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‘Well so much for getting better missions from now on,’ Dameon thought to himself as he left the Mizukages mansion. He was a little upset after having exceeded his expected performance on the last mission now he had to do something that seemed more like punishment. He looked at the sky as the sun began to rise up over the village. It felt like for every step he made forward he ended up taking two steps back and now he had to return to the place he hated for so long. He had to teach at the academy as the jounin who was normally teaching had been assigned to a more important task that required his utmost attention, or so he was told.

He walked slowly toward the academy recalling his time there. It was more depressing than anything else. He excelled but did it quietly and didn’t make any friends or win any popularity contests. Other students who did well seemed to get all the attention because they talked a lot. Back then Dameon kept a lot to himself and didn’t actively try to make friends or show off. He simply did what he was told and did very well at it like it was second hand.

He walked up to the academy doors as the students filed into its halls one by one waving goodbye to their parents and seeming happy to be there. He had never had that experience, he had to walk himself to the academy every day in handed down clothes because he had nothing that would fit him till he grew up. His blanket back then had been the jacket he wore now, and that too had been given to him by a nice man he had met during his time in the wilderness.

Dameon glanced at the card looking at the classroom number he had been given to go to. He gave a long drawn out sigh as he entered the academy and made his way down the busy halls. Children dodging and dancing around them as they ran trying not to be late. It was like a river of small people until the bell rang and not a single person remained in the hall except for him. Like cockroaches dispersing at the sign of light. Dameon walked up to the door of the classroom he had been given that day and pushed the door open. An eraser fell from the top of it onto the floor. He had seen it sticking out before he had even walked in. He simply grabbed it and placed it by the chalkboard before he turned around to the face the class.

There were about fifteen different children in the class all looking completely different from the next. The children themselves were extremely quiet and had even a hint of fear coming off of them.  Dameon simply glared back as you could hear some of them gulping. Slowly a bunch of students began to point to a single student that looked much more nervous than the rest. A young girl in particular stood up formally.

He is the one that tried to get you with that cheap prank sensei,” The girl said blushing a little a bit and chopping her words up from nervousness. Dameon simply leaned back and placed his hands on his hips.

“Class what’s wrong with this picture? Sure that young boy may have tried to prank a substitute teacher, as ninja though you are to learn the basics of ambushing. Though he may not have succeeded in it, all of you collectively have done something a lot worse. You all sold out a fellow ninja selfishly to protect yourselves. As ninja you have to protect one another, the strong, the weak, and those who wish to help you protect your village. The village is greater than one person,” Dameon said proudly. After that the class was completely his, no more issues or trouble. He would go on to show them and demonstrate the basic academy jutsu and give them all chances to practice it outside.

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