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1Helping the Academy [D-rank] Empty Helping the Academy [D-rank] Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:52 am



Once again, Kyousuke voluntarily took the mission he once did before, helping the academy. The last time he did this was his first mission and he was nervous and not sure what to do. This time he was much more ready and wanted to see the mysterious kid he once see before while doing his mission in the academy but it was a different mission.

He walked inside the academy and headed straight for the room he was assigned to teach. He entered the room and everyone, the students, in the room looked at him.

"Hi, everyone, my name is Kyousuke Yuuki. You must be asking yourselves what am I doing here. The reason is because I'm here to teach you some of the basics of a Genin and also throw in some random stuffs about being a Genin." Kyousuke smiled and pointed himself using his thumb.

"I am a Genin and currently being a Genin is cooler than anyone of you think. Of course, being chuunin or higher is much cooler, but being a Genin is the stepping stone for being a chuunin." Kyousuke looked at some of the kids who weren't listening to him.

"Why don't we play a game?" Kyousuke asked the students. Some students excitedly reply yes and some students did not reply.

"Everyone , I mean everyone, get papers and start by crumpling it" Kyousuke get a piece of paper and starts demonstrating it by crumpling it. The students followed his demonstration.

"Now everyone get a hold of the paper you are holding and as strong as you can throw it to me" Kyousuke smiled and prepared himself for the paper barrage.

Kyousuke who was train in dodging things made his reflexes much more better than a normal shinobi.

The students start throwing the paper at him and Kyousuke starts dodging some of the papers but the papers where so many and instead of dodging them he uses a jutsu to blow them away from him.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" The student shouted and smiled at him. "Though it's cool" the same student said and sat back on his chair.

"The papers are too many so I used it. Fuuton, Nagare. Once you become genin it will give you access to these types of jutsu and of course you might be better at me in jutsus. Once you become genin you will have a chance to learn what is your nature, by nature I mean the elements. Mine is Water and Wind. Also other than learning your nature you will also have your own specialty. " Kyousuke happily explaining things to the students.

One student raised his hands and asked "What is your specialty?" The student looking at him puzzled.

"Mine is kugutsu and Medical Ninjutsu" Kyousuke showed his Medical Ninjutsu instead of kugutsu. He activate his chakra scalpel in his hands. Right after activating it green chakra surrounded his hands.

"This is one example of Medical Ninjutsu, though this one isn't a supplementary type this one for me, I use it more offensive type, but also this can be use for surgery." Kyousuke explained everything to the students about his medical ninjutsu.

"How bout kugutsu" Another student asked.

"I won't be able to show you kugutsu, because I don't have currently a puppet." Instead of demonstrating Kyousuke taught the students instead about puppetry.

He managed to tell the students a bit about of being a Genin before his mission ended.

"This mission is really tiring and also at the same time fun." Kyousuke told himself while exiting the room. The students who enjoyed the class wave their hands to Kyousuke.

"I'll be back next time so I can show you some of Kugutsu" Kyousuke smiled and turned away from the students leaving the academy with great smile.

"Now time to head back and claim my reward"

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