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1Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Empty Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:24 am



Soron sat atop the Hokage mountain without really caring about anything. Mother was sick again but she was doing well and was at home resting so he needed not worry about her for the time being. He had been napping atop the head of one of the hokage when he finally opened his eyes he had to squint at first as the sun had just nearly blinded him.

The air around him was warm but just right and it wasnt too humid out either. The sky was almost completely cloudless and the ones that were there were almost see through. Soron stared up at the sky for a wee bit longer before deciding to close his eyes again and drift off back into a relaxing nap as the kage he slept on watched over the village he called home. Before he actually fell back asleep a thought went through his mind.

"I wonder if I could ever be Hokage... to have my face up here. Oh who am I kidding... a job like that would just be more of a pain in the butt than its worth. I think ill pass."

2Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Empty Re: Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:10 am



Reag was tired. There was no other way to really describe his feelings at that moment. The sun overhead was mercilessly beating down on the young Konoha Genin. He was not pleased with his current situation. Looking around him, Reag scowled. It was around noon time, and the streets where filled with civilians taking their lunch break, along with a few Shinobi doing the same. The streets themselves where quite crowded and loud, two things the recent graduate couldn't stand. Cursing to himself, he moved down a back alley in order to avoid the crowd. He still have plenty of time before his scheduled meeting.

He cursed the time. Reag hated being active during the day time. Normally, the Genin was almost entirely nocturnal, only venturing out during the day when absolutely necessary. His habit of sleeping through his daytime classes had almost caused him to be ranked dead last in his graduating class, though fortunately, some other idiot had taken that 'honor'. Quietly, he thanked his lucky stars that he was out of that god forsaken place. He still hadn’t met up with his Genin team, but that was what tomorrow’s meeting was for. Today's had to deal with idiotic bureaucratic crap.

Not noticing where he feet where taking him, Reag eventually wound up near the Hokage monument. It was a favorite place for many shinobi to relax at. He himself often frequented the area late at night for some star gazing. There wasn’t much light pollution up there, and few shinobi where active past the two am mark. Nice and quiet. It suited the young Genin to a T. Continuing forward, he searched for his favorite spot to pass the time. It took him a few moments to get his bearings in the daylight, but soon enough, he found his favorite spot on the top of the fifth Hokage's head.

Reag's good mood quickly evaporated. His spot was claimed. An unfamiliar figure sat right where he planned on starting his literary adventure. This very much annoyed him. He sized the figure before him up. He or She looked to be around fifteen or sixteen. Definitely a shinobi of some kind. Silver hair. Black jacket. The color annoyed Reag. This person was wearing black for style, rather than to sneak around in the shadows; Not a true ninja. It was a bit of a personal pet peeve of Reag's, as he had spent a long time trying to get the color of his outfit just right for nighttime operations.

Slowly, he moved with stealthy efficiency, fruit born from years of nighttime roaming. His plan was simple. Get as close as possible to the interloper and scare him off. It didn’t matter to the young Genin that his target was more than three years older than him, and probably equally experienced. This was his spot, and he would be damned if even the Hokage himself would take it from him. Slowly, he approached. When he was close enough for the intruder to hear his whisperings, he simply spoke.

“This is my spot. Leave.”

3Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Empty Re: Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:29 am



Soron had been dreaming about some random stuff. He never really cared for remembering his dreams anyways so its not like it even mattered to him what his dreams were about. They were usually just memories of his past come to haunt him somemore. He continued to relax slipping in and out of dream after dream and sleep to reality, the normal for Soron. He thought he had heard the slight pitter patter of foot steps but he shook it off, probably nothing more than a squirrel or some other small animal trying to annoy him. However when Soron heard the "animal" speak it was clear this was another person.

"... leave now." Soron heard only that part of what the newcomer had said. He weighed out what he should do as he reopened up one of his eyes so he could get a good look at the person. It was a boy, another genin though somewhat younger than Soron was from the looks of him. He didnt seem like he was much of a threat nor did he appear as the type of person to start a fight for no good reason. Soron deed would do... nothing. He reclosed his eyes and took in a deep breath hoping to recontinue dreaming where he was before this newcomer had inturrupted him. He shifted his position a little but just slightly.

He figured he would anger the newcomer by reacting the way he did but he hadnt sensed any danger in the boys voice before. Even though this was true, he knew full well to NOT UNDERESTIMATE ANYONE. He didnt think a fight would occur but he wasnt oppose to dishing out some pain if this boy so wanted it. A fight would definitly break this boring day away from the norm and give him something to do for the moment. He hadnt been in a whole lot of fights but even so, they were funner than lieing around all day like Soron usually does day by day, day in and day out.

4Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Empty Re: Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:34 am



Reag frowned. His already horrible day getting worse. He had manged to move on the figure before him quietly, yet was unable to provoke any form of surprise. That meant at least Chuunin level, or the person was very well versed in detection. Also very relaxed. And very annoying. The fresh Genin did not like being underestimated either. It would seem that everything the figure before him did only increased his resentment. He could care less about the cause of said bad blood. The idea that his hostile comment might have sparked said hostility never crossed Reag's mind. His lack of social skills was an unfortunate side effect of his very solitary upbringing. Also, he was an asshole.

The silver haired person in front of him opened it's eyes. Reag vaguely noted that they were purple, a very unusual color in most non Kekkei Genkai users. At least that explained how he was detected. As a stealth expert, some bloodline limits could be the bane of his existence, leading to him studying extensively on the topic. He never stopped to entertain the idea that perhaps he just wasn't stealthy enough during the day to sneak up on someone. However, the fact that he did not recognize any possible Kekkei Genkai that involved purple eyes did give him cause to pause a moment. He then decided to not escalate the conflict.

The young Konoha Genin waited, annoyed. The ninja before him closed its eyes and feigned returning to sleep. For a brief moment, he considered casting a Genjutsu on the arrogant fool before him. But he reconsidered. He didn’t know enough about who ever was in front of him to make any good tactical decisions if that caused the conflict to escalate. Instead, he went for an alternative strategy. He moved to defused the situation. Simply, he spoke. “Fine.” With that statement, he moved to leave. He could always go to his second favorite spot, a small recess on the fourth Hokage's head. It was pretty comfortable too, though that area on the fifths was definitely superior.

With a jump, he found himself on the fourth's head. It took him a moment to find the right spot in the daylight, but eventually the sat down in his spot. There was a considerable amount of moss here, making it the perfect spot to do some light reading. Reag reached into his jacket, and pulled out his book, 'Advanced Seals: A Collection of Essays on The Lost Art'. This would make for a relaxing time. After all, the book was only around a thousand pages. He could finish it in no time.

Occasionally he would look back at the shinobi that had taken his favorite spot. He memorized how he dressed. He would make sure that the figure would know terror some time in the future. Reag was already working on a new Jutsu that would put the ever loving fear of god into his opponent. He would need a test subject first though.

5Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Empty Re: Deep blue sky [open/no kill] Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:23 am



The boy had stood there for quite sometime before spouting out a single word "fine" then jumping over to the head of the fourth hokage. The word had floated into Sorons mind and interrupted his dream causing him to be woken up. Soron was pretty mad but at the same time he knew to keep his cool and just relax. A mind clouded by anger is much easier to out wit and defeat. Soron sat up slowly not really wanting to get up but doing so reluctantly. He popped his neck once and then a few of his finger just as a precaution. He sat there on the fifth hokage's head looking over at the newcomer every few seconds. He didnt really like how the boy kept sneaking peaks at him and acting like Soron doesnt notice.

Soron continued to sit up on the head of the fifth hokage, using his hands to keep himself steady as he looked up into the blue skies that hung over the leaf villlage. Soron wondered if he should say something to the lad or leave him be and as Soron never one was for talking the option he chose would be pretty obvious. Soron stood up and didnt take off he wanted to stand here for a little while longer as this was a pretty good spot. Soron was noe standing straight up and peering into the deep blue skies, counting each cloud as they pass and even cracking a small hint of a smile as he basked in the suns warmth. However be as it is Soron we are talking about, the smike quickly faded and his normal attitude returned all within mere seconds.

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