of Konoha – by the cool breeze that rustled his dark locks of hair. Behind him now stood the building which he just escaped, the place where he would be residing for the next little while until he figured out how long he’d actually be in the village. The building behind him, Kiyoshi’s Inn, was three stories tall, the first floor was a dedicated common room that held a kitchen, bar, and sitting room; all three of which Kuroshiki had yet to use. For food he simply left Kiyoshi’s and went to a local establishment to sate his hunger, he wasn’t much of a drinker, thus there was no need for him to visit the bar, and the sitting room didn’t appeal to him when he could have peace and quiet in his own room – on the second floor. All his room consisted of was a twin sized bed, a small closet, a small sitting area; two couches and a footrest/table between them, and a bathroom. There was also the other furniture of a dresser, night stands, and an actual desk as well. The desk would actually be something that he would actually use, except Kuroshiki actually lacked any material to actually take to the desk; there was no need for him to write up anything, nor did he possess any item to actually read. He hoped he could remedy the latter issue today.

His dark grey orbs blinked, roaming around the vicinity to remember which direction he had travelled the previous day. People passed him by before Kuroshiki even chose a direction to head towards. It was to the right… right? He could have easily asked the innkeeper or a fellow lodger in Kiyoshi’s inn, but he wasn’t much of a people person. Kuroshiki could hold a conversation, talk with others for a prolonged period of time, but often was the case that he utilized short answer that essentially put a halt to future conversations. He much preferred the silence; a book offered him more than a person ever could. The silence was usual more tolerable than someone else’s attempts to create a conversation about nothing. Taking his right hand to push his hair slightly back, still the ever present mess it had been, Kuroshiki began making strides in the direction he had chosen; to the right.

It seemed that Kuroshiki wouldn’t have the quietness of today to himself. No, it seemed to be interrupted by a foreign presence, even if Kuroshiki himself was the actual foreigner in this place. “Hey there fella!” Who even used the word ‘fella’ these days? Choosing instead to forgo the greeting, Kuroshiki slowly turned his head to meet the face of a female, one that was likely a few years younger than him. Kuroshiki only took note of her dark hair against her pale skin for just a moment, before his attention returned to her speaking. “Are you looking to be in somewhere?” He was… though he was wondering why exactly she had begun questioning him the moment he had stepped outside of the inn and hadn’t even been walking for more than a minute. Kuroshiki knew for a face that he could easily blend in with a crowd; there was nothing special about him that would cause people to migrate towards him. For him, there was never the desire to be the center of attention, preferring to be in the solace of a book compared to people. Though at least he could ask for directions and be on with the rest of his day. He at least had that to look forward to after this minor interruption.

“My name is Shihai Kimura, I am a leaf shinobi and I basically hang out around here all the time. What is your name?" Pleasantries… he could do those. They were easy enough. Though her statement of ‘hanging around here all the time’ was slightly off-putting, considering he essentially stepped out of the inn to be bombarded by a complete stranger. Was this what she did on a daily basis? Greet some stranger out of the blue who had absolutely nothing to do with her? It didn’t seem she would give him a moment to speak up, for she continued on, before Kuroshiki could even get a single word out. “I have nothing else to do today, so how about it? I could give you a tour if you want?” He really didn’t need a tour of the village that he could do by himself. All he needed to do was find the library, which he could achieve on his own, though with added time. Figuring he could get this Shihai person to at least guide him to the library, Kuroshiki could stand her company for some time.

Knowing he’d have to start somewhere, Kuroshiki figured the less he said the better. “Kuroshiki Nozaki.” He shortly supplied, though taking a second to follow up his response. “I don’t need a tour… I was just on my way to the library.” Kuroshiki responded, keeping his answer short and sweet. He neither confirmed or denied whether he knew where the library was, but he could find his way there with or without her help.

897 of 1700 Total Words

4A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Empty Re: A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:28 pm



"Oh! Hi there Kuroshiki~ You want to go to the public library you say? Just as well, I am heading towards that way too, come on, let's go together." Shihai supplied helpfully with a smile, she drags Kuroshiki a little bit so that he would walk with her towards the direction of the library, which is actually not that far from here.

Taking a side glance at what Shihai assumed to be, another shinobi, she noted that he tends to stay along the quieter side. Perhaps he was feeling a bit shy in a new environment? Or was just being cautious? Shihai chuckles to herself, that is not actually an uncommon trait amoung the Ninja world, since a lot of the running missions actually required some sort of stealth, being able to stay on the plains side and without being detected or drawing attention to one's self is super useful for gathering intelligence and for maybe assassinations, not that she has any experience with those missions, since she was still just a Genin.

Walking along side the street in silent for a bit, and the curiosity about this new guy was eating at her inside alive. He wasn't wearing his village band, although not everyone likes to wear them, and that she didn't remember seeing him elsewhere either, but then again, she wouldn't know even half of the people in Konoha, still.

"You say that your name is Kuroshiki Nozaki right?" Shihai says, looking at the sky, thinking to herself. "Nozaki...Nozaki....nah...I have actually never heard of that clan that from Konoha? Or one of those scatter clans?" Shihai asked him casually.

"I'm from the Kimura clan, we have been here for a few generations now~ We used to be a pretty big clan, before we wilted down somewhat as the other members moved on to other places. Eventually I plan to visit some other villages too, sometimes." Shihai turns to look at the quiet looking male shinobi, before turning her gaze back to the road. "I have never been out of the Konoha borders before, and I wonder what the other villages are like, if they are anything like Konoha." Shihai fishes around her dark brown side bag to pull out a geography book. "I borrowed this one for a while now, was going to use it as a guide to plan my trip but I never got around to read it with all of these missions going on. I can't talk about the missions though, village confidential information hahaha."

Walking along the street, and the sun has risen high above the sky now, the villager of Konoha are started to get busy preparing for a new days of work, and the street seems to be coming to life.

Shihai turns to look at the other shinobi, and asked in curiosity. "Say, you are not from around here are you? So are you here for business or for vacation? You don't have to tell me if it is confidential information, but if you are here for vacation, I can think you a few good spots that you should definitely check it out!"


5A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Empty Re: A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:03 pm



Kuroshiki could only assume that it was a coincidence that the place he wished to go was the exact same place that the girl known as Shihai was heading towards. That brought in to question her earlier mention of taking him on a tour of the village. Why would she have offered to do that if she was going to the library? It didn’t add up to him, as Kuroshiki was skeptical about Shihai’s intent. First she randomly asks him if he’s looking to go somewhere, then introduces herself, followed up by offering a tour, and then rounded up by saying she could take him to the library. It seemed in the short time frame since she approached him to offering to take him to the library resulted in her coming full circle, so to speak, in her proposed offers. The library was the exact place Kuroshiki wished to go, which happened to relate to her first question and her latest offer.

It seemed she wouldn’t even give him the opportunity to decline, for his arm was grabbed for a few moments, Shihai moving forward and urging him to follow. The thought had passed him by, of simply refusing and finding his own way there, but that would essentially shorten his time even further – and likely increase the time she spent pestering him. Naturally inclined to remain quiet, unless he was actually familiar with his present company – and actually enjoyed their presence – Kuroshiki didn’t speak up in agreement or disagreement. Choosing to follow silently behind Shihai, allowing her to lead them to the library, he wouldn’t speak up unless she questioned him about something; though certain matters he simply wouldn’t comment on if they came up.

Her question regarding his clan seemed to come up randomly, though he couldn’t blame her for wishing to ask, seeing as how his family name wasn’t renowned in the shinobi world – at least not in terms of being famous shinobi. His family was purely civilian based, more known around the world by their means of manufacturing weapons. Well… used to, at least. Kuroshiki could only reaise a brow about his family being from Konoha – she had already assumed he wasn’t from here, so why would that be a question at all? “I doubt you would have heard of it.” A simple reply followed up Shihai’s inquiry about his family’s origin. They weren’t a clan… at least not in the traditional sense.

She hailed from the Kimura clan, a name that wasn’t too familiar with Kuroshiki himself. The only time he had heard the name was when it was attached to a previous Hokage, one that he had only read about briefly; mostly in passing as it was still relatively recent in the overall history of the known world.

He followed behind her quietly, once more. Kuroshiki wished to get to the library sooner rather than later, simply so he could let his attention be consumed by factual knowledge. He briefly nodded at Shihai’s mention of never having been outside of Konoha’s borders; it would have been the same for Kuroshiki (though in the Land of Tea) if his childhood home hadn’t been razed. Kuroshiki kept quiet about the fact he had been to one other major shinobi village; the remainder of his trips were between the minor nations. It was at this moment he took note of the book Shihai was carrying around; one related to geography. That type of material wouldn’t be his first, second, or third choice, but he could see a certain appeal about learning a bit more about the world itself. Putting the fact that she hadn’t been outside the village walls and running through numerous missions, she was likely doing nothing more than chasing a cat around the village. It was a possibility, though he said nothing of it to her.

Adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, Kuroshiki’s eyes remained forward, watching the girl move slightly ahead of him. Her next question wasn’t something that he would answer with direct answers – nor would he provide them – but he was fine giving away obscure details about them. “No, I’m not from Konoha. I’m not here for… a vacation. My matter is more personal than business, but it can be considered business nonetheless.” That would be the extent to which Kuroshiki would provide Shihai with an answer to her question. He had no reason to divulge his reasoning to her and it was just as likely she couldn’t help him out either, given that the clues he had received so far told him she’d be of no help. Instead, he chose to keep his eyes taking note of the shops around the place, making sure he would remember the locations if the need arise for him to attend to such places.

828 of 2528 Total Words

6A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Empty Re: A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:58 pm



Walking along the roads to the public library of the hidden leaf village, and as the sun slowly raise up to the sky. There seems to be more and more people on the street now. According to Shihai's original plan, she was going to return her library book today, as soon as possible so that they wouldn't be over due. But nevertheless, it would still be a few days before the deadline so she was in so much hurry. And that since her older brother is off away on missions, same with her parents, she has nothing else planned for today except for maybe exploring the surrounding forest a bit more and to do some more training, maybe training some Jutsus that she had read about in the books. Although seeing as the village does not get a lot of visitors, for whatever reasons, or for no reasons at all, she has decided to helped out with this stranger by maybe showing him around the village. Her books aren't due today so she could put them off until later, but as she was walking beside him and they walked along the road in eerie and complete silent, she can't help but think that this guy really disliked her company and would rather be at anywhere else but here. In fact, she can't help but felt like that she was being insulted silently by him this entire way here, never felts so insulted and creep out by someone before, it makes her question if she should consider twice before approaching another stranger again. She knows that there are different type of people with different types of personality in this world, some really kept to themselves, but this was too much for her. But considering that he was a visitor, she doubted that they would ever meet up once again.

Luckily, the inn that he just came off from really wasn't that far away from the public library and that even if she hasn't offered to show him around, he would have find it by himself eventually, probably should have done without the grabbing and giving him the chance to declined and ask whoever he wanted to asked for directions instead. And asking around the villagers are always an option, since it wasn't so uncommon to ask for directions and most people would like to help.

Stopping in front of the front gate of the public library, made entirely out of wood and with wooden owl statues standing on both side of the gate, Shihai turns to look at the young man.

"There you go, I trusted that you would find your away around the library super easily. It was run by a simple system that is pretty common and in standard with the rest of the world, I'm sure you can find your way and I hoped that you can find what you are looking for here. Well, good luck and have a nice rest of the day." Waving at him goodbye, Shihai went up ahead and deposited her books to the the return box just outside of the public library. If she was just right on the deadline she would have go into the library and return them to the front desk just to stay on the safe side, but considering that she still have a few days left, she thought that returning the books this way would be fine and the staff would take care of it.

Going back to the front of the door, it was still early in the morning, even though the library has official opened up for business. Having her mood brought down for the day and was in no mood to do anymore socialing, she decided the head towards the park and perhaps spending sometimes training alone would do her some good. She just hoped that not everyone in Konoha would be like this. Being a Ninja in this world is already hard business without any more complications.

Walking down the street of Konoha by herself and walking away from the Konoha library, although to be fair, most of the Ninjas of this world probably did operated by working alone and the very fact that she was trying to approach strangers left and right would probably marked her as the strange person and not the other people. Perhaps she was a bit odd in her own, but since Ninjas have also traditionally worked within a team, she didn't really figure out that what she was doing was odd but perhaps to each of their own. Shaking her head, she turns the thought of the stranger off her head and decided to forget the incident altogether, whatever he was going to do it was none of her business and she hoped that he could find someone he liked to hang out with.

7A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Empty Re: A Wandering Mind [Private|NK] Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:59 pm



[Shihai Exited]

Total WC: 2154

C level Jutsu training [Name: Lightning Release: Lightning Conduction ] 1000 words and - 150 ryo.

D level Jutsu training [Temporary Paralysis Technique] 780 words and - 80 ryo

Stats training: increase Speed from D to D1: 325 words and 25 ryo.

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