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1Betrayal [Mission/B] Empty Betrayal [Mission/B] Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:27 pm



Kami Akuma was beginning to be well liked in Sunagakure and the Kazekage, his mentor and master has taken it upon herself to give Akuma missions that were arguably too hard to handle for one shinobi. The great Miss Kazekage must have faith in the young Akumas career. Kami woke up one morning with one thing in mind, and that is too get into that mission that he was assigned to. This mission was assigned in a rush, so Akuma knew that it wasn’t something planned, and could in fact be a mission to “fix a problem” rather than deliver something somewhere or protect someone from going somewhere else, since of course this would have been assigned days before hand when the even was first planned. Kami did what he always did when getting assigned him mission, he went into the Kazekages office, grabbed his scroll and left without saying a word. Trying to leave the formality for when he comes back feeling accomplished. Kami likes to read his mission while on his way toward the mission. So he stopped somewhere and took a look to see what he was up against. The mission objective was described as being, about a small team of Ninja that are supposed to assemble to go on after another small group of ninja. The criminals consisting of one chuunin and two genin, have managed to steal some valuable tactical information and are attempting to elope to Amegakure using the information as bargaining chips for entry and promotion. The information stolen was in regards to defensive information including the rendezvous point the villagers are kept on the chance the village is attack. It is unknown if the ninja are to meet up with Ame informants so caution is advised. Akuma then looked a little lower on the scroll and seen that the Kazekage left a little side note on the mission scroll. The side note said this, “Beware you will be fighting against a chunnin and two genin from sand while at the same time four chunnin from Amegakure. Do your best and don’t get killed. Kill all seven of these ninja and bring the scrolls back to the Kazekage.” Kami then wondered where the four Chunin could be. If they are with the three rogue shinobis or if they are waiting in the Amegakure boarders for them to arrive with the information. Whatever the situation, Akuma knows one thing. And that is that the information cannot get into the wrong information. Especially the classified details they have stolen. If disaster were to ever strike, Amegakure would know exactly where we will be going to seek refuge. And even worse. If we were to go to war, Amegakure would know where to find our survivors. This was unacceptable, so Akuma like he does traditionally, burned his mission scroll and bolted toward his destination. Kami did not know where he had to go first in order to look for them, since no information was given on the subject of where exactly they are located, but Kami has a calculative mind and they want to get to Amegakure as fast as possible, so all Akuma has to do is find where the fastest way to get there is. And meet them there or even beat them there. This is an interesting mission.


2Betrayal [Mission/B] Empty Re: Betrayal [Mission/B] Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:13 am



Kami Akuma was running as fast as he could in order to catch up the betraying shinobi. This was his chance to prove himself as a worthy enough shinobi to become ANBU for the Miss Kazekage. Kami has only dreamed of gaining such prestige and now that time is flying by, it seems like he is getting a lot closer to his goal. Kami didn’t take long before he noticed footprints up ahead. It appeared as if the shinobi was running since the footprints were splashed in a way but Kami also knew that whoever created the footprints must be near since the Sunagakure outskirt deserts has winds that can cover any bodies trace in just a matter of time. Akuma first noticed the two genin who were well behind the chunin as it appeared, and Akumas only thought was that they don’t really care about each other and they just want to get the missions completed. The chunin since he is the fastest and is ahead, is most likely the one with the information. Although, the Kazekage wants them all dead. Kami ran while still deep in the distance. The rogue shinobis didn’t notice Akuma because they already thought they were safe and on the clear, only racing to get to Amegakure. Little did the criminals know that Kami Akuma was on their tail as he bent over while still running and scooped up two hand full of the earth element in order to use one of his first learned techniques. The earth element was then molded and 10 senbons were created near instantly. Kami knew he only had one shot, for both genin. He needed to get them both in such a way that they wouldn’t make a noise and alert the chunin in the front. Kami took four of the senbon, two were needed but an extra two were taken in order to make sure the job was done correctly. Soon after that, Kami threw the senbons as hard as he can, 2 with his right hand and 2 with his left. The target was the back of the genins neck. Right on the spine if Akuma can get lucky enough and get a bullseye but even if he doesn’t get the top of the spine on the neck, targeting the neck should be sufficient enough to drop them and drop them silently at that. After the senbons hit their mark, the two genin dropped nearly simultaneously and in the same form as their face landed flat on the hot desert ground. The chunin, like Kami suspected, did not look back in order to see if the genin have caught up, are safe, or are even there for that matter. He just wanted to reach Amegakure. Kami Akuma ran by the two unfortunate genin that needed to die for this mission to be accomplished, Kami hated to kill, but when it was needed of him, what more can he say. While Akuma ran, he began to notice trees appearing. This honestly scared Kami a bit since he has never been outside of Sunagakure and he has never seen a line of trees like this in a forest. Akuma then came up with the perfect plan, and he jumped onto the trees, in order to continue his chase from atop. Mission’s interesting nevertheless.

WC 1110/1500

3Betrayal [Mission/B] Empty Re: Betrayal [Mission/B] Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:14 pm



Kami Akuma kept running up until the Chunin looked back. Akuma knew that the Chunin found out that something has gone wrong but it appeared that he wasn’t slowing down and to the contrary, he began speeding up. Still, Akuma wasn’t worry since speed is the name of his game. Kami wanted to stay hidden from the chunin, and its reasoning is simple really, as he wanted to see who exactly he was meeting up against in order to eliminate them too and take out all of the loose ends. Kami was running atop of the trees so he was able to spot a large fire that produced a thick layer of smoke which was a clear signaling tool for the shinobi to find his destination. Now that Kami knew exactly where he was heading, he did not need the chunin running and Akuma was eager to take Sunagakures secrets back. Akuma jumped up and off of the tree, going toward the running chunin who miraculously enough still hasn’t noticed Kami in the vicinity. When Akuma landed, he landed on the shinobis back with two earth materialized senbons engraved into the chunins temple. Killing isn’t something that AKuma liked, but apparently it is something needed for this mission. After establishing that the target was dead, Akuma double checked once again and then took the Sunagakure secrets with him. He decided to go toward the enemies den and surprise them by acting like one of their own. It is a brilliant idea and Kami didn’t see any way in which this can possibly go wrong if he plays his cards right. When Kami entered the area in which the fire was lit in order for the smoke to signal the traders, those who set up the fire quickly shut it off. Proving Akumas point that it was there to signal these traders here. When he got there, they appeared to not know who they are or were working with since they asked AKuma for the secrets. These shinobi seemed low leveled indeed and they probably never met the last 3 shinobi that Akuma killed. Kami gave them the scroll saying, “I got it here.” As he tossed it he looked at the scroll in the air and when it fell, the Amegakure shinobi said. “Where are your friends? I was told there was going to be more.” In which Akuma was slick enough to respond by saying. “They are young, thus they are slow. They will catch up soon enough.” The Amegakure shinobi smiled and said, “Alright then. Fair enough, lets go.” As soon as he and his partner turned in order to flee, Akuma took out the four remaining earth style senbon in order to throw them straight at these two shinobis necks. It isn’t a fair way to fight since it was a cheap shot indeed. They thought AKuma was an ally, so their defenses were lowered to the point that they didn’t recognize Akuma not setting up t leave with them. But AKuma knew, that although it wasn’t a full fight or a fight at all, that he had today. He still killed his fair amount of people today, so he realized that death can come as easy as a knife through skin, even with the most intense of trainings. Which he knew, this Amegakure shinobis should have had. Because of this though, Akuma now knows not to trust shinobis.

WC 1500+/1500

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