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1Field Trip to the Pool (D Rank Mission) Empty Field Trip to the Pool (D Rank Mission) Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:54 pm



Another day another mission or so it seemed. Every day for the past week he had been given a new mission to attend to. It seemed he was either getting noticed for his completion rate or they were simply short on ninja personnel due to the recent threat that loomed over kiri. Being a genin it seemed his primary missions right now were to do missions that kept everyone happy. So people thought things were going on as normal and there was nothing to fear. Shinobi knew otherwise though. He helped with his part but was also training religiously to help on the battlefront. He didn’t want to feel completely useless to all the stronger shinobi that were risking their lives to protect everyone. His latest mission was simply guard duty and he was guarding a pool from potential pranksters within the class he had taught yesterday.

He was on his way to the pool now following the instructions that had been handed to him from the grapevine. He wondered if he would actually meet the Mizukage someday or if she simply didn’t have time for the lower level shinobi. It felt like some days he was fighting and doing missions for a ghost without really seeing the benefit in his labor. He didn’t dwell on those thoughts for long after all money was money that he knew was at least good for something. The pool was a very well kept area where lots of people on hot days went to cool off and have a little fun. Two hours for today the pool was reserved and he could see why the owner of the pool would want to keep it as clean and pristine as possible. It seemed every year someone attempted to pull a prank on the owner of the pool, and every year it was the academy students who had not grown up yet.

He leapt from rooftop to rooftop, the sun at his back as he landed gracefully in front of the entrance and casually walked through it. The owner waved at him from afar with a face of happiness that he had seen Dameon. This was going to be a boring assignment and he knew it but as long as he kept an eye out for the couple of pranksters he had to deal with before things should go smoothly and he could be quickly paid and he could go back to training. Promotion seemed to be right around the corner for him and he wasn’t going to let a couple of immature academy students mess it up for him. In fact he was going to go one step ahead of time and wait by the entrance and personally make sure each academy student didn’t have anything on them that could be used to harm the pool area.

Dameon sat there like a royal guard as the academy student class approached. He could see their faces of concern as they remembered Dameon from the class he had taught yesterday. They even seemed to slow down their pace toward the entrance as he held out his hand for them to stop. Some of them were completely clothed and carried their towels with them and there were a couple others that just wore their towels around them like a cloak. Those that were completely clothed he didn’t see and issue with but the trouble maker he had met before and another were wearing their towels around them and that seemed suspicious. He let the others go in to the pool area so they could have their fun.

“You two what are you hiding under the towels?” He asked sternly as he glared at both of them. The young boy that seemed to be with the prankster immediately confessed.

Mud, it was his idea he made me do it. I don’t wanna get in trouble for him.” The boy had spoken nearly crying.

“Both of you go home and clean up. If you make it back in time clean you can come in. If you don’t I will be coming to get you in two hours for some extra homework.” He stated. The young boys nodded furiously and ran off in the direction of their homes. His job seemed to be over so long as nothing happened in the next two hours.

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