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Yokochima Senju

There was a rustling sound when Yokochima dug his hand into the plastic bag full of potato chips. When he got the snacks our of their colourful bag he sighted, before finally puttin them in his mouth, though not without giving each Chip a close look. It was one of those damned long, seemingly neverending days again. Again a sight, again a hand full of chips. For some reason, Jinma, his teacher in Kunai throwing techniques, really liked to send him on those so called "ninja duties" that u sually involved doing boring stuff like picking up garbage or helping old people doing old people's stuff in their backyard. This time they even tried to use him as a replacement worker, sending him to the construction site. Tch... It was annoying to have to obey them. I bet she cant even do any other jutsus aside from the academy ones herself, thats why shes sending me... The thought made him snicker. Imagining his teacher was unable to do things he himself considered natural and indispensible for every ninja, brightened Yokochimas mood. Happy with himself he treated himself to another hand full of chips before eventually closing the bag again and putting it back into one of his pockets. He sighted once again. Altough he wouldve prefered to stay on this roof, eating chips and not having to care about anything there was no way Jinma wouldnt notice his absence. There was no other choice but to get over with this as fast as possible, maybe collect a nice piece of reward from the workers and civillians and get back to this sunny place as soon as possible. Piece of cake.

Or so he thought. When he showed up at the construction site, thinking he would be the only genin to coming to help he was surprised to see a whole armada of genins, working, sweating and ultimately moaning. That must be atleast...half of all the genins from the academy! His face distorted in an expression of surprise. How was he supposed to present himself the correct way with that many competitors around?
Apparently he wasnt the only genin on lookout, because just a few minutes later he noticed a group of genins standing at what seemed to be a burned down building pointing at him and laughing. He frowned, thumbed his nose and wandered off to a more secluded part of the site pretending not to hear the other kids. But he didnt get far. Just after making a few steps he was stopped by a big muscular man with a mustache.
Woha hello there little fella? The big man gave him a friendly look and stroked his mustache. Do you happen to be...Hagi? A Senju? Hearing his nickname Yokochima couldnt help but to grimace for a second. name is Yokochima and yes i am a senju! His tone hold a considerably amount of pride for his family name and the accompanying abilities. The man seemed to feel sorry for a second, Woha, I am sorry, the kids over there told me your name was Hagi. He pointed at the small group next to the burned building. One of the genins waved at them, causing Yokochimas Face to turn red. But in the next moment again the man smiled and turned back to him. Anyway, we could really use a Senju here at the moment. Even is a genin. I hope your well rested because we will need a lot of wood from you today!"  He coughed when mentioning Yokochimas rank. It was obvious he had been hoping for a jounin or atleast a chunnin from the senju clan. Unfortunately, he got Yokochima. And Yokochima was not capable of producing squared timber or similar wooden complexes yet.
I...i am afraid, i cant really help you with that yet...i am sorry. The confession came out slowly and silently and with a lot of pain. The senjus head turned bright red while talking. that so. It sounded almost as if the big man was just about to sigh, like Yokochima did before. Well...yeah...i guess you could probably grow...take some tools from over there and help the others. Even without paying close attention, Yokochima could tell the man was clearly disappointed. Yes, this was truly a bad day, one of the days that he would have loved to just sleep through.
Without saying another thing he walked past the adult, his head hanging down like a ripe apple on a tree.

Instead of walking to the place where most of the other genins had gathered up, he searched for a smaller and more isolated place. He didnt have the need for conversation at the moment, besides he knew exactly what the other genins would say. Atleast im not dependant on regular tools like all the others... Even in his head the excuse sounded lame and later he could swear he had heared a quiet voice in his head laughing the humorless yet cynical laugh he was so used to.
As soon as he had created a little hammer he began pounding nails into the wood, first angrily and rough and then slowly turning more cheerful. At some point he even took out his potato chips again and started taking snacks inbetween. I didnt took him long to get back into smiling. The wooden hammer was producing a melodious sound, the wood was holding well and nobody was disturbing his peace around here. He had even time to cut some funny doodles into the wood, at places where he was sure that nobody would look that fast.

Chakra: [140 | 150]

Minor Creation Technique:

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