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Mission Info:

A simple mission was assigned to Ringo one Saturday afternoon. He had been planning on taking the day off, but the life of a ninja wasn't one to have days off. This reminder wasn't the most pleasant, but it was one he wouldn't forget. The mission he was assigned was to help out a restaurant in the town as a waiter. Upon arriving to it, however, he felt the mission must've been a mistake. The restaurant turned out to be a cosplay café. It mainly consisted of waitresses wearing French maid outfits or even Bunny outfits. Either way the dresses were short and revealing. Ringo couldn't see why he had been assigned this one, and was about head back to the Kazekage's office when the store owner called him in.

The café was packed from what Ringo could tell as he was dragged into the shop by the owner. The owner kept speaking but talked much too fast for Ringo to understand him. The poor man looked exhausted as he brought Ringo to the back room and handed him a butler's uniform. "You want me to wear this?" Ringo asked the man, who nodded his head fervently. Taking one last look at the mission note, Ringo took note of the ryo he would get and shouldered through it, hesitating just a bit as he went to the changing room. At least his curse hadn't kicked in, otherwise he'd have to be dressed as a bunny, and that would've been unbearable.

Post WC: 260/600



Returning from the changing room, Ringo was dressed just as a butler should be. He had a black suit draped over a black waistcoat fitted on a white collared dress shirt with a black tie tucked in the waistcoat. His long black dress pants suited his long legs nicely and he even had on black dress shoes that were polished to a nice clean shine. The outfit became complete when the owner threw him a towel to drape over his left forearm. Once he was deemed ready to serve by the owner, Ringo was sent out to serve his first customers.

At first, Ringo didn't like pretending to be a butler, and having to call his customer's 'Master' or 'My Lady'. But after a bit of chit chat between the other waitresses and himself, he started to enjoy it. The other girls working there were quite pretty and nice, and he enjoyed being able to talk with them normally while still being able to admire how cute they looked in their outfits. Apparently others thought the same of him, as Ringo noticed his section of the café started to fill up with girls similar to how the guys flocked to the other waitresses' sections. He even got a few phone numbers of some girls he had served when he came back to clean the table and found they had left their numbers written on a napkin.

He still didn't understand how this was a mission, but he kept focusing on the ryo he would be bringing in by doing it. The café owner seemed pleased with his work, and Ringo made sure to help out whenever he could, either helping one of the other girls balance a heavy serving tray filled with many cups of coffee or tea, or even taking out the garbage at the end of the day. By the end of his work day, Ringo had made two new friends with the waitresses Mae and Haruka Nashiku. They were twins that never got passed the Ninja Academy so they decided to work at the café. The pay was good, but apparently there had been quite a drama involving one of the girls and the owner that caused a huge rift. The girl in question had stormed off to start her own café and took several other girls with her. The new competition and loss of workers was why the café needed all the help they could get, explaining why the owner had to ask the Kazekage for help. Hearing this story, Ringo was glad to have been assigned the mission. He still didn't agree with cosplay shops as they were quite degrading of women, but he understood why he had been assigned and was glad to help people obviously in need. Ringo left the café that afternoon with a content feeling and a smile on his face for having one more mission in his resumé.

Post WC: 492
Mission WC: 260+492=752/600 COMPLETE

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