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1Aburame Revamp Empty Aburame Revamp Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:03 pm

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada



Clan: Aburame

Kekkei Genkai:
Destruction Beetle/Kikaichu

Elements: Doton/Fuuton
Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Konohagakure (Scattered)

Clan History: The Aburame clan (油女一族, Aburame Ichizoku) is one of the oldest clans within Konohagakure, and is said to have been living in the area before the birth of both the Senju and the Uchiha clans. The Aburame have always thrived within their symbiotic relationship with insects, and thus found the jungles of Kasumara no Kuni. The clan, being extremely old, is now one of the noble clans of Konohagakure, receiving untapped authority as the original owners and rulers of the land. During the wars that shaped the village between the Senju and the Uchiha, the Aburame remained hidden, practicing their own clan traditions and trying to avoid warfare. However, as war naturally does, it finally gripped them and forced them to participate due to their unique and extremely useful abilities. Because of their connection to insects, which were covering the jungles, the Aburame were quickly turned into spies that were forced to work under the Senju, despite what the clan leaders and members wanted. The Aburame clan is a special clan due to their traditions. The clan, as mentioned many times above, has a relationship with bugs that is unparalleled. They possess the ability to understand them, call to them, and manipulate them. However there is a very special kind of bug that has found itself constantly around the Aburame clan members due to their unique chakra taste. These bugs are called Kikaichu bugs, or destruction bugs. These bugs are made up of the different evolutionary stages of beetles, and each clan member can have a slightly different kind of bug should he or she choose hat kind of bug over the next. Most clan members wear a large jar on their backs. This jar holds the massive swarm of bugs that can be unleashed and manipulated during combat. However, upon birth, it is the tradition of the clan to offer the baby's body itself to the bugs. The bugs will take a liking to the chakra within that body more so than the other shinobi and actually use the body itself as a nest for their larva. In this case, the clan member's body becomes a living nest for the Kikaichu bugs, allowing them to leave and enter the body through squeezing in and out of their pours, stretching them through the use of chakra and the Aburame clan member's natural adaption to being a nest. Because of this, the clan members are able to live in this level of symbiosis with the bugs and are able to perform in combat without the need for hand seals. Because of this level of connection to the bugs, the children are raised to become important clan members and productive shinobi of the Konohagakure society.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Aburame clansmen are characterized by their use of insects as weapons. At birth, members of this clan are offered to a special breed of insects such as kikaichū as a nest, residing just under their host's skin. These insects with then live in symbiosis with their host. The clan members may also carry additional insects in jars or gourds with them on missions. The insects can leave and enter their host's body through various pores. They feed on chakra as a food source, making them quite deadly. The relationship between the shinobi and the insects is mutually beneficial. The host grants the insects shelter and allows them to feed off their chakra, their body becoming a living hive of tens of thousands of these insects, and in return the insects do the user's bidding, allowing the shinobi to perform ninjutsu-like techniques without the use of hand seals or chakra conversion. A major defining trait of the Aburame clan is that all of its known members eyes are obscured usually by glasses, as well as they wear clothing that usually cover up most of their body. A female insect can be left on a target, which then can be tracked by smell by the male insect, or scout insects can be sent out and return to tell the host information about the area. For this reason, Aburame clan members are experts in espionage; they can communicate with the insects, and the insects specialize in stealth because they make no noise or motion during combat. In addition to utilizing insects in battle, the Aburame clan also studies insects.

- Members can start with only one element ( Fuuton or Doton )  The second element can be learned at Chuunin (Cannot be Katon or Raiton ) and Aburame are limited to two elements.
- All clansmen can only have Ninjutsu as main.
-Weakness to Katon (+1 to damage from Katon, -1 effectiveness against Katon)

Aburame, Mugen
Aburame Yamada

Kakaichu's jobs and abilities:

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu

Last edited by Aburame Yamada on Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:02 pm; edited 5 times in total

2Aburame Revamp Empty Re: Aburame Revamp Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:02 pm



Jutsus all seem fine and from what I can tell the clan is sound, the drawbacks seeming to balance the bonus of playing as the Aburame. I'm willing to give this my 1/2 Approval~

3Aburame Revamp Empty Re: Aburame Revamp Sat Nov 16, 2013 6:35 pm



I don't think it's fair that one bug gets to drain the same amount per post as a huge swarm, as it's not specified. Maybe give a minimum number? Or a bonus/deduction to the target's chakra drain depending on if you use more or less than said minimum.

4Aburame Revamp Empty Re: Aburame Revamp Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:09 pm

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada


5Aburame Revamp Empty Re: Aburame Revamp Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:48 pm



Whoa. This needs....way more drawbacks. I feel like there should be more than the 2 elements only...since 'can only take Nin as main' isn't a drawback, as you would need Nin to use any of their jutsu.

6Aburame Revamp Empty Re: Aburame Revamp Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:25 pm

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada


7Aburame Revamp Empty Re: Aburame Revamp Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:40 pm



Do they take more damage from Katon, or do the bugs suffer a -1 disadvantage versus Katon? Or both?

8Aburame Revamp Empty Re: Aburame Revamp Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:13 pm

Aburame Yamada

Aburame Yamada

hopefully final fix

9Aburame Revamp Empty Re: Aburame Revamp Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:10 pm




10Aburame Revamp Empty Re: Aburame Revamp Wed May 14, 2014 9:26 pm



May want to reformat the "Kikaichu Jobs and Abilities" to not be a Summon Template. I'd like other staff's input on this.

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