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1Renegade [B-rank Mission] Empty Renegade [B-rank Mission] Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:44 am



Kami Akuma just became Chunin after spending an extra couple years as a genin. Akuma was promoted early on in his career as a genin to go to the chunin rank, but it is a custom for the family to have honor above all else and follow the laws of the rank like the average shinobi does. So Akuma stayed a genin for two more years, hoping he was able to learn something that he was going to miss as a chunin. Akuma then got requested personally to visit the Kazekage. It was said that she has something prepared for me, and something like a mission at that. Kami is more than ecstatic to hear such words that came out of a messenger’s mouth. The Kazekage must be recognizing his abilities as a shinobi. As she should since Akuma is her student and she is his Master, thus his ability is something that branches off of her being. When Akuma received the scroll containing the mission details, he did not open it there and then. First, the Kazekage said, “Be careful.” Which is somewhat shaking words knowing that she wouldn’t say that for no reason. But Akuma didn’t mind the nerves as he said, “You know I always am Miss Kazekage.” He then winked his eye and in a flash, dashed out of her office with the speed of an elite shinobi. Kami AKuma wanted a nice place to sit so that he can read the mission intelligence just once. God knows that one time reading is all he needs before he keeps it retained in his memory for later recollection. The young shinobi Kami AKuma then found a perfect little area. It was a small park and it had no children running around, so it made it ideal for him to do so in this area.

Akuma then read, “Mission Description - A young Masamune, steel skin clan, boy has escaped the curse seal. The rogue ninja is traveling alone and was outside of the village. He has been classified as an A rank missing ninja. If you can survive and capture the masamune strip him of his gourd and take him to the capital to meet the feudal lord and make sure the seal is implanted on the ninja. If the ninja somehow breaks free with the earth or lightning release protect the feudal lord. [Akuma then kept on reading down] No curse seals can be implemented, only on the rogue shinobi. The Masamune clan are known as “Steel Skin” for they are masters of Ninjutsu martial arts. Lightning and Earth Releases are mastered to the highest potential while at the same time their bodies can absorb B and lower ranked tai/ken jutsu like it is nothing. This is a highly dangerous mission so go in prepared to fight to the death.” The part where it said Kami is going to fight to the death was frightening, but then again to die in the battlefield seems to be an honor in the AKuma family culture, so to do so would be an honor. With this in mind, Akuma went on to begin the mission with his chest out and his chin up high, searching for this rogue shinobi but not before first disposing properly of the scroll that was given with confidential information.

WC 555/1500

2Renegade [B-rank Mission] Empty Re: Renegade [B-rank Mission] Fri Nov 08, 2013 4:04 pm



Akuma found an area that had a lit candle and he gently placed the scroll over the fire and watched as the fire began to slowly engulf the rolled up paper. Kami Akuma has an eidetic memory, so he only needs to use the scroll in order to view it once and after that, he was surely going to be golden in terms of knowing the mission objective. This shinobi, although known for being witty and a great shinobi, has his hands full with this mission, seeing as the missing – ninja is said to be an A-rank shinobi and Akuma just became a chunin recently. Survival is the number one priority for Kami in this mission, so he had to be cautious and watch his own back for once without a team to rally behind of. Kami reached the outskirts of sunagakure and it was in the outer layers of the village that witnesses have conformed sightings on the wanted shinobi. After walking for 10 minutes, Akuma already regretted his mission. He was walking in the middle of the desert, looking for a needle in a hay stack. This criminal can literally be anywhere, and by estimating the size of this place and calculating when the missing – ninja was pronounced “missing,” he can very well be entering another village right now. Akuma then began to put on his hood after walking for an hour, knowing that although it is hot, the hood can still block a fair amount of sun ray and thus prevent a lot of excess heat. Kami was ready to quit, until he looked up and seen a familiar figure walking in the distance. It was the missing – ninja, and Kami Akuma wasn’t going to let him get away. Not after these long few minutes and even hour and a half or walking in the hot desert searching for this guy. Akuma bolted with the speed that will make any Chunin jealous. Seeing as he is a lot faster than even an A-rank shinobi, this criminal wasn’t going to know what hit him, when Kami got close enough. To Kamis disappointment, the man was a partial sensor and thus felt Akuma coming for him and closing in. The criminal turned around and looked at Kami right in the eyes as Akuma ran, and Kami wasn’t one to lie to himself so he admitted that the blank stare was more than creepy. Akuma stopped in an instant as all his speed per hour went down to a simple halt. Kami then decided to be the first one to speak. “You are under arrest. Orders are given to me by the Kazekage herself in order to bring you in.” The man said nothing as Kami spoke. He then tilted his head slightly in confusion as Kami continued saying. “You can come with me now and we won’t have any problems, or you can make it hard for both of us and try and fight your arrest. Which will it be?” As soon as Kami asked that last question, it was clear what the shinobis answer was as he got closer to his pouch and pulled out two kunai. Holding it in each hand, he still didn’t say anything. This creeped Kami out. So Kami then said, “So be it guy. You chose this destiny,”

WC 1110/1500

3Renegade [B-rank Mission] Empty Re: Renegade [B-rank Mission] Sat Nov 09, 2013 1:06 pm



The renegade shinobi looked at Kami and Kami didn’t want to suddenly move and do something stupid so he waited to see the man’s first move. This guy is a Jounin and Kami is a Chunin. Although Kami Akuma is known already around Suna and he is popularly known as a fast and strong shinobi for his rank. Arguably with Special Jounin potential and an ANBU future, so he did not fear this guy one bit. The man appeared to have seen it in Kamis eyes as he quickly took off and ran. This was his first mistake though since Kami can beat most of Sunagakure in a foot race, so he is the wrong person to have chase you. Akuma took his first step and appeared to have disappeared and suddenly appear a short distance away from the escaping shinobi in order to continue his run and thus the chase. When Kami got close enough to again chase, he said. “You know this feeling you are having. It is the anticipation of getting caught that is making you feel this way. Just stop running.” The man went on and ran faster after Akuma said this. So Akuma did the same and was still on his tail. Kami then noticed an opportunity in which he can jump and dive toward his legs, although this is an all or nothing shot since it will land Akuma straight on the floor, leaving him no time to keep up. But, Kami Akuma isn’t one to think twice about situation, he sees the best opportunity and he takes it.

Kami jumped and while in the air he stretched out his arms and he got to grip, the man’s shoe. Luckily. That as all Akuma managed to grab and fortunately enough, it was enough to trip the shinobi. Akuma then said, “I told you. Just stop.” The shinobi then kicked Akuma in the face, and it was awfully hard, hard enough to make Akuma let go of his grip. Kami grabbed his nose and while the shinobi stood up in order to run, Akuma thought in his head. “Never turn your back on your enemy.” He then grabbed a kunai from his pouch and quickly tossed it toward the running shinobi. The kunai hit the shinobi on the thigh, it was high on the thigh. And Kami knew that this area wasn’t fatal but it was surely enough to have the man drop. As soon as he fell Akuma ran as fast as he could and before the shinobi was able to pull the kunai out, Kami did it for him as he yanked it out and said, “I told you. You are coming with me. This was inevitable. Now it is time for you to get your ruling with the Sunagakure government.” Akuma then stood the shinobi up, and while he was too injured to walk alone, Kami had to go out of his way in order to walk with the Renegade shinobi using his shoulder as support.

WC 1500+/1500

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