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Things had been going very well lately, or so he felt. At least he could feel himself making progress and a lot faster than most people anticipated. He was dedicated and with a drive and single focus that never slowed him down. Though his feelings of loneliness slowly were starting to overtake him again. He hated the idea of being alone; he didn’t mind it when he was training, not as much anyways. The void that had seemed to vanish with making a friend slowly had returned after not having seen her in a few days. He wondered if he had done something wrong that made her not want to be around him. He constantly he had that feeling with everyone though, his fear of abandonment looming strong in his mind.

He pushed those feeling away and sniffed the fresh air quickly, one could mistake it for a sniffle but it was simply a means of distracting himself. After all he was in the middle of training and doing of all things vertical pushups trying to break his personal record of two hundred and five. He didn’t need to lose concentration now. After he did his physical training he would begin to work on jutsu practice where he would work on new jutsus and elemental techniques, it was sort of a cool down while his body recouped. He was approaching his max number and he could feel it as he struggled more and more with each pushup. His coat lay beside him as to keep it from getting too sweaty. His bare chest covered in the scars of his childhood as well as the bit marks up along his forearm.

Two hundred and ten; he could feel his muscles begin to give out and he pushed himself back touching his feet to the wooden bridge he had created over the small calm river. He calmly breathed in and out restoring his breathing to normal as sweat glistened on his body. He looked out across his training field that he had always used. The bright green grass, the river, and the small waterfall that lead into the clearing. The place was only really found because he was looking around the village for a place to train and discovered a boulder shaped like a sharks tooth pointing toward the clearing through the group of trees. He assumed it was a place the old seven swordsmen used to train or have meetings. He assumed this because a lot of the dummies were already there but it had been slightly decayed till Dameon had gotten there and fixed everything up nicely.

At this point he was already doing crunches off the edge of the waterfall. Being held up by nothing more than a tree root that ran across the water. The fall was small though nothing like a big waterfall; this one was only around five meters higher than the rest of the training ground. He had a jutsu he pictured in his mind he had been working on for days leading up to now. It would be his first long range jutsu meant entirely for attacking. His other jutsu were mostly defensive or close range. Water ran across his body as he leaned back into the fall of the water and escaped off of him as he pulled himself up. He was only fifteen turning sixteen soon but he looked a lot older, his body seemed to be perfectly toned and overall healthy minus the scars.

He had already finished a good hundred or so crunches in a couple minutes and his abs began to burn and tighten. He was approaching one hundred and fifty his highest amount as he ached past it and doing an extra ten that he hadn’t before. He pulled himself up and hopped down into the grass are again and began to stretch to loosen his muscles up. Yesterday he had already gotten close to perfecting his new jutsu and now he was about to attempt it again.


670/1000 (Raiton Style: Electric Cannon)



Chuunin. The third level of the shinobi path of life - second, if one didn't count the beginning step of an Academy student. It had felt like forever, something she had only dreamed about ... but now that she had finally achieved the title, it felt like nothing had changed at all. Everything was still the same, she was still in the same squad, around the same people, with the same level of power. Of course, that wasn't to say that she had expected some drastic change to occur once she was officially named chuunin, but even the thrill of such an achievement was dulled down, quite the anticlimactic ending to what could be described as the dream of all genin (at least, in a short-term view of things). Perhaps she just needed to train more, to push past her limits to fully realize her new status.

Swinging her legs over the balcony ledge, she peered down at the ground to scan for any unsuspecting soul, knowing that even if she didn't land directly on someone, a seventeen year old girl falling from the sky would likely induce a heart attack on the faint-hearted. She was sitting on the railing of her balcony on the second floor of the grand Kitahara house, feet dangling precariously in the air for a moment before she slipped off the ledge, letting herself revel in the thrill of free-falling for mere seconds before activating her Stage of Ice technique, catching herself with an expanse of ice that had materialized during her fall. She landed lightly in a crouch, knees bent to absorb the impact as she landed on the ice, which was levitating approximately 2 feet off the ground. Now then … I should go do some training. The question was where she could do such. As both a suiton and hyouton user, her place of preference when it came to training was usually somewhere near a body of water, which explained her frequent visits to the pool. But that limited the amount of stuff she could do as using full-scale techniques in a public place surrounded by regular citizens wasn't in the least bit ideal, especially when she was beginning to increase the amount of damage in her techniques.

Perhaps one of the little rivers or smaller lakes outside the village would do. Mind made up instantly, she began travelling, still walking on the ice as she proceeded forwards, the ice always one step ahead of her to ensure that she always had a solid surface to walk on, and the ice behind her immediately dispersing. Although she didn't have her skates on, just the decrease in friction allowed her to travel at a faster pace than normal, navigating her way out of the village and in a random direction towards the wilderness, not aiming for anywhere in particular, but just knowing that she wanted to find some form of water to train with. Having an existing body of water always made training much easier and less chakra consuming than making her own, which had always proved to make training much more effective. As she entered into the shelter of the trees, she slowed her pace down, letting her enjoy the slight chill that never seemed to leave the area surrounding the village - even if there was more sunlight today. Before long, the soft, familiar sound of water was audible, and almost unconsciously, she found herself changing directions, heading towards the sound seemed to beckon to her. The trees seemed to part as she got closer, revealing a clearing beside a small river, with a small waterfall that she immediately identified as the sound that she had first heard.

Walking closer, still on her ice, she paused as she caught sight of someone moving away from the waterfall and towards the grass of the clearing, proceeding to do a series of stretches. From what she could see, he had either been doing some intense work out, or had jumped into the river for a swim, as he was drenched, and his coat cast aside. Rather than averting her eyes or just leaving the clearing, she glided over him, coming to a stop about five meters away. "Are you a Kiri nin?" She called out as she approached, tilted her head ever so slightly in curiosity. She imagined he would be, but couldn't see any identifying factors that would confirm her beliefs. Cancelling her Stage of Ice technique, she let herself drop to the ground, crossing her arms as she waited for a response. If he was a Kiri nin training … then she was tempted to ask him to train with her, as the new techniques she wanted to try out would be significantly more effective if she had a partner. Or guinea pig. A guinea pig would be nice.

Chakra: 185/200:

Training Ice Binding Tendrils

Last edited by Keiko on Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total



Dameon was in mid-stretch, bent over touching the ground only able to see with the limited range behind him from looking between his legs. He could feel a nice cooling breeze though, which was a nice change of pace.  The day had been a long and hot one especially with the degree of training he had been doing lately. Trying to fill the void in his heart by keeping himself so occupied he could hardly move. He could feel the breeze getting colder and he realized how strange that sounded in his head. He looked up noticed a young kunoichi floating above the ground on a sheet of ice. ‘Well that explain it’ he thought to himself as he looked over at her still hunched down noticing how high up she was.

He raised himself standing straight up as she hopped down and now it seemed like he towered over her. He was only a few inches taller but it was a drastic change to where she was just two feet taller than him moments before. The woman spoke and he listed grinning a little bit as he grabbed his coat and put it on, not bothering the strap the front of it up. Fewer scars showed now but the bigger ones were harder to hide. He reached into his jacket and grabbed his head band revealing the Kiri symbol and put it back into his coat. He often opted out of using it feeling like it hindered him at times.

“Yes I am,” He said scratching the back of his head. He couldn’t imagine someone finding his hidden training ground, except the one person he had told, Reina. He took a second glance at the woman and leaned in forward closer as he scratched the back of his head slower in though and deep concentration. She kind of resembled her, granted the woman in front of her was older as had different color eyes, and hair, other than that it was pretty close. Plus she had used ice as well; they had to be of the same clan as well.

“Did Reina tell you about this place?” He asked puzzled. He had been training here alone for the last seven years and she had been the first person to stumble upon him. Either Reina had told her or it was just pure coincidence that someone from the same bloodline had stumbled across his training grounds. Either one seemed entirely possible he just didn’t know exactly what to do. He was still kind of new with the whole human interaction thing. His social skills were horrid compared to others.

“What…brings you out here?” He asked posturing himself upright so he didn’t seem like more of a weirdo than he felt he was coming across as. People he talked to tended to mistake him and his social skills. He seemed to stutter and talk as if he was talking to the prettiest girl he had ever seen and was fumbling around about how to talk to her. In reality he didn’t know how to talk to anyone. He did find it amusing though out of the two people in the village that had stumbled across his existence they both happened to be kunoichi. It seemed at least to him that women cared more about the well-being of people more than most men.

He wasn’t entirely sure if there was anything left to say. He slipped his hands in his pockets and looked into the kunoichi’s purple eyes wondering what she would think or how she would react to him. He would be lying if he said he didn’t at least seem suspicious training alone on the edge of the village in a hidden place only two people have found in seven years.

670/1000 (Raiton Style: Electric Cannon)
631/1000=1,301 (Raiton Style: Electric Cannon) [Completed]



She waited patiently for him to stand in an upright position again to acknowledge her presence, though her gaze wandered to take in the clearing - a rather ideal training location, from what she could tell. The rustling of clothing pulled her attention back to the male just in time to see him swing his jacket on, still leaving it wide open in the front to reveal sturdy muscles and skin decorated with various scars of different sizes and severity. But that didn't come as much of a shock to her, scars were not at all rare when it came to their professions as shinobi, especially those active in fields such as Taijutsu or Bukijutsu. Even if one was yet to engage in dangerous missions, simple sparring sessions could - and would, most of the time - result in wounds created to last a lifetime in the form of a scar. Not that she herself had much, being more of a mid-ranged fighter herself, preferring not to physically touch her opponents.

The glint of a headband in the sunlight caught her eye, and her question was answered before he even spoke, the familiar Kiri symbol alerting her of the other's apparent alliance. So apparently some people did still keep their headbands around. She only kept hers if she ventured out of familiar territory, choosing to simply leave it stuffed in a drawer at home, being one who didn't feel any particular sense of overwhelming loyalty to her village. It wasn't that she would betray her village in the blink of an eye, but she wasn't at all a hardcore loyalist and as such, felt no need to constantly wear the symbol. It was essentially a label, a metaphorical leash of sorts that tied them down to a certain alliance, that monitored and dictated their every move, that made others go, 'Oh. That's a Kiri nin.' But she supposed it was nice to at least know that this wasn't just some random guy training so close to their village.

“Did Reina tell you about this place?” … What? Tuning back in, she took a brief moment to reprocess his question before answering the question with more questions, "Reina who? Was this place something secret? Because if you put some form of misdirection or camouflage technique on the area … you might want to check it again, I don't think it's working."The other seemed genuinely bewildered that she had happened upon this place, something she found rather amusing. Not enough that she would laugh on it, but inwardly amused nonetheless. It was quite the nifty training place, she supposed this person was just being rather territorial. Quite understandable - if she had been training in an area like this, she wouldn't have wanted others to intrude either. But that was her - and she was quite antisocial when it came to certain things. Her comment was rather rude, especially given that she knew there were no techniques being placed on the area and that the other was likely only surprised at this coincidence that she had managed to venture here, but she wasn't about to apologize for such.

“What…brings you out here?” It wasn't so much as to what was being said that bothered her, but more of how it was said. Each word was phrased rather awkwardly, as though the other was simply fishing for something to say. But she was here to train, not to do a personality analysis on some stranger. Might as well answer his question and then figure out whether she could train here with him, or if she should start searching for a new location. "Training. I needed some form of water, so I found your neat little place here." She answered rather honestly. "I assume you are training as well? Would you mind some company or should I leave you alone?" She was being rather upfront today - social, even. But she was eager to start training after what felt like forever of not doing anything, and if talking more meant she could start as soon as possible, then she was going to do just that. As she spoke, she had begun walked towards the edge of the river, no longer watching the other as she peered into the water, trying to gauge how deep it was. Not that she really needed anything particularly deep - the flow of water seemed sufficient enough in satisfying the requirements for training her techniques.

Training Ice Binding Tendrils

Training Water Prison Technique



Dameon thought about her question, in some ways training with someone else would prove to be very beneficial. It would make things easier in a sense rather than learning something on the spot in the middle of a mission. He watched as she walked toward the water. The river itself wasn’t overly deep; it was about a couple meters at the most and only about ten meters across, it was a calm flow of river though the current of it was deceptively fast. He walked over to his chest that he kept by the edge of the forest. It was nothing more than a narrow beaten and weather torn box with a loop for a lock. He had found it when he had first found the area and had found the bokken that was inside of it. He wasn’t entirely sure how serious of training she was talking or what exactly she wanted to do with training.

He grabbed the bokken deciding not to grab his katana that was also in the chest. He didn’t want to accidentally get carried away and potentially hurt her. He had a made a makeshift sheath for the bokken to portray his actual sheath and katana and he strapped it around his back. He turned back toward her and began to walk back still thinking of what to say after having fully processed her questions and statements that she had made prior. He was somewhat puzzled however, the woman before him hadn’t heard of Reina yet they appeared to be of the same clan. Apparently he had assumed the Aisu clan was close or that it was one big family that branched out, either way he had assumed that they at least had heard of each other.

“It’s not that this place is guarded or defended. It’s just that, I have been training here alone the last seven years and you were the first person other than me to find it. If I seem…different it’s because you are only the second person I’ve really talked to from Kiri. It’s a…long story, nothing treacherous I promise,” He said trying to anticipate what she would think and how she would respond to his statement. He got the feeling personality wise that she was different from Reina. Reina while slightly guarded of her emotions and feelings had at least displayed some toward him even if it was only kindness. The woman in front of her seemed to be the exact opposite, while she may or may not have been kind she was bold in her words and didn’t seem guarded at all. He personally had never met someone like her and it peaked his interest.

“What kind of training did you have I mind?” He asked as he approached her coming within only a few meters of her. He had a sort of blank expression on his face. Not one that would come from a pervert for seeing such a beautiful girl, but not one that seemed completely disinterested or cold hearted. He was simply being himself. He had never experienced things those things growing up that would define someone’s personality. In fact he would be as so bold as to say that his personality was still being shaped, and it was being shaped by the people he met along the way. He had remembered a couple nights ago what Reina had done and he questioned if it would be appropriate to do now, he honestly didn’t know but he would at least try.

“Oh, and my name is Dameon Shikyo,” he said bowing slightly and formally toward her if only for a moment. He had heard other people talking near the marketplace where he lived, they had said actively offering your hand as a greeting was considered rude. He didn’t know if this was actually the case but he didn’t want to make a worse impression than he already feared her had. From up close once could easily distinguish his scars, not from weapons or training. He had claw marks across his right pectoral from what seemed to be a bear, and just about everywhere else like his abs and opposite pectoral from wolves, some even having bit marks across his collar bone where the other set of teeth were along his back shoulder blade. If she had vision of his forearms it was also covered in bite marks. The wilderness back then had nearly taken him but it also had made him as strong as he was today.


753/2,500 Electrolocation Technique

Last edited by Dameon Shikyo on Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:04 pm; edited 3 times in total



The moment of silence that greeted her made her turn away from the river and look back at him, lilac eyes following the male's movements as he walked over to an old box that looked as though it had been to hell and back. It looked as though this really was a regular training spot for him, seeing as he had apparently lugged said box here instead of simply going light and carrying whatever he needed on his person. Travelling light like herself - who carried practically nothing wherever she went, save the occasional random pack of snacks or candy. Curious as to what he had gone to get, she waited impatiently for him to turn around, and when he did, he was carrying some sort of sheathed blade, which he proceeded to strap to his back. It wasn't clear to her whether it was an actual blade or a wooden bokken for practice, especially with the misleading sheath. But at least she knew he was likely one trained in the art of Bukijutsu. Something she wasn't overly thrilled with - it only confirmed that he was indeed a close combat fighter, quite the opposite compared to her. Though if she was to train with him, she would have a first hand chance at fighting close range with her mid range techniques, an experience that would be better off as a spar than something to catch her off guard when actually on a mission.

He started speaking again, finally addressing her in a strangely serious manner, almost formal. She chose to ignore his reply to her comment regarding the secrecy of the area, instead zeroing in on his strange explanation about being 'different'. This was weird. She had encountered many people in her life and even though she never really got to know many of them, with her haughty demeanour and volatile temperament, she had never quite met someone like this before. Someone who outright pointed out and offered an explanation on themselves, sounded almost apologetic - at least that's how it appeared to her. He followed it up with a 'reassuring' comment about it not being treacherous, but honestly, she wouldn't have thought it as treacherous at all until he mentioned it. Keiko briefly pondered his words, coming up with three likely - as likely as possible, anyways - conclusions. He was either new to Kirigakure - meaning their Mizukage had allowed new shinobi from other lands into their ranks, had been mute for most of his life, or was just antisocial to the point where interaction had been null for … however many years this person had lived for. The first was unlikely, seeing as they were facing the overlooming threat of Seven Bells, the second didn't sound plausible, as he seemed to sound coherent enough, then it was likely the third … not that it was any more plausible. Keiko herself wasn't a highly social person, but even she knew that not interacting with anyone was impossible.

She tensed slightly as he walked towards her, ready to respond accordingly if he chose to do more than just cover the gap between them. But to her relief, he stopped short of a couple meters, a dumb sort of expression on his face. Not necessarily dumb as in stupid, but more of a blank slate that didn't seem entirely guarded, yet didn't reveal anything to her. Her own doll-like face stared back at him, mouth closed in a thin line, her gaze steady and alert. At his question of what she wanted to train, she opened her mouth to respond, but then closed it as he continued on to bow slightly and introduce himself. Almost instinctively, she dipped her head back in response - not a full bow, but an appropriate response nonetheless. As she straightened up, her eyes flickered to the now extremely visible scars in front of her, curious, but not pressing the issue. "Right … I suppose I should give you my name as well. Keiko. Keiko … Kitahara. And I was planning to train ninjutsu. That is, if you'd be so kind as to allow me to occupy this little training ground of yours." He still hadn't answered whether to not he approved of her training with - or even near - him, and although she never really was one to care for approvals, she didn't see a point in deliberately obstructing a fellow Kiri nin's training.

Introductions were well and all that, but she was beginning to feel bored, especially when she had woken up in the morning with motivation to train, not motivation to meet with random strangers and chat. Shifting impatiently, her gaze wandered back to his sheathed weapon. "And you … are a Bukijutsu user, yes? I can't say I have any experience with weapon handling. I suppose I'd just be in your way if you were planning on training that." With that, not even waiting for an answer, she turned back to the river, closing the gap and walking right onto the surface with the intention of crossing it to continue on her search for somewhere to train. It was a pity that she had to keep searching, but patience was never her strong point.

Chakra: 180/200:

Training Water Prison Technique

Training Howl of the Arctic Wolf



“I am actually a ninjutsu user first and foremost, bukijutsu and more specifically kenjutsu is my second area of focus. When I asked what you wanted to train, I meant it as an invitation to train with me, not the opposite,” He stated as he took a step toward her as she started to walk across the surface of the water. He stopped again and stood upright as he scratched the back of his head more out of confusion than anything else. She had come to train and asked to train but when he asked what kind of training she had started walking off. He wondered if he would ever begin to fully understand people. His skin cracked with the distinct sound of lightning as an arc of it snapped out his hand and into the air. She had already shown him that she was a kunoichi that used ice ninjutsu and by what she had said earlier he assumed she wasn’t a strong close range fighter either.

Ninjutsu was a given but she knew more about him than he knew about her. Most ninja had two areas of specialty his was ninjutsu and bukijutsu. He only knew that she was a ninjutsu user and wasn’t an adept at close range fighting, but he also knew she was an ice user which meant she could use suiton and futon, and he didn’t particularly like futon. Because of his clan he only had a single element that he would be able to excel at past what normal ninja could, and that was ration, futon was his natural weakness.  He didn’t know how she wanted to train in terms of just jutsu practice or if she wanted to have a full on spar, or get better at something he did well at like weapons. He looked over at her more as he built his chakra up steadily. Either way if she left this is where h would begin to do his jutsu practice. As his chakra build up more and more arcs of electricity shot out from his body in its natural reaction. He exhaled again and seemed to completely change his demeanor.

“I am not sure how you typically train, but I’ve trained alone every day for the last seven years twelve hours a day. I would very much like to train with you. What I meant to ask before is how you wanted to train,” he stated more firm than his previously spoken words toward her. It wasn’t rude or threatening but it was strong with confidence. He breathed in and out carefully as his body stopped sending out arcs of electricity as his chakra settled at a stable amount. Dameon tended to always tried to suppress his chakra simply because while he was always at full capacity his skin tended to arc out uncontrollably like when he got angry or upset, and sometimes for no reason at all. It was a bad thing to have when walking around in public.

The area around them in the training field had seemed to grow quiet. Birds usually would frequent the area for the water and the food that was all around them within the forest. He suspected though that the electricity that had made those snaps had scared them away. A faint breeze had formed though as his jacket waved in the wind, the tails of it flying off to this right along with parts of his hair. He lowered his hand down from the back of his neck and rested both of his hands against his hips. He looked carefully at her and opened his mouth again.

“Of course if you don’t want to its fine. I won’t make you train with me if you’d rather train by yourself.”

1,353/2,500 Electrolocation

182/3000 Bukijutsu(Kenjutsu)

Last edited by Dameon Shikyo on Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:05 pm; edited 1 time in total



It was unclear whether she had misunderstood, or if the concept of reverse psychology had come into play, but whatever it was - it looked as though she now had a training partner. She paused the moment he began to speak, still standing on the surface of the water, the immediate water around her feet slowly starting to be covered with a thin layer of frost as she stopped in her movements - not at all influenced by a technique in particular, but rather just a response to the natural coldness that all Aisu members exuded. Turning on the spot to face him again, she gave him what looked like the beginnings of a smile, not quite complete, but there nonetheless, a flash of a dimple in her cheek momentarily visible. "I would like to train with you, actually." She said firmly, and that was it, she had now sealed the agreement that they were to train together in this secret training ground. Impatience was often seen in a negative light, but hey, it got her the confirmation she needed.

The crackle of electricity made her eyes widen ever so slightly, watching his little display of raiton. Well, this was interesting. Not only was he close-combat, but he was also the one element that everyone - with a brain - knew was almost directly opposed to the hyouton element. This was highly interesting indeed. In fact, the entire situation was rather coincidental … she had yet to decide whether it was a positive or negative coincidence. For her to have stumbled upon a training ground that apparently was solely occupied by Dameon for who-knows-how-long, and to have this very person be both a close-combat and raiton user was almost phenomenal if she thought about it. But either way, it would be nice to face off or even just train with someone like him. He opened his mouth to talk again, but she wasn't about to waste any more time. Once again, her impatience was shining through.

Dismissing the fact that hyouton-based techniques would be less effective on him, she immediately formed five ice senbon in her right hand, hiding under her palm. Each one was about as long as her fingers, out of sight until she flicked her rest, letting all five travel towards him, in a straight horizontal line, with approximately a five centimetre width between each one as they travelled. Each one had the capacity of piercing one inch into exposed skin - a very basic technique that didn't cause much damage, but still usually effective in keeping her opponent busy as she went and prepared other techniques. Even before the senbon reached her target, she had activated her Stage of Ice technique, the ice moulded into a diagonal ramp-like fashion. Running up the ramp, increasing the space distance between herself and Daemon as she did so, she elevated herself higher than last time, aiming to make herself out of reach and thus forcing Dameon to resort to using ninjutsu rather than bukijutsu, immediately applying the information that he had given her just moments before. It wasn't that disadvantageous of a situation, at least, not yet. She still had fuuton techniques that she could use to counter his raiton, and as long as she stayed out of his close combat range, that shouldn't be a problem. The only issue stemmed from her own stubbornness. Being rather proud of her kekkei genkai, she had focused most of her time in training hyouton, and so if she ran out of fuuton options, she'd have to go back to using hyouton and hope that it would be enough to secure a victory.


Training Howl of the Arctic Wolf



Dameon’s keen eyes could pick up on the faint smile she so quickly hid after saying he did want to train with her. He gave a bit of a smile as well and as he ended his next sentence he could see she was focused elsewhere and he could quickly see why. As she flicked her wrist and five senbon came flying out of her sleeve. He could tell they were not normal senbon as normal senbon would have glared in the sunlight, these however were most likely made of ice seeing as she was an ice user after all. Not a moment had passed before he was running toward her at his full speed. He concentrated his ration chakra to his skin and began to glow blue and start making the crackling sound lightning made once it was being used. As he raced forward the senbon would have hit him but instead were shatter upon contact with the ration chakra leaving Dameon completely unharmed.

He then prepared two kunai and tossed one aiming just above her head, he knew she would notice and was hoping to predict her movement. Generally speaking if something was tossed at you high enough and it was something you worried about your first reaction would be to duck, or so he figured. As he jumped into the air launching the second kunai at an angle toward the first one. The second kunai was thrown much faster as to both meet directly above her head. Should she move down and not to the sides the second kunai would hit the first one ricocheting it straight down. Her only means of escape was to move horizontally or at least that’s the way he pictured it. Normally he would have prepared more kunai and thrown them to and area to either her left or right forcing her to make the exact response he wanted and easily follow it up, but this was a spar with a fellow ninja. He in no way wanted to physically hurt her.

He did however begin to charge his new ranged ration jutsu into his right arm. He aimed at her slowly as the ration in his arm sparked dramatically before a sphere of ration was launched toward her hoping to have lead her movement enough to at least hit her once. Hitting her once however would not cause a serious injury it would shock her and cause pain but the effect would only make her body numb to pain for a short duration. He landed back onto the ground still extending his hand as he waited to fire a second shot. While he did so he canceled his protective ration skin that had given him armor beforehand, as he did not want to waste too much chakra.

He hoped she was as skilled as he thought not wanting to seriously injury her after just meeting her but he also wanted her to realize that he was someone that could take care of himself, even if he was only a genin. The entire process of his defense and attacks had only lasted roughly around five seconds as he was now only about ten meters from her, though she was still higher than he could reach without giving up balance. Any smart tactician knew that the one with eh higher ground usually won the exchange.


687/3,000 Bukijutsu (Kenjutsu)




As she moved in a diagonal direction up to the height she wanted and back towards the forest, she saw the flash of something metallic in the corner of her vision - glinting off the harsh sunlight that bathed the area in it's glow. Clearly, her senbon had done essentially no effect whatsoever, as he was running after her, with no visible injuries. It was as though the senbon had just disappeared … likely due to the effects of some form of raiton around his person. She could see another kunai in his hands, ready to be thrown as well. Increasing her speed into a full sprint, the ice boosting her speed by half of what it would be normally, she jumped midair to the side, the ice catching her right under her feet as she continued towards the shelter of the trees. At the point, she had pivoted so that she was gliding backwards towards the forest, knowing that if she spent any more time with her back to him, it would prove to be quite the fatal mistake, especially when she didn't know his full long-range capacities.

And she was right about the latter. He was definitely a smarter one, and had obviously noticed that raiton would be most effective against her. She could see raiton being concentrated in one of his arms, with said arm pointed towards her, clearly about to do something long-ranged. There would be no reason for him to simply waste chakra otherwise, unless he was expecting her to be back on ground level soon. Knowing that it was better safe than sorry, she erected five solid Ice Crystal Mirrors, each with an inch of space between the next, just in time for the fired ball of raiton to hit against the outermost layer, effectively shattering four out of the five sheets of ice. But as they shattered into millions of tiny ice shards, she had reached the edge of the forest, the explosion of her ice mirrors giving her the cover she needed to create a clone, which headed jumped off towards the left, landing on a nearby tree branch and disappearing between the leaves. Imitating her clone's actions, jumping off in the opposite direction to land on the thick branch of a tree as she temporarily let her Stage of Ice disappear, making sure that she was still within a thirty meter distance from her clone. Even as the ice itself had physically disappeared, she allowed it to remain active, draining her chakra in moderate amounts. It'll have to do for now … I may need it later. She thought to herself, not able to bear the thought of not being able to use her Stage of Ice. She should've brought her skates - they would've made for additional fluid movement, but now wasn't the time for regrets.

Crouched among the trees on a branch where she could see keep him in her field of vision but keep herself out of his, she briefly considered following it up with an attack, but hesitated for a moment, the words of her Academy teachers ringing through her ears. She had always been the attack first, plan later type person. But the fact that she was fighting someone with an element opposing hers lit up like a red light, and for once she kept herself hidden, deciding to see what the other would do next before she did anything. From what she could tell so far, her opponent was likely only a genin or chuunin at best, but it was obvious that she didn't have much of the upper hand. The fact that his raiton blast was enough to nearly completely shatter her ice mirror defence was enough to bring her guard up, knowing that if something like that hit her more than once, it would lead to nasty results.

Training Howl of the Arctic Wolf

Training Medical Ninjutsu B>A

Last edited by Keiko on Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:51 pm; edited 1 time in total



‘Very nice,’ he thought to himself. She could apparently use that platform of ice to move anywhere she wanted and quickly as well. He had no answer for it out in the open other than to try and lure her down to his level. On top of that his cannon while was on target got blocked by a defensive jutsu though it was made of ice, this meant she was of a higher level than he was. His smile on his face grew even larger as he sprinted forward catching the falling kunai in midair, the same one that had ricocheted down toward her. He still had two charges left to fire of his ration cannon but they would disperse soon, but she had run into the forest all the same and he would have to wait a bit before he could use it again. He released the jutsu not wanting to waste chakra by keeping it active while he still didn’t have a target to aim at. While he had wasted some chakra he benefited overall. The forest surrounding the training field was dense and he knew them well. It would be hard for close or long range jutsu to land and even harder to maneuver out of the way of a close range assault.

He took his time walking to the tree line trying to find a sign of her position. He walked slowly forward into the trees of the forest remaining vigilant and expecting to be ambushed at any point in time. He had seen exactly what she had done or at least to some extent. He saw the collision of his ration against her walls of ice followed by two figures splitting up, not just one. His only reasoning behind this was a bunshin but he had no idea which one was the real one. He stood at the point of impact where she would have cast the jutsu and split up into the trees. If she had a visual on him and was keeping visual contact he would at least be able to see something even if it was a little bit of hair standing out, or an eye peeping around the corner. The issue was he could see it but from two different targets still not letting him know who was who but it at least gave him time to do something. He knew where her blind sports would be for visual on him and she didn’t know he knew where the both of them were.

He couldn’t waste too much time going after the wrong one or perhaps it was better to let her come to him or make her feel uneasy knowing how he could stay out of visual contact given the fact the trees themselves would block her view to some extent. He casually kept walking forward and disappeared into the trees using his quickness to cling the trees as he worked his way behind them. He created a bunshin as well. Making it run to the left most targets trying to give the appearance that he was attempting to find either one of them. He himself his though wait to see what move she would make, remaining himself in a tall branch between both targets keeping an eye on either one.


1,238/3,000 Bukijutsu (Kenjutsu)

100/150 Chakra




For a moment, he was out of her sight. It wasn't an ideal situation, but it was to be expected, seeing as she herself had been the one to decide that she would be better off moving this little spar into the shelter of the trees. Now she just had to figure out where he went, and what could have occurred during the moment when he was out of her line of sight. There was a soft rustle of leaves that brushed gently against her sweater as she stood up, but already she was in motion, moving with her clone - an approximate gap of twenty meters between them - through the trees, leaping from branch to branch, careful to only aim for the thicker branches. She felt that there was no need to use her Supernatural Walking technique, as it would only provide unnecessary friction as she moved. If she fell … well, either she would let herself drop the distance, or catch herself with her still-active Stage of Ice. Keiko wasn't the most conservative person when it came to chakra, but wasting it on something that would only slow her down would have been a stupid idea.

Within a couple meters of travelling, her clone alerted her of a figure running on the ground, appearing to be blindly searching for them. Well, that isn't suspicious at all. She thought to herself. Of course, from where she was, she couldn't tell if this was a trap, or if it really was just the real Dameon running around trying to find her. She let her clone remain five meters away while she herself inched close, figuring that if it was an ambush and he had some idea that she was using a clone, he would likely ignore the one making obvious movements and attack the one that hung back, still using smaller branches and leaves to keep out of plain sight. Instead of doing a frontal assault, she instead waited until she was nearly in standing right on top of the clone, then weaved a quick hand sign. Abnormally large ice snowflakes began to fall from the sky, each one angled at a different direction to maximize sunlight reflection, the light bouncing off and shining through the entire area. Anyone looking in the general direction would have been momentarily disoriented as the light attacked the highly sensitive cones and rods of the human eye. But that wasn't the effect she was aiming for. It was the light that shined on the clone, revealing that it had not a single flicker of a shadow, immediately notifying her of the deception. If it had been the real person, the snowflakes wouldn't have done anything but blur his vision, yet the simple technique told her all she needed to know. The thick, frozen snowflakes eventually piled on the clone enough to dissipate it, and Keiko pondered her next option.

From experience and training, she knew that Academy-learned doppelgängers had to be within five meters of their original caster in order to exist. And it was clear this clone wasn't an advanced element one, seeing as it had disappeared so easily. So Dameon had to be nearby, perhaps he already was aware of her location, as well as her clones. Cancelling her Crystal Albedo effect, she shifted slightly as she thought. Right now it was just a matter if whether she should move, and whether he would attack the clone, or her. Maybe it was time to do something bold. Creating three doppelgängers on the spot, she jumped off her branch, landing lightly on the spot where Dameon's clone had dispersed as her clone moved closer, now only two meters away. Standing and facing all four directions, it appeared as though she was now challenging him into a head on frontal assault.

Chakra: 85/200:

Training Medical Ninjutsu B>A



Dameon watched her every move from his vantage point and tailed behind her remaining quietly unseen as they moved toward his less than amazing clone. He kept approaching closer and closer while the distraction was still working in full effect. He wasn’t quite sure if it was the clone or not so he didn’t want to do anything lethal. A light came from behind him casting a shadow on the rest of the trees. He had been fortunate not to have been staring at it or else he surely would have slipped or messed up his approach but for now he was still hidden but time was short the light jutsu would have revealed his fake clone by now and he dashed straight forward closing the ten meter distance extremely fast. His kunai pulled out able to stab her in the neck and let her bleed out, if it had been that kind of fight anyways. She jumped off the branch and he immediately landed on it. She by now would have learned how close she had come to making a fatal mistake, simply because he didn’t want to kill her.

Still he didn’t want it to end here seeing them all grouped up sounded like fun especially since he was a close range fighter and he was a glutton for punishment. He would be falling right into her trap which was true but he didn’t know how bad her traps could be, plus he had the element of surprise with him being so close to her. He launched himself down right behind her gripped the handle of his bokken which was still in its sheathe on his back. He looked like he was going to be coming in for a horrendous close range attack and he wondered what she would do. He had already accomplished what he had wanted to do by being able to close the distance and analyzing her tactics for keeping him away, but now he wanted to see what she would do if she was in a bind.

He didn’t really care how it ended up he just had to know if this shinobi he had met would be someone he could rely on in the field of battle, should a day come where they battled side by side. Someone who hesitated to attack or defend was a liability not only to themselves but to their entire squad and potentially their village as well. She had made quite an impression on him as a fine shinobi that thought her tactics out before performing them, just as he did. Now he was essentially asking for the proverbial cherry on top. To see if she was as well rounded as he assumed her to be. He didn’t pull his bokken from his sheathe right away. He wanted her to assume it was an actual sword and put her into the mindset of defending for her life. He came at her his face looking like it was ready to kill his intent unwavering as he stared her down as he got closer.

1,752/3,000 Bukijutsu (Kenjutsu)



She had expected him to be nearby, but had obviously miscalculated just how close he had been to her location. Even as she was leaping off the branch, a flash of movement alerted her of his presence, and she was still midair when he landed on the very spot she had been on just seconds before, kunai in hand. It was a close call - perhaps even a deliberate delay on his part. But if he was playing to keep her safe, he better not have been expecting her to do the same. The very idea of the other taking it easy on her was infuriating, and returning the favour was not an option. She moved in unison with her doppelgängers to face him, but the clones were simply there as an extra precaution, to help misdirect him if he actually made it to her. Keiko wasn't going to actually let him engage her in a close combat fight - not if she could help it. It was pretty obvious that she was setting up a trap with something in mind, but as she expected - whether it was voluntary and conscious on his part or not - he took the bait, jumping off the branch with one hand reaching towards the blade on his back.

For a moment, it appeared as though Keiko wasn't going to do anything right away watching him, yet with an unfocused gaze, as though concentrating on something. But as he was still airborne, two water whips - which had been forming behind him during her moment of concentration, lashed out and wrapped around his legs, jerking him back and forcing him to lose his balance midair, which would make him fall forward almost at a full 180 degrees, so that he was falling head first towards the ground. The clone, which had remained stationary the entire time and observing the situation, suddenly threw the same ice senbon technique that had been used earlier, in a straight vertical line separated with a five centimetre gap between each one, aiming for his torso. The water whip technique had dispersed the moment the senbon were launched. The senbon, which would have been rather difficult to avoid if one was falling upside down - from a height that wouldn't have proved fatal - but even if he did manage to twist out of the way, Keiko was already in the process of forming a large wind blade in her hand, the small blades formed on each finger merging within moments to form one large blade, which she swung in a diagonal fashion at Dameon. Unless he was not in the least bit disoriented after the rapid line of attacks, the blade would have connected against the middle of his body, cutting into flesh easily, as was the ability of a blade created solely out of wind. A wave of exhaustion rolled through her, and immediately, she cancelled her Stage of Ice, knowing that it was doing nothing more than draining her of chakra and energy.

Chakra: 55/200:

Training Medical Ninjutsu B>A



This was I, she wasn’t hesitating just like he had hoped and he could feel and sense something else as well.  Feeling you didn’t get from just simply talking to someone but rather fighting with them. She was just like him, or in some way like him. So serious and ready to prove herself a smile came to his face as the whips of water sent him flying straight down. He didn’t care what happened now, he had found out everything he needed to know. Still his situation was serious enough to warrant defending himself to some extent. The senbon were coming just as they had before he rotated himself slightly positioning himself for defense. He wouldn’t avoid these victories never came cheap and sometimes it meant taking a punch you could have otherwise avoided. The five senbon hit home, two hitting his forearms, along with one in each shoulder, and the fifth one hitting him in his upper leg. The sword attack was next it was actually kind of similar to his own but with long range utilization. This is what being a shinobi was all about.

The wind attack hit tearing him across the chest before his body hit the ground seemingly snapping its neck. Just a second later though and a small cloud of smoke appeared revealing his sheath as Dameon landed carefully behind her, his wooden bokken in his hands as he lunged forward and simply poked her in the back with it. Not knowing anything to say really he smiled and began laughing playfully, greatly enjoying the fun he had just had asset his bokken aside. She was good, very good, much better than he had anticipated and was good at keeping her distance from him, which proved to be in her favor but now he was right there just like they had been talking earlier. He bowed respectfully before standing back upright.

“You win,” he said with a warm smile. She in fact had won at least in his mind. He was essentially skewered by senbon and he pulled them out on at a time happy the cold at least had numbed some of the pain. His body was already beaten and scarred a few more wouldn’t hurt him. In his method of training sparring meant the person to land the first blow usually won, so she had won. He however didn’t want to let it go unnoticed that had this been an actual fight it would have been more of a challenge for her.

2,173/3,000 Bukijutsu (Kenjutsu)

95/150 Chakra




Fast. And resourceful. The moment the senbon had made contact, she had been so sure of victory, so certain that the fuuton blade would hit him that she had even spared a couple second to wonder whether she should have held back a bit to avoid injuring him too much. It was true that she was also a medical ninjutsu specialist, but that didn't mean she could heal everything. But such thoughts were not necessary. The white blade of wind that flew threw the air appeared as though it would hit it's mark no matter what, and for a moment, it seemed as though it did. But then he seemed to shrink in size, a puff of smoke clouding the situation from view before an empty sheath dropped to the ground with a soft clatter, likely broken from the damage it sustained. Stupid. To have wasted chakra without considering that he could have used such an elementary technique … A sheath. That would mean … Shit, his blade is unsheathed. The doppelgängers that she had summoned wouldn't be much use in providing her cover now, seeing as her Slash technique made it clear which one had been the real body. And her ice clone was likely reduced to a pile of ice, the ice senbon technique draining the minuscule amount of chakra she had placed in the clone.

She didn't want to admit it, but she was out of options. Her miscalculation stemmed from her overconfidence that her series of attack would have rendered him immobile, and now this miscalculation could potentially cost her. Bold as it was to taunt him into getting close to her, she wasn't ready for head on close combat, none of her techniques were particularly useful if he was right beside her. A small disturbance in the air alerted her of his arrival … directly behind her. As soft as he had been, the fast movement of his landing caused a small breeze that she immediately recognized as out of place, but before she could whirl around to confront him, the feeling of something dull touching lightly against her back made her freeze for a second. Then she turned slowly, realizing that he had no intention on doing anything else.

"No, but no means was that a win for me. There were various occasions where you could have taken advantage of my mistakes and inexperience." Allowing the briefest of smiles, she stepped a couple steps away form him and returned his bow, more respectfully than the nod she had given him earlier. The respect was well-deserved, now that she had given him the chance to earn it. Although short, that little spar had given her enough time to realize that this was quite the resourceful and skilled shinobi, and she was happy with the increase in experience for herself as well. Giving him a quick once-over with her gaze, she looked back at him, wondering if she should offer to help heal him of the minor flesh wounds her senbon had caused. "Would you mind if I tended to your wounds?" She asked delicately. It was minor enough that it would've healed even without immediately attention, but she still felt that she should ask out of courtesy, especially since she had a feeling that even the senbon may have missed if the other had pushed himself a little more. It was still irritating to think that Dameon had gone easy on her, but still she couldn't help but feel respect for the other's abilities. She herself could have been the one sustaining injures - even worse than the one inch cuts that he had right now. But even so, the spar had helped her realize a lot of things … including the fact that she really should focus on conserving her chakra more.

Training Medical Ninjutsu B>A



"No, but no means was that a win for me. There were various occasions where you could have taken advantage of my mistakes and inexperience."

He caught a glimpse of her smile and couldn’t help but smile back as well. She tried to hide it like he was used to doing. It was because he was similar to her that he could read through her and know when she was feeling happy. She was right about their having been moments for him to take advantage of an actual life or death scenario but it was never about that. The Aisu clan was primarily known for their mid to long range attacks and he was practicing on how to close in on an attacker from long range.

“Well I don’t know about inexperience. I’ve only been a genin for just about a month and I think I am being promoted to chuunin soon. I had a good time, I can see you did as well,” he said smiling and scratching the back of his head actually happy as his adrenaline was starting to come down and he could feel the flesh wounds she had caused earlier start to burn and sting. They weren’t too deep or by any means the worst wound he had ever experienced but they still hurt enough to cause him to wince as he lowered his hand from the back of his head.

"Would you mind if I tended to your wounds?"

“A medical specialist, that’s your other area of focus. I would very much appreciate it,” he said standing still as he watched her. Another familiar sound seemed to be walking through the woods as well. The sound of flat feet lightly hitting the ground. As he expected the head of a penguin popped out from behind a tree and looked at the two of them before the rest of his body followed and walked up to Dameon coming up to roughly the height of his waist.

“Penpen, were you fishing in the creek again looking for me? By your expression you didn’t find any fish did you? Here.” He said reaching into his pack and pulling out a pack of beef jerky to which Penpen happily jumped into the air and grabbed it before using his break to tear open the package. His eyes were wide and even tearing with happiness.

“Penpen is a little strange. He is a warm water penguin but his favorite foods are beef jerky and ramen. I don’t know if he would ever like fish if he could ever find one to eat,” he said laughing as he pet the back of the penguins head. Dameon had discovered Penpen out at the training grounds a couple years ago and started following Dameon everywhere. He eventually gave in and took the penguin as his pet and made him a collar with his name.

2,655/3,000 Bukijutsu (Kenjutsu)

Penpen full description in my items.



Her thought process went something along the lines of: Okay, looks like he'll let me heal him, the ice senbon should have melted by now, I'll just have to -- aklsdjfoiesk a penguin!

Keiko had been slightly cautious in asking whether he would allow her assistance in healing his wounds, especially knowing that for herself, her pride would get in the way of allowing the person who inflicted the wounds on her to heal her. In fact … now that she thought about it, if she was in such a situation, she would be adamant in refusing the offer. But she was relieved to hear that he gave her the opportunity to do so. It would serve as extra practice for her medical ninjutsu anyways, seeing as she was also often times too stubborn to practice her her medical techniques - especially the ones that actually healed. She definitely had no problems with her offensive techniques, especially given that internal damage were potentially much more dangerous than external. Even the Kirigakure hospital's emergency unit mainly focused on external injuries - as those were most common. Practice would be good for her, perhaps she should also extend her skills to internal damage as well later on.

She was prepared to walk around to his back when the rustling of something approaching them caught her attention. Still dealing with the after effects of the adrenalin during the spar, she tensed, eyes narrowing at the direction of the sound. Whatever it was … as it got closer, it began sounding less human and more … A penguin. It's a penguin. Eyes widening, she stood there in shock as the black and white bird walked over to them, lilac eyes revealed further as she watched Demon talk to the creature as though addressing a good friend, proceeding to feed the now-overjoyed penguin some beef jerky. She could barely hear Dameon's words as she almost unconsciously moved forward, resting her hands on her knees as she bent at the waist, leaning closer to study the rather large penguin. It looked much different from her sensei's Suichi, but still she found it absolutely fascinating. Having completely forgotten about her offer to heal Dameon's wounds at this point, she breathed out a slight "hello" to the penguin, turning her head briefly back to Dameon. "Can he fight? What does he do? And his name is Penpen?" Her hand reached out to touch the penguin, but paused before she actually physically touched it, hesitating. Yuudai's tiny penguin had been the level of a jounin … there was no telling what this larger penguin could do.

Even Dameon had a pet. She was beginning to think that she was the only person without an animal companion, and it was starting to really bug her. Her love for animals was well-known. Well, as well-known as something can be for a person who didn't socialize with others much. She wasn't even sure why she hadn't gotten a pet of her own yet. Her adopted family had no problems with animals, she lived in a large house, she loved animals enough to never neglect one … but the thought of just simply going to the village pet store and pick up a pet with her family money didn't feel right. And certainly, one would never find something as unique as a penguin by simply strolling into the local pet store.

Training Medical Ninjutsu B>A



Dameon watched her as he removed his coat to expose the wounds so they would be easier to see and as such easier to heal. He then realized that she wasn’t even with him anymore as he waved his hand lightly in front of her face as she kept staring at his penguin. He scratched the back of his head not exactly sure of what to say in a moment such as this. He simply waited and exchanged glances with Penpen as even the penguin himself was wondering why he was receiving so much attention. Penpen himself stared at Dameon with a confused and somewhat worried look. He then slowly slid his way behind Dameon to hide. After a few awkward moments she spoke.

“No he is a normal guy as far as I know. Except that he loved to read and watch tv, take showers, and loved to eat the same food people do but hates fish. Not exactly sure if that’s what you meant though. He doesn’t use any jutsu or anything,” he said patting the penguin on the head as blood continued to drip from his flesh wounds. They were beginning to heart too thinking that one might have actually hit a nerve as he pinky kept twitching for some reason.

“So, these wounds are actually beginning to hurt a little bit now that the fighting has stopped,” he said scratching the back of his neck with a bit of a troubled smile on his face as more blood continued to drip from the five holes he had allowed to be hit by. He was slowly beginning to regret his decision in being struck purposefully just to sell the bait before the switch he had done to deceive her. He knew his wounds would take a little longer to heal. He often got hurt worse than most and on top of it all his body seemed to reject medical jutsu to some extent.
326/1,500 white lightning beam




She looked almost wistful as the penguin wandered away from her to hide behind Dameon, disappointed that it had chose to hide from her view. But then again, she really was too overly enthusiastic about seeing animals - especially cute, unique ones like Penpen. Cheek flushing ever so slightly, she straightened up, tearing her gaze away from where the penguin had wandered to and up towards Dameon as he gave her little facts about the penguin. From what it sounded like … this was no ordinary penguin, even if he wasn't a combat pet. A penguin that participated in human activities, even going as far as to reject its usual diet of fish and take up a human diet … it didn't sound necessarily healthy, but she wasn't going to say anything - she had done enough damage to her image already as it was.

“So, these wounds are actually beginning to hurt a little bit now that the fighting has stopped,” Keiko's mouth formed into a little surprised "o" as she let out the tiniest of gasps, realizing that she had entirely forgotten about his wounds. Had it been something more serious, she would have - hopefully - paid more attention and not be as distracted, but in this case, she had completely disregarded her own offer at the sight of the penguin. "Right, sorry. Here," She wandered around him, asserting a certain amount of willpower to make sure she didn't end up getting distracted by the penguin again. Assessing his wounds, she winced at the amount of blood that had gushed out, starting to feel guilty for not healing him right away. Thankfully, the senbon themselves had only pierced about an inch into the skin, nothing enough to cause severe injuries. She just had to stop some of the bleeding and remove some of the pain. The senbons had long since melted with his body heat, so all that was left were the bloodied surface where they had pierced through. Placing both hands near the middle of the puncture holes on his back - hovering, but not physically touching him - she channeled hyouton chakra through her hand, a soft blue glow appearing as the cold began to numb the area and stop the flow of blood. Her eyes narrowed as she realized the flesh was healing slower than normal … his body likely rejected medicinal ninjutsu. After a moment, she lifted her hands away, assessing her handiwork. The cold that radiated from her hands should have inarguably helped to slow the flow of blood and reduce the pain he felt, but it was obvious that it hadn't completely closed up the wounds, and would likely leave scars.

"That's as much as I can do now." She admitted, stepping back into his field of view. "You should probably still go get this treated further if it reopens." It was disappointing that this was as much as she could do, but at least she knew her limits and what aspects she should focus on when - if - she decided to train her medical skills.

Chakra: 45/200:

Training Medical Ninjutsu B>A

Remaining Word Count: 409



He waited for her as he smiled and Penpen sat behind him kind of on his guard and slowly walking away from the forest to back into the field with the river. His skin felt cold but it didn’t bother him, it actually felt enjoyable for the most part. He waited the couple minutes that it took and turned back round to face her with a warm smile. He was glad he knew someone that had the ability to heal it was very useful since he had an unnatural habit of going so hard in a mission or training that he often got injured. Being able to avoid medical bills was very handy.

“I will definitely keep that in mind. Thank you very much. When you have as many scars as I do a couple more won’t make you look much worse,” he said with a bit of a grin. Dameon truly felt that having as many scars as he did made him unattractive to some extent or rather hindered his appearance because of them. He looked around for Penpen and noticed he had vanished. Penpen wasn’t much of a fan of strangers let alone strangers that stared at him all the time and squealed.

“Sorry about Penpen he doesn’t like new people much. One time this young girl about your age disturbed him while he was reading the newspaper. He rolled it up and hit her on the head with it before walking away. I had to apologize but it was pretty funny actually,” he stated as he turned around to face her feeling the cold on his skin start to fade because of his body heat. He couldn’t help but smile at her. You could learn a lot about someone by simply fighting with them and now he felt like he could truly trust Keiko and her abilities. He also had a firm understanding of her capabilities which was also very important.

“Have you heard anything about the village soon to be under attack? I know the older shinobi are all away or scrambling to gather information. They say the attacks are fond of using puppets, and a lot of them at that. I am not sure I have a skillset against fighting a wooden puppet but I can fight the puppet masters pretty well I suppose,” he said scratching the back of his head finding the ability to form words into sentences increasing difficult. He wondered how he would feel if the village did get attacked. One side of his brain told him that the village hadn’t been that great to him and he shouldn’t fight for it so strongly. On the other hand though the other side of his brain told him it was still home and now he knew a few people he didn’t want to see get hurt or worse. He wasn’t entirely sure how Keiko felt but judging from her personality he assumed it was something similar but on the other hand he could have been completely mistaken.



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