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1Helping at the Academy {D rank} Empty Helping at the Academy {D rank} Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:05 pm

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

Seth stood outside the academy he once was a student at. The building itself was simple enough, but for him it had a special place in his heart. The stuff he learned here was what got him to where he was today. He had often thought that he would come visit the academy again, but not for the reason he was here now. Today Seth was here to help teach the current students a little about what it was like to be a full-fledged ninja. Seth entered the familiar halls empty except for the sounds of children already in their class’s happily chattering away waiting for their respective teachers to arrive. Seth knew to prepare himself for his entrance into the class room. He could remember when he was a student he and his fellow classmates would often set traps to test new teachers and subs, and if they failed the test the teacher would have no hope of getting them to listen. Seth doubted that this tradition ended when he graduated from the academy. Seth stood in front of the class room he was supposed to go teach to. He could hear the children inside beginning to go inpatient for his arrival. Seth took a quick look around the door for any traps that might have been set. It did not take him long to see the oldest trick in the book, the eraser in the crack of the door. This was easily dealt with just by opening the door and stepping in after it fell. Then there he was standing in front of the class. There were about 20 kids in the class all of their eyes fixed on him. Seth could see the obvious look of disappointment on a few of the kids’ faces who he guessed were the ones who set the trap for him.

“Good morning class” Seth said to them walking to the pedestal that the teacher would normally use. ”My name is Seth Lualdi, and I am a genin here to talk to you about what it means to be a ninja” he said taking the time to right his name up on the black board behind him. “What many of you I am sure have heard before that ninja are skilled individuals who utilize many different kinds of jutsu. Ranging from ninjustu, taijutsu, fuuninjutsu, and many others. Using these different kind of jutsu to perform a wide range of tasks and requests from the locals and feudal lords.” He said while writing D rank, C rank, B rank, A rank, then S rank on the board. “These missions are ranked in their difficulty for D to S,d being the easiest and s being the hardest. Most genin will partake only in missions of the d rank with the occasional c rank once ready. These missions can involve jobs like finding lost pets, helping the locals who may need help completing simple tasks, taking care of pest, and if you are lucky you might even be asked to do a job like escorting merchants even as far as other lands.” erasing what he had put up the board. “After completing said missions the village is paid for its service. The ninja who completed the mission are also paid for a job well done.” Seth said sitting down at the desk the teacher would normally sit at. “That is the basics of being a ninja. I will be going into further detail on later dates. I hope you all learned a little something today” Seth said standing back up and giving a slight bow to all the students of the class.                              

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