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On a lonely night, in a mysterious cave, the sound of a blade unsheathing from it's holster could be heard as an evilish laugh echoed throughout the area. "Haha, the plan is almost in effect," said the leader of the four shinobi that stood upright in the center of the cave with their katanas drawn in their hand. Each of the four shinobi had been equipped with black ninja suits, an assorment of ninja tools around their belt, and a green scroll attached to the left side of their waist. Inside of the green scroll had contained top secret plans that would decide the future of the four shinobi. "Tonight is the night. That we obliterate are target, and we return back what is truly ours. Who's with me?!," cried the leader of the pact of shinobi, elevating his katana into the air, and pointing it at the ceiling. The other shinobi nodded, agreeing with the leader of the group, and acknowldging that this mission was a death or life situatiion; Even though, their target was a low-class ninja which just meant it would be like taking candy from a baby. The shinobi dressed in all black sheathed their katana into it's holster, and darted out of the cave, dropping their arms carelessly to their sides. The mission had begun!


Several footsteps was heard as dust from the enourmous stone bridge sprung onto the ends of the shinobi's blue ninja pants. A ear-soothing tune echoed across the large moutains, nearby where the stone bridge was. An flock of birds soared across the sky, exiting the area as the man came closer, and closer towards the end of the bridge, still reciting the tune. This boy stood at an six foot, and five inches with a few muscles on him. In equipment, he wore an black eye-patch with the straps caressed around his dark brown hair. Around his upperbody, he wore a long blue cloak that ended at knee length with metal shoulder pads ontop of it, and finger cut gloves around his hand. On his waist, his Iwagakure head band wrapped around his left thigh with his drawing scroll, and sketch book attaached each on the opposite side of the belt on his waist. The boy looked to be in his teenager ages. "So. Peaceful. I hope today can stay like this," Kosuke said as he contrinued to stroll along the traditional, and ancient stone bridge. The boy was at peace; He had been carefree of anything around his surrondings.

"While I'm here, I might as well pratice something. Since, I have all today before I have to arrive back to the village."

Kosuke murmured as he sat down at the center of the stone bridge, tucking each of his legs together into a pretzel form, and closing his eyes in the process. A thin condensed chakra aura formed around Kosuke causing the wind to quicken, and stir up a small harmless vortex around him. An enourmous amount of debris, and leaves rotated through the air around Kosuke as his chakra aura became even more denser, causing the vortex's speed to become more faster. The vortex spun with intense winds. Kosuke clasped his hands together, forming the tiger handseal, but with both of his hands still positioned together. Once the vortex had reached maxium speed, he opened his eyes, canceling the vortex instantly upon his action.. "Sharingan," A red luminous beam of light flashed into the atomsphere. When the light vanished, dark red piercing eyes with one comma around them could be spotted on the face of Kosuke. This was the same transplanted eye that he had acquired from his mentor, who had scheduled for Kosuke to meet at the stone bridge with his Sharingan activated. But, Kosuke had no clue why he had wanted to meet him here. Maybe it was for a meeting No matter what it was, Kosuke was just glad to even have the sharingan.

As Kosuke sat with his legs folded while meditating, a evilish laughter echoed across the ancient stone bridge as three kunai soared through the air towards the boy; A string and exploding tag was attached to the three kunai as they cut through the air, seeking down it's target like a guided missle. The three shinobi- Mamoru, Ritsuki, and Sachiya appeared in mid air behind Kosuke's blind side; His back, of course. Once Kosuke attempted to turn around, the three kunai had closed distance with him. "He's dead. That was a piece of cake!" said one of the three shinobi as they elegantly front flipped in mid air, and landed onto the stone bridge. To the human eye, it looked as if Kosuke was annihilated by the three kunai, but as soon as the three kunai closed distance, a billow of cloud of smoke arised into the area. Engulfing the entire atomsphere with smoke, Kosuke had used the Subsitution jutsu to switch places with a pebble at the end of stone bridge. "Subsitution Jutsu! Guess he's not a-" interrupting his sentence, Ritsuki gasped for air, taking his last breath as several ink shaped senbon ambushed him, and pierced through his neck, splattering a mixture of blood and ink onto the dusty ground of the stone bridge.

The man screamed in agony, falling down towards his knees, and slowly collasping in the center of the stone bridge. Ritsuki was deceased. He had died from the amount of senbon impaling him in his neck which cut off his breathing as one of the senbon hit a vital organ in the process. "Tell me now. Who sent you on an dummy mission like this?" said Kosuke as he, and his two jellyfish slowly walked towards the deceased corspe. Mamoru and Sachiya was in awe at the amount of talent the boy had shown. He had just flawlessly assasinated one of their comrades, and showed no emotionss while doing it. It was only one place this amount of talent had come from. It had come from his rigourous amount of training in the Tohon corp, where he was hospitalized for an enourmous amount of time as a child, and in this place, they trained mostly all of their students in how to kill a target effectively.
"You've killed my partner in one move. I never expected that, but now it's time for you to die!" shouted Mamoru, weaving through several handseals. Sachiya was speechless as he just stood near Mamoru, planning out his next move inside of his thoughts.
Wordcount: 1101



An enourmous amount of cloud of smoke appeared in the area, expanding out far into the center of the stone bridge; The smoke flowing through the ton of small zig zagged cracks carved into the ancient stone bridge as it began to slowly disperse into the atomsphere. Kosuke gasped for air in shock at the mysterious cloud of smoke. "What the?!-" Before Kosuke could finish his sentence, Sachiya flickered from out of the smoke to close distance with the boy, crouching down, and then attempting to pummel Kosuke's face in with an left side-wards kick towards his left cheek. The attack had completely caught the boy off guard, sucessfully striking Kosuke in the face. As the kick sended Kosuke to the left of the bridge, and launching him deep into the bottom of the ocean, the smoke on the stone bridge had dissapeared. Several identical clones was spotted in the center of the bridge. The clone's eyes navigated around the area, searching for their opponent, but he was no where to be found. The boy had now been swaming towards the top of the ocean as fast as he could, stroking his arms in the water as he pushed his feet in the water to propel him higher at a faster rate than an average male's speed of his age.
After reaching the top, Kosuke, who was drenched in water with his sharingan still activate had gasped for a large amount of air, regaining his breath as he wiped the washed up drip of blood from his nose, and stared at the stone bridge. The sound of his heart rate sped up even faster, but the boy didn't show any signs of fear. Instead, he was trembling with excitement. A sneak attack would be the perfect move for a situation like this, and I know just what to do for it thought Kosuke as he pulled out his soaking wet notebook, paintbrush, and an ink cartridge from his pocket. Flipping the ink cartidge open, he dipped it into the small amount of ink, and then began to draw a transcript. Meanwhile, on the stone bridge, the two shinobi, and clones started a conversation with each other in the middle of the battle. "Do you think he drowned?" Sachiya questioned Mamoru. Mamoru blinked, and swallowed his spit before speaking.
    "There's a slight chance. Go and check," Mamoru commanded as he performed the tiger handseal. As Sachiya followed his commands, Mamoru stood in the center of the bridge while patientely mustering up enough chakra to perform his next move. An chakra aura similar to Kosuke's formed around Mamoru. Then, several handseals were weaved through in an quick session.
Water gushed from out Mamoru's mouth, descending downward from the stone bridge towards Kosuke like a waterfall. "I see it," whispered Kosuke as he used the Sharingan to notice the attack, and immediately attempted to swam backwards, but Kosuke hadn't made it in time. Smashing his legs, the enourmous amount of water's impact had cause him to be submerged back into the water by the impact of the blast, but this time the attack only left him drowning for a few seconds before he arose back to the surface of the water. Kosuke opened his eyes. Several footsteps on the water could be heard as an familar voice entered the battle. This man had been dressed in all black with a katana wieled his waist. His headband now having a line carved into the Iwagakure sign. Kosuke was speechless.
      "Foolish child. Time to return what is mines," the man said as he grabbed the boy by his shirt, and elevated him into the air. His other hand immediately unsheathing his blade, resting it firmly onto the side of Kosuke's cold skin of his neck. Kosuke couldn't do anything but panic, and swallow his spit. The man had taken away his pride. "I believe something you have is mine. You  pathetic worthling," shouted the man as he slowly sliding the the katana's tip of blade towards Kosuke's jugular. A tear slowly fell down Kosuke's eye as his hand rubbed across his chest, concealing his foxy handseal movement of his hand inside his blue jacket.
"All over a transplant. It's sad that your going to have to live with such a toll on your life."
The man became even more enraged, shouting into the atomsphere with a war cry. "Shut up!" The blade had now slid to the upper of Kosuke's adam's apple as Kosuke stretched his neck up into the sky.
   "Go ahead, but I'm not going to die today," whispered Kosuke. An ink paranha rose from out of the water, hitting the blade to cause enough force to remove it from Kosuke's neck. The ink parahana disolved into a splash of ink from the water it was in, and went straight into the mans face. Using the water walking technique, Kosuke used one of his foots as a level to propel himself backwards. More water from this simple movement had splashed into the man's face, but that only unblinded that mans's view. Kosuke exhaled his breath. His transplant bleeding as he dropped his arms carelessly to his side, and began staring his opponent in the face. The man laughed at the failure at Kosuke, but the boy didn't respond to the actions. He just pointed into the air.
  "What the?!" shouted Kosuke's mentor as two flesh eating ink pirahnas had rain down onto the man's head, attempting to eat him alive. The pirahnas swam straight down towards the man as they had grit their teeth as if they'd smelled a freshpint of blood, but they had only seen an attack opening. Kosuke's had pointed his blades tip into the air, striking at the pirahnas, but the two pirahanas swam around the strikes in mid air. Dodgind the strikes, the fish fell directly into their biting spots onto the neck. A large amount of blood splattering into the ocean. Meanwhile, Masoru, and Savhiya immediately darted over towards the stone bridge to look at the battle that had been going on.              
"Kill me! Do it already. Put me to waste."
Tears flowed out the eyes of Kosuke; Kosuke never showed his emotions, but he had to kill his own mentor after his mentor idiotic attempt to end his life. The boy slowly walked towards his mentor. His pen's bristle part of the brush had turned into a blade. "Mentor, you brung this upon yourself," stated Kosuke, and with each step he took, more tears flowed from out the creases of his eyes. Snot running from out of his nose as well.
  "I didn't bring this upon myself. The eye. Caused this stress," the man responded. For a short period of time, he continued to maintain his water walking techinique until he fell towards the floor, dropping his katana into the water in the process of. Kosuke dashed towards him once the katana was safely out his hands. As the man dropped into the water, The boy grabbed the man's shirt, but he didn't pick him up in the process. His just stood his watery eyes at him. An image of flashbacks played in his head of them bonding before Kosuke striked the bladed brush into his mentor. Blood staining his black clothing as he released him into the water.
 "We better get out of here!" shouted Mamoru, and Sachiya. As Kosuke turned around, his transplant had appearead with another comma in it. His dark red piercing eye gazed upon the shinobi before they decided to take off running. Kosuke sighed, and then exited the area.
Two Toemoe Sharingan Obtained. Word Count: 2427

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