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1The Litter Bug Gang! [Konoha - C] Empty The Litter Bug Gang! [Konoha - C] Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:29 am



Fuyuki looked on at the scene in front of him.

He was standing on a sidewalk, his back to a rather tall building he figured was the Konoha weapons store. Just opposite the road, he could see a group of three people, all men and somewhat intimidating in their own right, spraying graffiti on the walls of an apartment. They were snickering the entire time and vulgar words got painted on the surface of the wood, most likely permanent due to the wood's likelihood of absorbing the paint. It would be near impossible to get it out.

He knew who they were. The one on the right, the overly muscular one, was the one everyone thought of as the leader of the gang, mostly because he viewed himself as such and also carried himself like so. His name was Jako Dakkinju. The one in the middle was a very skinny man, who's skin also bore several markings of scars, and whose face didn't show too much enthusiasm. His name was Tadao Fugumi, the lapdog of the gang. And the one on the left, last of all, was highly muscular, with several scars showing. This was Haizen Tenzo, the brawn of the gang which lacked all the brain.

Together, the three of them made up the Litter Bug Gang, a group of three twenty-year-old Genin who were abandoned by their sensei and decided to vandalise Konoha and prank the various people rather than put whatever skill they had to good use. Their activities in Konoha ranged from massive littering of the compounds, most notable those belonging to the famous clans of Konoha, such as the Hyuga, to vandalising buildings, or even village monuments. While usually caught and punished, they had never stopped in their ways and had only continued to make situations even worse for the village.

Well, now Fuyuki had been instructed to stop them. It was a bit far-fetched, sending a Genin after three others of the same rank. Most would consider a Chunin handling these three Genin a challenge, but for a single Genin to do so was considered by most impossible. After all, they not only had at least the same amount of skill that Fuyuki had, but also had experience on him. For a fifteen-year-old to be taking a mission, without any backup at that, was what most considered suicide.

However, Fuyuki had calculated meticulously his chances of surviving them, particularly from information he had received during the mission briefing. These men had been way out of shape, only using what skills were necessary to their pranks, and given that they usually got away from prying eyes through the use of intimidation, their only fearful skill was intimidating others. The art of throwing kunai and shuriken, wielding weapons, or even practicing their ninjutsu had been left unattended to.

All in all, Fuyuki was fairly confident he could take them on.

“Hey!” he called out.

Jako was the first to turn around, a look of shock on his face, most likely from the fact that someone was daring enough to yell out at him. Fuyuki guessed part of his shock came from the bravery and utter stupidity of someone willing to throw their life away stopping the Litter Bug Gang from their activities, and the remaining part of his shock was that the said idiot who stopped them happened to be a kid no older than fifteen or sixteen.

The shock on his face evolved into a sneer, one radiating confidence – confidence that he could take this kid on without any problem. Fuyuki was okay with that. It was one thing to know one's limits and the enemy's limits so one could plan out the most optimal strategy to achieve victory with the least casualties, but it was a whole other thing to become complacent and utterly underestimate one's opponent, the exact thing Jako was now doing.

Jako's two friends turned around and adopted the same wicked sneer on their faces, their lips twisting upwards in glee that they would have their first beat down in, if what Fuyuki had heard was true regarding their intimidation, months. Haizen began cracking his knuckles, while Tadao cracked his neck. Jako took his position in the middle of the trio and pointed his index finger at Fuyuki condescendingly.

“What do you want, kid? You'd better beat it before we squash you like a bug!”

“That's kind of funny coming from the Litter Bug Gang,” Fuyuki shot back, before sliding into a more ready stance.

Jako was initially angered that someone had talked back to him, totally disregarding his size. Then, when he saw Fuyuki slide into a combat stance, he burst out into laughter.

“Do you see that, people? This kid actually thinks he can take us on! The Litter Bug Gang!” he laughed. “Listen, kid, how 'bout we cut you a deal? We're Konoha shinobi too. We'll carry you to the hospital when we're done. How's that sound? I can guarantee it's a lot more generous than what we did to many others.”

Fuyuki remained quiet. While normally he was all about being aloof and responding wittily with no regard for other people's feelings, he would need all of his concentration and focus to come out of this C Rank mission unscathed. And he so did want to come out of it unscathed. He couldn't really make a name for himself when he lost an arm to three Genin, regardless of his own rank, right?

When the trio were met with response, Fuyuki sensed anger bubble up inside them again. The three of them rushed off to attack him, rather sloppily, Fuyuki might add.

Jako reached him first, throwing a punch straight to his face. With his quick reflexes, Fuyuki ducked under the punch, running behind Jako and straight into the horizontal kick to his gut sent his way by Tadao. Fuyuki dropped to his knees, sliding on the rough ground and cursing whatever cuts would accumulate on his trousers, but utterly grateful that the kick sailed past his head, leaving him relatively unharmed.

Then, Fuyuki leapt forwards, straight into the third goon, Haizen, before ricocheting off his muscular chest, heading straight to Tadao's back. Fuyuki sent a kick to his back, causing him to stumble into his team mate, Jako. The momentum of the fall was too much for the both of them, even if Tadao had been skinny, and caused them both to trip and tumble into a heap, dazed.

With that done, Fuyuki turned back to Haizen and sidestepped to his right to evade Haizen's right hook, before he shot his leg out to trip Haizen, causing him to tumble onto his friends as well. The three of them lay on top of one another on the ground, too dazed to make an attempt at escape.

Fuyuki whistled.

“That was easier than expected.”

Word Count: 1170

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