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Mission Info:

It was a bright and early morning in the desert village of Suna when Ringo got up one day. Waking up extra early, he began his morning routine; brushing his teeth, shower, ate breakfast, and got dressed. He donned his usual white t-shirt and gray vest with his long, black trench coat draped over him. Slipping on his black pants and sandals, but before leaving he grabbed his line launchers. Checking the mechanisms and firing the lines for a bit inside his room, Ringo considered everything working properly and headed outside. As he walked he adjusted his line launchers to get more comfortable. The line launchers usually made Ringo a target for odd looks and glares, as they weren't something that other people were use to seeing nowadays, but he continued to wear them despite this. The feel of the mechanism in it's glove-like structure against his skin just made him feel himself. It was hard to explain, but whenever he'd go without them, he didn't feel himself.

Making his way through town, Ringo headed towards the Ninja Academy. A mission had been assigned to him to aid a teacher hand out a test and prevent the academy students from cheating.  The classes of the academy always started early in the morning. Ringo couldn't remember how he had managed to get up so early just a year ago, whereas now he slept in at least an hour or two more. Even with the added hours, it still felt like he was as tired as he had been when he went to sleep last night. Shaking his head, Ringo finally arrived at the Ninja Academy.

Post WC: 281/600



Walking down the main hallway of the Ninja Academy brought back some fond memories of his time being trained within his clan's stronghold. He was a few years older than most, as many kids entered as young as 12 into the Academy, but he hadn't been in a family made for the shinobi life, yet here he was. Had it not been for Ringo's reason to train as a ninja, the irony would've been amusing. As he looked at the mission note to remind himself of the room number he needed to go to, he couldn't help remembering his days spent learning new jutsu and practicing them in and out of his clan's stronghold. Following the mission note's instructions, Ringo entered room 30A and found a class full of students.

The classroom opened up to his left, filled with many rows of long desks, each a level higher than the one before so every student would have a good view of the teacher. To his left, stood a lovely young woman of about her mid twenties that was busy writing on the chalk board. Looking back at the many students sitting and chatting with their friends, Ringo studied them a bit to get a read on them. A group of three guys were in the top left corner, talking about some nonsense, while several groups of girls were gossiping and chatting away, not paying attention to a set of four boys on the right side of the room that were watching the girls with fantasies and daydreams written on their faces. Ringo couldn't help but chuckle at the nostalgic sight.

The young teacher looked over and saw Ringo standing by the door. She introduced him to the class, and filled him in on what she needed him to do. His job was simple; pass out the test and make sure the students didn't cheat. She showed him the start and finish times that were written on the chalk board and handed him the test papers. With a nod, Ringo marched off, passing out the tests to the class three at a time as the desks sat three students each. Once that was done he made a note of the time and began as detailed on the chalk board. The students were given one hour to take the test, and in that time, he had patrolled in between the rose of students, watching them all closely as they busted their brains over the test. He had gotten a look at it while handing them out, and it was rather simple. There were only a few students who ended up trying to look at their friends' papers, but Ringo made sure they stopped with a quick slap to the back of their heads using a flick of his wrist and his line launcher. When the hour was finished he had them all turn in their tests and placed them on the teacher's desk. She thanked Ringo for his services and let him go. Leaving the Ninja Academy once again, he felt pride in his work and was glad to have helped another woman in need. It also was nice to have another mission under his belt.

Post WC: 544
Mission WC: 281+544=825/600

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