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Laughing softly, Mokuzai shook his head at the explanation of the mist usage from Yuuki. It wasn’t something he really should have told Mokuzai. He would only get teased and mocked for using something so people didn’t see him act like a weakling. “So you just used that thing so people wouldn’t be able to see how weak you are with genjutsu? Why not just lean up against the wall like you did and play it off as a headache or something? It would have been a ton more respectful than just using mist to distort a whole crowd of people. No telling how long that mist stayed up. People had things to do and you could have blocked the whole thing.” His eyes shifted back to the girl, hearing her tone again. Just a slight, and when slight comes to play with Mokuzai it means the minimal option, pity for her. “So you’re deaf? That’s why he has been handing you notes and explains your off putting tone of words." Shrugging slightly, he licked his lips at the thought of some ice cream. It’s been a while since he had ate his self so why not take up the offer and be feed something that will more than likely be amazing?

“As long as you’re paying.



Kyousuke who recently just change his attitude was feeling down and depressed. "Okay... But I have to agree with you..." Kyousuke agreeing with the guy's suggestion about what they did before, instead of using the mist he could just act. "By the way..." Kyousuke raised his hands towards the guy for a formal greeting. For him shaking hands is one of his formal ways in saying hi. "Again, my name is Kyousuke Yuuki and this girl beside me isn't my girlfriend or anything you of what you think. She is Ayumi... umm.. sorry I forgot your last name but I just recently met her at that area where you first saw us... If you don't mind telling us your name" Kyousuke realized that the girl was a mysterious one.

"This girl is not a konoha shinobi, then is she... NO WAY!" Kyousuke thought. Before he wait for the guy to answer his question he shifted his attention to the girl looking closer at her face. He leans forward to take a good look at the girl. Kyousuke raised his hand towards the girl head and remove her cloak which hide her face. "You don't wear forehead protector? Don't tell me you're a missing nin ?" Kyousuke asked in horror, he knew that missing nins are wanted and dangerous. Kyousuke stepped back from Ayumi and he looked at her feeling confused and puzzled.



"She is Ayumi... umm.. sorry I forgot your last name"

"Houkyaku." Ayumi said simply. She did, however, slightly trail off mid-sentence when Kyousuke's mood shifted and he suddenly became suspicious.

Ayumi jumped in surprise when her hood which she always wore was pulled from her head, exposing her face fully. She grabbed it almost immediately and pulled it back up. She didn't like to show her face in case she came across anyone from Iwagakure, her place of birth. Although Ayumi wasn't a wanted criminal or anything of the sort, she didn't want to be approached by anyone who even vaguely recognised her. She didn't want to go back there or even hear about the place... Too many horrible memories.

Carefully, she watched Kyousuke as he talked to her and turned red in response, hoping no one had heard and would try to place her under arrest. It was hard enough explaining things to people as it was without being tortured or demanded for information she didn't have. In reply to Kyousuke's assumption, Ayumi shook her head wildly, her worry perhaps coming across as even more suspicious.



OOC Note: It's been a long wait ...

He notice the girl's reaction when he pulled her hood and watched her shook her head lightly. He smiled and put his hands on her shoulder and pushing her to start to walk. He looked back at the guy who didn't tell his name to them. "You're going somewhere? that's unfortunate then, I might someday come across you and don't worry I'll still treat you though." Kyousuke smiled and continued guiding Ayumi's way. He's two hands on both sides of her shoulder, his head come close to her and whispered.

"Don't be shy with me, I'm just too excited too eat Ice cream. It was just so unfortunate he can't come with us." Kyousuke whispering to her. He knew that she wouldn't hear her. He smiled and ran around facing her in front.

"I'm sorry for whispering." He looked at her closely under the hood.

"Do you mind removing your hood of yours, actually, it might be nice to see your face. I like your hair color! It really suits your quiet and cute attitude." Kyousuke was being playful at that time. Right from the time he removed her hood he just used the missing ninja as a reason to see her face. He wanted to see it and have to that on purpose.

"Don't worry, I was just kidding about you being a missing ninja. Why don't you go ask hokage to stay here a little bit. I am in need of assistance in my mission these days." He smiled at her showing his teeth and his eyes closed. A big childish smile.



Ayumi watched the boy who had spoken to them as he faded into the crowd. He wouldn't be missed. The whole situation was becoming quite annoying anyway.

She clung to the sides of her hood, looking at the older boy with a subtle frown, reading his lips as she usually did. She glanced around herself, gazing at everyone to see if anyone she recognised was nearby- an unlikely event but still possible. After deciding that no one was around, she gave a sigh and pulled her hood down, shaking her hair out and lifting a bandaged hand to move a strand from her face.

She'd never really liked her hair or her appearance in general. For the last seven or so years, Ayumi had been hiding in the shadows and barely talking to people at all. She was used to not being acknowledged and being ignored in general. It came as a surprise when Kyousuke asked her to pull her hood down. Why should it matter what she looked like anyway? She was here to earn a title.

"I am going to see him." She muttered in a dull tone. "Soon." She glanced down. She had never been very useful in missions. She didn't know much ninjutsu and her genjutsu style wasn't particularly offensive.



"Soon." Kyousuke heard her last word. He don't know why but the word gives him a creepy feeling. He looked at the market district and looked around. He was looking for something and it seems he can't find it.

"Ayumi... by the way..." He said a little bit low. His eyes shifted towards the girl and looked at her. "I don't think I might be able to give you a free Ice cream today." A small hint of smile can be seen from his mouth.

"You see... I don't have much time to explain. But there are few things I need to do, today. I just recently remembered." He smiled and turned away from Ayumi. He took a deep breath and looked back.

"We might meet again someday since I'm a shinobi from this city. Maybe you should talk with the hokage, he is a busy man after all, might want to reserve for a schedule. oh, there is a nearby inn over there." He pointed on an area where the nearest inn is.

He scratch his head. He hold one hand of Ayumi with both of his hands and smiled at her. His face was a little red and he hoped that she don't notice it. "It was really nice to meet you." He kissed her hands as a courtesy or maybe not but after doing so he left and ran away. Waving his hand while running away.

OOC: I have to leave >.< sorry to finish this quickly




[OOC: That's fine.]

Ayumi simply looked at him as he glanced around the market, reading his looks, wondering what he could've been thinking. She nodded to what he said as she had decided it was best to skip the ice cream. If she was going to see the Hokage today, it was better to do it before dark. It was a good meeting, she supposed, although quite confusing. She hadn't talked to anyone like that before and she didn't really know how to respond to someone being friendly. Ayumi continued to read his lips and nodded every few words to let him know she'd understood. After a few seconds, she pulled the hood on her cloak back up. When he kissed her hand, she smiled and said, "Thank you." Seconds later, the boy was running and waving to her. With one hand fiddling with her hair and the other waving, Ayumi said the word "Bye" in a louder than usual tone.

It was a while before she turned and began to walk towards the building. It was midday, and getting hot, but it wasn't going to stop her. Thoughts of who else she meet in Konoha filled her mind. Maybe she wouldn't truely be alone forever.

The girl vanished into the crowd.

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