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1 Helping the Academy [D-rank] Empty Helping the Academy [D-rank] Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:23 pm



"Now that I've got my first mission I should head out and start doing it." It was the first mission for Kyousuke Yuuki as a Genin and being on his first mission makes him feel nervous even it's just a D-rank mission. Kyousuke walks toward the direction of the academy where he was tasked to teach students the basics of a Genin. He knew things about being a Genin and after being tasked in this kind of mission he kinda felt better and less nervous.

It was a sunny day at konoha, A man can be seen in front of the doors of the academy waiting for someone. Kyousuke approached the man and asked for help where he can find assistance where and when to start his mission. "umm.. Sir? May I ask for help, I was thinking do you know where can I look for me to be able to start this mission." Kyousuke smiled at the man, nervously. The man smiled back and told Kyousuke that he was also looking for him, he was waiting for the Genin to come and teach the students the basics of being a Genin.

The man told Kyousuke more details of his mission. He walked towards the class where he would teach. While standing in the front door of the class he took a deep breath. "I shouldn't be nervous, I just hope this class won't make it harder for me." he thought. He opened the room and saw that all eyes turned their attention to him. He nervously smile and entered the room.

All eyes on him and the room was filled with silence. Kyousuke smiled and tried to hide his nervousness.

"Okay! Everyone my name is Kyousuke Yuuki and today I'm gonna tell you about being a Genin and how cool being one!" Kyousuke smiled successfully removing the nervous feeling off him. The students, one by one, took interest in what he have to say but other students talk with their seatmates instead. Kyousuke looked at all the student and he also wanted not just one student to listen to him but all of them. He tried to think of a way on how to make the students listen to him and in a few seconds he thought of a good idea. "Okay everyone! Watch me!" Kyousuke smiled and used a Jutsu. "Shunshin no Jutsu!" in an instant Kyousuke vanished in the thin air and the students look around to look for him. He then appeared at the back of the room and shouted. "I'm here! You see being a Genin does also means being cool" After doing the jutsu, he managed to grab the attention of the kids.

Kyousuke walked towards the front of the room while talking. "We genin are sometimes put in a four-man cells or squad in order for us to learn teamwork and experience true ninja life under the supervision of an elite shinobi, a Jounin" Some students were amazed and others are paying attention now as well. "Also being a Genin we are also tasked into missions that makes us a part of our town, missions such as helping people and the town." Kyousuke turned back to the students and smiled. One student raised his hand and asked Kyousuke if his mission was this. "Yes, It is my mission to teach you but also I start to feel comfortable about doing this and because of that I can teach you more" Kyousuke smiled at the student who asked him before. "Like I mentioned before we Genin's are assigned in missions. We are always assigned in D-rank mission and rarely we are assigned in C-rank missions. But don't under estimate a mission by their ranks aside from the fact that higher ranked missions give us more money but a mission is always a mission, no matter what rank your mission is it is still important no matter what the task you are given with." Kyousuke , fully removing his nervous feeling, started to teach more about the basics of a genin he also taught the students about the experiences of being a Genin, even he is a new Genin, he still have lots of stories to tell. It was time for Kyousuke to finished his discussion. "It's already time and I enjoyed my time with all of you, I hope next time I see you is you becoming a Genin like me! Again, thanks for listening." Kyousuke smiled and walked towards the exit of the building. "Now that I've finished it I should get some Ice cream and also report."

Chakra 140/150::

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