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1Saving the Cat [D Rank Mission/Complete] Empty Saving the Cat [D Rank Mission/Complete] Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:18 am



Mission Info:

The streets of Sunagakure were brightly lit by the hot, overbearing sun as Ringo made his way to the Kazekage’s tower.  Today Ringo started his first mission ever as a visitor of Sunagakure and as a shinobi.  He knew the mission was just a D rank level, set for low level Genin like himself, but he knew he wouldn’t be a Genin for very long.  He was determined to work his way up the ranks quickly.  To be promoted and become stronger was his current goal.

Just thinking about his becoming stronger and recognized as higher ranked shinobi got his blood going.  He got to the foot of the Kazekage’s tower and found a little girl looking up to a cat that had somehow managed to find a perch on the top of the Kazekage’s tower.  Ringo approached the little girl, “Hello,” he said.  “Ozaki, Ringo at your service.  I was called to retrieve a cat for you, I believe.”  The little girl nodded, then taking her eyes off the cat and to Ringo's she grew excited. “Oh, you’re one of those ninja!  Can you please get my little Sakumoto?” Ringo nodded and turned to face the tower’s walls.

With a simple thought, Ringo focused his chakra to his feet, keeping control of his chakra, he placed his feet on the wall.  The little girl turned her head sideways as she watched Ringo, now parallel with the ground, make his way up the tower.  He walked slowly up to the top of the tower.  He didn’t know how jumpy the cat might be, so he decided to play it safe and take things slow.

It didn’t take too long for Ringo to get to the top of the tower.  The whole time the cat watched him slowly make his way up as did the little girl, although she decided to yell out cheers for Ringo's support.  Upon making it to the roof of the tower, Ringo carefully stepped forward and knelt to the cat.  “Come here, kitty,” he called the cat.  It was a bright orange tabby, and it just sat in front of Ringo, licking it’s paw.  “Come on, kitty, it’s time to go down.”

Post WC: 378/600

Last edited by Ringo on Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:21 am; edited 1 time in total



The cat meowed back to Ringo as he closed in on it, trying his best to look appealing before the cat.  Brining his hands close to pick up the cat, it sensed danger and sprang away right as Ringo made a move to grab it.  “Just let me take you down, it’s not like you’ve got anything going on up here."  He made another grab at the cat, and it dodged just the same as before.  He was starting to get annoyed, but he kept himself calm with a deep breath.  Ringo stayed on his knees, and cooed at the cat to come to him.  The cat stared blankly at him for several minutes, just meowing at him.  He intended to wait all day for the cat to come to him, as long as he would get the cat to come to him.

Finally, after half of an hour went by, the cat nudged up against Ringo's hands.  He softly pet the tabby before picking it up carefully, afraid to scare it away.  He then went back to the tower walls and made his way down.  The trip back was much more pleasant with the cheers of the little girl and the purring of the tabby.  Ringo handed over the cat to the little girl with a polite smile.  She thanked him, bowing slightly and then running off with the cat in tow.  Ringo made his way back home, content with how his first mission went.

Post WC: 249
Mission WC: 378+249=627/600 COMPLETE

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