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Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

He stood infront of them, the tombs where his loved ones rest. Shizuo was a mere kid when he lost them,  he held no hatred, but he did anger, he did feel loneliness in the past years but he's beginning to meet new people, still bitterness has its place in his heart, Shizuo always wondered where lies the limit, everyone experiences pain and faces difficult situations, but there it is that lies ones strength, but whats the limit, there must be a limit, a limit, a limit to how much a person can take, that's what he used to think, this Uzumaki no longer sees a limit, he sees everything in life as a challenge, his first challenge, is the konoha five guardians, five special shinobies that he shall choose as his new family, those five along side him are going to be the ones to protect konoha, no need to leave all the devious tasks to the hokage, they shall protect konohagakure.

He wondered maybe he will meet someone, someone strong enough to protect konoha with him, the true strength truly comes from the heart, if he meets someone with a strong enough heart, he would definitely have them join.



Nakamura had been walking around during this night hoping to find someone or do something, since his last ''friend'' had skipped on him he had not a lot of hope in finding a new group to be with. so he was walking around and found himself at the cemetary around midnight, funny that i find myself in this place at this time he thought to himself as he looked over the graves and saw a man near his age but a little bit shorter, with blonde hair and tattoos, he was also wearing bandages on his arm, though they didnt look injured, nakamura walked over to him and called out, what are you here for buddy, he called in a friendly voice, awaiting a response.

Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

As he heard a voice speak to him he replied "Yo, am just paying a visit to my family", every now and then Shizuo likes to come visit  his family's graves. He spoke to the man saying "yo bro, dontcha go, but no seriously  you alone ? or what, anyway...ti's nice to meet ya" he sensed something rare and different in this guy "yo, my name's Uzumaki Shizuo nice ta meet ya" he said as  he saw a group of bandits approach the two men, the group seemed to be a group of twelve men according to the shape of their bodies, they were all wearing capes and masks, Shizuo was not so amused by them he wanted to end this fast "you up for it ?" he asked the man in a lazy tone as he got into a battle stance, it was time to kick some ass.
Shizuo expected they might be just some lousy nukenins that need some ass kicking, well whether they were or not, they dont look like they're leaving peacefully, Shizuo was in a peaceful moment and these darlings are planning on ending it. It was gonna be for sure a pain in the ass, since he was feeling all lazy and cranky.



he was visiting his family it seemed which struck naka as funny, due to him not even knowing any of whom he was related, but the thought was taken over when a group of 12 people with bandit gear came up and around them, and the man with him offered the idea of fighting them, which pleased Nakamura a lot, he started weaving handsigns and activated his Chilled soul jutsu causing all those who looked him in the eyes to think its -20 degrees, thankfully all of the bandits were looking at him due to the handsigns and shortly they all started shivering like mad and chattered there teeth he called over to his new partner, Youre up buddy he said as he held his jutsu as a few if them tried and come up barely able to move due to the cold.
Chakra 140

Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

"Oooh YEAH!!, I've BEEN ACHING FOR SOME ASS KICKING" yelled the wild Uzumaki, show mercy only to those worthy of It, show absolute hell to SCUM THAT THREATEN THE PIECE OF KONOHA, Shizuo had that as a rule, he loved Konoha, It Is not a piece of his heart, It Is his heart. Shizuo taunted his enemies by licking his lips as he stick It out, mocking them, but what truly affected the shivering bastards, was Shizuo's sadistic smile. His sharp look, his sadistic smile, his aura of intimidation, Shizuo Is truly a kind and a prank, fun loving punk, but when he fights, he changes into nothing but a Demonic beast, he once died from his monstrosity, he has scars all over his body from a gang of eight chunin leveled troublemakers, he was soaked In blood, but the eight punks were in ruins, he might've received some scars but he made sure, that each one of them is never going wield a kunai again.

The past Is past, But the present indicates the future just as past does the present, and the present becomes past, when the future becomes present, and right now, Shizuo was capable of seeing the present and the future of those wusses.

Shizuo charged In with a fierce look, like best, each one of the idiots was sent flying , from kicks to punches, no jaw was spared, and no abdomen was left un-kicked, and no head was left un-smacked.

After pounding the shivering wusses into the blood soaked shivering half alive corpses, He stood with a satisfied look on his face, the smirk of a beast...

after calming down, and cleaning the mess he just made, he spoke to the boy "I like your fighting style, genjutsu is pretty effective ain't It, tell me about yourself" his tone was a childish one, a playful one, It's as if he didn't do anything or he forgot about what he just did, that was Shizuo, those who threaten Konoha's peace are scum, scum don't deserve being mentioned or remembered even If they die, their existence was and always will be a mere hindrance to Shizuo.



This man was interesting at the least of it all, he had stuck his tounge out at the enemy and made an odd face, was he younger then Naka thought he was maybe he was just a really old looking kid, and if that was the case nakamura may have to do the beating himself, and suddenly the man behind him rushed forward to the group and delivered punches and kicks to every single one of them, knocking the jaw out and dislocating anothers shoulder, it was amazing show of Taijutsu though he thought that his taijutsu was still better, this man couldnt use the illusion fist and he could, though he named it that himself he knew not if it was actually caused that, he had always been able to use it and he wasnt told who his family was. The man then asked him a question about himself, he guessed he would answer as truthfully as he could, I also use Taijutsu, Savate to be specific, Im Nakamura, Call me Naka, i dont actually know my Last name, never did, haha, i was born somewhere near here, and my parents ran off when i was little and left me in the woods and i was raised by the ninja here, lets hear about you this man could amuse him for a little at least.

Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

"Oh, haha, man dont overestimate me, i cant do taijutsu, its too difficult for little ol' moi" Idiotic as it was, Shizuo doesn't use Ninja arts much, he mostly uses his hands and legs, without using a specific Martial style.

He was asked about himself an so he replied "I am Uzumaki Shizuo, The LEADER of Konoha's guardians, I use FuuinJutsu and NinJutsu"

Genjutsu and taijutsu? a truly interesting combination, Shizuo wanted to test him but it was so late he had to go, aside from that, the man seemed to have a strong heart, he knew the moment he realized the strength of his heart, he held pain it seemed as well, pain can only strengthen ones heart, Shizuo spoke i a gentle tone "Yo welcome to the group"he said smiling as he bit the center of his palm, he then clutched his fist, he spoke "Upon my dripping blood, you've become my brother, now you ain't alone, we're a family, i'll go now, oh and we'll be having a meeting sooner than later so stay alert, and welcome to the team" he didn't ask him to join, it was futile, this boy needed a family, so did Shizuo, He created a family, and now this man infront of him is a part of it.

[exit thread]



As it turned out the man he had met didnt use taijutsu, he just was good at brawling it seemed, and he really did do it good, he then annonced that he was in a group, something like the guardians of Konoha, and as it turned out he was now in the group he didnt ask or anything he just annouced that Naka was in it, Hmm i guess that there was actually something that could ease my boredom, but this Uzumaki would be a challenge even if they were in the same group or club thing he watched then as the Nakamura walked away actually quite content with the day which once again was an odd surprise, he actually was quite interested in seeing the jutsu that this odd blonde man had and also wondered how he would fair against his genjutsu and taijutsu combo.guy started to walk away he called out after him Ill see you at the meeting then, but remember you are interesting and now my rival got it he said with a smile...which was odd for Nakamura he didnt smile that often as a habit more or less.

He then watched as the kid started to walk away from him slowly a smile creeped upon his face, he started to delight in the presance of this odd character and as passingly odd he enjoyed this time he was with this...weirdo Haha this is rich i this is the first time ive actually enjoyed myself, and what is he saying about family why wouldnt he have one, though i dont know why i dont have one either but you know maybe i can actually enjoy things from time to time

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