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The form of Syekren Uchiha was seen moving out of the village gates into the Kaze no Kuni wilderness. Not much of a wilderness, seeing as how it was all but sand. But there were a few dead trees which after being out in this sand so long seemed to be harder than rocks at this point. Usually Syekren had training dummies brought out with him so he'd have something to hit. But this time he had decided to fight invisible enemies and concentrate on finding a better way to manipulate his flow of chakra. He sighed, quietly pulling his form to the middle of a circle of dead trees, closing his eyes. He had only worn his Sunagakure jacket today to keep the sun off of his peach skin but, a little tan never hurt anyone.

He quietly shouldered the jacket off, folding it up and setting it upon the ground. Reaching into his pocket he procured a roll of bandages, and after flipping his hair back, he began to tie them around his forehead, keeping his hair out of his eyes. His bangs went to the back of his head at this point and as such were tied down by the bandages. He was wearing a black shinobi net-shirt today, with his clan's symbol stitched into the network of holes on the back of said shirt with red and white colored string. He sighed softly, getting into a karate stance and concentrating his chakra into his hands and feet.

He was trying to mantain the chakra flow but failed as he let it falter. He sighed, looking at the Sunagakure coat he had folded and set neatly upon the ground, willing himself to try harder. He had heard that the girl he defeated in single combat had become the Kazekage. He could not let it be that someone weaker than him was now the strongest in the village! He was going to push himself day in and day out to become stronger than her, maybe even become the strongest Sannin ever known! But first he would have to control his chakra flow.

He sighed, sitting down on the sand in a meditative position closing his eyes. He crossed his legs, one over the other, and put his hands together in the tiger handseal. He felt the fire within him, and he knew this would metaphorically be his chakra. He'd have to control the flow of it through his body. He felt himself pushing the flames through the intricate system of links in his body, moving through each of his limbs, his torso, his head, his toes, and fingers. Once it started to pull back, he'd only push harder, forcing it to continue the mantaining composure.





Eventually he couldn't maintain holding the chakra at the points and he let it falter, falling back onto his back to lay in the sand. This was much harder than he thought it would be. He wouldn't give up though! Not until he surpassed everyone else! He got up and stood, to get into a karate stance. Focusing his chakra, he began to kick and punch at the air, moving his form to jump and flip away from his position, only to run forward and jump-kick and invisible enemy. Upon landing, he'd crouch, turning quickly to sweep as if taking out an opponent's legs, bringing his form to jump into the air once more raising his left leg high. He landed, slamming his heel into the sand where he imagined an opponent's face would be, kicking up sand into the air. He smiled, then moving to rotate his body, bringing his leg up to spin-kick another invisible opponent, chaining together three spin-kicks then moving his fist to punch into the heart of his last invisible opponent. He was slightly sweating now, which meant he was working hard and he liked it. Sitting back down to meditate once more, putting his hands into the tiger handseal again.

He forced the chakra along his pathways, activating his one-tomoe sharingan. He sighed as he felt the chakra begin to falter once more, but would not give in. He'd push the chakra along the pathways, causing it to become a higher intensity of the chakra. He could feel his inner-fire burning up and becoming hotter and stronger, while channeling his raiton chakra into his fists to have them become his current. Current. "That's it!" he thought to himself. ''If I focus my chakra like a raiton current through my body, I should be able to control it better!'' He stood up, putting one hand pointing to the sky, with all but his index and middle fingers pulled back to make a semi-fist. Whilst his index and middle fingers were pushed together, pointing to the sun. He used these fingers as a starting point for his raiton chakra channeling. He did the same motion with his other hand, but instead pointed these fingers to the ground. He'd move his body slowly, bringing his hands inwards towards his own chest, pointing the fingers at each other in front of his stomach.

A slight charge went between the two and he smirked to himself for thinking of the idea. He then turned his form, to push outwards with his fingers in front of him, pointing out towards a dead tree. He felt the shock of his raiton chakra channeled in his hands, and it made him lose his concentration, the chakra being let go once more to falter. There had to be an easier way to do this, there just had to be.



Ray Kato

Ray Kato


The sound of Ray's footsteps on the walls of the village were the only things that could, with a rare possibility, let someone with an impeccable hearing come to know about the young Chuunin's ever-shifting position. Ray himself didn't know why he was running, or where he was running to. He'd just gotten the idea to start running, and had continued forth, wearing his usual black robe with his ninja sandals, his hair tied in a loose ponytail with a unkempt strand competition going on in front. His strides were rhythmic, and followed a simple pattern which allowed him to maximize efficiency and minimize exhaustion. All in all, it was a pretty smart move. Ray continued running along the walls of the Hidden Sand, uncaring of where he was going, and only looking occasionally at the people he found interesting. Then, suddenly, as if he'd just heard something shocking, Ray stopped in his tracks, and jumped down near the village gates, alarming most ninja who'd been going around, doing a normal day's work. Waving nonchalantly to them, the uncaring and cold ninja stepped out of the gates, and began running in a random direction.

Soon enough, he felt someone's chakra. That would only be possible if said person was using some techniques, while being in a relatively close area to Ray's current position. Looking around cautiously, Ray ran into a direction he'd hoped would take him to where he wanted to go, and that was to this mysterious person who's chakra he had felt. Ray only had to run a little bit before he saw another man, clad in a netted t-shirt with the Uchiha symbol on the back, and bandages around his forehead. Ray dropped low to the sand, cautiously looking at this ninja. The ninja had a leather jacket not too far away from where he was, and his forehead protector couldn't be seen. He had assumed a karate stance, and was using highly karate based moves. Ray had seen this man before, he definitely had. This man was one of the ninjas of the village, and Ray had seen him around. Now that Ray realized that this man was a friendly, he approached him, showing himself, attempting to smile at the man.

"Hello, Uchiha. I'm Ray Kato, and who might you be?"



Hearing a voice behind him, he turned to see another male approach. He introduced himself as Ray Kato. Obviously another from his village. Syekren sighed. Again he had found a place to train alone and again his quiet was interrupted by another. Not that he minded at this point though, it was nice to train with another when you couldn't completely concentrate by yourself. He sighed a bit, turning away from the male once more, shaking his head. "I am Syekren of the Uchiha clan. And don't think me rude but talking is over-rated. I came here to train you see." His speed was of two ranks above chuunin, given his training in taijutsu and his natural agility. He smirked as he pushed his body to dash, flitting from the current position he held, towards the male that had shown up spontaneously. He would test this man's mettle to see if he was worth even speaking with. If not, well then he would be taken out soon. His fist came to the man's straw in a first strike, then moving to bring his other fist to the man's right lower rib. To continue the onslaught he aimed two more strikes on the left of the man's ribs, then pushed his palm to the man's stomach to force him back.

His form would flit backwards from his opponent, the red eyes of his sharingan training on his opponent, watching his every move. He would be ready for anything that his opponent could throw at him, if he decided to fight back. If not, then it was a sad day for Syekren. He needed a sparring partner to train and if this man would help him and play along that would be great. If not, then it would kind of suck but not everyone is a fight. The man watched intently and quietly, tensing his body in a sort of crouched stance, readied for the fight at hand. His fists began to have chakra focused into them, as did his feet and he began to try manipulating the flow of chakra through his tenketsu a bit more accordingly as he was still training himself to master two new jutsu.

WC: 1327/3000



Ray Kato

Ray Kato

"I am Syekren of the Uchiha clan. And don't think me rude but talking is over-rated. I came here to train you see."

Before Ray even had a chance to reply, the other ninja had turned and had slightly crouched forward, dashing towards Ray. Ray's acute eye noticed the ninja come towards him, and he instantly shifted his center of gravity backwards, raising a knee to block the man's first strike, and coming back up, using the momentum to lash out with a straight punch aimed towards the Uchiha's chest, while his right hand would block the strike to his right rib. Then Ray sidestepped and spun, parrying and evading the two strikes respectively, before turning his hand in a circular motion, only lightly parrying the blow of the straight palm over to the left. Ray lashed out immediately with a raised knee, but the Uchiha had already cleared a sufficient amount of distance between the two. Ray raised an eyebrow, and actually smiled, his first smile in a long, long time. "Now, that wasn't very nice, was it? You could've at least given a warning. Anyways, I'm all up for training with you, if that's what you wanted.", said the Chuunin, assuming his own Muay Thai stance.

Ray then ran towards the man, his own speed being only a little bit lesser than the Uchiha's, and when he came closer to the Uchiha, he jumped, using the force from his legs to drive forth his knee and concentrate all the force on the spearpoint of the knee, aiming directly for the Uchiha's chest. Regardless of it striking, Ray would somersault with the momentum over the Uchiha, and instantly crouch and spin with a leg sweep towards the man's calves, then raising his body, and use the spinning momentum to deliver a hook kick, hopefully snaring the Uchiha. As soon as this combo would be over, Ray would jump back, and half-backflip, landing on his palms and using those points to push him even further, where upon he'd instantly start the tiger handsign, controlling his own chakra levels, getting ready for his ninjutsu onslaughts.




He laughed at the statements the male had given him, noting the superior reaction time and speed of this guy. He'd have to be wary of him, and not let his own superior abilities go to his head. After a moment he could see the other ninja male sprinting towards him, trying to use a flying-knee upon his chest. With ease he side-stepped the attack, his one-tomoe eyes following the momentum of the man who had the somersaulted to the area behind where syekren had been. Upon seeing the male begin his sweep kick, the Uchiha pushed himself into the air, leaping high above his opponent, watching the man retreat back a distance and form a tiger handseal. Oh, so he wanted to play with jutsu now, eh? Syekren would gladly oblige, using his elevated position to himself use the tiger handseal, beginning to inhale deeply, mixing the air in his throat and lungs with his chakra, pushing them out of his mouth in a great orb shape, causing it to become a giant flame orb. The orb flew towards his opponent at a great speed, being the size of a bus. If it hit the male, the flames would consume him and cause great damage to him and the environment. The sand upon the ground around the large area of the roaring flames would surely be turned to glass. Upon finishing his jutsu and landing, he hopped away, concentrating his chakra for another attack, should the other fail.

He quietly activated his Flaming Fists jutsu, which would increase his speed by another half tier at least, as well as giving his fists the destructive strength of roaring flames. Not to mention, the flames themselves around his fist which burned intensely. His hands would look to be on fire, meaning the jutsu was in full effect and he quietly waited for his opponent to show once more, his body tingling to out-maneuver his opponent. He had to win this to show that he was stronger than that Koga girl. That he deserved to be Kazekage and that he would lead the village far better than she ever could. No matter what, he would show everyone his immense strength and capabilities as an Uchiha!

WC: 1500/1500 Hades Charge Trained
WC: 205/1500 Zeus Burst


Last edited by Syekren Uchiha on Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:30 am; edited 1 time in total

Ray Kato

Ray Kato

OOC:Will post on this once I come back from Manchester. Sorry for the trouble. I'm gonna take about 6 days.



OOC: Noted and accepted. See you when you get back buddy!



OOC: SOrry, I need the jutsu, so I'll close this for now.


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