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“So where too next?” She asked softly. It would seem as if fate had already dictated exactly what they were going to end up doing next. A Squad of Kiri Ninja walked down the street and approached Void and Iyata. Iyata turned and saw a childhood friend she had lost contact with once he became ANBU. She smiled and greeted him with a slug to the shoulder “Ras…nice to see you again.” The Anbu member smirked at the shoulder tap and nodded his head.

“Nice to see you once more Iyata. I have been given orders to provide you with an additional mission, it would seem you and your friend here are making friends at command.”

Iyata looked to Void and smirked softly looking back to Ras “Well what can I say, when you work well you work well together. What’s the mission Ras.”She asked softly. She slipped her hands into her pockets a moment and took a trip down memory lane a moment at the time she had first ever met Ras, he was a slip of what some would almost say a sickly boy. Very little body mass to the young lad, he was constantly being picked on in school, that was until Iyata intervened and beat the tar out of a group of boys that felt it necessary to show Ras who ran the yard…or they thought ran the yard.

Ras cleared his throat adopting an official tone “Aisu Iyata, and the Anbu known as Void are charged with providing protection for key strategic outposts within the city. You have been charged with protecting the Hospital so that our troops can evacuate the wounded there without pause or thought of attack.”

Iyata smiled and nodded her head gently, “Look at you Ras, sounding all official like…”Ras grunted softly and shook his head. Iyata continued “Alright we are on our way.” Iyata grabbed her friends shoulder and shook it a bit before allowing him to leave with his group and walking over to Void. “It would seem we have another series to go through. Let’s get a move on Void, the quicker we get over there the quicker we can put a end to this mess.” She said with a smile.

As Iyata and Void took off towards their next objective she could not help but wonder if this War was going to end with Kiri standing ontop of Seven Bells corpse. If the fates would allow her the opportunity she would gravely enjoy placing a sword in Seven’s heart herself, she was thoroughly displeased that a Puppetmaster much like herself was causing this amount of hardship, she knew that her village was not the best type of people. But an all out war killing hundreds of thousands of people, in her book no one deserved that no matter what type of travesty was committed in their history. She just wanted to leave in as much peace as possible…Peace that word seemed to lose his meaning far too often as she was able to see. Peace was the word elders used to reassure the young that nothing terrible would befall them while they slept…it was almost a lie…It is a lie. For so long as there are people drunk with power, war would almost be the end result.

“Tell me about your village Void…is it like this at all? War and what not…”She asked curiously, she looked back to the man as he followed close behind her on their way to the hospital. “I have never been outside of the Water nation so my knowledge is lacking a bit.” She confessed.

WC: 615
Total: 615/2500


Guanyin Nanashi couldn't help but to chuckled at the woman's words about bring food for the roast. Sadly the man had forgotten the memo to do such, for if he had remember he would have brought the needed vegetables and the likes. Speaking of the roast, the agonizing cries of the puppeteer had finally died done, with the only thing that was left behind being a burnt corpse, which Nanashi pointed out to the woman “Oops I guess I burnt the roast a little bit to much.” The way he said it sounded so casually as if he was talking about the weather, but yet there was a hidden humor in his voice that she should be able to pick up on.

“We should get together after this this War, I think we could be friends.”

If he wasn't wearing his mask Iyata would have been treated to Void's eyebrow being raised slightly, and a small smile spread across his face. He never thought that upon entering this war on behalf of Iwagakure no Sato that he would end up making a friend. Hell if he was being honest with himself he would thought that the Kirigakure shinobi would been more cautious around him, seeing hoe he's from a foreign village, but apparently Iyata wasn't like what he assumed. She was friendly, had a nice sense of humor and had a calming presence about her that he liked. So thus the thoughts of them being friends wasn't that far fetch.

“Sure I'll like that. Though how will you find me, if you don't know what I look like?” He inquired, for he still wore his mask and thus no one outside of the Iwagakure Anbu members actually knew what he looked like. Though he could guess his gray hair would be one want to find him, when not in uniform.

“So where to next?”

Now that was the million dollar question. Where exactly would they now go. They have completed their objective, defeating the puppeteer, leaving no evidence of the enemy behind besides charred cinders. Would they go about their separate ways? Or will they be force to fight together once again? It seemed like fate was about to send them the answer to their question. And such an answered came when Nanashi spotted a squad of Kirigakure shinobi walking towards them, with the one name Ras given them a new objective.

Though that wasn't the only thing that the Kirigakure Anbu told the pair. It seems that both his and Iyata actions had impressed the commanders at the based. Now isn't that interesting? The commanders are impressed with the work between two shinobis, one from Kirigakure and the other from Iwagakure. If the situation at hand wasn't so serious it would be funny. For who would have thought that an Iwagakure shinobi and a Kirigakure shinobi could form the almost perfect tandem. What make it even more impressive was this was the first time they worked together, but it seemed like they been synched for awhile. . .

Unseen by some but noticed by Ras, Nanashi's body position has changed so that he was near Iyata, and while he didn't do anything figure, it showed in his posture that he's willing to stand by her side through thick and thin. All the while not knowing her that well. And it was this that Ras mentally nodded at before debriefing them. . .

The hospital. So they will be in charge of protecting the hospital from any attacks as others evacuate the patients. Of course the enemy would want to attack that location. It having probably have the most concentrated amount of people excluding the academy. Not only that injured shinobis are there, thus making for easy pickings and if a perculiar strong shinobi there, it would be the best opportunity to take them out while they are in a weaken state.

“It would seem we have another series to go through. Let's get a move on Void, the quicker we get over there the quicker we can put a end to this mess.”

Nanashi nodded at the woman's words as he took off with her to their next objective. He could commend the woman's optimist personality on wanting to put an end to this war, but Nanashi had the feeling that it wouldn't be that easy. The war itself seem to only be in it's infancy stages, and has yet to developed further. The war for Kirigakure no Sato will undoubtedly wage for days, and he knew that the causilities that will mass from all this killing would be massive. And as they sped towards their location, he couldn't help but to wonder if Kirigakure would fall?

No they will remain standing!

Yes, he would do everything in his power to help Kirigakure out in their time of need. Some might be confused in his willingness to help the Hidden Mist, for why would a foreign shinobi risk their life for people they don't know? The answer to that is simple, he's risking his life for the people who can't defend for themselves. He's risking his life for those who don't have a voice in this world. He is risking his life for. . .

“Tell me about your village Void. . . is it like this at all? War and what not. . .”

The words of Iyata clearly within his ears, and silence descended upon the pair momentarily as Nanashi took time to collect his thoughts on what he could tell the woman. There is so much about Iwagakure that's is so different from Kirigakure, but where she he start?

“Iwagakure and Kirigakure is like night and day. Iwagakure no Sato is mostly rocky, there are a couple of volcanoes here and there. The climate is usually pleasant not overly hot nor cold. As for war? Can't honestly remember the last time there has been a war, we live in peace or at least close to peace as one can get. Besides that it's like any other village with different people, ideas and cultures. “ He said, hoping he quenched her thirst for knowledge.

“So you never been outside of Water Nation? How about once we end this war, I come and bring you to Tsuchi no Kuni? There is quite a few tourist sites and if that's not your fancy than there are numerous of other activities that we can partake in. And besides it would do some good to relax after all of this over.” He said as they sped across the terrain the hospital coming into view, all the while thinking about the last reason why he would help Kirigakure.

His head tilted toward Iyata before looking create ahead, a smirk on his face.

WC: 1149
Current Mission WC: 1149||2500



As they moved Void's words echoed in her head “Sure I'll like that. Though how will you find me, if you don't know what I look like?” She chuckled softly at a rather random moment and smiled to Void "I'll just look for the explosion."she stated in humor.

“Iwagakure and Kirigakure is like night and day. Iwagakure no Sato is mostly rocky, there are a couple of volcanoes here and there. The climate is usually pleasant not overly hot nor cold. As for war? Can't honestly remember the last time there has been a war, we live in peace or at least close to peace as one can get. Besides that it's like any other village with different people, ideas and cultures. “

As he talked more about his home Iyata looked amongst the fire and bodies and wondered what it would be like to have something resembling peace…in the end she could only conclude that it would be boring…and she definitely did hate being bored. Caught in a internal struggle with keeping busy and fighting and boredom with peace…Iyata was torn between the two ideals.

“So you never been outside of Water Nation? How about once we end this war, I come and bring you to Tsuchi no Kuni? There is quite a few tourist sites and if that's not your fancy than there are numerous of other activities that we can partake in. And besides it would do some good to relax after all of this over.”

Iyata thought that premise over a moment, she began to spin the different ways she could appeal to her senior ranks about building strong relations with the Iwagakure no Sato. She was a good story teller, hell she was a puppeteer it was in their nature to spin a good tale. She had it all played out in her mind that she would ask her Senior Officers about travelling to Iwagakure on the premise that she wanted to hand the olive branch to Iwagakure and explore their lifestyle and theology to help better understand the people and garner a closer relationship between the two nations…Yeah Iyata could do something like that…

“Hey, I bet I could get the Uppity Ups to agree on an extended leave in the spirit of brotherhood and togetherness..” She chuckled softly as she played out the conversation with them in her heard.

They touched down just outside the Hospital’s courtyard and gazed in horror as the entire courtyard was overran with Puppets. It looked literally like a colony of ants had sprung up from beneath the earth and swarmed the area looking for sustenance and slaughter. Iyata looked in disbelief, how could it have gotten this bad in such a short time, it would seem that the Seven Nin were not wasting time with indulging their slaughter they were here for business and ultimately anything that got in their way was just collateral damage. Iyata looked to void, the look on her face was chiseled stone “Let’s smoke em..”She said plainly, which coming from her in such a way completely opposite of her cheery humor meant business. “Make sure we provide protection for the wounded and doctors, but other than that…kill em all..”She said as he leapt forward.

In the distance a Puppet extended out his bladed claws and ran them across the face and body of a young girl tossing blade left and right in the wake of it’s chaos at rendering the flesh from its victim. Iyata saw this and quickly became enraged as the Puppet turned to a younger injured girl screaming for her mother. As the puppet moved towards the young girl, Iyata threw her hands forward. Chakra strings uncoiled out of her fingers and in the same motion flung Garuka forward. The Puppet met Puppet as Garuka snatched his gnarly claws and teeth into the Puppet. Iyata pulled on the strings quickly and expertly pulling Garuka back off the puppet. Garuka’s left arm retracted and a grappling hook shot out of his arm just past the puppet to where Iyata was. Iyata moving as fast as she could grabbed the hook in midair and the two of them began to dance around the puppet in opposing directions tieing up the Puppet. Once sufficiently tied up, Iyata lifted both her hands Chakra Strings and Grapplinghook united and threw them down on the ground Garuka mirroring the image. The puppet smashed repeatedly into the ground below it busting pieces and limbs onto the ground.

Iyata was slow to react as another Puppet had managed to get behind her and was successful in raking his claws against her back. Iyata jumped forward in surprise able to avoid the grab the puppet made at her, She rolled away from the Puppet and seethed lightly in pain as she reached behind her and felt wet blood. “Fucker…”She muttered in a curse.

Chakra 240/250:

WC: 834
Total: 1452/2500


Though it wasn't noticeable by the mask, but Nanashi actually cracked a smile at the prospect of her coming to visit Iwagakure no Sato. The thought itself was pleasing to say the least. Though he did idly wonder how she would convince the higher ups in allowing her to travel such a distance from her homeland. Maybe she would tell them that the trip was to fester good relationship between the villages? Or maybe that it would give them the opportunity to look out the facilities of the other nations? There were literally many didn't reasons for one wanting to visit another country, and Nanashi was sure that the woman beside him could given the upper echelons a reason to allow her to go, something which he confided in with her.

“I wouldn't doubt it. And seeing how we are apparently making friends with the higher ups, it's more than likely they would agree to such a request.”

That was the other side of gaining positive feedback from another nation's leaders. One could possibly use that knowledge as leverage to gain or improve something that want or was close to them. The fact that the two have been recognized by the upper commanders meant one thing, the commanders now have a reason to potentially foster positive relationship with Iwagakure, and they would be using Aisu Iyata to do such. For why would they send anyone else besides the woman who had a connection with one of Iwagakure's prominent shinobi? That shinobi being an Anbu no less. Yeah, it was a good possibility such a scenario could play it, Nanashi knew it and so did Iyata.  

Upon touching down at the hospital, Nanashi's hands subconsciously tighten together, lone eye swirling to and from as he soaked in the carnage around them. Hell would have been to kind of a world to describe the scene before the male and female duo; bodies of men, women and children litter the ground like leaves, medics of various nations were scurrying across the field trying to save anyone that could, but most of ended up in failure. The Anbu member knew without his mask, and it's built in filter, the stench from the corpses and pieces of meat that were slung around would have been overbearing, and even though he couldn't smell it his brain was bringing forth such smells to the forefront. It was another relation for our silver haired medic, not only did war take a physical toll on you but a mental one as well.

Welcome to hell. . .

The words of his subconscious played over and over again like a cheap mantra. Is this what his inner self was talking about? Is this truly hell? Or was it just a representation of something that could much, much worse?

Wouldn't you like to know. . .

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Nanashi turned his attention to his comrade to see how she was holding up, and it at that exact moment which she turned towards him and spoke to him that he noticed it. There within her eyes were fire and brimstone, there were a storm brewing within her orbs and it was about to be released on the poor hapless souls before them.

May Kami have mercy for them. . .

Looking around the area, Nanashi noticed in the distance that there were a group of medics trying to heal a small grouping of patients, as shinobi from other villages were being hard pressed in pushing back the advancing squad of puppets, and if someone didn't step in the medics and other denizen would surely be killed. This couldn't happen, and thus channeling chakra to his legs, Nanashi burst forward towards the location, appearing in a body flicker between the defending medics and the advancing puppets.

“Are you reinforcements?” One of the obviously tired shinobi asked, upon seeing the Anbu shinobi a front of them.

“Yeah, me and my partner are.”Nanashi stated, tilted his head towards the direction of Iyata.

“Good, we need. We can't move the injured till the puppets are cleared.”

“I can help with that, but I need all of you to stand behind me.” Nanashi said, speeding through hand signs while doing so, his silver hair becoming increasingly harder and longer by the second till it reached the ground and curled slightly. With a simple head whip, needles upon needle began to pepper the area a front of him, in a cone like fashion. The puppets that were advancing didn't stand a chance from the barrage of needles, as they were being torn into splinter. And as the last puppet succumb to the needle barrage, Nanashi was left with a bald head but only for a second, for his hand grew back to it's original length in no time. Turning around to face those who he had protected, he noticed the relieved look on their faces and received small thanks of gratitude for helping them.

“No need to thank me. You all need to get out of here quickly.” He said before turning his attention to the one who asked if he was reinforcements “I take it your squad will be guarding the medics as they transport the injured to a safe location?” He received a nod, and that was good enough for him, thus with no further questioned asked he moved deeper into the fray.

Moving through the war zone, Nanashi founded himself near Iyata's position and immediately took noticed of the flesh wound on her back “You got careless.” He said though not in a scolding way.

“Do you need that to be healed now? Or after we kill the rest of these bastards?” He asked over the assuring chaos around them. More puppets were advancing towards their position, and thus Nanashi was going through hand signs, as lightning chakra began to building in his mouth, a small yellow sphere materializing before being shot off in a powerful raiton beam that ripped straight through the puppets, waiting for the next assault.

Current Mission WC: 2169 | 2500

Chakra[b]: [/b]205 out of 250:



“Do you need that to be healed now? Or after we kill the rest of these bastards?”

Iyata looked to Void and smirked at him as he mentioned her carelessness. “Yeah I got ahead of myself.”She commented and leaned back a bit. There was still plenty of Gas in this girls tank. “I am fine for the time being, right now we have more pressing concerns.” She commented as Void shot another volley of Raiton and destroyed a swarm of puppets that were getting ready to ascend on their position.  Iyata took the moment of relief and took a deep breath and pushed herself up and once more surveyed the area a moment longer taking in any strategic points that they could use to be able to use to their advantage.

She was pick to spot the group of puppets moving for their current position she stood up quickly and took inward a breath and once more exhaled. A vast amount of water suddenly gushed out her mouth and built up with enough force that felt like a waterfall, the water tidal waved as it raced towards the incoming Puppets and smashed into them. As their bodies shot back towards the Courtyard walls they bounced off once another before slamming into the concrete wall. Iyata in a fluid motion closed her mouth and held her palms out breathing into them, the wind from her breath pooled into her palms.

As the pool of Fuuton suddenly took form into the size of balls three in each hand, The wind pressure raced around Iyata as she held these balls. She ran forward moving towards the Disoriented Puppets and with the precision she threw two balls directly into the chest cavity of three of the puppets. Upon impact the balls exploded and accelerated drilling holes through their wooden bodies and exiting out the opposite side leaving deep dents in the concrete behind them. The bodies dropped to the water with a silent splash. Iyata slid to a halt just shy of jumping back into the fray of Puppets and nimbly jumped backwards unsheathing her sword.

She suddenly flung her sword forward into the air in doing this she guided with her arms slashing a small group of Puppets in the wake not making much of a dent in their bodies but carving up a few holes here in there. She suddenly brought her Blade back towards her yo-yoing it a moment back and forth before it fleeted back into her hand. The Chakra Strings disappearing from the hilt once more.  Iyata moved back to Void and looked at him, “I do believe we are winning..”She said with a smirk.

Iyata had no sooner said that and looked to the distance as one of the doctors pushing a patient from the building to another was seen by a group of Puppets. Iyata ducked behind Void quickly and raced down the length of the courtyard to intercept the Doctor. Once more activating her Chakra Strings on Garuka his dormant state was suddenly nullified as he shot into the air. Iyata knew she was not going to make it in time, She threw her blade up towards the Sky guiding Garuka in the air she was able to make her Puppet grab the sword in flight and in one large stroke slam the blade into the top of the Puppets skull. The blade pierced the body only a little bit. However it was enough to make the puppet turn his attention to Iyata and Garuka. Garukas mouth suddenly shot out a canister at the doctor upon hitting the ground it exploded into smoke providing the perfect smoke screen for the doctor to get back into the building.

Iyata took her sword back from Garuka and sheathed it once more and stood off against the Puppet in front of her. Garuka and Iyata worked in tandem with each other it was not because she controlled the Puppet… no it was because they had worked together for so long that it became almost second nature, Garuka was an extension of Iyata and she exploited that to the fullest degree. “How you doing over there Void? Need any help?” She asked with a smile.

Chakra 190/250:

Total: 2160/2500


No sooner had the words left his mouth, and he got a good look at the smirk that danced across her beautiful face did Nanashi realized that the woman beside him wasn't like the others. This one could handle the pain from an injured and continue marching forward as if nothing happen. It was like she had got a small scratched, the wound was that minute to the Aisu female. She showed toughness that many women didn't show nowadays, and to be honest he founded that to his liking. But there was something else about the woman that caught his attention, which he had noticed on a few other occassions. When he had talked about the peace which Iwagakure no Sato had she seemed to have an internal struggle of sorts. As if she would rather be amidst the carnage that currently presented itself. It seem like Aisu Iyata was born in the wrong time period. She would have perfectly fit in one of the more chaotic shinobi eras. However, if she did ended up being born in those era, than he wouldn't have gotten the chance to meet her, and thus he was glad that fate deemed her to be born in this day and age.

“I'm fine for the time being, right now we have more pressing concerns.”

Nanashi tilted his head slightly at the comment before taking noticed of the group of approaching puppets that were heading towards their direction. Before he even had the chance to spring into action his partner throughout this war beat him to the punch, and doing something totally out of character doing a war watched her work. Some might say that killing isn't an art. It was something that anyone could do if with relative ease. But as Nanashi watched the woman lung towards the massing puppets with swirling balls of futton, having already destroyed many with the torrent of water from her mouth, he noted that the woman made killing into an art. The way that she used her abilities to lay waste to every thing in her path was beautiful and it really made killing look like an art.

Upon her arriving back towards him, Nanashi gave her a nod of approval at how she handled the marching puppets “Nicely done. And yes it seems so, the numbers are dwindling, lets end this once for all. . .” No sooner as the last word left his mouth, Nanashi's head swirled towards the direction of where Iyata was racing off to, and noticed what had gotten her attention. As much as he wanted to watch the woman save the doctor, like he knew she would, there were more pressing matters at hands. That being a downward katana strike from a puppet that sneaked up behind him, though the slash was dodged, Nanashi still had to contend with the other blades on the puppet. . .

Three seconds. . .

Nanashi knocked back the puppet's thrust aimed for his chest, opening up the thing for a counter attack which he executed with a two foot long senbon through the joints, jamming them from functioning.

Two seconds. . .

Katon chakra began to pour out of his pores, forming into the shape of the all familiar fiery cats.

One Second. . .

Those same cats ran towards the puppet, exploding and destroying the puppet with the last thing that was heard were their 'meow.'

Three seconds. . .not bad. . .

Nanashi couldn't help but to muse to himself as moved towards the Aisu woman, who was patiently waiting for him.

“Nope, I'm good and it seems like that should be it.” He said pointing towards the carnage around them, puppet parts scattering everywhere the eye can see, the medics and allied shinobi moving out the injured quickly, know longer having to worry about the puppets anymore.

“So what now?”

WC: 644
Current Mission WC: 2813|2500

Chakra: 190 out of 250:



As Iyata sheathed her blade into the body of the Puppet and yanked it free tossing gears and wood onto the ground in a spray pattern. She turned around and guided her blade once more back into its sheath. She turned and watched the finale as once more the faint cry of a cat being kicked rung into the night followed by a large explosion and fire and smoldering debris flew into all directions. Iyata reflected on what she witnessed, between the two of them they had both extremes of killing covered. Iyata was the silent killer, she could freeze a man from the inside out and drowned a man before they could utter a breath. Void was the opposite extreme, he brought the spectacle version out. He wanted to make sure it was dead and anything within the area that was still alive was on notice to watch their ass or they would be next.

Iyata liked this budding partnership, to be honest she was sad that Void was not a Kiri Native as she would love to work with this man on a more regular basis, but she would definitely enjoy his work while this war was going on. Iyata walked over and approached the door to the Hospital and gave it a gentle knock, she surveyed the area once more before giving the word to the doctors.

“Is it safe to start moving people again?” The doctor asked sticking his head outside the door and giving it a look around.

“No worries, my partner and I were able to successfully mop up the rest of the Puppets in the area. I do recommend however that I will be sending a Chunin squad down here to make sure they do not reappear. This war does not seem like it will end any time soon.” Iyata commented and knew full well that it would rage on until the victor was decided. Iyata could not decide whether or not she liked that idea or, this was after her home and the fact someone destroying it made rather angry.

She left the doctors to continue about their business, she walked back over to Void and waited patiently as he finished. He approached her once more.

“Nope, I'm good and it seems like that should be it.”

Iyata smirked softly and shook her head and chuckled. She folded her arms in front of her in amusement and gave him a swift nod of appreciation.

“So what now?”

She shrugged softly with a smile “Well, I suppose we head back to base and wait for another mission I suppose…Knowing our luck they will have one once we arrive.” She chuckled softly and grabbed her puppet before walking past Void and smiling to him, “Come on Let’s go see if something needs killin…”

WC: 472


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