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Mission Info:

There are some things in life that people have to do just because they have to in order to move up in the world. A lot of jobs are out there that end up being a pain in someone's life. These jobs are usually ones that weed out the weak willed and motivate those stronger to get out of the job as fast as possible. Being a waitress at a restaurant was this sort of job for Izumi. Having to take people's orders on how they wanted their eggs cooked and their meat prepared. Having her run back and forth from the customers to the manager as a messenger on whether certain foods were safe for those with various food allergies.

Izumi held a serving tray in her hands, covering most of her torso as she tried to keep a smile in front of the customers. The worst part was that this restaurant required their waitresses to wear short dresses. She tried her best to cover herself with the tray, but always having to be conscious about blocking people's view of her butt was a pain. The dress was a pain. Being short it just barely covered her butt when standing, and when bowing to the customers, it lifted the bottom of the dress up for the whole world to see. If it wasn't for this being a highly paid D rank mission, Izumi would've never took it. She certainly wasn't going to take it again.




A call from the kitchen snapped Izumi from her thoughts, rushing herself to the back of the restaurant. The kitchen was small and cramped, which would've been worse if there were more cooks, but only the restaurant owner was cooking. It was a brand new restaurant and as it was just starting out, it needed workers. Apparently the village of Iwagakure was quite fine economically because the guy had to request a ninja to help him with the work. Personally, Izumi felt this was unnecessary, especially since she wasn't allowed to eat the food.

The restaurant's food was delicious, and she could tell why the guy decided to go into business, but she wondered why it took so long. It smelled great, it's sweet aroma of onions, bell peppers, fried rice, and stir fry filling the streets were enough to pack the place on its opening day. Not to mention the sound of the frying pan, sizzling the sausages, steak, rice, and other assorted meats and vegetables. The occasional pot clanging on the stove as the owner tossed the food into the air and caught it back in the pan would attract attention if the smell hadn't already. It was complete torture for Izumi to be ordered to work and not be paid in food. Yet the money was just as good, though she'd have to fight off her stomach with every fiber of her being to not waste it right away on this man's food.

"Izumi!" the owner yelled, snapping her attention back to the old man. "Did you hear what I said? You can go, this is the last dish of the day, i can serve it myself." She stood shocked for a bit, staring blankly at the man for a few seconds. She had been so caught up in the kitchen's charms that she couldn't really comprehend that she had completed her job already. "I said you could go! Hello? Are you okay, Izumi?" Finally it struck her and she set down her serving tray. "Yes, sorry, must've been stuck in work mode. I'll leave it to you then." She rushed out the back to get her clothes from the employee locker and made for the public steam baths. She was so happy to have finished another mission, especially one requiring her to be a maid.


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