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1Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:44 pm



This was an odd area to train, but Kami Akuma felt right training here. It is the Sunagakure Cemetery, and all of the dead shinobi that have lived before are buried in these exact tombs and graves. It was an eerie feeling to be around such darkness, but it was here that Kami felt he should learn how to own his jutsu creating methods and thus technique. Kami has been thinking about a few jutsus to create and a number of them come to mind that can become extraordinarily useful when ranks – up to the ANBU position. The first technique Akuma wanted to train is Nigeru. Nigeru, in his words can be defined as a mixture between two Academy school techniques merged to make one useful one; it is the Body Flicker Technique and the Escape from a Rope Technique. Each jutsu unique, but both are equally useful, and together, they are a dangerously easy applicable supplementary technique. While training Nigeru, Akuma began meditating in order to better compose his chakra, so he sat down, and as he sat down, he felt his body relax to the point of him freeing himself from tension. Nigeru is a technique that is going to apply the legs more than anything else, but the legs are going to be focused on after Akuma figures out, how to create a shell around himself in order to escape tight situations, where he is tide – up. Kami loved training his ninjutsu, but this technique is a mixture of ninjutsu and taijutsu. Luckily. . . The Akuma family prides themselves in training their taijutsu. And for this exact reason, Akuma called his younger brother over to train. Kami Akuma is a shinobi who is trying more than his hardest to become worthy of a name in Sunagakure. Because of this is that he wants to become ANBU, Kanov can help Kami train to reach this level, and now that Akuma is older, he has spoken to the elders of Suna and a career in ANBU isn’t far - fetched for the young man. Akuma then opened his eyes, getting distracted from his meditation, Kami heard someone nearing him. It had to be Kanov.

Nigeru D-rank
366/600 [Efficient Trait]

2Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:01 am



Kanov was nervously heading towards the cemetery. Dead things really weren't his style. He always hated stuff like that ever since he was a child. At last he reached the entrance, and walked inside.

"Dammit, brother, you know I hate cemeteries." Kanov said shakily. Kanov was a known necrophobic, so he avoided cemeteries and dead things all together. "I know I look like a corpse but come on, haha!" He started jogging toward his brother, who seemed to be meditating for some new jutsu or something. "So, are we gonna train taijutsu or what?" Kanov wanted to show Kami his new moves. Kanov knew what to do in his taijutsu training, usually kickboxing with his brother every once in a while to improve his skills. The cemetery in suna was obviously much sandier than most other graveyards in villages, and Kanov was used to this environment from spending his whole life training in it. Taijutsu was Kanov's main goal, and genjutsu was just his other natural talent. He was determined to show his brother what he was made of, but also wanted to know what new jutsu that Kami had learned as well.

Kanov was stretching as always, since that is always the best thing to do before training taijutsu. He also focused his chakra a bit in his body to get ready. He was always fascinated by chakra, how it worked and the amazing things that can come of it. People can breathe fire, and create craters with their fists from just chakra alone. He did have trouble releasing it at times, but was pretty good at focusing it to his own body. Kanov always thought his brother was more of an all-round chakra controller, since he was good at both taijutsu and ninjutsu. Kanov had heard about Kami's promotion, and was happy for him. He also thought he would be a much harder opponent if he was promoted so fast.

Word Count: 322

Last edited by Kanov on Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:23 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Word Count)

3Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:10 am



Akuma looked up and seen his brother jog toward him. Kami barely and even rarely smiles, but when seeing family, the Akuma clan always gets a little happy to see each other; it is actually that, that builds the Akuma family loyalty. When Kanov arrived, Kamis brother began to talk and to finish his speech he asked about the method of training in which we will be enduring. Kami then answered, “Well of course we are training taijutsu brother. But I can’t lie, I am surprised you showed up.” Akuma then stood and crossed his arm in his regular pose while saying, “You know I want to be ANBU. My way of working toward the ranks is by strategy. I know about your weakness more than anybody in the known world. I brought you here to weaken you just THAT much more for our spar brother. You see, I want to be known as the smartest man in the known shinobi world, not only Sunagakure no sato.” Akuma looked up into the stars as he imagined himself travelling to a distant village. He pictured his technique and then he realized once again how handy it will become while in ANBU missions in foreign lands. Akuma then looked at his brother and used the new found technique out of whim, not knowing if it was going to work since it has never been trained before; just EXTENSIVELY thought of. This is the combination of ninjutsu and taijutsu, and Kami Akuma, by first surrounding himself with chakra, created a small sheath of glazed energy around his body; this happened near instantly since it had no need for hand-signs. Nigeru is an escape artist jutsu, but Akuma only needed the body flicker effect as a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. Akuma landed about 15m away and said. “We can spar now or work on something else first in order to not waist our energy so fast? Something like running? Swimming? Lifting weights? Anything really that will reserve our chakra until the end of our training.” AKume then paused for a little to let Kanov understand that Kami wasn’t trying to have them at zero chakra and not even have a real training session going. The AKuma way is a lot more harsh then that, and the spar should come after the work outs, and after we have pushed our bodies to their limits. Then he said, “What do you think brother?”

Nigeru D-rank
[Efficient Trait]

Sutoraiki B-rank

4Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:23 am



Kanov saw his brother's new technique and smiled. "Nice, I bet that is gonna seriously destroy some of your opponents, brother." Kanov was ready to work out, but was also eager to spar with his brother and see what they both were made of. "Your choice, I would rather get this over with quickly since you had to pick this spot, out of all places." Kanov got in his fighting stance, just in case his brother picked sparring first. He wondered if they were going to do that boring workout like last time, or if they were going to try something new. Kanov always believed weight training was the best way to go, even if it was a simple concept. Kanov was thinking of wearing weights during normal days, so he could feel like he was literally walking on air when he took them off. Kanov loved taijutsu training and the like, but in the cemetery it was a bit different. It had a rotten smell, and Kanov wondered if it was harder to bury someone in a desert, since it would be a loose fit. Kanov never really had a real fight with weights on, and wondered if it would really stop him much. It might even help his kicks, since all that added weight would pack a punch for sure.

Kanov was ready for his brother's decision. If he were to spar, Kanov wondered if he would do any good, since Kami was a chuunin, and also knew some ninjutsu. Kanov only knew taijutsu at the moment, which was unfortunate. He was going to learn some genjutsu soon of course, after this training session. "I have a lot of training to do today brother, I hope you have plenty to train for!" Kanov was happy to be with his brother.

Word Count: 624

5Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:16 am



When Kami Akuma heard what Kanov had to say, Kami had to respond right away. Saying, "Of course I have a lot to train brother. And even if I didn't, I will be here to help you." The young Chunin then squared up, getting ready for hand to hand combat with his brother. Kami knew for sure that he had to win the fight one way or another, not because he is a Chunin, and not because he is the elder brother, hell, it isn’t even because he is proficient in Ninjutsu while his brother still needs training on his secondary in genjutsu. But the real reason Kami Akuma had to win, was because he just has THAT type of competitive spirit. Not to say that winning is everything, since Kami Akuma knows when he has lost and he is willing to accept it, yet he isn’t willing to accept that he will lose again. Kami noticed that Kanov was in his offensive pose but was mostly focused on defending himself for now. Kami began to strategize as soon as he seen that, calculating the possible reason to why he is like that. Kami began talking to himself, but in his own head. A problem that happens to those with an eidetic memory, and thus a mechanical memory. Those in the Akuma family with the eidetic gift are cursed with a one track mind, and this sometimes keeps Kami too invested in his current situation.

In his own head, Akuma pondered. “1. Necrophilia? No. It can’t be. He isn’t shaken up, nor does he look like he is in any fear. 2. He surely doesn’t want to attack right now. 3. Unless one of his techniques asks for such a positioning in combat. [Akuma then smiled and said in his head] Definitely not.” The reason Akuma smiled is because the last and only viable action that Kanov can possibly be preparing to take, is awaiting a first strike. The only possible thing that Kami can do now, is do exactly what his brother wanted. Kami AKuma began focusing chakra in and onto his body. Of course, this technique when mastered is going to be a lot quicker in order to process its effect, but for not, Kami Akuma is still training it so he needs a little time to cover his body up in the chakra sheath in order to use one of his new found techniques, Sutoraiki. Sutoraiki is a combination of ninjutsu and taijutsu, that Kami AKuma uses, by first surrounding himself with chakra, which he did; then he will create a small sheath of that glazed energy around his body, which is another subject checked in the list; this can happen near instantly since it has no need for hand-signs, but for now, it took a little time. The user must be just a tad bit greater in speed than the target in order for this technique to work properly from a distance, so that the target can see nothing but a blur, but Kami knows that he is only a little bit faster than his brother, so the distance isn’t really a weakness on his end. Although the technique can still be used from a close range with the same effect. Kami Akuma looked straight at his brother eyes and suddenly, he began to dash the short distance of a few meters at his maxed out speed, in order to punch Kanov when getting in range to do so. The sheath of chakra is able to give a slight 15% increase in strength when the punch makes contact. The punch will have its force increased due to the speed in which the Kami Akuma ran toward Kanov, and the strength in which he puts behind, so the technique is able to break defenses that are put up by Kami Akumas little brother and if he doesn’t put up a defense, Kami Akuma will be able to knock Kanov down and give him a slight concussion while also fracturing bones in the process if hit directly, which Akuma is hoping does not come to be the case, so he is reducing the strength of the technique and the speed in order to give his brother the necessary time to dodge the attack, although Kami AKuma doubts that Kanov needs the slight help, since he is fast enough on his own. When Kami Akuma entered point blank range, the technique delivered the asked for effect. Because of the peed of the Kami Akuma, being as fast as a Sannin and thus a the speed of one of the top three strongest shinobi from the village of Sunagakure, and seeming that we only have one Sage, it looks like Kami AKuma is easily one of the fastest shinobi in the village and when he comes to be of age, he will be one of the fastest shinobi in the world. Compared to the Kanov speed, the attack won’t be as instant as it could have been if it was somebody else, but it was still pretty damn fast. And now Akuma had his punch going straight toward the face of his younger brother, using the new found nin – jutsu technique Sutoraiki. This battle is starting to look good from the get ' go.

Nigeru D-rank
600/600 [Efficient Trait]

Sutoraiki B-rank
WC 1070/1200 [Efficient Trait]

6Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:08 pm



"Whoa, shit." Kanov thought. His brother was glowing, and leaping straight for him. Kanov's heart was pounding hard. Kami was getting closer and closer. Kanov was fast, but this seemed a bit too fast for even his taste. He knew speed, since he was one of the fastest shinobi in Sunagakure. He pondered strategy for 0.02 seconds, which is really all he had to think. Kanov decided to side step to the right as fast as he could. Even then, it was not certain that he was going to come out unscathed. Kami's punch missed by a few inches, but the chakra emitted from his fist and arm actually ripped Kanov's sleeve wide open and made a small scratch. "Wow, he doesn't even have to punch me to hit me." Kanov thought. Kanov ran about 2 meters away to the right, to get into position. "That's a nice move, brother." Kanov bended his knees and jumped forward, ready to unleash his new attack. "LEAF HURRICANE!" Kanov wound up his spin-kick in mid air, with his leg already extended, heading for his brother. Kanov knew his brother would probably dodge it, but he just wanted to show off his new technique.

Word Count: 825

7Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:43 pm



As Kami AKuma expected . . . his brother dodged the technique, although he didn’t dodge it completely without feeling a little effect emitting from it. Kanov dodged the technique and he didn’t wait in order to strike, coming right after Kamis own attack. This looked like a new technique though. A technique that Kami hasn’t seen before. Kanov jumped forward and he appeared to have charges his leg with chakra, focusing on the connecting point, which appeared to Kami as being his foot. Kanov then, in a twisting motion went forward for, and in order to, create and do spinning kick; and this kick was aimed right at Kami Akuma. Akuma had no real defense from this except from moving away, but that is too simple, and it seems like something that Kanov would want Kami to do. So to the apparent contrary, Kami Akuma took the hit, but first raised his arm in order to block the incoming spinning kick. This pushed Kami Akuma back as his feet slid backward but it didn’t do serious damage. Kami then looked down at his hands and it appeared to be deeply bruised. This attack was a surprise, since it is so fast, although Kami is faster, he still seen the speed that his brother was working with; and his brother that is a tajutsu primary specialist, if he keeps working as hard as Kami does, then he will surely be faster than him when he comes to be of age. But as long as Kami Akuma is in a higher rank, than he will always have the upper hand on his close brother.

Kami then looked at his brother after glancing at his forearms and the bruises that he has. He then said, “That was a cool technique brother. But let’s see how you would do against two of me huh?” Kami AKuma then created the shadow clone hand sign in order to make an Izoku clown. The pride of all of his arsenal techniques, the wind style clone. Kami doesn’t remember telling his brother about this one, but because that is his little brother, Kami wouldn’t be surprised if he knew about its effects. The Izoku clone then went straight forward and toward Kanov, while Kami AKuma prepared for a better and more enhanced version of his – style shadow clone. The Hohei. Another technique that is going to be known as the pride of Kami Akuma, and this is going to be the first day and time ever that Akuma will show this technique in public. And Kanov is going to be the first to see and thus experience this clone. Although, because this clone is a new technique, it will take a little bit of time in order to form it. In the meantime, the Izoku wind style clone will attack Kanov head on, going full speed ahead with countless barrages that appeared uncoordinated but were very well targeting the young shinobi in his face, torso and even legs when it came down to it. Kanov is going to have to prepare himself for a battle now if he wants to win this fight against his older brother.

Nigeru D-rank
600/600 [Efficient Trait]

Sutoraiki B-rank
WC 1200/1200 [Efficient Trait]

Hohei B-rank
400/1200 [Efficient Trait]

8Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:19 pm



A clone was charging at Kanov. The clone seemed off balance. Kanov had heard of the shadow clone technique, but never of many other clone techniques. The clone was giving a barrage of punches to Kanov, most were extremely inaccurate because of how fast the clone was trying to go. Kanov dodged most of the punches, and blocked a few lucky hits that seemed to almost go through his arms and legs when he blocked. Kanov was ready to unleash his own barrage. "GET THE HELL OFF ME!" Kanov began to kick with rapid combo toward the clone's torso at fast speeds, while still going slow enough to retain accuracy unlike his opponent. Kanov wanted to learn more about these clone techniques, and was pleased his brother was showing him his own clones, although his clone was pissing Kanov off at the moment. From all the cool air emitting from this clone, he believed it was made of wind. Kanov had no idea if hitting a wind clone would actually do anything or not, but he was ready to find out. It really tested his taijutsu skill even if it was extremely inaccurate. Maybe when Kanov gets more ninjutsu skill, he can make his own clones.

Word Count: 1031 (Taijutsu S rank)

9Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:39 am



The 2 Izoku clones that Kami Akuma created were doing their job as they were distracting Kanov while Kami concentrated on getting another technique in order. This new jutsu is a new style of shadow clone. A secret of Kami is that one of the names that he wants to be known as, in the world is Kami of the Shadow Clone. That is why he is creating such a vast arsenal of shadow clone techniques, unique to only him. Hohei is similar to the average shadow clone in nearly all of its shape, form, and details, although unlike the average shadow clone, memory is transferred in real time and there can only be a max of two Hohei clones out at once. Luckily, this technique creates two of these clones. This clone is created to use Ninjutsu maneuvers only, meaning it can’t use taijutsu in close quarter combat. When the clone is created it possess an unbearably low amount of chakra, and Kami Akuma must palm the clones head in order to transfer chakra into the clone’s tenketsu system. These clones are more durable than the average clown, as the clones are only able to disperse if it runs out of chakra, after which it will fade into thin air, or if it gets hit by a B-rank or higher taijutsu technique [A-rank+ for Ninjutsu (since it's his affinity)]. The chakra within the clone does not affect the clones overall energy but instead plays a factor on his lifespan. Meaning, just because it has a moderately low amount of chakra in its reserve system, it does not mean that the clone is plagued with fatigue. Kami meditated in order to get this new jutsu organized in his head. As he believes that all he needs now is the confidence to accomplish the technique, and by gods will, it will be done. Kami has all the knowledge in the world in how he wants the technique to go about, but he has never personally went ahead and gone to do it. But this time is different. Now that Kami AKuma is with his brother, he thinks he can gain that confidence just to show his brother who he is going to have to be competing against for the rest of his life, and how that person surely isn’t going to be easy to defeat. Kanov has always been trying to run faster than Kami, knowing that Kami is older and advanced in terms of rank, he still knew that he was more proficient in taijutsu since he focused on that style like a primary. Kami found out about his brothers attempt to gain weights and exceed in taijutsu and thus speed with training, and it is because of him that Kami is actually in the middle of a long training in order to perfect taijutsu.

Kami was in the zone for the longest of minutes before he had to snap out of it and notice that the fight was still going on. Kanov was fighting the clones but it appeared to have been going to no avail, as blocks were getting easily penetrated and punches, kicks and strikes overall were being easily phased through by the clones themselves. These clones were the perfect weakness to a taijutsu proficient shinobi, and Kami actually created this jutsu for such a shinobi. Knowing that if chakra is not able to be used, then by all means the match is over. The most basic way to win a chess match is to strategize ahead of time, and Kami doesn’t plan on having a lot of jutsus and instead plans to have a few efficient ones. This next one in Kamis arsenal, Hohei is another strategically brilliant jutsu. A cloning technique that lets Akuma strategize spreading out in a wide range but still acting as one, by the means of fixed chakra. The ultimate ANBU assassination tool that Kami created in order to ambush shinobis with ease. Kanov is again going to see what Kami has up his sleeves and the way this meditation is going, Akuma feels like he will have the clone ready in no time at all. All he needs is for the clones to hold their own for just a few more sec. Kami opened his eyes to see that Kanov went for a series of kicks towards one of the clones chest, to his very own surprise, he phased right through and the clone appeared behind Kanov attempting to swing at him with a hard back hand since Kanov was now on the clones rear. The other clone also noticed what was going on and attacked Kanov too, this time coming from the opposite direction. One clone is swinging with the back hand toward Kanovs right cheek, while the other is swinging for a punch on the left cheek. Because of the extremely short distance and perceived surprise attack coming from the backhanding clone, Kami has no doubt that the attack should land. As for the other clone, he is not so sure. But one thing is for certain, and that is. Kami then created the clone hand sign and screamed out. “HOHEI!” and suddenly, two clones appeared side by side, right in front of Kami himself. Both clones had an E-rank amount of chakra, and so Kami put his palm on their head in order to give them more life. Kami gave both clones an equal amount of chakra, both having a C-rank in their reserve. But they weren’t moving, these stayed side by side to each other, right in front of Kami AKuma. Kami now has to focus on a new technique, maybe this one should be. . . Kage kabā. A ninjutsu technique that will allow for great tactical missions to be completed with minimal error probability.

Nigeru D-rank
600/600 [Efficient Trait]

Sutoraiki B-rank
WC 1200/1200 [Efficient Trait]

Hohei B-rank
WC 1200/1200 [Efficient Trait]

Kage kabā C-rank
WC 170/800 [Efficient Trait]

10Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:54 pm



Kanov attempted to kick the clone, but it ended up fazing through. The clone then appeared behind him, and there was another clone coming straight for him. The two clones looked like they were about to backhand Kanov. With all of his reflexes, Kanov ducked as fast as he could. Both of the clone's hands hit Kanov's forehead, making Kanov take light bruises. He decided fighting the clones was useless, since his attacks just fazed through and did not effect them at all. After ducking, Kanov ran for the three Kami's that were standing not too far away. Kanov rushed towards them, and appeared behind all three, using all of his jounin level speed. He was about to show off his other taijutsu technique. Kanov ducked and fed chakra into his leg, then performed a ground level spin-kick behind them. "LEAF GALE!" Kanov was hoping to knock at least one of them off their feet.

Word Count: 1186

11Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Empty Re: Akuma Fam. [Training/Kanov] Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:18 pm



Kage kabā is the technique Kami AKuma is going to perform in order to evade his own brothers attack. Seeing as this is a new jutsus, it is just about right for it to be used now, alongside all of these other new jutsus that Kami is learning in this training with his brother. Kage kabā is a technique that can be used in an instant because it needs no hand-sign. With this technique, Kami Akuma can infuse chakra into himself to appear as if he passively phased through any object, when in reality he molded with the shadow that he came in contact with, to avoid damage. Kami Akuma made his body as flat as possible leading him to be able to conceal himself in the shadow, this concealment is able to eliminate Kami Akumas very own appearance, scent, sound as well as the overall "tell signs" that he is there, unless someone of a higher rank senses his chakra. When Kami Akuma is in the shadow, he will not be able to move anywhere and he must stay in the exact area he is occupying. Although, he is able to come out as quickly as he went in, making this technique ideal for ambushes and to execute other types of quick moving surprise attacks on the enemy. This jutsu was created in order to better go about ANBU – related missions where Kami Akuma had to stay secret in order to keep his identity concealed. This is a supplementary jutsu and it is another jutsu that is unique to Akuma only since he created it from scratch. Kami then seen how his brother ran from the Izoku clone, after which Kami dispelled them since they weren’t needed any longer and as soon as Kanov was seen going after Kami Akuma and his two clones, Kami went ahead and activated his new and unique technique. While seeping down into the ground he slowly seen his brother catch up and even get behind him.

It appeared to have been too late though since Kami seeped down into the shadows of the very clowns that were standing right by him. Kami Akuma seen as his brothers legs scooped one of the clones and tripped him, and while it was reaching Kami, the original, it was secants before that, that Kamis head was able to fully reach the flat state in order to blend with the shadow and nearly appear like he went to travel underground. Although the second clone was still caught by the Leaf Gale as it was also scooped up and tripped down as it fell on its shoulder. Kami was still in the shadows and he decided to come right out in order to reach toward Kanov as a surprise attack while he was still finishing his Leaf Gale. Kami is going to attempt to hold Kanov’s collar and quickly pull him down while Kami is simultaneously getting out of the shadow and appearing to be raising from the ground. Whether this worked or not, did not matter for the Hohei clones were already getting up and getting ready to attack Kanov, but not before first getting a safe distance away. Both the created clones jumped and landed about 10 to 15 meters away from Kanov and even Kami who was appearing out of the shadow. And these clones were ready to attack Kanov with the first sign of Kamis approval. Kami now is thinking about another jutsu to train, and he only has a few more in mind before he has no more jutsus to train in his arsenal that are not overpowering jutsus. Kami then thought and knew he had a few choices in mind, Konran, Kaisan, and Han'nō. Each being taijutsu techniques but each uniquely useful in the battlefield and when in combat. Now Kami Akuma just wanted to see what Kanov is going to do.

Nigeru D-rank
600/600 [Efficient Trait]

Sutoraiki B-rank
WC 1200/1200 [Efficient Trait]

Hohei B-rank
WC 1200/1200 [Efficient Trait]

Kage kabā C-rank
WC 800/800 [Efficient Trait]

Konran D-rank
WC 20/600 [Efficient Trait]

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