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1The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:58 am



Takeshi was walking down the streets of the village casually, on the outside he looked calm as ever, but on the inside he was excited. He got another C ranked mission and he was pumped up for it. It was a little before noon when he left the house in his usual attire; he wore his black jacket and pants with black ankle high ninja sandals. His jacket had a light blue color along its trimming, today however he had a white undershirt on with his jacket zipped half way down. He had his ninja forehead protector tied around his neck like a necklace. His red hair shone brightly in the sunlight was combed back to keep out of his face for the most part since is reached past his shoulder by a couple of inches.

As he walked down the street he was reading the C ranked mission he was tasked with handling. Basically it was group of genin who decided they were going to act out to get a little attention. For this mission however, he going to be doing a little bit more teaching than fighting because he was on his way to pick up a genin. This genin’s name was Niko Hatake, and he was supposed to be good at taijutsu, accompanied with a sharp comprehension of ninjutsu and since this C ranked mission was little bit harder for his skill level, Takeshi’s job was to oversee him. Takeshi was just down the street from where Niko lived, after which they would start the mission.

WC 260/1000

2The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty Re: The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:01 am



As he gazed down upon his hands, he couldn't understand why he couldn't complete the jutsu. Sure, only a small handful of people were the able to complete and perfect the jutsu, but Niko was known for his ability to learn and master jutsu with little to no problem. The burning smell from his wrist down to his fingers wretched up into his nose. The first-degree burns ached a small bit, but his miniscule injuries that he just suffered weren't what was truly bothering Niko. He still couldn't perfect that jutsu. Niko decided not to dwindle on it, and try again later. He's tried for years to perfect the jutsu, but like all the previous attempts, he was unsuccessful.

As Niko walked home from his the spot he was just training from, he wondered when exactly he'd be called upon to do another petty Genin task once again. As usual, Niko was unenthusiastic and just thought, 'whatever'. He took his fingerless gloves out of his pocket, the small, metal plates shining sunlight off of them both, and began to place them over his burned palms and wrists. Then afterward, he continues his walk not really thinking about anything at all.

When the young man reached his house, he didn't feel like walking in the door and talking to his father, so he decided to hop his way onto the roof and do push-ups, just to pass the time. He leaped to a remarkable height and softly landed on the very top of his roof. He then took his "trigger finger" and set it on the ground. Then, he raised his entire body up in the air so he was completely upside down, and began to do his push-ups.

Word count:

3The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty Re: The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:04 am



As he walked down the street, Takeshi noticed something that seemed out to the ordinary. He saw an object on a roof that looked like us moving up and down. At first, Takeshi thought it was some kind of wire or antenna that was moving along in the air, but it was really hard to tell because half of it was cut off due to another roof being in the way of his view. Then he saw the object for a split in two for second but quickly form into one object again. After seeing this, Takeshi had no choice but to check it out, so he quickly leaped onto the roof of an house that was right next to the object. He landed lightly on his and he fixed his hood because it became uneven after the jump. After closer examination of the object, he found it was a person doing some sort of push ups Takeshi had never seen before.

The person had white,silverish hair, along with white eyebrows that seemed to shine dimly in the light. Takeshi could tell that this person worked out a lot, though he looked a little young, but he couldn’t really be sure. He wore a black tank top that, at the moment. was showing his stomach and back. He also wore gray colored shorts that found their way down as well, which was kind of weird from Takeshi’s prospective. The person wore a doggy tag necklace that seemed like it was going to fall off his head at many minute since the person was upside down. Looking further down, Takeshi could see he wore fingerless fighting gloves, though he couldn’t quite make out the symbols on them. Takeshi watched the person do a few more push ups until he decided to say something. "Hey man, you know thats a little dangerous right?" Takeshi said in a calm voice.

WC 581/1000

Last edited by Takeshi on Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:12 am; edited 1 time in total

4The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty Re: The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:05 am



After a while, a young man, not too removed from Niko’s own age, jumped on top of the roof along with him. Niko ignores him for a few moments, continuing to do repetitions of his style of push-ups until addressed for whatever reason it may be.

Finally, the young man found the gumption to speak to Niko “Hey man, you know that’s a little dangerous, right?” he said in a calm voice.

When the teenager, who looked slightly older than Niko, finally spoke to him, Niko glanced up to quickly view what he looked like. He had reddish hair that was combed back so that it wouldn’t interfere with his field of view. Matching his hair, this guy’s eyebrows were red, and of an average size. His eyes were dark brown, similar to Niko’s own eye color. He quickly resumed to his exercise without hesitation.

Responding to this young man’s earlier question. “Sure, it may be, with all of the blood rushing to my head and the height of this roof from the ground, but it doesn’t phase me.”

Doing a backflip from his current position, Niko landed on his feet with ease. “So, why are you so concerned, I’ve never seen you before. Also, why are bothering me while I’m doing my exercises?”

Word count:

5The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty Re: The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:10 am



Takeshi was taken aback a little by the guy’s sudden attitude towards him, though it really didn’t get to him too much. Takeshi always had a large patience towards people and it took awhile for him to get really mad, it was more of a weakness really. In any case, Takeshi took a look at the house the guy was standing on. Looking at the mailbox, Takeshi could see this was the correct address. Takeshi stood up and put his hands in his pants pockets and looked at Niko directly in the eyes. He examined his demeanor and could tell that this guy was one of the hot headed bunch. Takeshi took his left hand out of his pocket and scratched an itch on the back of his head while he pulled out the mission paper. "So you must be Niko Hatake, the guy I’ve been hearing so much about. I’m Takeshi Uzumaki and we’ll be taking care of a little problem together." Takeshi threw the mission paper towards Niko, hopefully he would catch it.

WC 761/1000

Last edited by Takeshi on Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:13 am; edited 1 time in total

6The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty Re: The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:10 am



This young man knew that Niko was agitated by the look in his eye. The guy standing in front of Niko observes the area around him for some form of confirmation. He places both hands in his pockets and looks at Niko for a quick moment to observe him, then uses one hand to scratch the back of his head, while using the other to grab something from his pocket. He reveals some sort of paper.

“So you must be Niko Hatake, the guy I’ve been hearing so much about. I’m Takeshi Uzumaki and we’ll be taking care of a little problem together.” After that he quickly throws the paper towards Niko.

Without a problem, he grabs the paper and begins to read it’s contents. He pauses for a good 10 seconds and says “So, we have to deal with a petty Genin squad full of adults who must’ve flunked the Chuunin Exams a handful of times, because they’re littering and vandalizing the village?”

Without pause, Niko moves past any chance of a response to the rhetorical question “Alright, so I see that this is a C-ranked mission. Why exactly is a lowly Genin like me being assigned a mission above my grade level?”

Word count:

7The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty Re: The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:15 am



Takeshi put both hands in his pockets and took a moment to gather his words before saying anything. Then after a momentary pause he looked at Niko and gave his answer. "Some of the higher ups in the village think you have some talent, after all, they do keep tabs on all of us ninja of the village. So they assigned you to this mission with me as a sort of...evaluation of sorts." Takeshi looked up at the sky and could tell it was almost high noon and they needed to make up some time. They still had to search for the three genin causing the trouble. "Well, now that you now our mission, we should get going and try to find these three." With that, Takeshi nodded towards the left as a signal to follow him . Takeshi got a head start and was a good three houses ahead of Niko as he looked for anything that would point them towards the people in question. Takeshi didn’t really look back to see if Niko was behind him since Niko should have caught on to the signal. Takeshi stopped on top of a random house to try to see if found anything out of place, he didn’t look back to see if Niko was behind him or not because he trusted that he was close behind. As he positioned himself more to the east, he noticed a group of three walking down the street while he threw something on the ground. Takeshi automatically knew who these people were. So he jumped in their general position landing directly in front of them.

WC 1034/1000

8The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty Re: The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:17 am



Takeshi places both of his hands in his pockets once again, pauses for a moment, then states “Some of the higher ups in the village think you have some talent, after all, they do keep tabs on all of us ninja of the village. So they assigned you to this mission with me as a sort of...evaluation of sorts.”

After revealing the reason why Niko was picked for this mission, Takeshi looks up into the sky momentarily, and says “Well, now that you now our mission, we should get going and try to find these three.” Takeshi then signals towards the left to show that’s the direction they’ll head in to start the search. He then moves at fast speeds across the rooftops in the direction previously signaled.

Niko mutters a quick “Whatever.” that is inaudible to Takeshi, and proceeds to follow the ninja who is his partner for this mission. He looked ahead and Takeshi had gotten a three house head-start over Niko. This didn’t matter because Niko had to focus on combing the area for these troublemakers. After a short while, Takeshi stopped momentarily, looked towards the east and downward. After a second or two, he dropped down to the location he set his eyes on. He must’ve either found something interesting, or the actual ninja themselves. It didn’t matter, because Niko was going to check it out as well, so he’d find out when he got there.

Landing softly, Niko stands to the right of Takeshi, both looking straight at three individuals. There was no mistaking it, these three were the ones Niko and Takeshi were looking for. One of them was poor looking, muscular, with a scar on the right side of his face. The one in the middle was very skinny, even looking quite malnourished. Finally, the one on the right must appear tough looking, overly muscular, and intimidating, but to Niko, he didn’t appear like something to be afraid of.

After approximately 5 seconds of each group scoping each other out, the man on the left asked Takeshi and Niko with an attitude “Who the hell are you guys?”

Niko immediately retorts with a tone of annoyance in his voice “We’re Konohagakure ninja, just like you. We’ve been hearing you’ve been vandalizing the town, so we’re here to bring you in.”

Word count:

9The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty Re: The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:18 am



When Takeshi heard Niko’s statement, he was somewhere in between wanting to laugh and wanting to slap Niko in the head. He chose to do neither, he guess that response was better than anything else when dealing with these people. The three guys looked at each other, and then one stepped out and spoke up. “Look here dickheads, I don’t know who you think you are, but my name is Jako Dakkinju and I’m gonna engrave that name into both of your asses.” Of course after hearing that, Takeshi became mildly upset with his remarks. However he was more worried about Niko, who already had an attitude. Takeshi stepped forward a little bit

more in one last attempt to try and deal with these people. “Were not here to fight, we’re just

here to stop you from throwing your trash everywhere, so will you plea-” but before Takeshi could finish, he saw a fireball come out of seemingly nowhere.

Takesh easily dodged it by ducking, but was almost stomped on by Jako. So he had roll on the ground and quickly jump back to where Niko was. Takeshi then looked at how the three were placed Jako being in the lead with his bare hands, another guy right behind him had a sword while one more guy who was in the very back already had his hand ready to do another jutsu ready to go but was waiting. Takeshi stood back with Niko and whispered a simple plan without actually looking at him, hoping he would hear it. Takeshi would just use a Bunshin no Jutsu to try and confuse them while Niko ran behind the back and take the two guys close to the back while Takeshi would take care of Jako. So Takeshi produced three clones and made them run around the group. Just like Takeshi thought, the three were confused and Jako hit the wrong one giving Takeshi the opening he needed to hit the back of his head and knocking him out. Now Takeshi watched to see how Niko would do.

WC 1383/1000

10The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Empty Re: The Litter Bug Gang! [C-Rank] Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:21 am



The three men Niko and Takeshi were sent to apprehend turned to each other momentarily, and then the one with all of the muscle in the group says “Look here dickheads, I don’t know who you think you are, but my name is Jako Dakkinju and I’m gonna engrave that name into both of your asses.”

Niko’s ego kicked in once one of the targets started talking shit towards him and his partner. If a fight is what he wanted, Niko was ready to deal with anybody in the group. However, it seemed Takeshi wasn’t yet ready for a confrontation and tried pleading with the other group.

“Were not here to fight, we’re just here to stop you from throwing your trash everywhere, so will you plea-”

A random fireball erupted from their side of the encounter, and blazed the air with heat. Niko got out of harm’s way, glancing over to his left to check on Takeshi. It seemed the other ninja with the loud mouth, named Jako, was trying to curbstomp him. Both Niko and Takeshi moved back to get some breathing room and formulate a plan. The other three had already started rushing at them in some sort of formation.

Takeshi whispered softly “I’ll make some clones to distract these guys. You take the two in the back, and I’ll deal with the one in front.”

Niko decided to go with the plan, and was ready to release some of the negative emotions he had been feeling today, along with feeding his ego during the process. Takeshi, his clones, and Niko all ran at the group of three that were charging as well in the direction of the other group. A head-on collision was imminent. Takeshi’s clones ran circles around the group, and once the loud mouth in their group attacked one of the clones, Takeshi used that opportunity to rush in and knock his lights out.

Now it was Niko’s turn to revel in the action. He jumped over Takeshi and the now unconscious Jako to deal with the two in the rear. Niko decided to not even use his hands in this skirmish. Flying in, Niko delivers a Jeet Kune Do style kick to the face of the scarred ninja, right on the side of sed scar. The ninja drops to the floor unconscious, looking possibly even dead. Niko, still in mid-air, spins to use his Leaf Gale technique, and delivers a rear low kick into the chest of the scrawny man. He flies through the air about 5 meters to the right of Niko.

With no signs of exhaustion, plainly walks over to Jako, who’s laying down. Niko then grabs Jako by the collar, which makes him conscious again and says with a smug attitude “It seems you didn’t engrave your name on either of our asses. In fact, this guy here engraved his fist into your face, while I engraved my shoeprint into both of your friends lying on the floor over there, and there.” Niko points to each of Jako’s associates.

After Takeshi has a good laugh hearing what Niko uttered, they grab all three of the men to bring them into the Leaf Village’s custody. Niko throws the ridiculously skinny man named Tadao, over his right shoulder, then walks over to the scarred, muscular man Haizen over his left shoulder. With Jako passed out already on Takeshi’s back, the two travel to the Administration Building to turn in “The Litter Bug Gang.”

Word count:
Chakra usage:

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